scalaz.concurrent.Promise.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scalaz
package concurrent
import java.util.concurrent.{ConcurrentLinkedQueue, CountDownLatch}
import Scalaz._
/** Represents an expression that is evaluated asynchronously, according to some
evaluation strategy. */
sealed class Promise[A](implicit val strategy: Strategy) extends Function0[A] {
import Promise._
private val latch = new CountDownLatch(1)
private val waiting = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[A => Unit]
private val errorHandlers = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[Throwable => Unit]
@volatile private var v: Promise.State[A] = Promise.Unfulfilled
@volatile private var borked: Boolean = false
private val e: Actor[Signal[A]] = actor[Signal[A]](_.eval, x => v.fulfill(throw x, this))
/** Syncrhonously blocks until the value is ready, then returns it.
* WARNING: May block indefinitely. A kitten dies every time you call this method. */
def get = {
/** Registers the given actor or effect as a continuation receiving the promised value. */
def to(k: A => Unit): Unit = e ! new Cont(k, this)
/** Registers the given error handler as a continuation receiving errors thrown by the evaluation. */
def errorTo(k: Throwable => Unit): Unit = e ! new Err(k, this)
/** Sets the value of this promise, out of band.
* WARNING: Once the value of a promise is set, it is forever immutable. */
def fulfill(a: => A): Unit = e ! new Done(a, this)
/** Indicates whether the evaluation of this promise has finished. */
def fulfilled: Boolean = v.fulfilled
/** Indicates whether the evaluation of this promise threw an error. */
def threw: Boolean = v.threw
/** Indicates whether the promise has been broken. A broken promise is never fulfilled. */
def broken = borked
/** Breaks the promise. After this method finishes, any registered continuation will not receive the value.
* If evaluation has not yet started, it will never start. */
def break {
borked = true
e ! new Break(this)
/** Registers the given function as a continuation, returning a promise of the result. */
def map[B](f: A => B) = flatMap(a => Promise(f(a)))
/** Registers the given function as a continuation, returning the result of that function. */
def flatMap[B](f: A => Promise[B]) = {
val r = new Promise[B]()
errorTo (x => r fulfill (throw x))
to(a => (try {
val p = f(a)
p errorTo (x => r fulfill (throw x))
} catch {
case x => {
r fulfill (throw x)
(throw x) : Promise[B]
}) to effect[B](b => r fulfill b))
/** Returns a promise that is only ever fulfilled if the value of this promise matches the given predicate. */
def filter(p: A => Boolean): Promise[A] = {
val r = new Promise[A]()
to(a => promise(p(a)) to effect[Boolean](b => if (b) r fulfill a))
/** Syncrhonously blocks until the value is ready, then returns it.
* WARNING: May block indefinitely. A kitten dies every time you call this method. */
def apply = get
override def toString = ""
/** Speculative concurrency. In the expression `guess.spec(f, actual)` the value of
* `guess` is an inexpensive guess at the value and `actual` is the actual value,
* usually a more expensive computation. The function `f` is ''speculatively'' applied
* to the `guess`. Once the `actual` value is available, it's compared with the `guess`.
* If the `guess` was correct, we will have already applied `f` to the correct value,
* saving time. If the guess was incorrect, then `f` is applied to the value of `actual`. */
def spec[B](f: A => B, actual: Promise[A])(implicit equality: Equal[A]): Promise[B] = {
if (!actual.fulfilled) {
val speculation = this map f
actual flatMap (a => this flatMap (g => if (a === g) speculation else {
} else actual map f
trait Promises {
/** Evaluate the given expression asynchronously given the strategy. */
def promise[A](a: => A)(implicit s: Strategy): Promise[A] = Promise(a)
/** Construct an empty promise that you must remember to fulfill later. */
def emptyPromise[A](implicit s: Strategy) = new Promise[A]()(s)
object Promise {
/** Evaluate the given expression asynchronously given the strategy. */
def apply[A](a: => A)(implicit s: Strategy): Promise[A] = {
val p = new Promise[A]()(s)
p.e ! new Done(a, p)
private sealed abstract class State[+A] {
def get: A
def fulfill[B>:A](a: => B, promise: Promise[B]): Unit
val fulfilled: Boolean
val threw: Boolean
def break(promise: Promise[_]): Unit
private case class Thrown(e: Throwable) extends State[Nothing] {
def get: Nothing = throw e
def fulfill[B](a: => B, promise: Promise[B]) {
// we could allow users to manually fulfill a thrown promise,
// but this would violate referential transparency. DENIED
// Unfulfilled.fulfill(a, promise)
val fulfilled = true
val threw = true
def break(promise: Promise[_]) {}
private class Fulfilled[A](val get: A) extends State[A] {
def fulfill[B>:A](a: => B, promise: Promise[B]) {}
val fulfilled = true
val threw = false
def break(promise: Promise[_]) {}
private object Unfulfilled extends State[Nothing] {
// the only way get gets here is if the promise is broken
def get: Nothing = throw new BrokenException
def fulfill[B](a: => B, promise: Promise[B]) {
if (!promise.borked) {
try {
promise.v = new Fulfilled(a)
} catch {
case e : Throwable => {
promise.v = new Thrown(e)
val es = promise.errorHandlers
while (!es.isEmpty) es.remove()(e)
promise.waiting.clear // kill teh hordes
val as = promise.waiting
while (!as.isEmpty) as.remove()(a)
val fulfilled = false
val threw = false
def break(promise: Promise[_]) {
promise.latch.countDown // free the hordes
sealed class BrokenException extends Exception
private abstract sealed class Signal[+A] {
def eval: Unit
private class Done[+A](a: => A, promise: Promise[A]) extends Signal[A] {
def eval {
promise.v.fulfill(a, promise)
private class Cont[+A](k: A => Unit, promise: Promise[A]) extends Signal[A] {
def eval {
if (promise.v.fulfilled) k(promise.v.get)
else promise.waiting.offer(k)
private class Break(promise: Promise[_]) extends Signal[Nothing] {
def eval {
private class Err[+A](k: Throwable => Unit, promise: Promise[A]) extends Signal[A] {
def eval {
promise.v match {
case Thrown(e) => k(e)
case _ => promise.errorHandlers.offer(k)
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