scalaxb.compiler.xsd.GenSource.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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scalaxb is an XML data-binding tool for Scala that supports W3C XML Schema (xsd) and wsdl.
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 2010 e.e d3si9n
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package scalaxb.compiler.xsd
import scalashim._
import scalaxb.compiler.{Config, Snippet, CaseClassTooLong, Log}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.{Map}
import scala.xml._
abstract class GenSource(val schema: SchemaDecl,
val context: XsdContext) extends Parsers with XMLOutput {
private val logger = Log.forName("xsd.GenSource")
type =>?[A, B] = PartialFunction[A, B]
val topElems = schema.topElems
val elemList = schema.elemList
val MIXED_PARAM = "mixed"
def run: Snippet = {
val snippets = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[Snippet]
snippets += Snippet(makeSchemaComment, Nil, Nil, Nil)
schema.typeList map {
case decl: ComplexTypeDecl if !context.duplicatedTypes.contains((schema, decl)) =>
if (context.baseToSubs.contains(decl)) {
snippets += makeTrait(decl)
if (!decl.abstractValue) snippets += makeSuperType(decl)
else snippets += makeType(decl)
case decl: SimpleTypeDecl if !context.duplicatedTypes.contains((schema, decl)) =>
if (containsEnumeration(decl)) snippets += makeEnumType(decl)
case _ =>
for ((sch, group) <- context.groups if sch == this.schema)
snippets += makeGroup(group)
for (group <- schema.topAttrGroups.valuesIterator)
snippets += makeAttributeGroup(group)
Snippet(snippets: _*)
def makeSuperType(decl: ComplexTypeDecl): Snippet = {
val localName = makeProtectedTypeName(schema.targetNamespace, decl, context)
val fqn = buildFullyQualifiedName(schema, localName)
makeCaseClassWithType(localName, fqn, decl)
def makeType(decl: ComplexTypeDecl): Snippet =
makeCaseClassWithType(buildTypeName(decl, true), buildTypeName(decl, false), decl)
def types(namespace: Option[String], name: String) =
(for (schema <- schemas;
if schema.targetNamespace == namespace;
if schema.topTypes.contains(name))
yield schema.topTypes(name)) match {
case x :: xs => x
case Nil => sys.error("Type not found: {" + namespace + "}:" + name)
def baseToDescendants(base: ComplexTypeDecl): List[ComplexTypeDecl] =
context.baseToSubs(base) flatMap { child =>
child :: (
if (context.baseToSubs.contains(child)) baseToDescendants(child)
else Nil
def makeTrait(decl: ComplexTypeDecl): Snippet = {
val localName = buildTypeName(decl, true)
val fqn = buildTypeName(decl, false)
val formatterName = buildFormatterName(decl.namespace, localName)
logger.debug("makeTrait: emitting " + fqn)
val childElements = if (decl.mixed) Nil
else flattenElements(decl, 0)
val list = List.concat[Decl](childElements, flattenAttributes(decl))
val paramList = list map { buildParam }
val defaultType = buildFullyQualifiedName(schema, makeProtectedTypeName(schema.targetNamespace, decl, context))
val argList = list map {
case any: AnyAttributeDecl => buildArgForAnyAttribute(decl, false)
case x => buildArg(x)
val superNames = buildSuperNames(decl)
val extendString = if (superNames.isEmpty) ""
else " extends " + superNames.mkString(" with ")
def makeCaseEntry(decl: ComplexTypeDecl) =
"case (" + quoteNamespace(decl.namespace) + ", " + quote(Some(decl.family.head)) + ") => " +
"Right(" + buildFromXML(buildTypeName(decl, false), "node", "stack", None) + ")"
def makeToXmlCaseEntry(decl: ComplexTypeDecl) =
"case x: " + buildTypeName(decl, false) + " => " +
buildToXML(buildTypeName(decl, false), "x, __namespace, __elementLabel, __scope, true")
val compositors = context.compositorParents.filter(_._2 == decl).keysIterator.toList
// val extendedSubtypes = context.baseToSubs(decl) filter { sub =>
// !schema.typeList.contains(sub) && !dependentSchemas.exists(_.typeList.contains(sub)) }
// val extendedSchemas = (for (sub <- extendedSubtypes;
// sch <- context.schemas; if sch.typeList.contains(sub))
// yield sch).toList.distinct
// val imports = extendedSchemas map { sch =>
// val pkg = packageName(sch, context)
// val name = context.typeNames(pkg)(sch)
// "import " + pkg.map(_ + ".").getOrElse("") + buildDefaultProtocolName(name) + "._"
// }
val traitCode = { buildComment(decl) }trait {localName}{extendString} {{
val vals = for (param <- paramList)
yield "val " + param.toTraitScalaCode
vals.mkString(newline + indent(1))}
val compDepth = 1
val defaultFormats = trait Default{formatterName} extends scalaxb.XMLFormat[{fqn}] {{
{ // if (imports.isEmpty) ""
