scalaz.stream.Process.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scalaz.stream
import Cause._
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicBoolean, AtomicReference}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.SortedMap
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.Function.const
import scalaz.stream.async.immutable.Signal
import scalaz.{\/-, Catchable, Functor, Monad, Monoid, Nondeterminism, \/, -\/, ~>}
import scalaz.\/._
import scalaz.concurrent.{Actor, Future, Strategy, Task}
import scalaz.stream.process1.Await1
import scalaz.syntax.monad._
import scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance
* An effectful stream of `O` values. In between emitting values
* a `Process` may request evaluation of `F` effects.
* A `Process[Nothing,A]` is a pure `Process` with no effects.
* A `Process[Task,A]` may have `Task` effects. A `Process`
* halts due to some `Cause`, generally `End` (indicating normal
* termination) or `Error(t)` for some `t: Throwable` indicating
* abnormal termination due to some uncaught error.
sealed trait Process[+F[_], +O]
extends Process1Ops[F,O]
with TeeOps[F,O] {
import scalaz.stream.Process._
import scalaz.stream.Util._
* Generate a `Process` dynamically for each output of this `Process`, and
* sequence these processes using `append`.
final def flatMap[F2[x] >: F[x], O2](f: O => Process[F2, O2]): Process[F2, O2] = {
// Util.debug(s"FMAP $this")
this match {
case Halt(_) => this.asInstanceOf[Process[F2, O2]]
case Emit(os) if os.isEmpty => this.asInstanceOf[Process[F2, O2]]
case Emit(os) => os.tail.foldLeft(Try(f(os.head)))((p, n) => p ++ Try(f(n)))
case aw@Await(_, _, _) => aw.extend(_ flatMap f)
case ap@Append(p, n) => ap.extend(_ flatMap f)
/** Transforms the output values of this `Process` using `f`. */
final def map[O2](f: O => O2): Process[F, O2] =
flatMap { o => emit(f(o))}
* If this process halts due to `Cause.End`, runs `p2` after `this`.
* Otherwise halts with whatever caused `this` to `Halt`.
final def append[F2[x] >: F[x], O2 >: O](p2: => Process[F2, O2]): Process[F2, O2] = {
onHalt {
case End => p2
case cause => Halt(cause)
/** Alias for `append` */
final def ++[F2[x] >: F[x], O2 >: O](p2: => Process[F2, O2]): Process[F2, O2] = append(p2)
/** Alias for `append` */
final def fby[F2[x] >: F[x], O2 >: O](p2: => Process[F2, O2]): Process[F2, O2] = append(p2)
* Run one step of an incremental traversal of this `Process`.
* This function is mostly intended for internal use. As it allows
* a `Process` to be observed and captured during its execution,
* users are responsible for ensuring resource safety.
final def step: HaltOrStep[F, O] = {
val empty: Emit[Nothing] = Emit(Nil)
def go(cur: Process[F,O], stack: Vector[Cause => Trampoline[Process[F,O]]], cnt: Int) : HaltOrStep[F,O] = {
if (stack.nonEmpty) cur match {
case Halt(End) if cnt <= 0 => Step(empty,Cont(stack))
case Halt(cause) => go(Try(stack.head(cause).run), stack.tail, cnt - 1)
case Emit(os) if os.isEmpty => Step(empty,Cont(stack))
case emt@(Emit(os)) => Step(emt,Cont(stack))
case awt@Await(_,_,_) => Step(awt,Cont(stack))
case Append(h,st) => go(h, st fast_++ stack, cnt - 1)
} else cur match {
case hlt@Halt(cause) => hlt
case emt@Emit(os) if os.isEmpty => halt0
case emt@Emit(os) => Step(emt,Cont(Vector.empty))
case awt@Await(_,_,_) => Step(awt,Cont(Vector.empty))
case Append(h,st) => go(h,st, cnt - 1)
go(this,Vector.empty, 10) // *any* value >= 1 works here. higher values improve throughput but reduce concurrency and fairness. 10 is a totally wild guess
* `p.suspendStep` propagates exceptions to `p`.
final def suspendStep: Process0[HaltOrStep[F, O]] =
halt onHalt {
case End => emit(step)
case early: EarlyCause => emit(injectCause(early).step)
* When this `Process` halts, call `f` to produce the next state.
* Note that this function may be used to swallow or handle errors.
final def onHalt[F2[x] >: F[x], O2 >: O](f: Cause => Process[F2, O2]): Process[F2, O2] = {
val next = (t: Cause) => Trampoline.delay(Try(f(t)))
this match {
case (append: Append[F2, O2] @unchecked) => Append(append.head, append.stack :+ next)
case emt@Emit(_) => Append(emt, Vector(next))
case awt@Await(_, _, _) => Append(awt, Vector(next))
case hlt@Halt(rsn) => Append(hlt, Vector(next))
// Pipe and Tee
* Feed the output of this `Process` as input of `p1`. The implementation
* will fuse the two processes, so this process will only generate
* values as they are demanded by `p1`. If `p1` signals termination, `this`
* is killed with same reason giving it an opportunity to cleanup.
final def pipe[O2](p1: Process1[O, O2]): Process[F, O2] =
p1.suspendStep.flatMap({ s1 =>
s1 match {
case s@Step(awt1@Await1(rcv1), cont1) =>
val nextP1 = s.toProcess
this.step match {
case Step(awt@Await(_, _, _), cont) => awt.extend(p => (p +: cont) pipe nextP1)
case Step(Emit(os), cont) => cont.continue pipe process1.feed(os)(nextP1)
case hlt@Halt(End) => hlt pipe nextP1.disconnect(Kill).swallowKill
case hlt@Halt(rsn: EarlyCause) => hlt pipe nextP1.disconnect(rsn)
case Step(emt@Emit(os), cont) =>
// When the pipe is killed from the outside it is killed at the beginning or after emit.
// This ensures that Kill from the outside is not swallowed.
emt onHalt {
case End => this.pipe(cont.continue)
case early => this.pipe(Halt(early) +: cont).causedBy(early)
case Halt(rsn) => this.kill onHalt { _ => Halt(rsn) }
/** Operator alias for `pipe`. */
final def |>[O2](p2: Process1[O, O2]): Process[F, O2] = pipe(p2)
* Use a `Tee` to interleave or combine the outputs of `this` and
* `p2`. This can be used for zipping, interleaving, and so forth.
* Nothing requires that the `Tee` read elements from each
* `Process` in lockstep. It could read fifty elements from one
* side, then two elements from the other, then combine or
* interleave these values in some way, etc.
* If at any point the `Tee` awaits on a side that has halted,
* we gracefully kill off the other side, then halt.
