scalaz.stream.async.mutable.WriterTopic.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scalaz.stream.async.mutable
import scalaz.stream.Cause._
import scalaz.concurrent.{Actor, Strategy, Task}
import scalaz.stream.Process.{Cont, Halt}
import scalaz.stream._
import scalaz.stream.async.immutable
import scalaz.{-\/, \/, \/-}
* Like a `Topic`, but allows to specify `Writer1` to eventually `write` the state `W` or produce `O`
* from arriving messages of `I` to this topic
trait WriterTopic[W, I, O] {
* Gets publisher to this writer topic. There may be multiple publishers to this writer topic.
def publish: Sink[Task, I]
* Gets subscriber from this writer topic. There may be multiple subscribers to this writer topic. Subscriber
* subscribes and un-subscribes when it is run or terminated.
* If writer topic has `W` written, it will be first value written by this topic, following any `B` or `W` produced after.
* @return
def subscribe: Writer[Task, W, O]
* Subscribes to `O` values from this writer topic only.
def subscribeO: Process[Task, O]
/** Subscribes to `W` values only from this Writer topic */
def subscribeW: Process[Task, W]
* Provides signal of `W` values as they were emitted by Writer1 of this Writer topic
def signal: scalaz.stream.async.immutable.Signal[W]
* Publishes single `I` to this writer topic.
def publishOne(i: I): Task[Unit]
* Will `close` this writer topic. Once `closed` all publishers and subscribers are halted via `End`.
* @return
def close: Task[Unit] = failWithCause(End)
* Kills the writer topic. All subscribers and publishers are immediately terminated with `Kill` cause.
* @return
def kill: Task[Unit] = failWithCause(Kill)
* Will `fail` this writer topic. All subscribers and publishers are immediately terminated with `Error` cause.
* The resulting task is completed _after_ all publishers and subscribers finished
def fail(err: Throwable): Task[Unit] = failWithCause(Error(err))
private[stream] def failWithCause(c:Cause): Task[Unit]
private[stream] object WriterTopic {
def apply[W, I, O](writer: Writer1[W, I, O])(source: Process[Task, I], haltOnSource: Boolean)(implicit S: Strategy): WriterTopic[W, I, O] = {
import scalaz.stream.Util._
sealed trait M
case class Subscribe(sub: Subscription, cb: (Throwable \/ Unit) => Unit) extends M
case class Ready(sub: Subscription, cb: (Throwable \/ Seq[W \/ O]) => Unit) extends M
case class UnSubscribe(sub: Subscription, cb: (Throwable \/ Unit) => Unit) extends M
case class Upstream(result: Cause \/ (Seq[I], Cont[Task,I])) extends M
case class Publish(is: Seq[I], cb: Throwable \/ Unit => Unit) extends M
case class Fail(cause: Cause, cb: Throwable \/ Unit => Unit) extends M
case class Get(cb:(Throwable \/ Seq[W]) => Unit) extends M
class Subscription(var state: (Vector[W \/ O]) \/ ((Throwable \/ Seq[W \/ O]) => Unit)) {
def getOrAwait(cb: ((Throwable \/ Seq[W \/ O]) => Unit)): Unit = state match {
case -\/(v) if v.isEmpty => state = \/-(cb)
case -\/(v) => state = -\/(Vector.empty); S(cb(\/-(v)))
case \/-(_) => state = \/-(cb) //impossible
def publish(wo: Seq[W \/ O]): Unit = {
val ns = state
state match {
case -\/(v) => state = -\/(v fast_++ wo)
case \/-(cb) => state = -\/(Vector.empty); S(cb(\/-(wo)))
def close(cause: Cause): Unit = state match {
case \/-(cb) =>
state = -\/(Vector.empty)
case _ => // no-op
def flushOrClose(cause: Cause, cb: (Throwable \/ Seq[W \/ O]) => Unit): Unit = state match {
case -\/(v) if v.isEmpty => state = \/-(cb); close(cause)
case -\/(v) => getOrAwait(cb)
case \/-(cb) => //impossible
// subscriptions to W \/ O
var subscriptions: Vector[Subscription] = Vector.empty
// call backs on single W that can't be completed as there is no `W` yet
var awaitingW: Vector[(Throwable \/ Seq[W]) => Unit] = Vector.empty
//last memorized `W`
var lastW: Option[W] = None
//contains an reason of termination
var closed: Option[Cause] = None
// state of upstream. Upstream is running and left is interrupt, or upstream is stopped.