// else imports.mkString(newline + indent(2)) + newline + indent(2)
}def reads(seq: scala.xml.NodeSeq, stack: List[scalaxb.ElemName]): Either[String, {fqn}] = seq match {{
case node: scala.xml.Node =>
scalaxb.Helper.instanceType(node) match {{
{ val cases = for (sub <- baseToDescendants(decl) if sub.isNamed)
yield makeCaseEntry(sub)
cases.mkString(newline + indent(4 + compDepth))
{ if (!decl.abstractValue) "case _ => Right(" + buildFromXML(defaultType, "node", "stack", None) + ")"
else """case x => Left("Unknown type: " + x)""" }
case _ => Left("reads failed: seq must be scala.xml.Node")
def writes(__obj: {fqn}, __namespace: Option[String], __elementLabel: Option[String],
__scope: scala.xml.NamespaceBinding, __typeAttribute: Boolean): scala.xml.NodeSeq = __obj match {{
{ val cases = for (sub <- context.baseToSubs(decl))
yield makeToXmlCaseEntry(sub)
cases.mkString(newline + indent(2 + compDepth))
{ if (!decl.abstractValue) "case x: " + defaultType + " => " +
buildToXML(defaultType, "x, __namespace, __elementLabel, __scope, false")
else """case _ => error("Unknown type: " + __obj)"""
val compositorCodes: Seq[Snippet] = if (decl.abstractValue) compositors map { makeCompositor }
else Nil
Snippet(Snippet(traitCode, , defaultFormats, makeImplicitValue(fqn, formatterName)) +:
compositorCodes: _*)
def makeImplicitValue(fqn: String, formatterName: String): Node =
implicit lazy val {formatterName}: scalaxb.XMLFormat[{fqn}] = new Default{formatterName} {{}}
def makeImplicitValue(group: AttributeGroupDecl): Node = {
val formatterName = buildFormatterName(group)
val fqn = buildTypeName(group, false)
implicit lazy val {formatterName}: scalaxb.AttributeGroupFormat[{fqn}] = new Default{formatterName} {{}}
def isQualifyAsIRIStyle(decl: ComplexTypeDecl): Boolean = {
val primary = decl.content match {
case ComplexContentDecl(CompContRestrictionDecl(_, x, _)) => x
case ComplexContentDecl(CompContExtensionDecl(_, x, _)) => x
case _ => None
primary match {
case Some(SequenceDecl(_, _, _, _, _)) =>
val flatParticles = flattenElements(decl, 0)
val attributes = flattenAttributes(decl)
flatParticles.forall(_.typeSymbol match {
case AnyType(symbol) => false
case symbol: BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol => true
case ReferenceTypeSymbol(decl: SimpleTypeDecl) => true
case _ => false
}) && attributes.isEmpty
case _ => false
def makeCaseClassWithType(localName: String, fqn: String, decl: ComplexTypeDecl): Snippet = {
logger.debug("makeCaseClassWithType: emitting " + fqn)
val formatterName = buildFormatterName(decl.namespace, localName)
val primary = decl.content match {
case ComplexContentDecl(CompContRestrictionDecl(_, x, _)) => x
case ComplexContentDecl(CompContExtensionDecl(_, x, _)) => x
case _ => None
val superNames: List[String] =
if (context.baseToSubs.contains(decl)) List(buildTypeName(decl, true))
else buildSuperNames(decl)
val flatParticles = flattenElements(decl, 0)
// val particles = buildParticles(decl, name)
val childElements = if (decl.mixed) flattenMixed(decl)
else flatParticles
val attributes = flattenAttributes(decl)
val longAttribute = (attributes.size + childElements.size > contentsSizeLimit &&
childElements.size + 1 <= contentsSizeLimit)
val list = if (longAttribute) List.concat[Decl](childElements, List(buildLongAttributeRef))
else List.concat[Decl](childElements, attributes)
if (list.size > 22) throw new CaseClassTooLong(fqn, (decl.namespace map { "{" + _ + "}" } getOrElse {""}) + decl.family.head)
val paramList = list map { buildParam }
// val dependents = ((flatParticles flatMap { buildDependentType } collect {
// case ReferenceTypeSymbol(d: ComplexTypeDecl) if d != decl => d
// }).toList ++ (attributes collect {
// case group: AttributeGroupDecl => group
// }).toList).distinct
val unmixedParserList = flatParticles map { buildParser(_, decl.mixed, decl.mixed) }
val parserList = if (decl.mixed) buildTextParser :: (unmixedParserList flatMap { List(_, buildTextParser) })
else unmixedParserList
val parserVariableList = ( 0 to parserList.size - 1) map { buildSelector }
val longAll: Boolean = primary match {
case Some(all: AllDecl) if isLongAll(all, decl.namespace, decl.family) => true
case _ => false
val particleArgs = if (decl.mixed) (0 to parserList.size - 1).toList map { i =>
if (i % 2 == 1) buildArgForMixed(flatParticles((i - 1) / 2), i)
else buildArgForOptTextRecord(i) }
else primary match {
case Some(all: AllDecl) => all.particles map { buildArgForAll(_, longAll) }
case _ => (0 to flatParticles.size - 1).toList map { i => buildArg(flatParticles(i), i) }