* If at any point `t` terminates with cause `c`, both sides are killed, and
* the resulting `Process` terminates with `c`.
final def tee[F2[x] >: F[x], O2, O3](p2: Process[F2, O2])(t: Tee[O, O2, O3]): Process[F2, O3] = {
import scalaz.stream.tee.{AwaitL, AwaitR, disconnectL, disconnectR, feedL, feedR}
t.suspendStep flatMap { ts =>
ts match {
case s@Step(AwaitL(_), contT) => this.step match {
case Step(awt@Await(_, _, _), contL) => awt.extend { p => (p +: contL).tee(p2)(s.toProcess) }
case Step(Emit(os), contL) => contL.continue.tee(p2)(feedL[O, O2, O3](os)(s.toProcess))
case hlt@Halt(End) => hlt.tee(p2)(disconnectL(Kill)(s.toProcess).swallowKill)
case hlt@Halt(rsn: EarlyCause) => hlt.tee(p2)(disconnectL(rsn)(s.toProcess))
case s@Step(AwaitR(_), contT) => p2.step match {
case s2: Step[F2, O2]@unchecked =>
(s2.head, s2.next) match {
case (awt: Await[F2, Any, O2]@unchecked, contR) =>
awt.extend { (p: Process[F2, O2]) => this.tee(p +: contR)(s.toProcess) }
case (Emit(o2s), contR) =>
this.tee(contR.continue.asInstanceOf[Process[F2,O2]])(feedR[O, O2, O3](o2s)(s.toProcess))
case hlt@Halt(End) => this.tee(hlt)(disconnectR(Kill)(s.toProcess).swallowKill)
case hlt@Halt(rsn : EarlyCause) => this.tee(hlt)(disconnectR(rsn)(s.toProcess))
case Step(emt@Emit(o3s), contT) =>
// When the process is killed from the outside it is killed at the beginning or after emit.
// This ensures that Kill from the outside isn't swallowed.
emt onHalt {
case End => this.tee(p2)(contT.continue)
case early => this.tee(p2)(Halt(early) +: contT).causedBy(early)
case Halt(rsn) => this.kill onHalt { _ => p2.kill onHalt { _ => Halt(rsn) } }
// Alphabetically, Other combinators
* Catch exceptions produced by this `Process`, not including termination by `Continue`, `End`, `Kill`
* and uses `f` to decide whether to resume a second process.
final def attempt[F2[x] >: F[x], O2](
f: Throwable => Process[F2, O2] = (t: Throwable) => emit(t)
): Process[F2, O2 \/ O] =
this.map(right) onHalt {
case Error(t) => Try(f(t)).map(left)
case rsn => Halt(rsn)
* Attached `cause` when this Process terminates. See `Cause.causedBy` for semantics.
final def causedBy(cause: Cause): Process[F, O] =
cause.fold(this)(ec => this.onHalt(c => Halt(c.causedBy(ec))))
* Used when a `Process1`, `Tee`, or `Wye` is terminated by awaiting
* on a branch that is in the halted state or was killed. Such a process
* is given the opportunity to emit any final values. All Awaits are
* converted to terminate with `cause`
final def disconnect(cause: EarlyCause): Process0[O] =
this.step match {
case Step(emt@Emit(_), cont) => emt +: cont.extend(_.disconnect(cause))
case Step(awt@Await(_, rcv,_), cont) => suspend((Try(rcv(left(cause)).run) +: cont).disconnect(cause))
case hlt@Halt(rsn) => Halt(rsn)
/** Ignore all outputs of this `Process`. */
final def drain: Process[F, Nothing] = flatMap(_ => halt)
* Map over this `Process` to produce a stream of `F`-actions,
* then evaluate these actions.
def evalMap[F2[x]>:F[x],O2](f: O => F2[O2]): Process[F2,O2] =
/** Prepend a sequence of elements to the output of this `Process`. */
def prepend[O2>:O](os:Seq[O2]) : Process[F,O2] = {
if (os.nonEmpty) {
emitAll(os) onHalt {
case End => this
case cause: EarlyCause => this.step match {
case Step(Await(_, rcv, _), cont) => Try(rcv(left(cause)).run) +: cont
case Step(Emit(_), cont) => Halt(cause) +: cont
case Halt(rsn) => Halt(rsn.causedBy(cause))
} else this
* Map over this `Process` to produce a stream of `F`-actions,
* then evaluate these actions in batches of `bufSize`, allowing
* for nondeterminism in the evaluation order of each action in the
* batch.
def gatherMap[F2[x]>:F[x],O2](bufSize: Int)(f: O => F2[O2])(
implicit F: Nondeterminism[F2]): Process[F2,O2] =
* Catch some of the exceptions generated by this `Process`, rethrowing any
* not handled by the given `PartialFunction` and stripping out any values
* emitted before the error.
def handle[F2[x]>:F[x],O2](f: PartialFunction[Throwable, Process[F2,O2]])(implicit F: Catchable[F2]): Process[F2, O2] =
attempt(rsn => f.lift(rsn).getOrElse(fail(rsn)))
.map(_.fold(identity, _ => sys.error("unpossible")))
/** Returns true, if this process is halted */
final def isHalt: Boolean = this match {
case Halt(_) => true
case _ => false
* Skip the first part of the process and pretend that it ended with `early`.
* The first part is the first `Halt` or the first `Emit` or request from the first `Await`.
private[stream] final def injectCause(early: EarlyCause): Process[F, O] = (this match {
// Note: We cannot use `step` in the implementation since we want to inject `early` as soon as possible.
// Eg. Let `q` be `halt ++ halt ++ ... ++ p`. `step` reduces `q` to `p` so if `injectCause` was implemented
// by `step` then `q.injectCause` would be same as `p.injectCause`. But in our current implementation
// `q.injectCause` behaves as `Halt(early) ++ halt ++ ... ++ p` which behaves as `Halt(early)`
// (by the definition of `++` and the fact `early != End`).
case Halt(rsn) => Halt(rsn.causedBy(early))
case Emit(_) => Halt(early)
case Await(_, rcv, _) => Try(rcv(left(early)).run)
case Append(Halt(rsn), stack) => Append(Halt(rsn.causedBy(early)), stack)
case Append(Emit(_), stack) => Append(Halt(early), stack)
case Append(Await(_, rcv, _), stack) => Try(rcv(left(early)).run) +: Cont(stack)
* Causes this process to be terminated immediately with `Kill` cause,
* giving chance for any cleanup actions to be run
final def kill: Process[F, Nothing] = injectCause(Kill).drain.causedBy(Kill)
* Run `p2` after this `Process` completes normally, or in the event of an error.
* This behaves almost identically to `append`, except that `p1 append p2` will
* not run `p2` if `p1` halts with an `Error` or is killed. Any errors raised by
* `this` are reraised after `p2` completes.
