scalaz.ISet.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scalaz
import annotation.tailrec
import Ordering._
import std.option._
* @see [[http://hackage.haskell.org/package/containers-]]
* @see [[https://github.com/haskell/containers/blob/v0.5.7.1/Data/Set/Base.hs]]
sealed abstract class ISet[A] {
import ISet._
val size: Int
// -- * Query
final def isEmpty: Boolean =
this match {
case Tip() => true
case Bin(_, _, _) => false
final def member(x: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): Boolean =
this match {
case Tip() => false
case Bin(y, l, r) =>
o.order(x, y) match {
case LT => l.member(x)
case GT => r.member(x)
case EQ => true
/** Alias for member */
final def contains(x: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): Boolean =
final def notMember(x: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): Boolean =
final def lookupLT(x: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): Option[A] = {
def withBest(x: A, best: A, t: ISet[A]): Option[A] =
t match {
case Tip() =>
case Bin(y, l, r) =>
if (o.lessThanOrEqual(x, y)) withBest(x, best, l) else withBest(x, y, r)
this match {
case Tip() =>
case Bin(y, l, r) =>
if (o.lessThanOrEqual(x, y)) l.lookupLT(x) else withBest(x, y, r)
final def lookupGT(x: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): Option[A] = {
def withBest(x: A, best: A, t: ISet[A]): Option[A] =
t match {
case Tip() =>
case Bin(y, l, r) =>
if (o.lessThan(x, y)) withBest(x, y, l) else withBest(x, best, r)
this match {
case Tip() =>
case Bin(y, l, r) =>
if (o.lessThan(x, y)) withBest(x, y, l) else r.lookupGT(x)
final def lookupLE(x: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): Option[A] = {
def withBest(x: A, best: A, t: ISet[A]): Option[A] =
t match {
case Tip() =>
case Bin(y, l, r) =>
o.order(x, y) match {
case LT =>
withBest(x, best, l)
case EQ =>
case GT =>
withBest(x, y, r)
this match {
case Tip() =>
case Bin(y, l, r) =>
o.order(x, y) match {
case LT =>
case EQ =>
case GT =>
withBest(x, y, r)
final def lookupGE(x: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): Option[A] = {
def withBest(x: A, best: A, t: ISet[A]): Option[A] =
t match {
case Tip() =>
case Bin(y, l, r) =>
o.order(x, y) match {
case LT =>
withBest(x, y, l)
case EQ =>
case GT =>
withBest(x, best, r)
this match {
case Tip() =>
case Bin(y, l, r) =>
o.order(x, y) match {
case LT =>
withBest(x, y, l)
case EQ =>
case GT =>
final def isSubsetOf(other: ISet[A])(implicit o: Order[A]): Boolean =
(this.size <= other.size) && this.isSubsetOfX(other)
private def isSubsetOfX(other: ISet[A])(implicit o: Order[A]): Boolean =
(this, other) match {
case (Tip(), _) =>
case (_, Tip()) =>
case (Bin(x, l, r), t) =>
val (lt,found,gt) = t.splitMember(x)
found && l.isSubsetOfX(lt) && r.isSubsetOfX(gt)
final def isProperSubsetOf(other: ISet[A])(implicit o: Order[A]): Boolean =
(this.size < other.size) && this.isSubsetOf(other)
// -- * Construction
final def insert(x: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): ISet[A] =
this match {
case Tip() => singleton(x)
case Bin(y, l, r) =>
o.order(x, y) match {
case LT => balanceL(y, l.insert(x), r)
case GT => balanceR(y, l, r.insert(x))
