scalaxb.compiler.xsd.Decl.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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scalaxb is an XML data-binding tool for Scala that supports W3C XML Schema (xsd) and wsdl.
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 2010 e.e d3si9n
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package scalaxb.compiler.xsd
import scalashim._
import scala.collection.{Map, Set}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.immutable
import java.net.URI
import scala.xml.NamespaceBinding
abstract class Decl
object Incrementor {
var i: Int = 1000
def nextInt: Int = {
i = i + 1
case class XsdContext(
schemas: mutable.ListBuffer[SchemaDecl] = mutable.ListBuffer(),
typeNames: mutable.ListMap[NameKey, String] = mutable.ListMap(),
enumValueNames: mutable.ListMap[Option[String],
mutable.ListMap[(String, EnumerationDecl), String]] = mutable.ListMap(),
packageNames: mutable.ListMap[Option[String], Option[String]] = mutable.ListMap(),
complexTypes: mutable.ListBuffer[(SchemaDecl, ComplexTypeDecl)] = mutable.ListBuffer(),
baseToSubs: mutable.ListMap[ComplexTypeDecl, List[ComplexTypeDecl]] = mutable.ListMap(),
compositorParents: mutable.ListMap[HasParticle, ComplexTypeDecl] = mutable.ListMap(),
compositorNames: mutable.ListMap[HasParticle, String] = mutable.ListMap(),
groups: mutable.ListBuffer[(SchemaDecl, GroupDecl)] = mutable.ListBuffer(),
substituteGroups: mutable.ListBuffer[(Option[String], String)] = mutable.ListBuffer(),
prefixes: mutable.ListMap[String, String] = mutable.ListMap(),
duplicatedTypes: mutable.ListBuffer[(SchemaDecl, Decl)] = mutable.ListBuffer()
class ParserConfig {
var scope: scala.xml.NamespaceBinding = _
var targetNamespace: Option[String] = None
var isCameleonInclude = false
var elementQualifiedDefault: Boolean = false
var attributeQualifiedDefault: Boolean = false
val topElems = mutable.ListMap.empty[String, ElemDecl]
val elemList = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[ElemDecl]
val topTypes = mutable.ListMap.empty[String, TypeDecl]
val typeList = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[TypeDecl]
val topAttrs = mutable.ListMap.empty[String, AttributeDecl]
val attrList = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[AttributeDecl]
val topGroups = mutable.ListMap.empty[String, GroupDecl]
val topAttrGroups = mutable.ListMap.empty[String, AttributeGroupDecl]
val choices = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[ChoiceDecl]
val typeToAnnotatable = mutable.ListMap.empty[TypeDecl, Annotatable]
object TypeSymbolParser {
import scalaxb.compiler.Module
val XML_SCHEMA_URI = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
val XML_URI = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"
def fromString(name: String, scope: NamespaceBinding, config: ParserConfig): XsTypeSymbol =
fromString(splitTypeName(name, scope, config.targetNamespace, config.isCameleonInclude))
def fromQName(qname: javax.xml.namespace.QName): XsTypeSymbol =
fromString((scalaxb.Helper.nullOrEmpty(qname.getNamespaceURI), qname.getLocalPart))
def fromString(pair: (Option[String], String)): XsTypeSymbol = {
val (namespace, localPart) = pair
namespace match {
case Some(XML_SCHEMA_URI) =>
if (XsTypeSymbol.toTypeSymbol.isDefinedAt(localPart)) XsTypeSymbol.toTypeSymbol(localPart)
else ReferenceTypeSymbol(namespace, localPart)
case _ => ReferenceTypeSymbol(namespace, localPart)
def splitTypeName(name: String, scope: NamespaceBinding, targetNamespace: Option[String], isCameleonInclude: Boolean): (Option[String], String) =
if (name.contains('@')) (targetNamespace, name)
else if (isCameleonInclude) Module.splitTypeName(name, NamespaceBinding(null, targetNamespace.get, scope))
else Module.splitTypeName(name, scope)
trait Particle {
val minOccurs: Int
val maxOccurs: Int
trait HasParticle extends Particle {
val namespace: Option[String]
val particles: List[Particle]
val minOccurs: Int
val maxOccurs: Int
trait Annotatable {
val annotation: Option[AnnotationDecl]
case class SchemaDecl(targetNamespace: Option[String],