* Note that `p2` is made into a finalizer using `asFinalizer`, so we
* can be assured it is run even when this `Process` is being killed
* by a downstream consumer.
final def onComplete[F2[x] >: F[x], O2 >: O](p2: => Process[F2, O2]): Process[F2, O2] =
this.onHalt { cause => p2.asFinalizer.causedBy(cause) }
* Mostly internal use function. Ensures this `Process` is run even
* when being `kill`-ed. Used to ensure resource safety in various
* combinators.
final def asFinalizer: Process[F, O] = {
def mkAwait[F[_], A, O](req: F[A], cln: A => Trampoline[Process[F,Nothing]])(rcv: EarlyCause \/ A => Trampoline[Process[F, O]]) = Await(req, rcv,cln)
step match {
case Step(e@Emit(_), cont) => e onHalt {
case Kill => (halt +: cont).asFinalizer.causedBy(Kill)
case cause => (Halt(cause) +: cont).asFinalizer
case Step(Await(req, rcv, cln), cont) => mkAwait(req, cln) {
case -\/(Kill) => Trampoline.delay(Await(req, rcv, cln).asFinalizer.causedBy(Kill))
case x => rcv(x).map(p => (p +: cont).asFinalizer)
case hlt@Halt(_) => hlt
* If this `Process` completes with an error, call `f` to produce
* the next state. `f` is responsible for reraising the error if that
* is the desired behavior. Since this function is often used for attaching
* resource deallocation logic, the result of `f` is made into a finalizer
* using `asFinalizer`, so we can be assured it is run even when this `Process`
* is being killed by a downstream consumer.
final def onFailure[F2[x] >: F[x], O2 >: O](f: Throwable => Process[F2, O2]): Process[F2, O2] =
this.onHalt {
case err@Error(rsn) => f(rsn).asFinalizer
case other => Halt(other)
* Attach supplied process only if process has been killed.
* Since this function is often used for attaching resource
* deallocation logic, the result of `f` is made into a finalizer
* using `asFinalizer`, so we can be assured it is run even when
* this `Process` is being killed by a downstream consumer.
final def onKill[F2[x] >: F[x], O2 >: O](p: => Process[F2, O2]): Process[F2, O2] =
this.onHalt {
case Kill => p.asFinalizer
case other => Halt(other)
* Like `attempt`, but accepts a partial function. Unhandled errors are rethrown.
def partialAttempt[F2[x]>:F[x],O2](f: PartialFunction[Throwable, Process[F2,O2]])
(implicit F: Catchable[F2]): Process[F2, O2 \/ O] =
attempt(err => f.lift(err).getOrElse(fail(err)))
* Run this process until it halts, then run it again and again, as
* long as no errors or `Kill` occur.
final def repeat: Process[F, O] = this.append(this.repeat)
* For anly process terminating with `Kill`, this swallows the `Kill` and replaces it with `End` termination
final def swallowKill: Process[F,O] =
this.onHalt {
case Kill | End => halt
case cause => Halt(cause)
/** Translate the request type from `F` to `G`, using the given polymorphic function. */
def translate[G[_]](f: F ~> G): Process[G,O] =
this.suspendStep.flatMap {
case Step(Emit(os),cont) => emitAll(os) +: cont.extend(_.translate(f))
case Step(Await(req,rcv,cln),cont) =>
Await[G,Any,O](f(req), r => {
Trampoline.suspend(rcv(r)).map(_ translate f)
}, cln.andThen(_.map(_.translate(f)))) +: cont.extend(_.translate(f))
case hlt@Halt(rsn) => hlt
* Remove any leading emitted values from this `Process`.
final def trim: Process[F,O] =
this.step match {
case Step(Emit(_), cont) => cont.continue.trim
case _ => this
* Removes all emitted elements from the front of this `Process`.
* The second argument returned by this method is guaranteed to be
* an `Await`, `Halt` or an `Append`-- if there are multiple `Emit'`s at the
* front of this process, the sequences are concatenated together.
* If this `Process` does not begin with an `Emit`, returns the empty
* sequence along with `this`.
final def unemit:(Seq[O],Process[F,O]) = {
def go(cur: Process[F, O], acc: Vector[O]): (Seq[O], Process[F, O]) = {
cur.step match {
case Step(Emit(os),cont) => go(cont.continue, acc fast_++ os)
case Step(awt, cont) => (acc,awt +: cont)
case Halt(rsn) => (acc,Halt(rsn))
go(this, Vector())
final def uncons[F2[x] >: F[x], O2 >: O](implicit F: Monad[F2], C: Catchable[F2]): F2[(O2, Process[F2, O2])] =
unconsOption(F, C).flatMap(_.map(F.point[(O2, Process[F2, O2])](_)).getOrElse(C.fail(new NoSuchElementException)))
final def unconsOption[F2[x] >: F[x], O2 >: O](implicit F: Monad[F2], C: Catchable[F2]): F2[Option[(O2, Process[F2, O2])]] = step match {
case Step(head, next) => head match {
case Emit(as) => as.headOption.map(x => F.point[Option[(O2, Process[F2, O2])]](Some((x, Process.emitAll[O2](as drop 1) +: next)))) getOrElse
case await: Await[F2, _, O2] => await.evaluate.flatMap(p => (p +: next).unconsOption(F,C))
case Halt(cause) => cause match {
case End | Kill => F.point(None)
case _ : EarlyCause => C.fail(cause.asThrowable)
// Interpreters, runXXX
* Collect the outputs of this `Process[F,O]` into a Monoid `B`, given a `Monad[F]` in
* which we can catch exceptions. This function is not tail recursive and
* relies on the `Monad[F]` to ensure stack safety.
final def runFoldMap[F2[x] >: F[x], B](f: O => B)(implicit F: Monad[F2], C: Catchable[F2], B: Monoid[B]): F2[B] = {
def go(cur: Process[F2, O], acc: B): F2[B] = {
cur.step match {
case s: Step[F2,O]@unchecked =>
(s.head, s.next) match {
case (Emit(os), cont) =>
F.bind(F.point(os.foldLeft(acc)((b, o) => B.append(b, f(o))))) { nacc =>
go(cont.continue.asInstanceOf[Process[F2,O]], nacc)
case (awt:Await[F2,Any,O]@unchecked, cont) =>
awt.evaluate.flatMap(p => go(p +: cont, acc))
case Halt(End) => F.point(acc)
case Halt(Kill) => F.point(acc)
case Halt(Error(rsn)) => C.fail(rsn)
go(this, B.zero)
* Collect the outputs of this `Process[F,O]`, given a `Monad[F]` in
* which we can catch exceptions. This function is not tail recursive and
* relies on the `Monad[F]` to ensure stack safety.