var upState: Option[Cause \/ (EarlyCause => Unit)] = None
var w: Writer1[W, I, O] = writer
def fail(cause: Cause): Unit = {
closed = Some(cause)
upState.collect { case \/-(interrupt) => interrupt(Kill)}
val (wos,next) = w.disconnect(cause.kill).unemit
w = next
if (wos.nonEmpty) subscriptions.foreach(_.publish(wos))
subscriptions = Vector.empty
awaitingW = Vector.empty
def publish(is: Seq[I]) = {
process1.feed(is)(w).unemit match {
case (wos, next) =>
w = next
lastW = wos.collect({ case -\/(w) => w }).lastOption orElse lastW
if (awaitingW.nonEmpty ) lastW.foreach { w =>
awaitingW.foreach(cb => S(cb(\/-(Seq(w)))))
awaitingW = Vector.empty
if (wos.nonEmpty) subscriptions.foreach(_.publish(wos))
next match {
case hlt@Halt(rsn) => fail(rsn)
case _ => //no-op
var actor: Actor[M] = null
def getNext(p: Process[Task, I]) = {
upState= Some(\/-(
p.stepAsync({ actor ! Upstream(_) })(S)
def startIfNotYet =
if (upState.isEmpty) {
publish(Nil) // causes un-emit of first `w`
actor = Actor[M](m => {
closed.fold(m match {
case Subscribe(sub, cb) =>
subscriptions = subscriptions :+ sub
lastW.foreach(w => sub.publish(Seq(-\/(w))))
case UnSubscribe(sub, cb) =>
subscriptions = subscriptions.filterNot(_ == sub)
case Ready(sub, cb) =>
case Get(cb) =>
lastW match {
case Some(w) => S(cb(\/-(Seq(w))))
case None => awaitingW = awaitingW :+ cb
case Upstream(-\/(rsn)) =>
if (haltOnSource || rsn != End) fail(rsn)
upState = Some(-\/(rsn))
case Upstream(\/-((is, cont))) =>
case Publish(is, cb) =>
case Fail(rsn, cb) =>
upState.collect { case \/-(interrupt) => interrupt(Kill) }
})(rsn => m match {
case Subscribe(_, cb) => S(cb(-\/(rsn.asThrowable)))
case UnSubscribe(_, cb) => S(cb(\/-(())))
case Ready(sub, cb) => sub.flushOrClose(rsn,cb)
case Get(cb) => S(cb(-\/(rsn.asThrowable)))
case Publish(_, cb) => S(cb(-\/(rsn.asThrowable)))
case Fail(_, cb) => S(cb(\/-(())))
case Upstream(-\/(_)) => //no-op
case Upstream(\/-((_, cont))) => S((Halt(Kill) +: cont) stepAsync { _ => () })
new WriterTopic[W, I, O] {
def publish: Sink[Task, I] = Process.constant(publishOne _)
def publishOne(i: I): Task[Unit] = Task.async { cb => actor ! Publish(Seq(i), cb) }
def failWithCause(cause: Cause): Task[Unit] = Task.async { cb => actor ! Fail(cause, cb) }
def subscribe: Writer[Task, W, O] = Process.suspend {
val subscription = new Subscription(-\/(Vector.empty[W \/ O]))
val register = Task.async[Unit] { cb => actor ! Subscribe(subscription, cb) }
val unRegister = Task.async[Unit] { cb => actor ! UnSubscribe(subscription, cb) }
val oneChunk = Task.async[Seq[W \/ O]] { cb => actor ! Ready(subscription, cb) }
(Process.eval_(register) ++ Process.repeatEval(oneChunk).flatMap(Process.emitAll)).onHalt(_.asHalt)
def subscribeO: Process[Task, O] = subscribe.collect { case \/-(o) => o }
def subscribeW: Process[Task, W] = subscribe.collect { case -\/(w) => w }
def signal: immutable.Signal[W] = new immutable.Signal[W] {
def changes: Process[Task, Unit] = discrete.map(_=>())
def continuous: Process[Task, W] =
Process.repeatEval(Task.async[Seq[W]](cb => actor ! Get(cb))).onHalt(_.asHalt)
def discrete: Process[Task, W] = subscribeW
def changed: Process[Task, Boolean] =
discrete.map(_ => true)
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