elementQualifiedDefault: Boolean = false,
attributeQualifiedDefault: Boolean = false,
topElems: Map[String, ElemDecl] = Map(),
elemList: List[ElemDecl] = Nil,
topTypes: Map[String, TypeDecl] = Map(),
typeList: List[TypeDecl] = Nil,
choices: List[ChoiceDecl] = Nil,
topAttrs: Map[String, AttributeDecl] = Map(),
attrList: List[AttributeDecl] = Nil,
topGroups: Map[String, GroupDecl] = Map(),
topAttrGroups: Map[String, AttributeGroupDecl] = Map(),
typeToAnnotatable: Map[TypeDecl, Annotatable] = Map(),
annotation: Option[AnnotationDecl] = None,
scope: scala.xml.NamespaceBinding) extends Decl with Annotatable {
val newline = System.getProperty("line.separator")
override def toString: String = {
"SchemaDecl(" + newline +
"topElems(" + topElems.valuesIterator.mkString("," + newline) + ")," + newline +
"topTypes(" + topTypes.valuesIterator.mkString("," + newline) + ")," + newline +
"topAttrs(" + topAttrs.valuesIterator.mkString("," + newline) + ")," + newline +
"topGroups(" + topGroups.valuesIterator.mkString("," + newline) + ")," + newline +
"topAttrGroups(" + topAttrGroups.valuesIterator.mkString("," + newline) + ")" + newline +
"typeList(" + typeList.map(_.name).mkString("," + newline) + ")" + newline +
object SchemaDecl {
def fromXML(node: scala.xml.Node,
context: XsdContext,
outerNamespace: Option[String],
config: ParserConfig = new ParserConfig) = {
val schema = (node \\ "schema").headOption.getOrElse {
sys.error("xsd: schema element not found: " + node.toString) }
val targetNamespace = schema.attribute("targetNamespace").headOption map { _.text }
(targetNamespace, outerNamespace) match {
case (None, Some(ns)) =>
config.targetNamespace = Some(ns)
config.scope =
scalaxb.fromScope(schema.scope) find { case (k, v) => k.isEmpty } map { _ =>
schema.scope } getOrElse { scalaxb.toScope((scalaxb.fromScope(schema.scope) ::: List((None, ns)): _*)) }
config.isCameleonInclude = true
case _ =>
config.targetNamespace = targetNamespace
config.scope = schema.scope
config.elementQualifiedDefault = schema.attribute("elementFormDefault").headOption map {
_.text == "qualified"} getOrElse {false}
config.attributeQualifiedDefault = schema.attribute("attributeFormDefault").headOption map {
_.text == "qualified"} getOrElse {false}
for (child <- schema.child) child match {
case { _* } =>
(child \ "@name").headOption foreach { x =>
val elem = ElemDecl.fromXML(child, List(x.text), true, config)
config.topElems += (elem.name -> elem) }
case { _* } =>
(child \ "@name").headOption foreach { x =>
val attr = AttributeDecl.fromXML(child, config, true)
config.topAttrs += (attr.name -> attr) }
case { _* } =>
(child \ "@name").headOption foreach { x =>
val attrGroup = AttributeGroupDecl.fromXML(child, config)
config.topAttrGroups += (attrGroup.name -> attrGroup) }
case { _* } =>
(child \ "@name").headOption foreach { x =>
val group = GroupDecl.fromXML(child, config)
config.topGroups += (group.name -> group) }
case { _* } =>
(child \ "@name").headOption foreach { x =>
val decl = ComplexTypeDecl.fromXML(child, x.text, List(x.text), config)
config.typeList += decl
config.topTypes += (decl.name -> decl) }
case { _* } =>
(child \ "@name").headOption foreach { x =>
val decl = SimpleTypeDecl.fromXML(child, x.text, List(x.text), config)
config.typeList += decl
config.topTypes += (decl.name -> decl) }
case _ =>
var scope = schema.scope
while (scope != null) {
if (scope.prefix != null && scope.uri != null &&
context.prefixes.get(scope.uri).isEmpty) context.prefixes(scope.uri) = scope.prefix
scope = scope.parent
} // while
val annotation = (node \ "annotation").headOption map { x =>
AnnotationDecl.fromXML(x, config) }
immutable.ListMap.empty[String, ElemDecl] ++ config.topElems,
immutable.ListMap.empty[String, TypeDecl] ++ config.topTypes,
immutable.ListMap.empty[String, AttributeDecl] ++ config.topAttrs,
immutable.ListMap.empty[String, GroupDecl] ++ config.topGroups,
immutable.ListMap.empty[String, AttributeGroupDecl] ++ config.topAttrGroups,