case EQ => Bin(x, l, r)
final def delete(x: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): ISet[A] =
this match {
case Tip() =>
case Bin(y, l, r) =>
o.order(x, y) match {
case LT =>
balanceR(y, l.delete(x), r)
case GT =>
balanceL(y, l, r.delete(x))
case EQ =>
glue(l, r)
// -- * Combine
final def union(other: ISet[A])(implicit o: Order[A]): ISet[A] = {
def hedgeUnion(blo: Option[A], bhi: Option[A], t1: ISet[A], t2: ISet[A])(implicit o: Order[A]): ISet[A] =
(t1, t2) match {
case (t1, Tip()) =>
case (Tip(), Bin(x, l, r)) =>
join(x, l.filterGt(blo), r.filterLt(bhi))
case (_, Bin(x, Tip(), Tip())) =>
case (Bin(x, l, r), _) =>
val bmi = some(x)
join(x, hedgeUnion(blo, bmi, l, t2.trim(blo, bmi)), hedgeUnion(bmi, bhi, r, t2.trim(bmi, bhi)))
(this, other) match {
case (Tip(), t2) =>
case (t1, Tip()) =>
case (t1, t2) =>
hedgeUnion(none, none, t1, t2)
private def insertR(x: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): ISet[A] =
this match {
case Tip() =>
case Bin(y, l, r) =>
o.order(x, y) match {
case LT =>
balanceL(y, l.insertR(x), r)
case GT =>
balanceR(y, l, r.insertR(x))
case EQ =>
final def difference(other: ISet[A])(implicit o: Order[A]): ISet[A] = {
def hedgeDiff(blo: Option[A], bhi: Option[A], t1: ISet[A], t2: ISet[A]): ISet[A] =
(t1, t2) match {
case (Tip(), _) =>
case (Bin(x, l, r), Tip()) =>
join(x, l.filterGt(blo), r.filterLt(bhi))
case (t, Bin(x, l, r)) =>
val bmi = some(x)
hedgeDiff(blo, bmi, t.trim(blo, bmi), l) merge hedgeDiff(bmi, bhi, t.trim(bmi, bhi), r)
(this, other) match {
case (Tip(), _) =>
case (t1, Tip()) =>
case (t1, t2) =>
hedgeDiff(none, none, t1, t2)
// -- * Operators
final def \\ (other: ISet[A])(implicit o: Order[A]): ISet[A] =
final def intersection(other: ISet[A])(implicit o: Order[A]): ISet[A] = {
def hedgeInt(blo: Option[A], bhi: Option[A], t1: ISet[A], t2: ISet[A]): ISet[A] =
(t1, t2) match {
case (_, Tip()) =>
case (Tip(), _) =>
case (Bin(x, l, r), t2) =>
val bmi = some(x)
val l2 = hedgeInt(blo, bmi, l, t2.trim(blo, bmi))
val r2 = hedgeInt(bmi, bhi, r, t2.trim(bmi, bhi))
if (t2.member(x)) join(x, l2, r2) else l2 merge r2
(this, other) match {
case (Tip(), _) =>
case (_, Tip()) =>
case (t1, t2) =>
hedgeInt(None, None, t1, t2)
// -- * Filter
final def filter(p: A => Boolean): ISet[A] =
this match {
case Tip() => this
case Bin(x, l, r) =>
if (p(x)) join(x, l.filter(p), r.filter(p)) else l.filter(p) merge r.filter(p)
final def partition(p: A => Boolean): (ISet[A], ISet[A]) =
this match {
case Tip() =>
(this, this)
case Bin(x, l, r) =>
val (l1, l2) = l.partition(p)
val (r1, r2) = r.partition(p)
if (p(x)) (join(x, l1, r1), l2 merge r2) else (l1 merge r1, join(x, l2, r2))
final def split(x: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): (ISet[A], ISet[A]) =
this match {
case Tip() =>
(this, this)
case Bin(y, l, r) =>
o.order(x, y) match {
case LT =>
val (lt, gt) = l.split(x)
(lt, join(y, gt, r))
case GT =>
val (lt, gt) = r.split(x)
(join(y, l, lt), gt)
case EQ =>
(l, r)
final def splitMember(x: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): (ISet[A], Boolean, ISet[A]) =
this match {
case Tip() =>
(this, false, this)
case Bin(y, l, r) =>
o.order(x, y) match {
