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scalaz.Lens.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
package scalaz

import Scalaz._
import scalaz.Category._
import scala.collection.generic.Subtractable
import scala.collection.{SetLike, SeqLike}
import scala.collection.immutable._
import scala._

 * Lenses are required to satisfy the following two laws and to be side-effect free.

* All instances must satisfy 2 laws: *

  1. identity
    forall a. lens.set(a,lens(a)) = a
  2. *
  3. retention
    forall a b. lens(lens.set(a,b)) = b
  4. *

*/ case class Lens[A,B](get: A => B, set: (A,B) => A) extends Immutable { /** A Lens[A,B] can be used as a function from A => B, or implicitly via Lens.asState as a State[A,B] action */ def apply(whole:A): B = get(whole) /** Modify the value viewed through the lens */ def mod(a:A, f: B => B) : A = set(a, f(get(a))) /** Modify the value viewed through the lens, a functor full of results */ def modf[F[_]:Functor](a:A, f: B => F[B]): F[A] = f(get(a)).map((b:B) => set(a,b)) /** modp[C] = modf[PartialApply1Of2[Tuple,C]#Flip], but is more convenient to think about */ def modp[C](a: A, f: B => (B, C)): (A, C) = { val (b,c) = f(get(a)) (set(a,b),c) } /** Lenses can be composed */ def compose[C](that: Lens[C,A]) = Lens[C,B]( c => get(that.get(c)), (c, b) => that.mod(c, set(_, b)) ) def andThen[C](that: Lens[B,C]) = that compose this /** You can apply an isomorphism to the value viewed through the lens to obtain a new lens. */ def xmap[C](f: B => C)(g: C => B) = Lens[A,C]( a => f(get(a)), (a,c) => set(a,g(c)) ) /** Two lenses that view a value of the same type can be joined */ def |||[C](that: Lens[C,B]) = Lens[Either[A,C],B]( { case Left(a) => get(a) case Right(b) => that.get(b) }, { case (Left(a), b) => Left (set(a,b)) case (Right(c), b) => Right(that.set(c,b)) } ) /** Two disjoint lenses can be paired */ def ***[C,D](that: Lens[C,D]) = Lens[(A,C),(B,D)]( ac => (get(ac._1), that.get(ac._2)), (ac,bd) => (set(ac._1,bd._1),that.set(ac._2,bd._2)) ) // These two sadly fail lens laws: // &&& fails retention in the event that the two lenses overlap. Consider: fst &&& fst // def &&&[C] (that: Lens[A,C]): Lens[A,(B,C)] // +++ fails retention because of set(Left(a), Right(d)) // def +++[C,D](that: Lens[C,D]): Lens[Either[A,C],Either[B,D]] /** A Lens[A,B] can be used directly as a State[A,B] that retrieves the value viewed from the state */ implicit def toState : State[A,B] = state[A,B](a => (a, get(a))) /** We can contravariantly map the state of a state monad through a lens */ def lifts[C](s: State[B,C]) : State[A,C] = state[A,C](a => modp(a,s.apply)) /** Contravariantly mapping the state of a state monad through a lens is a natural transformation */ def liftsNT: ({type M[X] = State[B,X]})#M ~> ({type N[X] = State[A,X]})#N = new (({type M[X] = State[B,X]})#M ~> ({type N[X] = State[A,X]})#N) { def apply[C](s : State[B,C]): State[A,C] = state[A,C](a => modp(a,s.apply)) } /** modify the state, and return a derived value as a state monadic action. */ def modps[C](f: B => (B,C)) : State[A,C] = lifts(state(f)) /** modify the portion of the state viewed through the lens and return its new value */ def mods[C](f : B => B) : State[A,B] = state[A,B](a => modp(a,f(_).pair)) /** modify