immutable.ListMap.empty[TypeDecl, Annotatable] ++ config.typeToAnnotatable,
abstract class AttributeLike extends Decl
object AttributeLike {
def fromParentNode(parent: scala.xml.Node, config: ParserConfig): List[AttributeLike] =
for (child <- parent.child.toList;
if child.isInstanceOf[scala.xml.Elem];
if List("attribute", "anyAttribute", "attributeGroup").contains(
yield fromXML(child, config)
private def fromXML(node: scala.xml.Node, config: ParserConfig): AttributeLike = {
if (node.label == "anyAttribute")
AnyAttributeDecl.fromXML(node, config)
else if (node.label == "attributeGroup")
(node \ "@ref").headOption match {
case Some(x) => AttributeGroupRef.fromXML(node, config)
case None => AttributeGroupDecl.fromXML(node, config)
else (node \ "@ref").headOption match {
case Some(x) => AttributeRef.fromXML(node, config)
case None => AttributeDecl.fromXML(node, config, false)
abstract class ProcessContents
object LaxProcess extends ProcessContents
object SkipProcess extends ProcessContents
object StrictProcess extends ProcessContents
case class AnyAttributeDecl(namespaceConstraint: List[String],
processContents: ProcessContents) extends AttributeLike
object AnyAttributeDecl {
def fromXML(node: scala.xml.Node, config: ParserConfig) = {
val namespaceConstraint = (node \ "@namespace").text.split(' ').toList
val processContents = (node \ "@processContents").text match {
case "lax" => LaxProcess
case "skip" => SkipProcess
case _ => StrictProcess
AnyAttributeDecl(namespaceConstraint, processContents)
abstract class AttributeUse
object OptionalUse extends AttributeUse
object ProhibitedUse extends AttributeUse
object RequiredUse extends AttributeUse
case class AttributeRef(namespace: Option[String],
name: String,
defaultValue: Option[String],
fixedValue: Option[String],
use: AttributeUse) extends AttributeLike
object AttributeRef {
def fromXML(node: scala.xml.Node, config: ParserConfig) = {
val ref = (node \ "@ref").text
val (namespace, typeName) = TypeSymbolParser.splitTypeName(ref, node.scope, config.targetNamespace, config.isCameleonInclude)
val defaultValue = (node \ "@default").headOption map { _.text }
val fixedValue = (node \ "@fixed").headOption map { _.text }
val use = (node \ "@use").text match {
case "prohibited" => ProhibitedUse
case "required" => RequiredUse
case _ => OptionalUse
AttributeRef(namespace, typeName, defaultValue, fixedValue, use)
case class AttributeDecl(namespace: Option[String],
name: String,
typeSymbol: XsTypeSymbol,
defaultValue: Option[String] = None,
fixedValue: Option[String] = None,
use: AttributeUse = OptionalUse,
qualified: Boolean = false,
annotation: Option[AnnotationDecl] = None,
global: Boolean = true) extends AttributeLike with Annotatable {
override def toString = "@" + name
object AttributeDecl {
def fromXML(node: scala.xml.Node,
config: ParserConfig, global: Boolean) = {
val name = (node \ "@name").text
var typeSymbol: XsTypeSymbol = XsUnknown
val typeName = (node \ "@type").text
if (typeName != "") {
typeSymbol = TypeSymbolParser.fromString(typeName, node.scope, config)
} else {
for (child <- node.child) child match {
case { _* } =>
val decl = SimpleTypeDecl.fromXML(child, List(name), config)
config.typeList += decl
val symbol = ReferenceTypeSymbol(config.targetNamespace, decl.name)
symbol.decl = decl
typeSymbol = symbol
case _ =>
} // if-else
val defaultValue = (node \ "@default").headOption map { _.text }
val fixedValue = (node \ "@fixed").headOption map { _.text }
val use = (node \ "@use").text match {
case "prohibited" => ProhibitedUse
case "required" => RequiredUse
case _ => OptionalUse
val qualified = (node \ "@form").headOption map {
_.text == "qualified" } getOrElse {config.attributeQualifiedDefault}
val annotation = (node \ "annotation").headOption map { x =>
AnnotationDecl.fromXML(x, config) }
val attr = AttributeDecl(config.targetNamespace,
name, typeSymbol, defaultValue, fixedValue, use, qualified, annotation,
config.attrList += attr
case class AttributeGroupRef(namespace: Option[String],
name: String) extends AttributeLike
object AttributeGroupRef {