case LT =>
val (lt, found, gt) = l.splitMember(x)
(lt, found, join(y, gt, r))
case GT =>
val (lt, found, gt) = r.splitMember(x)
(join(y, l, lt), found, gt)
case EQ =>
(l, true, r)
final def splitRoot: List[ISet[A]] =
this match {
case Tip() => List.empty[ISet[A]]
case Bin(x, l, r) => List(l, singleton(x), r)
// -- * Index
/** Alias for Foldable[ISet].index */
final def elemAt(i: Int): Option[A] =
Foldable[ISet].index(this, i)
final def lookupIndex(x: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): Option[Int] = {
def loop(s: ISet[A], i: Int): Option[Int] =
s match {
case Tip() =>
case Bin(y, l, r) =>
val sizeL = l.size
o.order(y, x) match {
case LT =>
loop(r, i + sizeL + 1)
case GT =>
loop(l, i)
case EQ =>
some(i + sizeL)
loop(this, 0)
final def deleteAt(i: Int): ISet[A] =
this match {
case Tip() =>
case Bin(x, l, r) =>
import std.anyVal._
val sizeL = l.size
Order[Int].order(i, sizeL) match {
case LT =>
balanceR(x, l.deleteAt(i), r)
case GT =>
balanceL(x, l, r.deleteAt(i - sizeL - 1))
case EQ =>
glue(l, r)
* For the `Functor` composition law to hold it is important that the `Order[B]` is substitutive for the `Order[A]` –
* that is, that the `Order[B]` should be __no stronger__, it should not distinguish two `B` instances that would
* be considered as equal `A` instances.
* '''Note:''' this is not able to implement `Functor` due to the `Order` constraint on the destination type,
* however it still is a functor in the mathematical sense.
* Documentation as copied from the Haskell source:
* {{{
-- | /O(n*log n)/.
-- @'map' f s@ is the set obtained by applying @f@ to each element of @s@.
-- It's worth noting that the size of the result may be smaller if,
-- for some @(x,y)@, @x \/= y && f x == f y@
def map[B: Order](f: A => B): ISet[B] =
// -- * Folds
final def foldRight[B](z: B)(f: (A, B) => B): B =
this match {
case Tip() => z
case Bin(x, l ,r) => l.foldRight(f(x, r.foldRight(z)(f)))(f)
final def foldr[B](z: B)(f: (A, B) => B): B =
final def foldLeft[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B =
this match {
case Tip() => z
case Bin(x, l, r) =>
r.foldLeft(f(l.foldLeft(z)(f), x))(f)
final def foldl[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B =
// -- * Min\/Max
final def findMin: Option[A] =
this match {
case Tip() => none
case Bin(x, Tip(), _) => some(x)
case Bin(_, l, _) => l.findMin
final def findMax: Option[A] =
this match {
case Tip() => none
case Bin(x, _, Tip()) => some(x)
case Bin(_, _, r) => r.findMax
final def deleteMin: ISet[A] =
this match {
case Bin(_, Tip(), r) => r
case Bin(x, l, r) => balanceR(x, l.deleteMin, r)
case Tip() => Tip()
final def deleteMax: ISet[A] =
this match {
case Bin(_, l, Tip()) => l
case Bin(x, l, r) => balanceL(x, l, r.deleteMax)
case Tip() => Tip()
// TODO: Can we make this total? or should this remain unsafe, preferring minView instead?
final def deleteFindMin: (A, ISet[A]) =
this match {
case Bin(x, Tip(), r) => (x, r)
case Bin(x, l, r) =>
val (xm, l2) = l.deleteFindMin
(xm, balanceR(x, l2, r))
case Tip() => sys.error("deleteFindMin on empty ISet")
// TODO: Can we make this total? or should this remain unsafe, preferring maxView instead?