the portion of the state viewed through the lens, but do not return its new value */ def mods_[C](f : B => B) : State[A,Unit] = state[A,Unit](a => (mod(a,f), Unit)) /** Set the value viewed through the lens to a given value */ def :=(b: B) : State[A,Unit] = state[A,Unit](a => (set(a,b), Unit)) /** flatMapping a lens yields a state action to avoid ambiguity */ def flatMap[C](f : B => State[A,C]) : State[A,C] = state[A,C](a => f(get(a))(a)) /** Mapping a lens yields a state action to avoid ambiguity */ def map[C](f: B => C) : State[A,C] = state[A,C](a => (a,f(get(a)))) } object Lens { /** The identity lens for a given object */ def self[A] = Lens[A,A](a => a, (_, a) => a) /** The trivial lens that can retrieve Unit from anything */ def trivial[A] = Lens[A,Unit](_ => Unit, (a, _) => a) /** A lens that discards the choice of Right or Left from Either */ def codiag[A] : Lens[Either[A,A],A] = self[A] ||| self[A] /** Access the first field of a tuple */ def fst[A,B] = Lens[(A,B),A](_._1, (ab,a) => (a,ab._2)) /** Access the second field of a tuple */ def snd[A,B] = Lens[(A,B),B](_._2, (ab,b) => (ab._1,b)) /** Lenses form a category */ implicit def category : Category[Lens] = new Category[Lens] { def compose[A,B,C](g: Lens[B,C], f: Lens[A,B]): Lens[A,C] = f andThen g def id[A]: Lens[A,A] = self[A] } /** Lenses may be used implicitly as State monadic actions that get the viewed portion of the state */ implicit def asState[A,B](lens: Lens[A,B]): State[A,B] = lens.toState /** Lenses are an invariant functor. xmap can be used to transform a view into an isomorphic form */ implicit def invariantFunctor[A] : InvariantFunctor[({type λ[α]=Lens[A, α]})#λ] = new InvariantFunctor[({type λ[α]=Lens[A, α]})#λ] { def xmap[B,C](lens: Lens[A,B], f: B => C, g: C => B) = lens.xmap[C](f)(g) } /** There exists a generalized functor from Lenses to Function1, which just forgets how to set the value */ implicit def generalizedFunctor[A] : GeneralizedFunctor[Lens,Function1,Id] = new GeneralizedFunctor[Lens,Function1,Id] { def fmap[A,B](lens: Lens[A,B]) = lens.get } /** Enriches lenses that view tuples with field accessors */ implicit def tuple2Lens[S,A,B](lens: Lens[S,(A,B)]) = ( Lens[S,A](s => lens.get(s)._1, (s,a) => lens.mod(s, t => t copy (_1 = a))), Lens[S,B](s => lens.get(s)._2, (s,a) => lens.mod(s, t => t copy (_2 = a))) ) /** Enriches lenses that view tuples with field accessors */ implicit def tuple3Lens[S,A,B,C](lens: Lens[S,(A,B,C)]) = ( Lens[S,A](s => lens.get(s)._1, (s,a) => lens.mod(s, t => t copy (_1 = a))), Lens[S,B](s => lens.get(s)._2, (s,a) => lens.mod(s, t => t copy (_2 = a))), Lens[S,C](s => lens.get(s)._3, (s,a) => lens.mod(s, t => t copy (_3 = a))) ) /** Enriches lenses that view tuples with field accessors */ implicit def tuple4Lens[S,A,B,C,D](lens: Lens[S,(A,B,C,D)]) = ( Lens[S,A](s => lens.get(s)._1, (s,a) => lens.mod(s, t => t copy (_1 = a))), Lens[S,B](s => lens.get(s)._2, (s,a) => lens.mod(s, t => t copy (_2 = a))), Lens[S,C](s => lens.get(s)._3, (s,a) => lens.mod(s, t => t copy (_3 = a))), Lens[S,D](s => lens.get(s)._4, (s,a) => lens.mod(s, t => t copy (_4 = a))) ) /** Enriches lenses that view tuples with field accessors */ implicit def tuple5Lens[S,A,B,C,D,E](lens: Lens[S,(A,B,C,D,E)]) = ( Lens[S,A](s => lens.get(s)._1, (s,a) => lens.mod(s, t => t copy (_1 = a))), Lens[S,B](s => lens.get(s)._2, (s,a) => lens.mod(s, t => t copy (_2 = a))), Lens[S,C](s => lens.get(s)._3, (s,a) => lens.mod(s, t => t copy (_3 = a))), Lens[S,D](s => lens.get(s)._4, (s,a) => lens.mod(s, t => t copy (_4 = a))), Lens[S,E](s => lens.get(s)._5, (s,a) => lens.mod(s, t => t copy (_5 = a))) ) /** Enriches lenses that view tuples with field accessors */ implicit def tuple6Lens[S,A,B,C,D,E,F](lens: Lens[S,(A,B,C,D,E,F)]) = ( Lens[S,A](s => lens.get(s)._1, (s,a) => lens.mod(s, t => t copy (_1 = a))), Lens[S,B](s => lens.get(s)._2, (s,a) => lens.mod(s, t => t copy (_2 = a))), Lens[S,C](s => lens.get(s)._3, (s,a) => lens.mod(s, t => t copy (_3 = a))), Lens[S,D](s => lens.get(s)._4, (s,a) => lens.mod(s, t => t copy (_4 = a))), Lens[S,E](s => lens.get(s)._5, (s,a) => lens.mod(s, t => t copy (_5 = a))), Lens[S,F](s => lens.get(s)._6, (s,a) => lens.mod(s, t => t copy (_6 = a))) ) /** Enriches lenses that view tuples with field accessors */ implicit def tuple7Lens[S,A,B,C,D,E,F,G](lens: Lens[S,(A,B,C,D,E,F,G)]) = ( Lens[S,A](s => lens.get(s)._1, (s,a) => lens.mod(s, t => t copy (_1 = a))), Lens[S,B](s => lens.get(s)._2, (s,a) => lens.mod(s, t => t copy (_2 = a))), Lens[S,C](s => lens.get(s)._3, (s,a) => lens.mod(s, t => t copy (_3 = a))), Lens[S,D](s => lens.get(s)._4, (s,a) => lens.mod(s, t => t copy (_4 = a))), Lens[S,E](s => lens.get(s)._5, (s,a) => lens.mod(s, t => t copy (_5 = a))), Lens[S,F](s => lens.get(s)._6, (s,a) => lens.mod(s, t => t copy (_6 = a))), Lens[S,G](s => lens.get(s)._7, (s,a) => lens.mod(s, t => t copy (_7 = a))) ) trait WrappedLens[S,A] { def lens : Lens[S,A] } /** A lens that views a Subtractable type can provide the appearance of in place mutation */ implicit def subtractableLens[S,A,Repr <: Subtractable[A,Repr]]( l : Lens[S,Repr] ) : SubtractableLens[S,A,Repr] = new SubtractableLens[S,A,Repr] { def lens : Lens[S,Repr] = l } trait SubtractableLens[S,A,Repr <: Subtractable[A, Repr]] extends WrappedLens[S,Repr] { def -= (elem: A) = lens.mods (_ - elem) def -= (elem1: A, elem2: A, elems: A*) = lens.mods (_ - elem1 - elem2 -- elems) def --= (xs: TraversableOnce[A]) = lens.mods (_ -- xs) } /** A lens that views an SetLike type can provide the appearance of in place mutation */ implicit def setLikeLens[S,K,Repr <: SetLike[K,Repr] with Set[K]](l: Lens[S,Repr]) : SetLikeLens[S,K,Repr] = new SetLikeLens[S,K,Repr] { def lens : Lens[S,Repr] = l } implicit def setLens[S,K] = setLikeLens[S,K,Set[K]](_) trait SetLikeLens[S,K,Repr <: SetLike[K,Repr] with Set[K]] extends SubtractableLens[S,K,Repr] { /** Setting the value of this lens will change whether or not it is present in the set */ def contains(key: K) = Lens[S,Boolean]( s => lens.get(s).contains(key), (s, b) => lens.mod(s, m => if (b) m + key else m - key) ) def &= (that: Set[K]) = lens.mods(_ & that) def &~=(that: Set[K]) = lens.mods(_ &~ that) def |= (that: Set[K]) = lens.mods(_ | that) def += (elem: K) = lens.mods (_ + elem) def += (elem1: K, elem2: K, elems: K*) = lens.mods (_ + elem1 + elem2 ++ elems) def ++= (xs: TraversableOnce[K]) = lens.mods (_ ++ xs) } /** A lens that views an immutable Map type can provide a mutable.Map-like API via State */ implicit def