def fromXML(node: scala.xml.Node,
config: ParserConfig) = {
val ref = (node \ "@ref").text
val (namespace, typeName) = TypeSymbolParser.splitTypeName(ref, node.scope, config.targetNamespace, config.isCameleonInclude)
AttributeGroupRef(namespace, typeName)
case class AttributeGroupDecl(namespace: Option[String],
name: String,
attributes: List[AttributeLike],
annotation: Option[AnnotationDecl]) extends AttributeLike with Annotatable
object AttributeGroupDecl {
def fromXML(node: scala.xml.Node,
config: ParserConfig) = {
val name = (node \ "@name").text
val attributes = AttributeLike.fromParentNode(node, config)
val annotation = (node \ "annotation").headOption map { x =>
AnnotationDecl.fromXML(x, config) }
name, attributes, annotation)
case class ElemRef(namespace: Option[String],
name: String,
minOccurs: Int,
maxOccurs: Int,
nillable: Option[Boolean]) extends Decl with Particle
object ElemRef {
def fromXML(node: scala.xml.Node, config: ParserConfig) = {
val ref = (node \ "@ref").text
val minOccurs = CompositorDecl.buildOccurrence((node \ "@minOccurs").text)
val maxOccurs = CompositorDecl.buildOccurrence((node \ "@maxOccurs").text)
val (namespace, typeName) = TypeSymbolParser.splitTypeName(ref, node.scope, config.targetNamespace, config.isCameleonInclude)
val nillable = (node \ "@nillable").headOption map { _.text == "true" }
ElemRef(namespace, typeName, minOccurs, maxOccurs, nillable)
case class ElemDecl(namespace: Option[String],
name: String,
typeSymbol: XsTypeSymbol,
defaultValue: Option[String],
fixedValue: Option[String],
minOccurs: Int,
maxOccurs: Int,
nillable: Option[Boolean] = None,
global: Boolean = false,
qualified: Boolean = false,
substitutionGroup: Option[(Option[String], String)] = None,
annotation: Option[AnnotationDecl] = None) extends Decl with Particle with Annotatable
object ElemDecl {
def fromXML(node: scala.xml.Node, family: List[String], global: Boolean, config: ParserConfig) = {
val name = (node \ "@name").text
var typeSymbol: XsTypeSymbol = XsAnyType
(node \ "@type").headOption map { typeName =>
typeSymbol = TypeSymbolParser.fromString(typeName.text, node.scope, config)
} getOrElse {
for (child <- node.child) child match {
case { _* } =>
val decl = ComplexTypeDecl.fromXML(child, "@%s" format (family :+ name).mkString("/"), family :+ name, config)
config.typeList += decl
val symbol = ReferenceTypeSymbol(config.targetNamespace, decl.name)
symbol.decl = decl
typeSymbol = symbol
case { _* } =>
val decl = SimpleTypeDecl.fromXML(child, family :+ name, config)
config.typeList += decl
val symbol = ReferenceTypeSymbol(config.targetNamespace, decl.name)
symbol.decl = decl
typeSymbol = symbol
case _ =>
} // if-else
val qualified = (node \ "@form").headOption map {
_.text == "qualified" } getOrElse {config.elementQualifiedDefault}
val defaultValue = (node \ "@default").headOption map { _.text }
val fixedValue = (node \ "@fixed").headOption map { _.text }
val minOccurs = CompositorDecl.buildOccurrence((node \ "@minOccurs").text)
val maxOccurs = CompositorDecl.buildOccurrence((node \ "@maxOccurs").text)
val nillable = (node \ "@nillable").headOption map { _.text == "true" }
val substitutionGroup = (node \ "@substitutionGroup").headOption map { x =>
TypeSymbolParser.splitTypeName(x.text, node.scope, config.targetNamespace, config.isCameleonInclude) }
val annotation = (node \ "annotation").headOption map { x =>
AnnotationDecl.fromXML(x, config) }
val elem = ElemDecl(config.targetNamespace,
name, typeSymbol, defaultValue, fixedValue, minOccurs, maxOccurs, nillable, global, qualified,
substitutionGroup, annotation)
config.elemList += elem
(node \ "@type").headOption foreach { _ =>
typeSymbol match {
case ReferenceTypeSymbol(decl: ComplexTypeDecl) =>
config.typeToAnnotatable += (decl -> elem)
case ReferenceTypeSymbol(decl: SimpleTypeDecl) =>
config.typeToAnnotatable += (decl -> elem)
case _ =>
trait TypeDecl extends Decl with Annotatable {
def namespace: Option[String]
def name: String
/** simple types cannot have element children or attributes.