val accessors = (primary match {
case Some(all: AllDecl) if longAll => generateAccessors(all)
case _ => generateAccessors(paramList, splitSequences(decl))
}) ::: (if (longAttribute) generateAccessors(attributes) else Nil)
logger.debug("makeCaseClassWithType: generateAccessors " + accessors)
val compositors = context.compositorParents.filter(
x => x._2 == decl).keysIterator.toList
val extendString = if (superNames.isEmpty) ""
else " extends " + superNames.mkString(" with ")
val hasSequenceParam = (paramList.size == 1) && (paramList.head.cardinality == Multiple) &&
(!paramList.head.attribute) && (!decl.mixed) && (!longAll)
def paramsString = if (hasSequenceParam) makeParamName(paramList.head.name, false) + ": " +
paramList.head.singleTypeName + "*"
else paramList.map(_.toScalaCode).mkString("," + newline + indent(1))
val simpleFromXml: Boolean = if (flatParticles.isEmpty && !decl.mixed) true
else (decl.content, primary) match {
case (x: SimpleContentDecl, _) => true
case (_, Some(all: AllDecl)) => true
case _ => false
def argsString = if (hasSequenceParam) particleArgs.head + ": _*"
else {
val particleString = if (decl.mixed) "Seq.concat(" + particleArgs.mkString("," + newline + indent(4)) + ")"
else if (longAll) "scala.collection.immutable.ListMap(List(" + newline +
indent(4) + particleArgs.mkString("," + newline + indent(4)) + ").flatten[(String, scalaxb.DataRecord[Any])]: _*)"
else decl.content match {
case simp@SimpleContentDecl(SimpContRestrictionDecl(base: XsTypeSymbol, _, _, _)) =>
buildArg(simp, base)
case simp@SimpleContentDecl(SimpContExtensionDecl(base: XsTypeSymbol, _)) =>
buildArg(simp, base)
case _ => particleArgs.mkString("," + newline + indent(4))
val attributeString = if (attributes.isEmpty) ""
else {
val notAnyAttributes = attributes filter {
case any: AnyAttributeDecl => false
case _ => true
val anyAttributes = attributes filter {
case any: AnyAttributeDecl => true
case _ => false
if (longAttribute) {
val nonAnyString = if (notAnyAttributes.isEmpty) ""
else "List(" + newline +
indent(4) + (notAnyAttributes map { x =>
buildArgForAttribute(x, longAttribute) }).mkString("," + newline + indent(4)) + newline +
indent(4) + ").flatten[(String, scalaxb.DataRecord[Any])]"
val anyString = if (anyAttributes.isEmpty) ""
else "(" + buildArgForAnyAttribute(decl, longAttribute) + ")"
"scala.collection.immutable.ListMap(" +
(if (nonAnyString != "" && anyString != "") nonAnyString + " ::: " + anyString
else nonAnyString + anyString ) + ": _*)"
else (attributes map {
case any: AnyAttributeDecl => buildArgForAnyAttribute(decl, longAttribute)
case x => buildArgForAttribute(x, longAttribute)
}).mkString("," + newline + indent(4))
} // if-else
if (!particleString.isEmpty && !attributeString.isEmpty) particleString + "," + newline +
indent(4) + attributeString
else particleString + attributeString
val childElemParams = paramList.filter(!_.attribute)
def makeWritesChildNodes = {
def simpleContentString(base: XsTypeSymbol) = base match {
case AnyType(symbol) => "Seq(scala.xml.Text(__obj.value.value.toString))"
case _ => "Seq(scala.xml.Text(__obj.value.toString))"
def childString = if (decl.mixed) "__obj." + makeParamName(MIXED_PARAM, false) +
".toSeq flatMap { x => " + buildToXML("scalaxb.DataRecord[Any]", "x, x.namespace, x.key, __scope, false") + " }"
else decl.content.content match {
case SimpContRestrictionDecl(base: XsTypeSymbol, _, _, _) => simpleContentString(base)
case SimpContExtensionDecl(base: XsTypeSymbol, _) => simpleContentString(base)
case _ =>
if (childElemParams.isEmpty) "Nil"
else if (childElemParams.size == 1) "(" + buildXMLString(childElemParams(0)) + ")"
else childElemParams.map(x =>
buildXMLString(x)).mkString("Seq.concat(", "," + newline + indent(4), ")")
def writesChildNodes(__obj: {fqn}, __scope: scala.xml.NamespaceBinding): Seq[scala.xml.Node] =
val groups = filterGroup(decl) filter { g => primaryCompositor(g).particles.size > 0 }
val defaultFormatSuperNames: List[String] = "scalaxb.ElemNameParser[" + fqn + "]" :: groups.map(g =>
buildFormatterName(g.namespace, groupTypeName(g)))
val caseClassCode = { buildComment(decl) }case class {localName}({paramsString}){extendString}{ if (accessors.size == 0) ""
else " {" + newline +
indent(1) + accessors.mkString(newline + indent(1)) + newline +
"}" + newline }
def defaultFormats = if (simpleFromXml) trait Default{formatterName} extends scalaxb.XMLFormat[{fqn}] with scalaxb.CanWriteChildNodes[{fqn}] {{
val targetNamespace: Option[String] = { quote(schema.targetNamespace) }