final def deleteFindMax: (A, ISet[A]) =
this match {
case Bin(x, l, Tip()) => (x, l)
case Bin(x, l, r) =>
val (xm, r2) = r.deleteFindMax
(xm, balanceL(x, l, r2))
case Tip() => sys.error("deleteFindMax on empty ISet")
final def minView: Option[(A, ISet[A])] =
this match {
case Tip() => none
case x => some(x.deleteFindMin)
final def maxView: Option[(A, ISet[A])] =
this match {
case Tip() => none
case x => some(x.deleteFindMax)
// -- ** List
final def elems: List[A] =
final def toList: List[A] =
// -- ** Ordered list
final def toAscList: List[A] =
foldRight(List.empty[A])(_ :: _)
final def toDescList: List[A] =
foldLeft(List.empty[A])((a, b) => b :: a)
private def glue[A](l: ISet[A], r: ISet[A]): ISet[A] =
(l, r) match {
case (Tip(), r) => r
case (l, Tip()) => l
case (_, _) =>
if (l.size > r.size) {
val (m, l2) = l.deleteFindMax
balanceR(m, l2, r)
} else {
val (m, r2) = r.deleteFindMin
balanceL(m, l, r2)
private def join[A](x: A, l: ISet[A], r: ISet[A]): ISet[A] =
(l, r) match {
case (Tip(), r) => r.insertMin(x)
case (l, Tip()) => l.insertMax(x)
case (Bin(y, ly, ry), Bin(z, lz, rz)) =>
if (delta*l.size < r.size) balanceL(z, join(x, l, lz), rz)
else if (delta*r.size < l.size) balanceR(y, ly, join(x, ry, r))
else Bin(x, l, r)
private def insertMax(x: A): ISet[A] =
this match {
case Tip() =>
case Bin(y, l, r) =>
balanceR(y, l, r.insertMax(x))
private def insertMin(x: A): ISet[A] =
this match {
case Tip() =>
case Bin(y, l, r) =>
balanceL(y, l.insertMin(x), r)
protected def merge(other: ISet[A]): ISet[A] =
(this, other) match {
case (Tip(), r) => r
case (l, Tip()) => l
case (l@Bin(x, lx, rx), r@Bin(y, ly, ry)) =>
if (delta*l.size < r.size) balanceL(y, l merge ly, ry)
else if (delta*r.size < l.size) balanceR(x, lx, rx merge r)
else glue(l, r)
final def trim(a: Option[A], b: Option[A])(implicit o: Order[A]): ISet[A] =
(a, b) match {
case (None, None) =>
case (Some(lx), None) =>
def greater(lo: A, t: ISet[A]): ISet[A] =
t match {
case Bin(x, _, r) => if (o.lessThanOrEqual(x, lo)) greater(lo, r) else t
case _ => t
greater(lx, this)
case (None, Some(hx)) =>
def lesser(hi: A, t: ISet[A]): ISet[A] =
t match {
case Bin(x, l, _) => if (o.greaterThanOrEqual(x, hi)) lesser(hi, l) else t
case _ => t
lesser(hx, this)
case (Some(lx), Some(rx)) =>
def middle(lo: A, hi: A, t: ISet[A]): ISet[A] =
t match {
case Bin(x, l, r) =>
if (o.lessThanOrEqual(x, lo)) middle(lo, hi, r)
else if (o.greaterThanOrEqual(x, hi)) middle(lo, hi, l)
else t
case _ => t
middle(lx, rx, this)
final def filterGt(a: Option[A])(implicit o: Order[A]): ISet[A] =
cata(a)(s => this match {
case Tip() => ISet.empty
case Bin(x, l, r) =>
o.order(s, x) match {
case LT => join(x, l.filterGt(a), r)
case EQ => r
case GT => r.filterGt(a)
}, this)