case class SimpleTypeDecl(namespace: Option[String],
name: String,
family: List[String],
content: ContentTypeDecl,
annotation: Option[AnnotationDecl]) extends TypeDecl {
override def toString(): String = name + "(" + content.toString + ")"
def isNamed = (List(name) == family)
object SimpleTypeDecl {
def fromXML(node: scala.xml.Node, family: List[String], config: ParserConfig): SimpleTypeDecl =
fromXML(node, "simpleType@" + family.mkString("/") + ":" + Incrementor.nextInt, family, config)
def fromXML(node: scala.xml.Node, name: String, family: List[String], config: ParserConfig): SimpleTypeDecl = {
var content: ContentTypeDecl = null
for (child <- node.child) child match {
case { _* } => content = SimpTypRestrictionDecl.fromXML(child, family, config)
case { _* }
=> content = SimpTypListDecl.fromXML(child, family, config)
case { _* } => content = SimpTypUnionDecl.fromXML(child, config)
case _ =>
val annotation = (node \ "annotation").headOption map { x =>
AnnotationDecl.fromXML(x, config) }
SimpleTypeDecl(config.targetNamespace, name, family, content, annotation)
/** complex types may have element children and attributes.
case class ComplexTypeDecl(namespace: Option[String],
name: String,
family: List[String],
abstractValue: Boolean,
mixed: Boolean,
content: HasComplexTypeContent,
attributes: List[AttributeLike],
annotation: Option[AnnotationDecl]) extends TypeDecl {
def isNamed = (List(name) == family)
object ComplexTypeDecl {
def fromXML(node: scala.xml.Node, name: String, family: List[String], config: ParserConfig) = {
val abstractValue = (node \ "@abstract").headOption match {
case Some(x) => x.text.toBoolean
case None => false
val mixed = (node \ "@mixed").headOption match {
case Some(x) => x.text.toBoolean
case None => false
val attributes = AttributeLike.fromParentNode(node, config)
var content: HasComplexTypeContent = ComplexContentDecl.fromAttributes(attributes)
for (child <- node.child) child match {
case { _* } =>
content = ComplexContentDecl.fromCompositor(
CompositorDecl.fromXML(child, family, config), attributes)
case { _* } =>
content = ComplexContentDecl.fromCompositor(
CompositorDecl.fromXML(child, family, config), attributes)
case { _* } =>
content = ComplexContentDecl.fromCompositor(
CompositorDecl.fromXML(child, family, config), attributes)
case { _* } =>
content = ComplexContentDecl.fromCompositor(
CompositorDecl.fromXML(child, family, config), attributes)
case { _* } =>
content = SimpleContentDecl.fromXML(child, family, config)
case { _* } =>
content = ComplexContentDecl.fromXML(child, family, config)
case _ =>
val annotation = (node \ "annotation").headOption map { x =>
AnnotationDecl.fromXML(x, config) }
// val contentModel = ContentModel.fromSchema(firstChild(node))
ComplexTypeDecl(config.targetNamespace, name, family, abstractValue, mixed,
content, attributes, annotation)
trait HasComplexTypeContent {
val content: ComplexTypeContent
trait HasContent {
val content: ContentTypeDecl
/** complex types with simple content only allow character content.