def reads(seq: scala.xml.NodeSeq, stack: List[scalaxb.ElemName]): Either[String, {fqn}] = seq match {{
case node: scala.xml.Node => Right({fqn}({argsString}))
case _ => Left("reads failed: seq must be scala.xml.Node")
else trait Default{formatterName} extends {defaultFormatSuperNames.mkString(" with ")} {{
val targetNamespace: Option[String] = { quote(schema.targetNamespace) }
{ if (decl.isNamed) "override def typeName: Option[String] = Some(" + quote(decl.name) + ")" + newline + newline + indent(2)
else ""
}{ if (decl.mixed) "override def isMixed: Boolean = true" + newline + newline + indent(2)
else "" }def parser(node: scala.xml.Node, stack: List[scalaxb.ElemName]): Parser[{fqn}] =
phrase({ parserList.mkString(" ~ " + newline + indent(3)) } ^^
{{ case { parserVariableList.mkString(" ~ ") } =>
{fqn}({argsString}) }})
{makeWritesAttribute}{makeWritesChildNodes} }}
def makeWritesAttribute = if (attributes.isEmpty)
else if (longAttribute) {
val cases = attributes collect {
case attr: AttributeDecl => "case (" + quote(buildNodeName(attr, false)) + ", _) => " + buildAttributeString(attr)
case ref: AttributeRef =>
val attr = buildAttribute(ref)
"case (" + quote(buildNodeName(attr, false)) + ", _) => " + buildAttributeString(attr)
case group: AttributeGroupDecl => "case (" + quote(buildNodeName(group)) + ", _) => " + buildAttributeString(group)
val caseString = if (cases.isEmpty) ""
else cases.mkString(newline + indent(4)) + newline + indent(4)
override def writesAttribute(__obj: {fqn}, __scope: scala.xml.NamespaceBinding): scala.xml.MetaData = {{
var attr: scala.xml.MetaData = scala.xml.Null
__obj.{makeParamName(ATTRS_PARAM, false)}.toList map {{
{caseString}case (key, x) => attr = scala.xml.Attribute((x.namespace map {{ __scope.getPrefix(_) }}).orNull, x.key.orNull, x.value.toString, attr)
} else override def writesAttribute(__obj: {fqn}, __scope: scala.xml.NamespaceBinding): scala.xml.MetaData = {{
var attr: scala.xml.MetaData = scala.xml.Null
{ attributes.map(x => buildAttributeString(x)).mkString(newline + indent(3)) }
val compositorCodes = compositors map { makeCompositor }
Snippet(Snippet(caseClassCode, , defaultFormats, makeImplicitValue(fqn, formatterName)) +:
compositorCodes: _*)
def buildComment(p: Product) = p match {
case decl: TypeDecl =>
if (schema.typeToAnnotatable.contains(decl))
makeAnnotation(schema.typeToAnnotatable(decl).annotation) + newline
else makeAnnotation(decl.annotation) + newline
case anno: Annotatable =>
makeAnnotation(anno.annotation) + newline
case _ => ""
// family is used to split sequences.
def makeCompositor(compositor: HasParticle): Snippet = compositor match {
case seq: SequenceDecl => makeSequence(seq)
case _ =>
val superNames: List[String] = buildOptions(compositor)
val superString = if (superNames.isEmpty) ""
else " extends " + superNames.mkString(" with ")
val localName = makeTypeName(context.compositorNames(compositor))
Snippet(trait {localName}{superString} )
def makeSequence(seq: SequenceDecl): Snippet = {
val localName = makeTypeName(context.compositorNames(seq))
val fqn = buildFullyQualifiedName(schema, localName)
val formatterName = buildFormatterName(schema.targetNamespace, localName)
// pass in local name for the family.
// since the sequence is already split at this point, it does not require resplitting.
val particles = flattenElements(schema.targetNamespace, List(localName), seq, 0, false)
val paramList = particles map { buildParam }
val hasSequenceParam = (paramList.size == 1) &&
(paramList.head.cardinality == Multiple) &&
val paramsString = if (hasSequenceParam)
makeParamName(paramList.head.name, false) + ": " + buildTypeName(paramList.head.typeSymbol) + "*"
else paramList.map(_.toScalaCode).mkString("," + newline + indent(1))
def makeWritesXML = def writes(__obj: {fqn}, __namespace: Option[String], __elementLabel: Option[String],
__scope: scala.xml.NamespaceBinding, __typeAttribute: Boolean): scala.xml.NodeSeq =
def childString = if (paramList.isEmpty) "Nil"
else if (paramList.size == 1) buildXMLString(paramList(0))
else paramList.map(x =>
buildXMLString(x)).mkString("Seq.concat(", "," + newline + indent(4), ")")
val superNames: List[String] = buildOptions(seq)
val superString = if (superNames.isEmpty) ""
else " extends " + superNames.mkString(" with ")
Snippet({ buildComment(seq) }case class {localName}({paramsString}){superString} ,
trait Default{formatterName} extends scalaxb.XMLFormat[{fqn}] {{
def reads(seq: scala.xml.NodeSeq, stack: List[scalaxb.ElemName]): Either[String, {fqn}] = Left("don't call me.")
