scalaz.stream.udp.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scalaz.stream
import java.net.{DatagramPacket,DatagramSocket,InetSocketAddress}
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scalaz.concurrent.{Task,Strategy}
import scalaz.~>
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
object udp {
/** A UDP packet, consisting of an origin IP and port, and a `ByteVector` payload. */
case class Packet(origin: InetSocketAddress, bytes: ByteVector)
/** Evaluate a `Task` within a UDP-connected `Process`. */
def eval[A](a: Task[A]): Process[Connection,A] = Process.eval(lift(a))
/** Evaluate and discard the result of a `Task` within a UDP-connected `Process`. */
def eval_[A](a: Task[A]): Process[Connection,Nothing] = Process.eval_(lift(a))
/** Run a `Process[Task,A]` within a UDP-connected `Process`. */
def lift[A](p: Process[Task,A]): Process[Connection,A] =
p.translate(new (Task ~> Connection) { def apply[R](c: Task[R]) = lift(c) })
* Open a UDP socket on the specified port and run the given process `p`.
* @param packetSize Determines the size of the `Array[Byte]` allocated for the
* receiving `java.net.DatagramPacket`
* @param timeout optional timeout for each receive operation. A `java.net.SocketTimeoutException`
* is raised in the stream if any receive take more than this amount of time
def listen[A](port: Int,
receiveBufferSize: Int = 1024 * 32,
sendBufferSize: Int = 1024 * 32,
reuseAddress: Boolean = true)(p: Process[Connection,A]): Process[Task,A] =
Process.eval(Task.delay { new DatagramSocket(null) }).flatMap { socket =>
Process.eval_ { Task.delay {
socket.bind(new InetSocketAddress(port))
}} append bindTo(socket)(p) onComplete (Process.eval_(Task.delay(socket.close)))
def merge[A](a: Process[Connection,A], a2: Process[Connection,A])(implicit S: Strategy): Process[Connection,A] =
/** Returns a single-element stream containing the local address of the bound socket. */
def localAddress: Process[Connection,InetSocketAddress] =
ask.flatMap { d => eval(Task.delay(d.getLocalSocketAddress.asInstanceOf[InetSocketAddress])) }
* Receive a single UDP [[Packet]]. `maxPacketSize` controls the maximum
* number of bytes in the received. See `java.net.DatagramSocket#receive`
* for information about what exceptions may be raised within the returned stream.
def receive(maxPacketSize: Int, timeout: Option[Duration] = None): Process[Connection,Packet] =
ask.flatMap { socket => eval { Task.delay {
val oldTimeout = socket.getSoTimeout
timeout.foreach(d => socket.setSoTimeout(d.toMillis.toInt))
val p = new DatagramPacket(new Array[Byte](maxPacketSize), maxPacketSize)
timeout.foreach { _ => socket.setSoTimeout(oldTimeout) }
Packet(new InetSocketAddress(p.getAddress, p.getPort), ByteVector(p.getData).take(p.getLength))
/** Defined as `receive(maxPacketSize, timeout).repeat. */
def receives(maxPacketSize: Int, timeout: Option[Duration] = None): Process[Connection,Packet] =
receive(maxPacketSize, timeout).repeat
* Send a single UDP [[Packet]] to the given destination. Returns a single `Unit`.
* See `java.net.DatagramSocket#send` for information about what exceptions may
* be raised within the returned stream.
def send(to: InetSocketAddress, bytes: ByteVector): Process[Connection,Unit] =
ask.flatMap { socket => eval { Task.delay {
val p = new DatagramPacket(bytes.toArray, 0, bytes.length, to.getAddress, to.getPort)
/** Defined as `send(new InetSocketAddress(to, destinationPort), bytes)`. */
def send(to: java.net.InetAddress, destinationPort: Int, bytes: ByteVector): Process[Connection,Unit] =
send(new InetSocketAddress(to, destinationPort), bytes)
/** Defined as `chunks.flatMap { bytes => udp.send(to, bytes) }` */
def sends(to: InetSocketAddress, chunks: Process[Connection,ByteVector]): Process[Connection,Unit] =
chunks.flatMap { bytes => send(to, bytes) }
/** Defined as `chunks.flatMap { bytes => udp.send(to, bytes) }.drain` */
def sends_(to: InetSocketAddress, chunks: Process[Connection,ByteVector]): Process[Connection,Nothing] =
sends(to, chunks).drain
/** Defined as `sends(new InetSocketAddress(to, destinationPort), chunks)`. */
def sends(to: java.net.InetAddress, destinationPort: Int, chunks: Process[Connection,ByteVector]): Process[Connection,Unit] =
sends(new InetSocketAddress(to, destinationPort), chunks)
/** Defined as `sends(new InetSocketAddress(to, destinationPort), chunks).drain`. */
def sends_(to: java.net.InetAddress, destinationPort: Int, chunks: Process[Connection,ByteVector]): Process[Connection,Nothing] =
sends(to, destinationPort, chunks).drain
def wye[A,B,C](a: Process[Connection,A], b: Process[Connection,B])(y: Wye[A,B,C])(implicit S:Strategy): Process[Connection,C] =
ask flatMap { ch => lift { bindTo(ch)(a).wye(bindTo(ch)(b))(y)(S) } }
object syntax {
implicit class Syntax[+A](self: Process[Connection,A]) {
def wye[B,C](p2: Process[Connection,B])(y: Wye[A,B,C])(implicit S:Strategy): Process[Connection,C] =
udp.wye(self, p2)(y)
def merge[A2>:A](p2: Process[Connection,A2])(implicit S:Strategy): Process[Connection,A2] =
udp.merge(self, p2)
implicit class ChannelSyntax[A](self: Process[Connection,A]) {
def through[B](chan: Channel[Task,A,B]): Process[Connection,B] =
self zip (lift(chan)) evalMap { case (a,f) => lift(f(a)) }
def to(chan: Sink[Task,A]): Process[Connection,Unit] = through(chan)
private def ask: Process[Connection,DatagramSocket] =
Process.eval { new Connection[DatagramSocket] {
def apply(s: DatagramSocket) = Task.now(s)
private def bindTo[A](socket: DatagramSocket)(p: Process[Connection,A]): Process[Task,A] =
p.translate (new (Connection ~> Task) { def apply[R](c: Connection[R]) = c(socket) })
trait Connection[+A] {
private[stream] def apply(socket: DatagramSocket): Task[A]
private def lift[A](t: Task[A]): Connection[A] = new Connection[A] {
def apply(s: DatagramSocket) = t
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