mapLens[S,K,V] = MapLens[S,K,V](_) case class MapLens[S,K,V](lens: Lens[S,Map[K,V]]) extends SubtractableLens[S,K,Map[K,V]] { /** Allows both viewing and setting the value of a member of the map */ def member(k:K) = Lens[S,Option[V]]( s => lens.get(s).get(k), (s, opt) => lens.mod(s, m => opt.cata(v => m + (k -> v), m - k))) /** This lens has undefined behavior when accessing an element not present in the map! */ def at(k:K) = Lens[S,V](lens.get(_)(k), (s, v) => lens.mod(s, _ + (k -> v))) def +=(elem1: (K,V), elem2: (K,V), elems: (K,V)*) = lens.mods (_ + elem1 + elem2 ++ elems) def +=(elem: (K,V)) = lens.mods (_ + elem) def ++=(xs: TraversableOnce[(K,V)]) = lens.mods (_ ++ xs) def update(key: K, value: V) = lens.mods_(_.updated(key,value)) } /** Provide the appearance of a mutable-like API for sorting sequences through a lens */ implicit def seqLikeLens[S,A,Repr <: SeqLike[A,Repr]] = SeqLikeLens[S,A,Repr](_) implicit def seqLens[S,A] = seqLikeLens[S,A,scala.collection.immutable.Seq[A]] case class SeqLikeLens[S, A, Repr <: SeqLike[A,Repr]](lens: Lens[S,Repr]) { def sortWith(lt: (A,A) => Boolean) = lens.mods_(_ sortWith lt) def sortBy[B:math.Ordering](f:A=>B) = lens.mods_(_ sortBy f) def sort[B >: A](implicit ord: math.Ordering[B]) = lens.mods_(_.sorted[B]) } /** Provide an imperative-seeming API for stacks viewed through a lens */ implicit def stackLens[S,A] = StackLens[S,A](_) case class StackLens[S,A](lens: Lens[S,Stack[A]]) { def push(elem1: A, elem2: A, elems: A*) = lens.mods_(_ push elem1 push elem2 pushAll elems) def push(elem: A) = lens.mods_(_ push elem) def pop = lens.mods_(_.pop) def pop2 = lens.modps(_.pop2.swap) def top = def length = } /** Provide an imperative-seeming API for queues viewed through a lens */ implicit def queueLens[S,A] = QueueLens[S,A](_) case class QueueLens[S,A](lens: Lens[S,Queue[A]]) { def enqueue(elem: A) = lens.mods_(_ enqueue elem) def dequeue = lens.modps(_.dequeue.swap) def length = } /** Provide an imperative-seeming API for arrays viewed through a lens */ implicit def arrayLens[S,A] = ArrayLens[S,Array[A]](_) case class ArrayLens[S,A](lens: Lens[S,Array[A]]) { def at(i : Int) = Lens[S,A]( s => lens.get(s)(i), (s, v) => lens.mod(s, array => { val copy = array.clone() copy.update(i,v) copy }) ) def length = } /** Allow the illusion of imperative updates to numbers viewed through a lens */ implicit def numericLens[S,N:Numeric](lens: Lens[S,N]) = NumericLens[S,N](lens, implicitly[Numeric[N]]) case class NumericLens[S,N](lens: Lens[S,N], num : Numeric[N]) { def +=(that:N) = lens.mods(,that)) def -=(that:N) = lens.mods(num.minus(_,that)) def *=(that:N) = lens.mods(num.times(_,that)) } /** Allow the illusion of imperative updates to numbers viewed through a lens */ implicit def fractionalLens[S,F:Fractional](lens: Lens[S,F]) = FractionalLens[S,F](lens, implicitly[Fractional[F]]) case class FractionalLens[S,F](lens: Lens[S,F], frac: Fractional[F]) { def /=(that:F) = lens.mods(frac.div(_,that)) } /** Allow the illusion of imperative updates to numbers viewed through a lens */ implicit def integralLens[S,I:Integral](lens: Lens[S,I]) = IntegralLens[S,I](lens, implicitly[Integral[I]]) case class IntegralLens[S,I](lens: Lens[S,I], int: Integral[I]) { def %=(that:I) = lens.mods(int.quot(_,that)) } }