final def filterLt(a: Option[A])(implicit o: Order[A]): ISet[A] =
cata(a)(s => this match {
case Tip() => ISet.empty
case Bin(x, l, r) =>
o.order(x, s) match {
case LT => join(x, l, r.filterLt(a))
case EQ => l
case GT => l.filterLt(a)
}, this)
override final def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: ISet[A] =>
ISet.setEqual[A](Equal.equalA).equal(this, that)
case _ =>
override final def hashCode: Int =
sealed abstract class ISetInstances {
import ISet._
implicit def setEqual[A: Equal]: Equal[ISet[A]] = new ISetEqual[A] {
def A = implicitly
implicit def setOrder[A: Order]: Order[ISet[A]] = new Order[ISet[A]] with ISetEqual[A] {
import std.list._
def A = implicitly
def order(x: ISet[A], y: ISet[A]) =
Order[List[A]].order(x.toAscList, y.toAscList)
implicit def setShow[A: Show]: Show[ISet[A]] = new Show[ISet[A]] {
override def shows(f: ISet[A]) =
f.toAscList.mkString("ISet(", ",", ")")
implicit def setMonoid[A: Order]: Monoid[ISet[A]] = new Monoid[ISet[A]] {
def zero: ISet[A] =
def append(a: ISet[A], b: => ISet[A]): ISet[A] =
a union b
implicit val setFoldable: Foldable[ISet] = new Foldable[ISet] {
override def findLeft[A](fa: ISet[A])(f: A => Boolean) =
fa match {
case Bin(x, l, r) =>
findLeft(l)(f) match {
case a @ Some(_) =>
case None =>
case Tip() =>
override def findRight[A](fa: ISet[A])(f: A => Boolean) =
fa match {
case Bin(x, l, r) =>
findRight(r)(f) match {
case a @ Some(_) =>
case None =>
case Tip() =>
def foldMap[A, B](fa: ISet[A])(f: A => B)(implicit F: Monoid[B]): B =
fa match {
case Tip() =>
case Bin(x, l, r) =>
F.append(F.append(foldMap(l)(f), f(x)), foldMap(r)(f))
def foldRight[A, B](fa: ISet[A], z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B): B =
fa.foldRight(z)((a, b) => f(a, b))
override def foldLeft[A, B](fa: ISet[A], z: B)(f: (B, A) => B) =
override def index[A](fa: ISet[A], i: Int): Option[A] = {
import std.anyVal._
@tailrec def loop(a: ISet[A], b: Int): Option[A] =
a match {
case Bin(x, l, r) =>
Order[Int].order(b, l.size) match {
case Ordering.LT =>
loop(l, b)
case Ordering.GT =>
loop(r, b - l.size - 1)
case Ordering.EQ =>
case Tip() =>
if (i < 0 || fa.size <= i)
loop(fa, i)
override def toIList[A](fa: ISet[A]) =
fa.foldRight(IList.empty[A])(_ :: _)
override def toList[A](fa: ISet[A]) =
override def length[A](fa: ISet[A]) =
override def maximum[A: Order](fa: ISet[A]) =
override def minimum[A: Order](fa: ISet[A]) =
override def empty[A](fa: ISet[A]) =
override def any[A](fa: ISet[A])(f: A => Boolean) =
fa match {
case Tip() => false
case Bin(x, l, r) =>
any(l)(f) || f(x) || any(r)(f)
override def all[A](fa: ISet[A])(f: A => Boolean) =
fa match {
case Tip() => true
case Bin(x, l, r) =>
all(l)(f) && f(x) && all(r)(f)
object ISet extends ISetInstances {