final def runLog[F2[x] >: F[x], O2 >: O](implicit F: Monad[F2], C: Catchable[F2]): F2[Vector[O2]] = {
runFoldMap[F2, Vector[O2]](Vector(_))(
F, C,
// workaround for performance bug in Vector ++
Monoid.instance[Vector[O2]]((a, b) => a fast_++ b, Vector())
/** Run this `Process` solely for its final emitted value, if one exists. */
final def runLast[F2[x] >: F[x], O2 >: O](implicit F: Monad[F2], C: Catchable[F2]): F2[Option[O2]] = {
implicit val lastOpt = new Monoid[Option[O2]] {
def zero = None
def append(left: Option[O2], right: => Option[O2]) = right orElse left // bias toward the end
this.last.runFoldMap[F2, Option[O2]]({ Some(_) })
/** Run this `Process` solely for its final emitted value, if one exists, using `o2` otherwise. */
final def runLastOr[F2[x] >: F[x], O2 >: O](o2: => O2)(implicit F: Monad[F2], C: Catchable[F2]): F2[O2] =
runLast[F2, O2] map { _ getOrElse o2 }
/** Run this `Process`, purely for its effects. */
final def run[F2[x] >: F[x]](implicit F: Monad[F2], C: Catchable[F2]): F2[Unit] =
F.void(drain.runLog(F, C))
object Process extends ProcessInstances {
import scalaz.stream.Util._
// Algebra
type Trampoline[+A] = scalaz.Free.Trampoline[A] @uncheckedVariance
val Trampoline = scalaz.Trampoline
* Tags a state of process that has no appended tail, tha means can be Halt, Emit or Await
sealed trait HaltEmitOrAwait[+F[_], +O] extends Process[F, O]
object HaltEmitOrAwait {
def unapply[F[_], O](p: Process[F, O]): Option[HaltEmitOrAwait[F, O]] = p match {
case emit: Emit[O@unchecked] => Some(emit)
case halt: Halt => Some(halt)
case aw: Await[F@unchecked, _, O@unchecked] => Some(aw)
case _ => None
* Marker trait representing process in Emit or Await state.
* Is useful for more type safety.
sealed trait EmitOrAwait[+F[_], +O] extends Process[F, O]
* The `Halt` constructor instructs the driver
* that the last evaluation of Process completed with
* supplied cause.
case class Halt(cause: Cause) extends HaltEmitOrAwait[Nothing, Nothing] with HaltOrStep[Nothing, Nothing]
* The `Emit` constructor instructs the driver to emit
* the given sequence of values to the output
* and then halt execution with supplied reason.
* Instead calling this constructor directly, please use one
* of the following helpers:
* Process.emit
* Process.emitAll
case class Emit[+O](seq: Seq[O]) extends HaltEmitOrAwait[Nothing, O] with EmitOrAwait[Nothing, O]
* The `Await` constructor instructs the driver to evaluate
* `req`. If it returns successfully, `recv` is called with result on right side
* to transition to the next state.
* In case the req terminates with failure the `Error(failure)` is passed on left side
* giving chance for any fallback action.
* In case the process was killed before the request is evaluated `Kill` is passed on left side.
* `Kill` is passed on left side as well as when the request is already in progress, but process was killed.
* The `preempt` parameter is used when constructing resource and preemption safe cleanups.
* See `Process.bracket` for more.
* Note that
* Instead of this constructor directly, please use:
* Process.await or Process.bracket
case class Await[+F[_], A, +O](
req: F[A]
, rcv: (EarlyCause \/ A) => Trampoline[Process[F, O]] @uncheckedVariance
, preempt : A => Trampoline[Process[F,Nothing]] @uncheckedVariance = (_:A) => Trampoline.delay(halt:Process[F,Nothing])
) extends HaltEmitOrAwait[F, O] with EmitOrAwait[F, O] {
* Helper to modify the result of `rcv` parameter of await stack-safely on trampoline.
def extend[F2[x] >: F[x], O2](f: Process[F, O] => Process[F2, O2]): Await[F2, A, O2] =
Await[F2, A, O2](req, r => Trampoline.suspend(rcv(r)).map(f), preempt)
def evaluate[F2[x] >: F[x], O2 >: O](implicit F: Monad[F2], C: Catchable[F2]): F2[Process[F2,O2]] =
C.attempt(req).map { e =>
* The `Append` constructor instructs the driver to continue with
* evaluation of first step found in tail Vector.
* Instead of this constructor please use:
* Process.append
case class Append[+F[_], +O](
head: HaltEmitOrAwait[F, O]
, stack: Vector[Cause => Trampoline[Process[F, O]]] @uncheckedVariance
) extends Process[F, O] {
* Helper to modify the head and appended processes
def extend[F2[x] >: F[x], O2](f: Process[F, O] => Process[F2, O2]): Process[F2, O2] = {
val ms = stack.map(n => (cause: Cause) => Trampoline.suspend(n(cause)).map(f))
f(head) match {
case HaltEmitOrAwait(p) => Append(p, ms)
case app: Append[F2@unchecked, O2@unchecked] => Append(app.head, app.stack fast_++ ms)
* Marker trait representing next step of process or terminated process in `Halt`
sealed trait HaltOrStep[+F[_], +O]
* Intermediate step of process.
* Used to step within the process to define complex combinators.
case class Step[+F[_], +O](head: EmitOrAwait[F, O], next: Cont[F, O]) extends HaltOrStep[F, O] {
def toProcess : Process[F,O] = Append(head.asInstanceOf[HaltEmitOrAwait[F,O]],next.stack)
* Continuation of the process. Represents process _stack_. Used in conjunction with `Step`.
case class Cont[+F[_], +O](stack: Vector[Cause => Trampoline[Process[F, O]]] @uncheckedVariance) {
* Prepends supplied process to this stack
def +:[F2[x] >: F[x], O2 >: O](p: Process[F2, O2]): Process[F2, O2] = prepend(p)
/** alias for +: */
def prepend[F2[x] >: F[x], O2 >: O](p: Process[F2, O2]): Process[F2, O2] = {
if (stack.isEmpty) p
else p match {
case app: Append[F2@unchecked, O2@unchecked] => Append[F2, O2](app.head, app.stack fast_++ stack)
case emt: Emit[O2@unchecked] => Append(emt, stack)
case awt: Await[F2@unchecked, _, O2@unchecked] => Append(awt, stack)
case hlt@Halt(_) => Append(hlt, stack)
* Converts this stack to process, that is used
* when following process with normal termination.
def continue: Process[F, O] = prepend(halt)
* Applies transformation function `f` to all frames of this stack.
def extend[F2[_], O2](f: Process[F, O] => Process[F2, O2]): Cont[F2, O2] =
Cont(stack.map(tf => (cause: Cause) => Trampoline.suspend(tf(cause).map(f))))
* Returns true, when this continuation is empty, i.e. no more appends to process
def isEmpty : Boolean = stack.isEmpty
object Cont {
/** empty continuation, that means evaluation is at end **/
val empty:Cont[Nothing,Nothing] = Cont(Vector.empty)
/** Alias for emitAll */
def apply[O](o: O*): Process0[O] = emitAll(o)
* Await the given `F` request and use its result.