}} ,
makeImplicitValue(fqn, formatterName))
def makeGroup(group: GroupDecl): Snippet = {
val compositors = context.compositorParents.filter(
x => x._2 == makeGroupComplexType(group)).keysIterator.toList
val localName = makeTypeName(context.compositorNames(group))
val fqn = buildFullyQualifiedName(schema, localName)
val formatterName = buildFormatterName(group.namespace, localName)
val compositor = primaryCompositor(group)
val param = buildParam(compositor)
val o = buildOccurrence(compositor).toSingle
val wrapperParam = compositor match {
case choice: ChoiceDecl => param
case _ => param.copy(typeSymbol = XsDataRecord(param.typeSymbol))
val mixedParam = param.copy(typeSymbol = XsDataRecord(XsAnyType))
val parser = buildCompositorParser(compositor, o, false, false)
val wrapperParser = compositor match {
case choice: ChoiceDecl => parser
case _ => buildCompositorParser(compositor, o, false, true)
val mixedparser = buildCompositorParser(compositor, o, true, true)
val groups = filterGroup(compositor)
val superNames: List[String] =
if (groups.isEmpty) List("scalaxb.AnyElemNameParser")
else groups.map { g => buildFormatterName(g.namespace, groupTypeName(g)) }
val defaultFormats = if (compositor.particles.size == 0)
else { buildComment(group) } trait {formatterName} extends {superNames.mkString(" with ")} {{
def parse{localName}(node: scala.xml.Node, stack: List[scalaxb.ElemName]): Parser[{param.baseTypeName}] =
def parse{localName}(node: scala.xml.Node, stack: List[scalaxb.ElemName], wrap: Boolean): Parser[{wrapperParam.baseTypeName}] =
def parsemixed{localName}(node: scala.xml.Node, stack: List[scalaxb.ElemName]): Parser[Seq[{mixedParam.baseTypeName}]] =
val compositorCodes = compositors map { makeCompositor }
Snippet(Snippet(Nil, Nil, defaultFormats, Nil) +:
compositorCodes: _*)
def makeAttributeGroup(group: AttributeGroupDecl): Snippet = {
val localName = buildTypeName(group, true)
val fqn = buildTypeName(group, false)
val formatterName = buildFormatterName(group.namespace, localName)
val attributes = flattenAttributes(group.attributes)
val paramList = attributes map { buildParam }
val argList = attributes map {
case any: AnyAttributeDecl => buildArgForAnyAttribute(group, false)
case x => buildArg(x)
val paramsString = paramList.map(
_.toScalaCode).mkString("," + newline + indent(1))
val argsString = argList.mkString("," + newline + indent(3))
val attributeString = attributes.map(x => buildAttributeString(x)).mkString(newline + indent(2))
val caseClassCode = { buildComment(group) }case class {localName}({paramsString})
val defaultFormats = trait Default{formatterName} extends scalaxb.AttributeGroupFormat[{fqn}] {{
val targetNamespace: Option[String] = { quote(schema.targetNamespace) }
def reads(seq: scala.xml.NodeSeq, stack: List[scalaxb.ElemName]): Either[String, {fqn}] = seq match {{
case node: scala.xml.Node => Right({fqn}({argsString}))
case _ => Left("reads failed: seq must be scala.xml.Node")
def toAttribute(__obj: {fqn}, __attr: scala.xml.MetaData, __scope: scala.xml.NamespaceBinding): scala.xml.MetaData = {{
var attr: scala.xml.MetaData = __attr
def makeEnumType(decl: SimpleTypeDecl) = {
val localName = buildTypeName(decl, true)
val fqn = buildTypeName(decl, false)
val formatterName = buildFormatterName(decl.namespace, localName)
val enums = filterEnumeration(decl)
def makeEnum(enum: EnumerationDecl) =
"case object " + buildTypeName(localName, enum, true) + " extends " + localName +
" { override def toString = " + quote(enum.value) + " }"
def makeCaseEntry(enum: EnumerationDecl) =
indent(2) + "case " + quote(enum.value) + " => " + buildTypeName(localName, enum, true) + newline
val enumString = enums.map(makeEnum).mkString(newline)
val traitCode = enums match {
case Nil =>
case class {localName}()
object {localName} {{
def fromString(value: String): {localName} = {localName}()
case _ =>
trait {localName}
object {localName} {{
def fromString(value: String): {localName} = value match {{
{ enums.map(e => makeCaseEntry(e)) }
{ enumString }
} // match
def build{formatterName} = new Default{formatterName} {{}}
trait Default{formatterName} extends scalaxb.XMLFormat[{fqn}] {{
