scalaz.Traverse.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scalaz
import scalaz.Id.Id
* Idiomatic traversal of a structure, as described in
* [[ The Essence of the Iterator Pattern]].
* @see [[scalaz.Traverse.TraverseLaw]]
trait Traverse[F[_]] extends Functor[F] with Foldable[F] { self =>
/** Transform `fa` using `f`, collecting all the `G`s with `ap`. */
def traverseImpl[G[_]:Applicative,A,B](fa: F[A])(f: A => G[B]): G[F[B]]
// derived functions
/**The composition of Traverses `F` and `G`, `[x]F[G[x]]`, is a Traverse */
def compose[G[_]](implicit G0: Traverse[G]): Traverse[λ[α => F[G[α]]]] =
new CompositionTraverse[F, G] {
implicit def F = self
implicit def G = G0
/** The composition of Traverse `F` and Bitraverse `G`, `[x, y]F[G[x, y]]`, is a Bitraverse */
def bicompose[G[_, _]: Bitraverse]: Bitraverse[λ[(α, β) => F[G[α, β]]]] =
new CompositionTraverseBitraverse[F, G] {
def F = self
def G = implicitly
/**The product of Traverses `F` and `G`, `[x](F[x], G[x]])`, is a Traverse */
def product[G[_]](implicit G0: Traverse[G]): Traverse[λ[α => (F[α], G[α])]] =
new ProductTraverse[F, G] {
implicit def F = self
implicit def G = G0
/**The product of Traverse `F` and Traverse1 `G`, `[x](F[x], G[x]])`, is a Traverse1 */
def product0[G[_]](implicit G0: Traverse1[G]): Traverse1[λ[α => (F[α], G[α])]] =
new ProductTraverse1R[F, G] {
def F = self
def G = G0
class Traversal[G[_]](implicit G: Applicative[G]) {
def run[A,B](fa: F[A])(f: A => G[B]): G[F[B]] = traverseImpl[G,A,B](fa)(f)
// reduce - given monoid
def traversal[G[_]:Applicative]: Traversal[G] =
new Traversal[G]
def traversalS[S]: Traversal[State[S, ?]] =
new Traversal[State[S, ?]]()(StateT.stateMonad) {
override def run[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => State[S, B]) = traverseS(fa)(f)
def traverse[G[_]:Applicative,A,B](fa: F[A])(f: A => G[B]): G[F[B]] =
/** A version of `traverse` that infers the type constructor `G`. */
final def traverseU[A, GB](fa: F[A])(f: A => GB)(implicit G: Unapply[Applicative, GB]): G.M[F[G.A]] /*G[F[B]]*/ =
/** A version of `traverse` where a subsequent monadic join is applied to the inner result. */
final def traverseM[A, G[_], B](fa: F[A])(f: A => G[F[B]])(implicit G: Applicative[G], F: Bind[F]): G[F[B]] =
/** Traverse with `State`. */
def traverseS[S,A,B](fa: F[A])(f: A => State[S,B]): State[S,F[B]] =
traverseSTrampoline[S, Id.Id, A, B](fa)(f)
def runTraverseS[S,A,B](fa: F[A], s: S)(f: A => State[S,B]): (S, F[B]) =
/** Traverse `fa` with a `State[S, G[B]]`, internally using a `Trampoline` to avoid stack overflow. */
def traverseSTrampoline[S, G[_] : Applicative, A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => State[S, G[B]]): State[S, G[F[B]]] = {
import Free._
implicit val A = StateT.stateTMonadState[S, Trampoline].compose(Applicative[G])
State[S, G[F[B]]](s => {
val st = traverse[λ[α => StateT[Trampoline, S, G[α]]], A, B](fa)(f(_: A).lift[Trampoline])
/** Traverse `fa` with a `Kleisli[G, S, B]`, internally using a `Trampoline` to avoid stack overflow. */
def traverseKTrampoline[S, G[_] : Applicative, A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => Kleisli[G, S, B]): Kleisli[G, S, F[B]] = {
import Free._
implicit val A = Kleisli.kleisliMonadReader[Trampoline, S].compose(Applicative[G])
Kleisli[G, S, F[B]](s => {
val kl = traverse[λ[α => Kleisli[Trampoline, S, G[α]]], A, B](fa)(z => Kleisli[Id, S, G[B]](i => f(z)(i)).lift[Trampoline]).run(s)
/** Traverse with the identity function. */
def sequence[G[_]:Applicative,A](fga: F[G[A]]): G[F[A]] =
traversal[G].run[G[A], A](fga)(ga => ga)
/** Traverse with `State`. */
def sequenceS[S,A](fga: F[State[S,A]]): State[S,F[A]] =
traverseS(fga)(x => x)
/** A version of `sequence` that infers the nested type constructor. */
final def sequenceU[A](self: F[A])(implicit G: Unapply[Applicative, A]): G.M[F[G.A]] /*G[F[A]] */ =
G.TC.traverse(self)(x => G.apply(x))(this)