* If you need to specify fallback, use `awaitOr`
def await[F[_], A, O](req: F[A])(rcv: A => Process[F, O]): Process[F, O] =
* Await a request, and if it fails, use `fb` to determine the next state.
* Otherwise, use `rcv` to determine the next state.
def awaitOr[F[_], A, O](req: F[A])(fb: EarlyCause => Process[F, O])(rcv: A => Process[F, O]): Process[F, O] =
Await(req,(r: EarlyCause \/ A) => Trampoline.delay(Try(r.fold(fb,rcv))))
/** The `Process1` which awaits a single input, emits it, then halts normally. */
def await1[I]: Process1[I, I] =
/** `Writer` based version of `await1`. */
def await1W[A]: Writer1[Nothing, A, A] =
/** Like `await1`, but consults `fb` when await fails to receive an `I` */
def await1Or[I](fb: => Process1[I, I]): Process1[I, I] =
/** The `Wye` which request from both branches concurrently. */
def awaitBoth[I, I2]: Wye[I, I2, ReceiveY[I, I2]] =
await(Both[I, I2])(emit)
/** `Writer` based version of `awaitBoth`. */
def awaitBothW[I, I2]: WyeW[Nothing, I, I2, ReceiveY[I, I2]] =
writer.liftO(Process.awaitBoth[I, I2])
/** The `Tee` which requests from the left branch, emits this value, then halts. */
def awaitL[I]: Tee[I, Any, I] =
/** `Writer` based version of `awaitL`. */
def awaitLW[I]: TeeW[Nothing, I, Any, I] =
/** The `Tee` which requests from the right branch, emits this value, then halts. */
def awaitR[I2]: Tee[Any, I2, I2] =
/** `Writer` based version of `awaitR`. */
def awaitRW[I2]: TeeW[Nothing, Any, I2, I2] =
* Resource and preemption safe `await` constructor.
* Use this combinator, when acquiring resources. This build a process that when run
* evaluates `req`, and then runs `rcv`. Once `rcv` is completed, fails, or is interrupted, it will run `release`
* When the acquisition (`req`) is interrupted, neither `release` or `rcv` is run, however when the req was interrupted after
* resource in `req` was acquired then, the `release` is run.
* If,the acquisition fails, use `bracket(req)(onPreempt)(rcv).onFailure(err => ???)` code to recover from the
* failure eventually.
def bracket[F[_], A, O](req: F[A])(release: A => Process[F, Nothing])(rcv: A => Process[F, O]): Process[F, O] = {
{ (r: EarlyCause \/ A) => Trampoline.delay(Try(r.fold(Halt.apply, a => rcv(a) onComplete release(a) ))) },
{ a: A => Trampoline.delay(release(a)) })
* The infinite `Process`, always emits `a`.
* If for performance reasons it is good to emit `a` in chunks,
* specify size of chunk by `chunkSize` parameter
def constant[A](a: A, chunkSize: Int = 1): Process0[A] = {
lazy val go: Process0[A] =
if (chunkSize.max(1) == 1) emit(a) ++ go
else emitAll(List.fill(chunkSize)(a)) ++ go
/** The `Process` which emits the single value given, then halts. */
def emit[O](o: O): Process0[O] = Emit(Vector(o))
/** The `Process` which emits the given sequence of values, then halts. */
def emitAll[O](os: Seq[O]): Process0[O] = Emit(os)
/** A `Writer` which emits one value to the output. */
def emitO[O](o: O): Process0[Nothing \/ O] =
/** A `Writer` which writes the given value. */
def emitW[W](s: W): Process0[W \/ Nothing] =
/** The `Process` which emits no values and halts immediately with the given exception. */
def fail(rsn: Throwable): Process0[Nothing] = Halt(Error(rsn))
/** A `Process` which emits `n` repetitions of `a`. */
def fill[A](n: Int)(a: A, chunkSize: Int = 1): Process0[A] = {
val chunkN = chunkSize max 1
val chunk = emitAll(List.fill(chunkN)(a)) // we can reuse this for each step
def go(m: Int): Process0[A] =
if (m >= chunkN) chunk ++ go(m - chunkN)
else if (m <= 0) halt
else emitAll(List.fill(m)(a))
go(n max 0)
* Produce a continuous stream from a discrete stream by using the
* most recent value.
def forwardFill[A](p: Process[Task, A])(implicit S: Strategy): Process[Task, A] =
/** `halt` but with precise type. */
private[stream] val halt0: Halt = Halt(End)
/** The `Process` which emits no values and signals normal termination. */
val halt: Process0[Nothing] = halt0
/** Alias for `halt`. */
def empty[F[_],O]: Process[F, O] = halt
* An infinite `Process` that repeatedly applies a given function
* to a start value. `start` is the first value emitted, followed
* by `f(start)`, then `f(f(start))`, and so on.
def iterate[A](start: A)(f: A => A): Process0[A] =
emit(start) ++ iterate(f(start))(f)
* Like [[iterate]], but takes an effectful function for producing
* the next state. `start` is the first value emitted.
def iterateEval[F[_], A](start: A)(f: A => F[A]): Process[F, A] =
emit(start) ++ await(f(start))(iterateEval(_)(f))
/** Lazily produce the range `[start, stopExclusive)`. If you want to produce the sequence in one chunk, instead of lazily, use `emitAll(start until stopExclusive)`. */
def range(start: Int, stopExclusive: Int, by: Int = 1): Process0[Int] =
unfold(start)(i => if (i < stopExclusive) Some((i, i + by)) else None)
* Lazily produce a sequence of nonoverlapping ranges, where each range
* contains `size` integers, assuming the upper bound is exclusive.