val targetNamespace: Option[String] = { quote(schema.targetNamespace) }
def reads(seq: scala.xml.NodeSeq, stack: List[scalaxb.ElemName]): Either[String, {fqn}] =
def writes(__obj: {fqn}, __namespace: Option[String], __elementLabel: Option[String],
__scope: scala.xml.NamespaceBinding, __typeAttribute: Boolean): scala.xml.NodeSeq =
scala.xml.Elem(scalaxb.Helper.getPrefix(__namespace, __scope).orNull,
__elementLabel getOrElse {{ sys.error("missing element label.") }},
scala.xml.Null, __scope, scala.xml.Text(__obj.toString))
}} ,
makeImplicitValue(fqn, formatterName))
def buildSuperNames(decl: ComplexTypeDecl) =
buildSuperName(decl) ::: buildOptions(decl)
def buildSuperName(decl: ComplexTypeDecl) =
decl.content.content.base match {
case ReferenceTypeSymbol(base: ComplexTypeDecl) => List(buildTypeName(base, true))
case _ => Nil
def buildOptions(decl: ComplexTypeDecl): List[String] = {
val set = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[String]
def addIfMatch(typeSymbol: XsTypeSymbol, choice: ChoiceDecl) = {
typeSymbol match {
case ReferenceTypeSymbol(that: ComplexTypeDecl) =>
if (that.namespace == decl.namespace &&
that.name == decl.name &&
set += makeTypeName(context.compositorNames(choice))
case _ =>
for (sch <- context.schemas;
choice <- sch.choices;
particle <- choice.particles) particle match {
case elem: ElemDecl => addIfMatch(elem.typeSymbol, choice)
case ref: ElemRef => addIfMatch(buildElement(ref).typeSymbol, choice)
case _ => // do nothing
// reverse lookup all choices that contains that.
def buildOptions(that: HasParticle): List[String] = {
val set = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[String]
def addIfMatch(comp: HasParticle, choice: ChoiceDecl) {
if (comp == that && !containsForeignType(choice))
set += makeTypeName(context.compositorNames(choice))
def addIfContains(choice: ChoiceDecl) {
choice.particles foreach { _ match {
case ch: ChoiceDecl =>
addIfMatch(ch, choice)
case comp: HasParticle => addIfMatch(comp, choice)
case _ =>
for (sch <- context.schemas;
choice <- sch.choices)
def filterGroup(decl: ComplexTypeDecl): List[GroupDecl] = decl.content.content match {
// complex content means 1. has child elements 2. has attributes
case CompContRestrictionDecl(ReferenceTypeSymbol(base: ComplexTypeDecl), _, _) =>
case res@CompContRestrictionDecl(XsAnyType, _, _) =>
case ext@CompContExtensionDecl(ReferenceTypeSymbol(base: ComplexTypeDecl), _, _) =>
filterGroup(base) :::
case ext@CompContExtensionDecl(XsAnyType, _, _) =>
case _ => Nil
def filterGroup(compositor: Option[HasParticle]): List[GroupDecl] =
compositor match {
case Some(c) => filterGroup(c)
case None => Nil
def filterGroup(compositor: HasParticle): List[GroupDecl] = compositor match {
case ref: GroupRef => List(buildGroup(ref))
case group: GroupDecl => List(group)
case _ =>
(compositor.particles flatMap {
case ref: GroupRef => List(buildGroup(ref))
case group: GroupDecl => List(group)
case compositor2: HasParticle => filterGroup(compositor2)
case _ => Nil
def flattenElements(decl: ComplexTypeDecl, index: Int): List[ElemDecl] = {
val build: ComplexTypeContent =>? List[ElemDecl] = {
case SimpContRestrictionDecl(ReferenceTypeSymbol(base: ComplexTypeDecl), _, _, _) =>
flattenElements(base, index)
case SimpContExtensionDecl(ReferenceTypeSymbol(base: ComplexTypeDecl), _) =>
flattenElements(base, index)
// complex content means 1. has child elements 2. has attributes
case CompContRestrictionDecl(ReferenceTypeSymbol(base: ComplexTypeDecl), _, _) =>
flattenElements(base, index)
case res@CompContRestrictionDecl(XsAnyType, _, _) =>
res.compositor map { flattenElements(decl.namespace, decl.family, _, index, true) } getOrElse { Nil }
case ext@CompContExtensionDecl(ReferenceTypeSymbol(base: ComplexTypeDecl), _, _) =>
flattenElements(base, index) :::
(ext.compositor map { flattenElements(decl.namespace, decl.family, _, index, true) } getOrElse { Nil })
case ext@CompContExtensionDecl(XsAnyType, _, _) =>
ext.compositor map { flattenElements(decl.namespace, decl.family, _, index, true) } getOrElse { Nil }
case _ => Nil
val pf = buildSimpleTypeRef orElse build
// sometimes we don't have ComplexTypeDecl because it's a group.