case class SimpleContentDecl(content: ComplexTypeContent) extends Decl with HasComplexTypeContent
object SimpleContentDecl {
def fromXML(node: scala.xml.Node, family: List[String], config: ParserConfig) = {
var content: ComplexTypeContent = null
for (child <- node.child) child match {
case { _* } =>
content = SimpContRestrictionDecl.fromXML(child, family, config)
case { _* } =>
content = SimpContExtensionDecl.fromXML(child, family, config)
case _ =>
/** only complex types with complex content allow child elements
case class ComplexContentDecl(content: ComplexTypeContent) extends Decl with HasComplexTypeContent
object ComplexContentDecl {
lazy val empty =
def fromAttributes(attributes: List[AttributeLike]) =
def fromCompositor(compositor: HasParticle, attributes: List[AttributeLike]) =
ComplexContentDecl(CompContRestrictionDecl.fromCompositor(compositor, attributes))
def fromXML(node: scala.xml.Node, family: List[String], config: ParserConfig) = {
var content: ComplexTypeContent = CompContRestrictionDecl.empty
for (child <- node.child) child match {
case { _* } =>
content = CompContRestrictionDecl.fromXML(child, family, config)
case { _* } =>
content = CompContExtensionDecl.fromXML(child, family, config)
case _ =>
abstract class CompositorDecl extends Decl
object CompositorDecl {
def fromNodeSeq(seq: scala.xml.NodeSeq, family: List[String], config: ParserConfig): List[Particle] =
(seq.toList.collect {
case elem: scala.xml.Elem
if (elem.label != "annotation") &&
(elem.label != "attribute") => elem
}) map(node =>
node match {
case { _* } =>
if ((node \ "@name").headOption.isDefined) ElemDecl.fromXML(node, family, false, config)
else if ((node \ "@ref").headOption.isDefined) ElemRef.fromXML(node, config)
else sys.error("xsd: Unspported content type " + node.toString)
case { _* } => ChoiceDecl.fromXML(node, family, config)
case { _* } => SequenceDecl.fromXML(node, family, config)
case { _* } => AllDecl.fromXML(node, family, config)
case { _* } => AnyDecl.fromXML(node, config)
case { _* } =>
if ((node \ "@name").headOption.isDefined) GroupDecl.fromXML(node, config)
else if ((node \ "@ref").headOption.isDefined) GroupRef.fromXML(node, config)
else sys.error("xsd: Unspported content type " + node.toString)
case _ => sys.error("xsd: Unspported content type " + node.label)
def fromXML(node: scala.xml.Node, family: List[String], config: ParserConfig): HasParticle = node match {
case { _* } => ChoiceDecl.fromXML(node, family, config)
case { _* } => SequenceDecl.fromXML(node, family, config)
case { _* } => AllDecl.fromXML(node, family, config)
case { _* } =>
if ((node \ "@name").headOption.isDefined) GroupDecl.fromXML(node, config)
else if ((node \ "@ref").headOption.isDefined) GroupRef.fromXML(node, config)
else sys.error("xsd: Unspported content type " + node.toString)
case _ => sys.error("xsd: Unspported content type " + node.label)
def buildOccurrence(value: String) =
if (value == "") 1
else if (value == "unbounded") Integer.MAX_VALUE
else value.toInt
case class SequenceDecl(namespace: Option[String],
particles: List[Particle],
minOccurs: Int,
maxOccurs: Int,
uniqueId: Int = Incrementor.nextInt) extends CompositorDecl with HasParticle
object SequenceDecl {
def fromXML(node: scala.xml.Node, family: List[String], config: ParserConfig) = {
val minOccurs = CompositorDecl.buildOccurrence((node \ "@minOccurs").text)
val maxOccurs = CompositorDecl.buildOccurrence((node \ "@maxOccurs").text)
SequenceDecl(config.targetNamespace, CompositorDecl.fromNodeSeq(node.child, family, config), minOccurs, maxOccurs)
case class ChoiceDecl(namespace: Option[String],
particles: List[Particle],
minOccurs: Int,
maxOccurs: Int,
uniqueId: Int = Incrementor.nextInt) extends CompositorDecl with HasParticle
object ChoiceDecl {
def fromXML(node: scala.xml.Node, family: List[String], config: ParserConfig) = {
val minOccurs = CompositorDecl.buildOccurrence((node \ "@minOccurs").text)
val maxOccurs = CompositorDecl.buildOccurrence((node \ "@maxOccurs").text)
val choice = ChoiceDecl(config.targetNamespace, CompositorDecl.fromNodeSeq(node.child, family, config), minOccurs, maxOccurs)
config.choices += choice
case class AllDecl(namespace: Option[String],
particles: List[Particle],
minOccurs: Int,
maxOccurs: Int,