* Example: `ranges(0, 1000, 10)` results in the pairs
* `(0, 10), (10, 20), (20, 30) ... (990, 1000)`
* Note: The last emitted range may be truncated at `stopExclusive`. For
* instance, `ranges(0,5,4)` results in `(0,4), (4,5)`.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if `size` <= 0
def ranges(start: Int, stopExclusive: Int, size: Int): Process0[(Int, Int)] = {
require(size > 0, "size must be > 0, was: " + size)
lower =>
if (lower < stopExclusive)
Some((lower -> ((lower+size) min stopExclusive), lower+size))
* The `Process1` which awaits a single input and passes it to `rcv` to
* determine the next state.
def receive1[I, O](rcv: I => Process1[I, O]): Process1[I, O] =
/** Like `receive1`, but consults `fb` when it fails to receive an input. */
def receive1Or[I, O](fb: => Process1[I, O])(rcv: I => Process1[I, O]): Process1[I, O] =
awaitOr(Get[I])((rsn: EarlyCause) => fb.causedBy(rsn))(rcv)
* Delay running `p` until `awaken` becomes true for the first time.
* The `awaken` process may be discrete.
def sleepUntil[F[_], A](awaken: Process[F, Boolean])(p: Process[F, A]): Process[F, A] =
awaken.dropWhile(!_).once.flatMap(_ => p)
* A supply of `Long` values, starting with `initial`.
* Each read is guaranteed to return a value which is unique
* across all threads reading from this `supply`.
def supply(initial: Long): Process[Task, Long] = {
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
val l = new AtomicLong(initial)
repeatEval { Task.delay { l.getAndIncrement }}
/** A `Writer` which writes the given value; alias for `emitW`. */
def tell[S](s: S): Process0[S \/ Nothing] =
/** Produce a (potentially infinite) source from an unfold. */
def unfold[S, A](s0: S)(f: S => Option[(A, S)]): Process0[A] = {
def go(s: S): Process0[A] =
f(s) match {
case Some((a, sn)) => emit(a) ++ go(sn)
case None => halt
/** Like [[unfold]], but takes an effectful function. */
def unfoldEval[F[_], S, A](s0: S)(f: S => F[Option[(A, S)]]): Process[F, A] = {
def go(s: S): Process[F, A] =
await(f(s)) {
case Some((a, sn)) => emit(a) ++ go(sn)
case None => halt
// ENV, Tee, Wye et All
case class Env[-I, -I2]() {
sealed trait Y[-X] {
def tag: Int
def fold[R](l: => R, r: => R, both: => R): R
sealed trait T[-X] extends Y[X]
sealed trait Is[-X] extends T[X]
case object Left extends Is[I] {
def tag = 0
def fold[R](l: => R, r: => R, both: => R): R = l
case object Right extends T[I2] {
def tag = 1
def fold[R](l: => R, r: => R, both: => R): R = r
case object Both extends Y[ReceiveY[I, I2]] {
def tag = 2
def fold[R](l: => R, r: => R, both: => R): R = both
private val Left_ = Env[Any, Any]().Left
private val Right_ = Env[Any, Any]().Right
private val Both_ = Env[Any, Any]().Both
def Get[I]: Env[I, Any]#Is[I] = Left_
def L[I]: Env[I, Any]#Is[I] = Left_
def R[I2]: Env[Any, I2]#T[I2] = Right_
def Both[I, I2]: Env[I, I2]#Y[ReceiveY[I, I2]] = Both_
/** Adds syntax for `Channel`. */
implicit def toChannelSyntax[F[_], I, O](self: Channel[F, I, O]): ChannelSyntax[F, I, O] =
new ChannelSyntax(self)
/** Adds syntax for `Process1`. */
implicit def toProcess1Syntax[I, O](self: Process1[I, O]): Process1Syntax[I, O] =
new Process1Syntax(self)
/** Adds syntax for `Sink`. */
implicit def toSinkSyntax[F[_], I](self: Sink[F, I]): SinkSyntax[F, I] =
new SinkSyntax(self)
/** Adds syntax for `Sink` that is specialized for Task. */
implicit def toSinkTaskSyntax[F[_], I](self: Sink[Task, I]): SinkTaskSyntax[I] =
new SinkTaskSyntax(self)
/** Adds syntax for `Tee`. */
implicit def toTeeSyntax[I, I2, O](self: Tee[I, I2, O]): TeeSyntax[I, I2, O] =
new TeeSyntax(self)
/** Adds syntax for `Writer`. */
implicit def toWriterSyntax[F[_], W, O](self: Writer[F, W, O]): WriterSyntax[F, W, O] =
new WriterSyntax(self)
/** Adds syntax for `Writer` that is specialized for Task. */
implicit def toWriterTaskSyntax[W, O](self: Writer[Task, W, O]): WriterTaskSyntax[W, O] =
new WriterTaskSyntax(self)
/** Adds syntax for `Wye`. */
implicit def toWyeSyntax[I, I2, O](self: Wye[I, I2, O]): WyeSyntax[I, I2, O] =
new WyeSyntax(self)
implicit class ProcessSyntax[F[_],O](val self: Process[F,O]) extends AnyVal {
/** Feed this `Process` through the given effectful `Channel`. */
def through[F2[x]>:F[x],O2](f: Channel[F2,O,O2]): Process[F2,O2] =
self.zipWith(f)((o,f) => f(o)).eval onHalt { _.asHalt } // very gross; I don't like this, but not sure what to do
* Feed this `Process` through the given effectful `Channel`, signaling
* termination to `f` via `None`. Useful to allow `f` to flush any
* buffered values to the output when it detects termination, see
* [[scalaz.stream.io.bufferedChannel]] combinator.
def throughOption[F2[x]>:F[x],O2](f: Channel[F2,Option[O],O2]): Process[F2,O2] =
/** Attaches `Sink` to this `Process` */
def to[F2[x]>:F[x]](f: Sink[F2,O]): Process[F2,Unit] =
/** Attach a `Sink` to the output of this `Process` but echo the original. */
def observe[F2[x]>:F[x]](f: Sink[F2,O]): Process[F2,O] =
self.zipWith(f)((o,f) => (o,f(o))) flatMap { case (orig,action) => eval(action).drain ++ emit(orig) } onHalt { _.asHalt }
* Provides infix syntax for `eval: Process[F,F[O]] => Process[F,O]`
implicit class EvalProcess[F[_], O](val self: Process[F, F[O]]) extends AnyVal {
* Evaluate the stream of `F` actions produced by this `Process`.