def splitLongSequence(namespace: Option[String], family: List[String], particles: List[Particle]): List[Particle] =
if (particles.size <= contentsSizeLimit && !isWrapped(namespace, family)) particles
else splitLong[SequenceDecl](particles) { SequenceDecl(namespace, _, 1, 1, 0) }
// used to generte accessor
def splitSequences(decl: ComplexTypeDecl): List[SequenceDecl] = decl.content.content match {
case SimpContRestrictionDecl(ReferenceTypeSymbol(base: ComplexTypeDecl), _, _, _) => splitSequences(base)
case SimpContExtensionDecl(ReferenceTypeSymbol(base: ComplexTypeDecl), _) => splitSequences(base)
// complex content means 1. has child elements 2. has attributes
case CompContRestrictionDecl(ReferenceTypeSymbol(base: ComplexTypeDecl), _, _) => splitSequences(base)
case res@CompContRestrictionDecl(XsAnyType, _, _) =>
res.compositor map { splitSequences(decl.namespace, decl.family, _) } getOrElse { Nil }
case ext@CompContExtensionDecl(ReferenceTypeSymbol(base: ComplexTypeDecl), _, _) =>
splitSequences(base) :::
(ext.compositor map { splitSequences(decl.namespace, decl.family, _) } getOrElse { Nil })
case ext@CompContExtensionDecl(XsAnyType, _, _) =>
ext.compositor map { splitSequences(decl.namespace, decl.family, _) } getOrElse { Nil }
case _ => Nil
def splitSequences(namespace: Option[String], family: List[String],
compositor: HasParticle): List[SequenceDecl] = compositor match {
case seq: SequenceDecl if seq.particles.size > contentsSizeLimit || isWrapped(namespace, family) =>
splitLong[SequenceDecl](seq.particles) { xs => SequenceDecl(namespace, xs, 1, 1, 0) }
case _ => Nil
def flattenElements(namespace: Option[String], family: List[String],
compositor: HasParticle, index: Int, wrapTopSequence: Boolean): List[ElemDecl] = {
compositor match {
case ref:GroupRef => flattenElements(namespace, family, buildGroup(ref), index, wrapTopSequence)
case group:GroupDecl =>
if (primaryCompositor(group).particles.isEmpty) Nil
else List(buildCompositorRef(group, index))
case seq: SequenceDecl =>
if (wrapTopSequence &&
(seq.minOccurs != 1 || seq.maxOccurs != 1))
if (seq.particles.size == 1) compositor.particles(0) match {
case any: AnyDecl => List(buildAnyRef(any.copy(
minOccurs = math.min(any.minOccurs, seq.minOccurs),
maxOccurs = math.max(any.maxOccurs, seq.maxOccurs)) ))
case choice: ChoiceDecl =>
val occurence = mergeOccurrence(buildOccurrence(choice).copy(nillable = false),
List(buildCompositorRef(choice, occurence, 0))
case group: GroupDecl => flattenElements(namespace, family, group, index, wrapTopSequence)
case _ => List(buildCompositorRef(seq, index))
else List(buildCompositorRef(seq, index))
else splitLongSequence(
namespace, family, compositor.particles).zipWithIndex flatMap {
case (ref: GroupRef, i: Int) => flattenElements(namespace, family, buildGroup(ref), i, wrapTopSequence)
case (compositor2: HasParticle, i: Int) => List(buildCompositorRef(compositor2, i))
case (elem: ElemDecl, i: Int) => List(elem)
case (ref: ElemRef, i: Int) => List(buildElement(ref))
case (any: AnyDecl, i: Int) => List(buildAnyRef(any))
case all: AllDecl =>
if (isLongAll(all, namespace, family)) List(buildLongAllRef(all))
else compositor.particles flatMap {
// by spec, contains only elems.
case elem: ElemDecl => List(toOptional(elem))
case ref: ElemRef => List(toOptional(buildElement(ref)))
case choice: ChoiceDecl =>
List(buildCompositorRef(choice, index))
def isLongAll(all: AllDecl, namespace: Option[String], family: List[String]): Boolean =
(all.particles.size > contentsSizeLimit || isWrapped(namespace, family))
val buildSimpleTypeRef: ComplexTypeContent =>? List[ElemDecl] = {
case content: ComplexTypeContent
if content.base.isInstanceOf[BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol] =>
val symbol = content.base.asInstanceOf[BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol]
case content: ComplexTypeContent
if content.base.isInstanceOf[ReferenceTypeSymbol] &&
content.base.asInstanceOf[ReferenceTypeSymbol].decl.isInstanceOf[SimpleTypeDecl] =>
val symbol = content.base.asInstanceOf[ReferenceTypeSymbol]
def generateAccessors(all: AllDecl): List[String] = {
val wrapperName = makeParamName("all", false)
// by spec, there are only elements under
all.particles collect {
case elem: ElemDecl => elem
case ref: ElemRef => buildElement(ref)
} map { elem => toCardinality(elem.minOccurs, elem.maxOccurs) match {
case Optional => "lazy val " + makeParamName(elem.name, false) + " = " +
wrapperName + ".get(" + quote(buildNodeName(elem, true)) + ") map { _.as[" + buildTypeName(elem.typeSymbol) + "] }"