override def map[A,B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B] =
def foldLShape[A,B](fa: F[A], z: B)(f: (B,A) => B): (B, F[Unit]) =
runTraverseS(fa, z)(a => State.modify(f(_, a)))
override def foldLeft[A,B](fa: F[A], z: B)(f: (B,A) => B): B = foldLShape(fa, z)(f)._1
def foldMap[A,B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B)(implicit F: Monoid[B]): B = foldLShape(fa,, a) => F.append(b, f(a)))._1
override def foldRight[A, B](fa: F[A], z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B) =
foldMap(fa)((a: A) => (Endo.endo(f(a, _: B)))) apply z
def reverse[A](fa: F[A]): F[A] = {
val (as, shape) = mapAccumL(fa, scala.List[A]())((t,h) => (h :: t,h))
runTraverseS(shape, as)(_ => for {
e <- State.get
_ <- State.put(e.tail)
} yield e.head)._2
def zipWith[A,B,C](fa: F[A], fb: F[B])(f: (A, Option[B]) => C): (List[B], F[C]) =
runTraverseS(fa, toList(fb))(a => for {
bs <- State.get
_ <- State.put(if (bs.isEmpty) bs else bs.tail)
} yield f(a, bs.headOption))
def zipWithL[A,B,C](fa: F[A], fb: F[B])(f: (A,Option[B]) => C): F[C] = zipWith(fa, fb)(f)._2
def zipWithR[A,B,C](fa: F[A], fb: F[B])(f: (Option[A],B) => C): F[C] = zipWith(fb, fa)((b,oa) => f(oa,b))._2
def indexed[A](fa: F[A]): F[(Int, A)] = mapAccumL(fa, 0) { case (s, a) => (s + 1, (s, a)) }._2
def zipL[A,B](fa: F[A], fb: F[B]): F[(A, Option[B])] = zipWithL(fa, fb)((_,_))
def zipR[A,B](fa: F[A], fb: F[B]): F[(Option[A], B)] = zipWithR(fa, fb)((_,_))
def mapAccumL[S,A,B](fa: F[A], z: S)(f: (S,A) => (S,B)): (S, F[B]) =
runTraverseS(fa, z)(a => for {
s1 <- State.init[S]
(s2,b) = f(s1,a)
_ <- State.put(s2)
} yield b)
def mapAccumR[S,A,B](fa: F[A], z: S)(f: (S,A) => (S,B)): (S, F[B]) =
mapAccumL(reverse(fa), z)(f) match { case (s, fb) => (s, reverse(fb)) }
trait TraverseLaw extends FunctorLaw {
/** Traversal through the [[scalaz.Id]] effect is equivalent to `Functor#map` */
def identityTraverse[A, B](fa: F[A], f: A => B)(implicit FB: Equal[F[B]]) = {
FB.equal(traverse[Id, A, B](fa)(f), map(fa)(f))
/** Two sequentially dependent effects can be fused into one, their composition */
def sequentialFusion[N[_], M[_], A, B, C](fa: F[A], amb: A => M[B], bnc: B => N[C])
(implicit N: Applicative[N], M: Applicative[M], MN: Equal[M[N[F[C]]]]): Boolean = {
type MN[A] = M[N[A]]
val t1: MN[F[C]] =[M, A, B](fa)(amb))(fb => traverse[N, B, C](fb)(bnc))
val t2: MN[F[C]] = traverse[MN, A, C](fa)(a => compose N)
MN.equal(t1, t2)
/** Traversal with the `point` function is the same as applying the `point` function directly */
def purity[G[_], A](fa: F[A])(implicit G: Applicative[G], GFA: Equal[G[F[A]]]): Boolean =
GFA.equal(traverse[G, A, A](fa)(G.point[A](_)), G.point(fa))
* @param nat A natural transformation from `M` to `N` for which these properties hold:
* `(a: A) => nat(Applicative[M].point[A](a)) === Applicative[N].point[A](a)`
* `(f: M[A => B], ma: M[A]) => nat(Applicative[M].ap(ma)(f)) === Applicative[N].ap(nat(ma))(nat(f))`
def naturality[N[_], M[_], A](nat: (M ~> N))
(fma: F[M[A]])
(implicit N: Applicative[N], M: Applicative[M], NFA: Equal[N[F[A]]]): Boolean = {
val n1: N[F[A]] = nat[F[A]](sequence[M, A](fma))
val n2: N[F[A]] = sequence[N, A](map(fma)(ma => nat(ma)))
NFA.equal(n1, n2)
/** Two independent effects can be fused into a single effect, their product. */
def parallelFusion[N[_], M[_], A, B](fa: F[A], amb: A => M[B], anb: A => N[B])
(implicit N: Applicative[N], M: Applicative[M], MN: Equal[(M[F[B]], N[F[B]])]): Boolean = {
type MN[A] = (M[A], N[A])
val t1: MN[F[B]] = (traverse[M, A, B](fa)(amb), traverse[N, A, B](fa)(anb))
val t2: MN[F[B]] = traverse[MN, A, B](fa)(a => (amb(a), anb(a)))(M product N)
MN.equal(t1, t2)
def traverseLaw = new TraverseLaw {}
val traverseSyntax = new scalaz.syntax.TraverseSyntax[F] { def F = Traverse.this }
object Traverse {
@inline def apply[F[_]](implicit F: Traverse[F]): Traverse[F] = F
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