final def empty[A]: ISet[A] =
final def singleton[A](x: A): ISet[A] =
Bin(x, Tip(), Tip())
final def fromList[A](xs: List[A])(implicit o: Order[A]): ISet[A] =
xs.foldLeft(empty[A])((a, b) => a insert b)
final def fromFoldable[F[_], A](xs: F[A])(implicit F: Foldable[F], o: Order[A]): ISet[A] =
F.foldLeft(xs, empty[A])((a, b) => a insert b)
final def unions[A](xs: List[ISet[A]])(implicit o: Order[A]): ISet[A] =
xs.foldLeft(ISet.empty[A])(_ union _)
private[scalaz] final val delta = 3
private[scalaz] final val ratio = 2
private[scalaz] def balanceL[A](x: A, l: ISet[A], r: ISet[A]): ISet[A] =
r match {
case Tip() =>
l match {
case Tip() =>
case Bin(_, Tip(), Tip()) =>
Bin(x, l, Tip())
case Bin(lx, Tip(), Bin(lrx, _, _)) =>
Bin(lrx, singleton(lx), singleton(x))
case Bin(lx, ll@Bin(_, _, _), Tip()) =>
Bin(lx, ll, singleton(x))
case Bin(lx, ll@Bin(_, _, _), lr@Bin(lrx, lrl, lrr)) =>
if (lr.size < ratio*ll.size) Bin(lx, ll, Bin(x, lr, Tip()))
else Bin(lrx, Bin(lx, ll, lrl), Bin(x, lrr, Tip()))
case Bin(_, _, _) =>
l match {
case Tip() =>
Bin(x, Tip(), r)
case Bin(lx, ll, lr) =>
if (l.size > delta*r.size) {
(ll, lr) match {
case (Bin(_, _, _), Bin(lrx, lrl, lrr)) =>
if (lr.size < ratio*ll.size) Bin(lx, ll, Bin(x, lr, r))
else Bin(lrx, Bin(lx, ll, lrl), Bin(x, lrr, r))
case _ => sys.error("Failure in ISet.balanceL")
} else Bin(x, l, r)
private[scalaz] def balanceR[A](x: A, l: ISet[A], r: ISet[A]): ISet[A] =
l match {
case Tip() =>
r match {
case Tip() =>
case Bin(_, Tip(), Tip()) =>
Bin(x, Tip(), r)
case Bin(rx, Tip(), rr@Bin(_, _, _)) =>
Bin(rx, singleton(x), rr)
case Bin(rx, Bin(rlx, _, _), Tip()) =>
Bin(rlx, singleton(x), singleton(rx))
case Bin(rx, rl@Bin(rlx, rll, rlr), rr@Bin(_, _, _)) =>
if (rl.size < ratio*rr.size) Bin(rx, Bin(x, Tip(), rl), rr)
else Bin(rlx, Bin(x, Tip(), rll), Bin(rx, rlr, rr))
case Bin(_, _, _) =>
r match {
case Tip() =>
Bin(x, l, Tip())
case Bin(rx, rl, rr) =>
if (r.size > delta*l.size) {
(rl, rr) match {
case (Bin(rlx, rll, rlr), Bin(_, _, _)) =>
if (rl.size < ratio*rr.size) Bin(rx, Bin(x, l, rl), rr)
else Bin(rlx, Bin(x, l, rll), Bin(rx, rlr, rr))
case _ => sys.error("Failure in ISet.balanceR")
} else Bin(x, l, r)
private[scalaz] abstract case class Tip[A] private() extends ISet[A] {
val size = 0
private[scalaz] object Tip extends Tip[Nothing] {
def apply[A](): ISet[A] = this.asInstanceOf[ISet[A]]
private[scalaz] final case class Bin[A](a: A, l: ISet[A], r: ISet[A]) extends ISet[A] {
val size = l.size + r.size + 1
private sealed trait ISetEqual[A] extends Equal[ISet[A]] {
import std.list._
implicit def A: Equal[A]
override final def equal(a1: ISet[A], a2: ISet[A]) =
(a1.size == a2.size) && Equal[List[A]].equal(a1.toAscList, a2.toAscList)
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