* This sequences `F` actions strictly--the first `F` action will
* be evaluated before work begins on producing the next `F`
* action. To allow for concurrent evaluation, use `sequence`
* or `gather`.
def eval: Process[F, O] = self flatMap { await(_)(emit) }
* Read chunks of `bufSize` from input, then use `Nondeterminism.gatherUnordered`
* to run all these actions to completion.
def gather(bufSize: Int)(implicit F: Nondeterminism[F]): Process[F,O] =
* Read chunks of `bufSize` from input, then use `Nondeterminism.gather`
* to run all these actions to completion and return elements in order.
def sequence(bufSize: Int)(implicit F: Nondeterminism[F]): Process[F,O] =
* This class provides infix syntax specific to `Process0`.
implicit class Process0Syntax[O](val self: Process0[O]) extends AnyVal {
/** Converts this `Process0` to a `Vector`. */
def toVector: Vector[O] =
self.unemit match {
case (_, Halt(Error(rsn))) => throw rsn
case (os, _) => os.toVector
/** Converts this `Process0` to an `IndexedSeq`. */
def toIndexedSeq: IndexedSeq[O] = toVector
/** Converts this `Process0` to a `List`. */
def toList: List[O] = toVector.toList
/** Converts this `Process0` to a `Seq`. */
def toSeq: Seq[O] = toVector
/** Converts this `Process0` to a `Stream`. */
def toStream: Stream[O] = {
def go(p: Process0[O]): Stream[O] =
p.step match {
case s: Step[Nothing, O] =>
s.head match {
case Emit(os) => os.toStream #::: go(s.next.continue)
case _ => sys.error("impossible")
case Halt(Error(rsn)) => throw rsn
case Halt(_) => Stream.empty
/** Converts this `Process0` to a `Map`. */
def toMap[K, V](implicit isKV: O <:< (K, V)): Map[K, V] = toVector.toMap(isKV)
/** Converts this `Process0` to a `SortedMap`. */
def toSortedMap[K, V](implicit isKV: O <:< (K, V), ord: Ordering[K]): SortedMap[K, V] =
SortedMap(toVector.asInstanceOf[Seq[(K, V)]]: _*)
def toSource: Process[Task, O] = self
@deprecated("liftIO is deprecated in favor of toSource. It will be removed in a future release.", "0.7")
def liftIO: Process[Task, O] = self
* Syntax for processes that have its effects wrapped in Task
implicit class SourceSyntax[O](val self: Process[Task, O]) extends WyeOps[O] {
/** converts process to signal **/
def toSignal(implicit S:Strategy):Signal[O] =
* Produce a continuous stream from a discrete stream by using the
* most recent value.
def forwardFill(implicit S: Strategy): Process[Task, O] =
* Returns result of channel evaluation tupled with
* original value passed to channel.
def observeThrough[O2](ch: Channel[Task, O, O2]): Process[Task, (O, O2)] = {
val observerCh = ch map { f =>
o: O => f(o) map { o2 => o -> o2 }
self through observerCh
* Asynchronous stepping of this Process. Note that this method is not resource safe unless
* callback is called with _left_ side completed. In that case it is guaranteed that all cleanups
* has been successfully completed.
* User of this method is responsible for any cleanup actions to be performed by running the
* next Process obtained on right side of callback.
* This method returns a function, that when applied, causes the running computation to be interrupted.
* That is useful of process contains any asynchronous code, that may be left with incomplete callbacks.
* If the evaluation of the process is interrupted, then the interruption is only active if the callback
* was not completed before, otherwise interruption is no-op.
* There is chance, that cleanup code of intermediate `Await` will get called twice on interrupt, but
* always at least once. The second cleanup invocation in that case may run on different thread, asynchronously.
* Please note that this method is *not* intended for external use! It is the `Await` analogue of `step`, which
* is also an internal-use function.
* @param cb result of the asynchronous evaluation of the process. Note that, the callback is never called
* on the right side, if the sequence is empty.
* @param S Strategy to use when evaluating the process. Note that `Strategy.Sequential` may cause SOE.
* @return Function to interrupt the evaluation
protected[stream] final def stepAsync(cb: Cause \/ (Seq[O], Cont[Task,O]) => Unit)(implicit S: Strategy): EarlyCause => Unit = {
val allSteps = Task delay {
* Represents the running state of the computation. If we're running, then the interrupt
* function *for our current step* will be on the left. If we have been interrupted, then
* the cause for that interrupt will be on the right. These state transitions are made
* atomically, such that it is *impossible* for a task to be running, never interrupted and
* to have this value be a right. If the value is a right, then either no task is running
* or the running task has received an interrupt.
val interrupted = new AtomicReference[(() => Unit) \/ EarlyCause](-\/({ () => () }))
* Produces the evaluation for a single step. Generally, this function will be
* invoked only once and return immediately. In the case of an `Await`, we must
* descend recursively into the resultant child. Generally speaking, the recursion
* should be extremely shallow, since it is uncommon to have a chain of nested
* awaits of any significant length (usually they are punctuated by an `Emit`).
def go(p: Process[Task, O]): Task[EarlyCause => Unit] = Task delay {
p.step match {
case Halt(cause) =>
(Task delay { S { cb(-\/(cause)) } }) >> (Task now { _: EarlyCause => () })
case Step(Emit(os), cont) =>
(Task delay { S { cb(\/-((os, cont))) } }) >> (Task now { _: EarlyCause => () })
case Step(awt: Await[Task, a, O], cont) => {
val Await(req, rcv, cln) = awt
case class PreStepAbort(c: EarlyCause) extends RuntimeException
def unpack(msg: Option[Throwable \/ a]): Option[Process[Task, O]] = msg map { r => Try(rcv(EarlyCause fromTaskResult r).run) }
// throws an exception if we're already interrupted (caught in preStep check)
def checkInterrupt(int: => (() => Unit)): Task[Unit] = Task delay {
interrupted.get() match {
case ptr @ -\/(int2) => {
if (interrupted.compareAndSet(ptr, -\/(int)))
Task now (())
case \/-(c) => Task fail PreStepAbort(c)
} join
Task delay {
// will be true when we have "committed" to either a mid-step OR exceptional/completed
val barrier = new AtomicBoolean(false)
// detects what completion/interrupt case we're in and factors out race conditions
def handle(
// interrupted before the task started running; task never ran!
preStep: EarlyCause => Unit,
// interrupted *during* the task run; task is probably still running
midStep: EarlyCause => Unit,
// task finished running, but we were *previously* interrupted
postStep: (Process[Task, Nothing], EarlyCause) => Unit,
// task finished with an error, but was not interrupted
exceptional: Throwable => Unit,
// task finished with a value, no errors, no interrupts
completed: Process[Task, O] => Unit)(result: Option[Throwable \/ a]): Unit = result match {
// interrupted via the `Task.fail` defined in `checkInterrupt`
case Some(-\/(PreStepAbort(cause: EarlyCause))) => preStep(cause)
case result => {
val inter = interrupted.get().toOption
assert(!inter.isEmpty || result.isDefined)
// interrupted via the callback mechanism, checked in `completeInterruptibly`
// always matches to a `None` (we don't have a value yet)
inter filter { _ => !result.isDefined } match {
case Some(cause) => {
if (barrier.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
} else {
// task already completed *successfully*, pretend we weren't interrupted at all
// our *next* step (which is already running) will get a pre-step interrupt
case None => {
// completed the task, `interrupted.get()` is defined, and so we were interrupted post-completion
// always matches to a `Some` (we always have value)
val pc = for {
cause <- inter
either <- result
} yield {
either match {
case -\/(t) => () // I guess we just swallow the exception here? no idea what to do, since we don't have a handler for this case
case \/-(r) => postStep(Try(cln(r).run), cause) // produce the preemption handler, given the resulting resource
pc match {
case Some(back) => back
case None => {
if (barrier.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
result match {
// nominally completed the task, but with an exception
case Some(-\/(t)) => exceptional(t)
case result => {
// completed the task, no interrupts, no exceptions, good to go!