uniqueId: Int = Incrementor.nextInt) extends CompositorDecl with HasParticle
object AllDecl {
def fromXML(node: scala.xml.Node, family: List[String], config: ParserConfig) = {
val minOccurs = CompositorDecl.buildOccurrence((node \ "@minOccurs").text)
val maxOccurs = CompositorDecl.buildOccurrence((node \ "@maxOccurs").text)
AllDecl(config.targetNamespace, CompositorDecl.fromNodeSeq(node.child, family, config), minOccurs, maxOccurs)
case class AnyDecl(minOccurs: Int,
maxOccurs: Int,
namespaceConstraint: List[String],
processContents: ProcessContents,
uniqueId: Int = Incrementor.nextInt) extends CompositorDecl with Particle
object AnyDecl {
def fromXML(node: scala.xml.Node, config: ParserConfig) = {
val minOccurs = CompositorDecl.buildOccurrence((node \ "@minOccurs").text)
val maxOccurs = CompositorDecl.buildOccurrence((node \ "@maxOccurs").text)
val namespaceConstraint = (node \ "@namespace").headOption map { _.text.split(' ').toList } getOrElse {Nil}
val processContents = (node \ "@processContents").text match {
case "lax" => LaxProcess
case "skip" => SkipProcess
case _ => StrictProcess
AnyDecl(minOccurs, maxOccurs, namespaceConstraint, processContents)
case class GroupRef(namespace: Option[String],
name: String,
particles: List[Particle],
minOccurs: Int,
maxOccurs: Int) extends CompositorDecl with HasParticle
object GroupRef {
def fromXML(node: scala.xml.Node, config: ParserConfig) = {
val ref = (node \ "@ref").text
val minOccurs = CompositorDecl.buildOccurrence((node \ "@minOccurs").text)
val maxOccurs = CompositorDecl.buildOccurrence((node \ "@maxOccurs").text)
val (namespace, typeName) = TypeSymbolParser.splitTypeName(ref, node.scope, config.targetNamespace, config.isCameleonInclude)
GroupRef(namespace, typeName, Nil, minOccurs, maxOccurs)
case class GroupDecl(namespace: Option[String],
name: String,
particles: List[Particle],
minOccurs: Int,
maxOccurs: Int,
annotation: Option[AnnotationDecl]) extends CompositorDecl with HasParticle with Annotatable
object GroupDecl {
def fromXML(node: scala.xml.Node, config: ParserConfig) = {
val name = (node \ "@name").text
val minOccurs = CompositorDecl.buildOccurrence((node \ "@minOccurs").text)
val maxOccurs = CompositorDecl.buildOccurrence((node \ "@maxOccurs").text)
val annotation = (node \ "annotation").headOption map { x =>
AnnotationDecl.fromXML(x, config) }
val group = GroupDecl(config.targetNamespace, name,
CompositorDecl.fromNodeSeq(node.child, List(name), config), minOccurs, maxOccurs,
// config.choices += choice
case class SchemaLite(targetNamespace: Option[String],
imports: List[ImportDecl], includes: List[IncludeDecl])
object SchemaLite {
def fromXML(node: scala.xml.Node) = {
val schema = (node \\ "schema").headOption getOrElse {
sys.error("xsd: schema element not found: " + node.toString)
val targetNamespace = schema.attribute("targetNamespace").headOption map { _.text }
var importList: List[ImportDecl] = Nil
for (node <- schema \ "import") {
val decl = ImportDecl.fromXML(node)
importList = decl :: importList
var includeList: List[IncludeDecl] = Nil
for (node <- schema \ "include") {
val decl = IncludeDecl.fromXML(node)
includeList = decl :: includeList
SchemaLite(targetNamespace, importList.reverse, includeList.reverse)
case class ImportDecl(namespace: Option[String],
schemaLocation: Option[String]) extends Decl
object ImportDecl {
def fromXML(node: scala.xml.Node) = {
val namespace = (node \ "@namespace").headOption map { _.text }
val schemaLocation = (node \ "@schemaLocation").headOption map { _.text }
ImportDecl(namespace, schemaLocation)
case class IncludeDecl(schemaLocation: String) extends Decl
object IncludeDecl {
def fromXML(node: scala.xml.Node) = {
val schemaLocation = (node \ "@schemaLocation").text
case class AnnotationDecl(documentations: Seq[DocumentationDecl]) extends Decl
object AnnotationDecl {
def fromXML(node: scala.xml.Node, config: ParserConfig) = {
for (child <- node \ "documentation")
yield DocumentationDecl.fromXML(child, config))
case class DocumentationDecl(any: Seq[Any]) extends Decl
object DocumentationDecl {
def fromXML(node: scala.xml.Node, config: ParserConfig) =
DocumentationDecl(node.child.collect {
case x: scala.xml.Text => x.data
case x => x
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