case _ => "lazy val " + makeParamName(elem.name, false) + " = " +
wrapperName + "(" + quote(buildNodeName(elem, true)) + ").as[" + buildTypeName(elem.typeSymbol) + "]"
def generateAccessors(attributes: List[AttributeLike]): List[String] = {
val wrapperName = makeParamName(ATTRS_PARAM, false)
attributes collect {
case attr: AttributeDecl => (attr, toCardinality(attr))
case ref: AttributeRef =>
val attr = buildAttribute(ref)
(attr, toCardinality(attr))
case group: AttributeGroupDecl => (group, Single)
} collect {
case (attr: AttributeDecl, Optional) => "lazy val " + makeParamName(buildParam(attr).name, true) + " = " +
wrapperName + ".get(" + quote(buildNodeName(attr, false)) + ") map { _.as[" + buildTypeName(attr.typeSymbol, true) + "] }"
case (attr: AttributeDecl, Single) => "lazy val " + makeParamName(buildParam(attr).name, true) + " = " +
wrapperName + "(" + quote(buildNodeName(attr, false)) + ").as[" + buildTypeName(attr.typeSymbol, true) + "]"
def generateAccessors(params: List[Param], splits: List[SequenceDecl]) = params flatMap {
case param@Param(_, _, ReferenceTypeSymbol(decl@ComplexTypeDecl(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)), _, _, _, _, _) if
compositorWrapper.contains(decl) &&
splits.contains(compositorWrapper(decl)) =>
val wrapperName = makeParamName(param.name, false)
val particles = compositorWrapper(decl).particles.zipWithIndex flatMap {
case (ref: GroupRef, i: Int) => List(buildCompositorRef(ref, i))
case (compositor2: HasParticle, i: Int) => List(buildCompositorRef(compositor2, i))
case (elem: ElemDecl, i: Int) => List(elem)
case (ref: ElemRef, i: Int) => List(buildElement(ref))
case (any: AnyDecl, i: Int) => List(buildAnyRef(any))
val paramList = particles map { buildParam }
paramList map { p =>
"lazy val " + makeParamName(p.name, false) + " = " + wrapperName + "." + makeParamName(p.name, false)
case _ => Nil
def buildParticles(decl: ComplexTypeDecl, name: String): List[ElemDecl] = {
val build: ComplexTypeContent =>? List[ElemDecl] = {
case SimpContRestrictionDecl(ReferenceTypeSymbol(base: ComplexTypeDecl), _, _, _) =>
buildParticles(base, makeTypeName(base.name))
case SimpContExtensionDecl(ReferenceTypeSymbol(base: ComplexTypeDecl), _) =>
buildParticles(base, makeTypeName(base.name))
// complex content means 1. has child elements 2. has attributes
case CompContRestrictionDecl(ReferenceTypeSymbol(base: ComplexTypeDecl), _, _) =>
buildParticles(base, makeTypeName(base.name))
case res@CompContRestrictionDecl(XsAnyType, _, _) =>
buildParticles(res.compositor, name)
case ext@CompContExtensionDecl(ReferenceTypeSymbol(base: ComplexTypeDecl), _, _) =>
buildParticles(base, makeTypeName(base.name)) :::
buildParticles(ext.compositor, name)
case ext@CompContExtensionDecl(XsAnyType, _, _) =>
buildParticles(ext.compositor, name)
case _ => Nil
val pf = buildSimpleTypeRef orElse build
def flattenMixed(decl: ComplexTypeDecl) = if (decl.mixed)
None, None, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE))
else Nil
// def buildAttributes(decl: ComplexTypeDecl): List[AttributeLike] = {
// val attributes = mergeAttributes(decl.content.content match {
// case SimpContRestrictionDecl(ReferenceTypeSymbol(base: ComplexTypeDecl), _, _, _) => buildAttributes(base)
// case SimpContExtensionDecl(ReferenceTypeSymbol(base: ComplexTypeDecl), _) => buildAttributes(base)
// case CompContRestrictionDecl(ReferenceTypeSymbol(base: ComplexTypeDecl), _, _) => buildAttributes(base)
// case CompContExtensionDecl(ReferenceTypeSymbol(base: ComplexTypeDecl), _, _) => buildAttributes(base)
// case _ => Nil
// }, buildAttributes(decl.content.content.attributes))
// // rearrange attributes so AnyAttributeDecl comes at the end.
// val notAnyAttributes = attributes filter {
// case any: AnyAttributeDecl => false
// case _ => true
// }
// val anyAttributes = attributes filter {
// case any: AnyAttributeDecl => true
// case _ => false
// }
// if (anyAttributes.isEmpty) notAnyAttributes
// else notAnyAttributes ::: List(anyAttributes.head)
// }
// def buildAttributes(attributes: List[AttributeLike]): List[AttributeLike] =
// attributes map(resolveRef)
def makeSchemaComment = {makeAnnotation(schema.annotation)}
def makeAnnotation(anno: Option[AnnotationDecl]) = anno match {
case Some(annotation) =>
newline + "/** " +
(for (doc <- annotation.documentations;
x <- doc.any)
yield x.toString).mkString + newline +
case None => ""
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