unpack(result) match {
case Some(head) => completed(head +: cont)
case None => ??? // didn't match any condition; fail! (probably a double-None bug in completeInterruptibly)
} else {
result match {
case Some(_) =>
// we detected mid-step interrupt; this needs to transmute to post-step; loop back to the top!
handle(preStep = preStep, midStep = midStep, postStep = postStep, exceptional = exceptional, completed = completed)(result)
case None => ??? // wtf?! (apparently we were called twice with None; bug in completeInterruptibly)
* Start the task. per the `completeInterruptibly` invariants, the callback will be invoked exactly once
* unless interrupted in the final computation step, in which case it will be invoked twice: once with
* the interrupt signal and once with the final computed result (this case is detected by the `PostStep`)
* extractor. Under all other circumstances, including interrupts, exceptions and natural completion, the
* callback will be invoked exactly once.
lazy val interrupt: () => Unit = completeInterruptibly((checkInterrupt(interrupt) >> req).get)(handle(
preStep = { cause =>
// interrupted; now drain
(Try(rcv(-\/(cause)).run) +: cont).drain.run runAsync {
case -\/(t) => S { cb(-\/(Error(t) causedBy cause)) }
case \/-(_) => S { cb(-\/(cause)) }
midStep = { cause =>
// interrupted; now drain
(Try(rcv(-\/(cause)).run) +: cont).drain.run runAsync {
case -\/(t) => S { cb(-\/(Error(t) causedBy cause)) }
case \/-(_) => S { cb(-\/(cause)) }
postStep = { (inner, _) =>
inner.run runAsync { _ => () } // invoke the cleanup
exceptional = { t =>
// we got an exception (not an interrupt!) and we need to drain everything
go(Try(rcv(-\/(Error(t))).run) +: cont) runAsync { _ => () }
completed = { continuation =>
go(continuation) runAsync { _ => () }
interrupt // please don't delete this! highly mutable code within
// interrupts the current step (may be a recursive child!) and sets `interrupted`
def referencedInterrupt(cause: EarlyCause): Unit = {
interrupted.get() match {
case ptr @ -\/(int) => {
if (interrupted.compareAndSet(ptr, \/-(cause))) {
} else {
case \/-(_) => () // interrupted a second (or more) time; discard later causes and keep the first one
referencedInterrupt _
} join
go _
allSteps flatMap { _(self) } run // hey, we could totally return something sane here! what up?
* Analogous to Future#listenInterruptibly, but guarantees listener notification provided that the
* body of any given computation step does not block indefinitely. When the interrupt function is
* invoked, the callback will be immediately invoked, either with an available completion value or
* with None. If the current step of the task ultimately completes with its *final* value (i.e.
* the final step of the task is an Async and it starts before the interrupt and completes *afterwards*),
* that value will be passed to the callback as a second return. Thus, the callback will always be
* invoked at least once, and may be invoked twice. If it is invoked twice, the first callback
* will always be None while the second will be Some.
private def completeInterruptibly[A](f: Future[A])(cb: Option[A] => Unit)(implicit S: Strategy): () => Unit = {
import Future._
val cancel = new AtomicBoolean(false)
// `cb` is run exactly once or twice
// Case A) `cb` is run with `None` followed by `Some` if we were cancelled but still obtained a value.
// Case B) `cb` is run with just `Some` if it's never cancelled.
// Case C) `cb` is run with just `None` if it's cancelled before a value is even attempted.
// Case D) the same as case A, but in the opposite order, only in very rare cases
lazy val actor: Actor[Option[Future[A]]] = new Actor[Option[Future[A]]]({
// pure cases
case Some(Suspend(thunk)) if !cancel.get() =>
actor ! Some(thunk())
case Some(BindSuspend(thunk, g)) if !cancel.get() =>
actor ! Some(thunk() flatMap g)
case Some(Now(a)) => S { cb(Some(a)) }
case Some(Async(onFinish)) if !cancel.get() => {
onFinish { a =>
Trampoline delay { S { cb(Some(a)) } }
case Some(BindAsync(onFinish, g)) if !cancel.get() => {
onFinish { a =>
if (!cancel.get()) {
Trampoline delay { g(a) } map { r => actor ! Some(r) }
} else {
// here we drop `a` on the floor
Trampoline done { () } // `cb` already run with `None`
// fallthrough case where cancel.get() == true
case Some(_) => () // `cb` already run with `None`
case None => {
cancel.set(true) // the only place where `cancel` is set to `true`
S { cb(None) }
S { actor ! Some(f) }
{ () => actor ! None }
// SYNTAX Functions
* Alias for await(fo)(emit)
def eval[F[_], O](fo: F[O]): Process[F, O] = await(fo)(emit)
* Evaluate an arbitrary effect once, purely for its effects,
* ignoring its return value. This `Process` emits no values.
def eval_[F[_], O](f: F[O]): Process[F, Nothing] =
/** Prefix syntax for `p.repeat`. */
def repeat[F[_], O](p: Process[F, O]): Process[F, O] = p.repeat
* Evaluate an arbitrary effect in a `Process`. The resulting `Process` will emit values
* until an error occurs.
def repeatEval[F[_], O](fo: F[O]): Process[F, O] = eval(fo).repeat
* Produce `p` lazily. Useful if producing the process involves allocation of
* some local mutable resource we want to ensure is freshly allocated
* for each consumer of `p`.
* Note that this implementation assures that:
* {{{
* suspend(p).kill === suspend(p.kill)
* suspend(p).kill === p.kill
* suspend(p).repeat === suspend(p.repeat)
* suspend(p).repeat === p.repeat
* suspend(p).eval === suspend(p.eval)
* suspend(p).eval === p.eval
* Halt(cause) ++ suspend(p) === Halt(cause) ++ p
* }}}
def suspend[F[_], O](p: => Process[F, O]): Process[F, O] =
case End => Trampoline.done(p)
case early: EarlyCause => Trampoline.done(p.injectCause(early))
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