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scalaz.Cofree.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package scalaz

import Cofree.CofreeZip

/** A cofree comonad for some functor `S`, i.e. an `S`-branching stream. */
sealed abstract class Cofree[S[_], A] {

  def head: A

  def t: Free.Trampoline[S[Cofree[S,A]]]

  /** Applies `f` to the head and `g` through the tail. */
  def applyCofree[B](f: A => B, g: Cofree[S, A] => Cofree[S, B])(implicit S: Functor[S]): Cofree[S, B]

  /* Derived methods */

  def tail: S[Cofree[S, A]] =

  /** Alias for `head`, for compatibility with Scalaz 6 */
  final def extract: A = head

  /** Alias for `head`, for compatibility with Scalaz 6 */
  final def copure: A = head

  /** Alias for `tail`, for compatibility with Scalaz 6 */
  final def out: S[Cofree[S, A]] = tail

  final def map[B](f: A => B)(implicit S: Functor[S]): Cofree[S, B] =
    applyCofree(f, _ map f)

  /** Alias for `extend` */
  final def `=>>`[B](f: Cofree[S, A] => B)(implicit S: Functor[S]): Cofree[S, B] = this extend f

  /** Redecorates this structure with a computation whose context is the entire structure under that value. */
  final def extend[B](f: Cofree[S, A] => B)(implicit S: Functor[S]): Cofree[S, B] =
    applyTail(f(this), _ extend f)

  /** Folds over this cofree structure, returning all the intermediate values in a new structure. */
  def scanr[B](g: (A, S[Cofree[S, B]]) => B)(implicit S: Functor[S]): Cofree[S, B] = {
    val qs = scanr g)
    Cofree(g(head, qs), qs)

  /** Redecorates the structure with values representing entire substructures. */
  final def duplicate(implicit S: Functor[S]): Cofree[S, Cofree[S, A]] =
    applyTail(this, _.duplicate)

  /** Returns the components of this structure in a tuple. */
  final def toPair: (A, S[Cofree[S, A]]) = (head, tail)

  /** Changes the branching functor with the given natural transformation, using the source branching functor's fmap. */
  final def mapBranching[T[_]](f: S ~> T)(implicit S: Functor[S]): Cofree[T, A] =
    Cofree.delay(head, f( mapBranching f)))

  /** Changes the branching functor with the given natural transformation, using the target branching functor's fmap. */
  final def mapBranchingT[T[_]](f: S ~> T)(implicit T: Functor[T]): Cofree[T, A] =
    Cofree.delay(head, mapBranchingT f))

  /** Modifies the first branching with the given natural transformation. */
  final def mapFirstBranching(f: S ~> S): Cofree[S, A] =
    Cofree.delay(head, f(tail))

  /** Injects a constant value into this structure. */
  final def inject[B](b: B)(implicit S: Functor[S]): Cofree[S, B] =
    applyTail(b, _ inject b)

   /** Replaces the head with `b` and applies `g` through the tail. */
  final def applyTail[B](b: B, g: Cofree[S, A] => Cofree[S, B])(implicit S: Functor[S]): Cofree[S, B] =
    applyCofree(x => b, g)

  /** Applies a function `f` to a value in this comonad and a corresponding value in the dual monad, annihilating both. */
  final def zapWith[G[_], B, C](bs: Free[G, B])(f: (A, B) => C)(implicit d: Zap[S, G]): C =
    Zap.comonadMonadZap.zapWith(this, bs)(f)

  /** Applies a function in a monad to the corresponding value in this comonad, annihilating both. */
  final def zap[G[_], B](fs: Free[G, A => B])(implicit d: Zap[S, G]): B =
    zapWith(fs)((a, f) => f(a))

object Cofree extends CofreeInstances {

  def apply[S[_], A](h: A, t: S[Cofree[S, A]]): Cofree[S,A] = applyT(h, Trampoline.done(t))

  def delay[S[_], A](h: A, t: => S[Cofree[S, A]]): Cofree[S,A] = applyT(h, Trampoline.delay(t))

  def unapply[S[_], A](c: Cofree[S, A]): Some[(A, S[Cofree[S,A]])] = Some( (c.head, c.tail) )

  //creates an instance of Cofree that trampolines all of the calls to the tail so we get stack safety
  def applyT[S[_],A](a: A, tf: Free.Trampoline[S[Cofree[S,A]]])(implicit T: Functor[Free.Trampoline]): Cofree[S, A] =
    new Cofree[S,A] {

      def head = a

      def t = tf

      def applyCofree[B](f: A => B, g: Cofree[S, A] => Cofree[S, B])(implicit S: Functor[S]): Cofree[S,B] =

  private[scalaz] final type CofreeZip[F[_], A] = Cofree[F, A] @@ Tags.Zip

  private[scalaz] final def CofreeZip[F[_], A](head: A, tail: F[Cofree[F, A]]): CofreeZip[F, A] =
    Tags.Zip(Cofree(head, tail))

  /** Cofree corecursion. */
  def unfoldC[F[_], A](a: A)(f: A => F[A])(implicit F: Functor[F]): Cofree[F, A] =

  def unfold[F[_], A, B](b: B)(f: B => (A, F[B]))(implicit F: Functor[F], T: Functor[Free.Trampoline]): Cofree[F, A] = {
    val (a, fb) = f(b)
    val nt =
    Cofree.applyT(a, nt)

  def mapUnfold[F[_],W[_],A](z: W[A])(f: W ~> F)(implicit W: Comonad[W]): Cofree[F,A] =
    Cofree.delay(W copoint z, f(W.extend(z)(mapUnfold(_:W[A])(f))))

sealed abstract class CofreeInstances6 {

  implicit def cofreeEqual[F[_], A](implicit A0: Equal[A], F0: => Equal[F[Cofree[F, A]]]): Equal[Cofree[F, A]] =
    new CofreeEqual[F, A] {
      override def A = A0
      override lazy val F = F0

  implicit def cofreeZipEqual[F[_], A](implicit A: Equal[A], F: => Equal[F[CofreeZip[F, A]]]): Equal[CofreeZip[F, A]] =
      cofreeEqual[F, A](A, F.contramap(Tags.Zip.subst))


sealed abstract class CofreeInstances5 extends CofreeInstances6 {

  implicit def cofreeOrder[F[_], A](implicit A0: Order[A], F0: => Order[F[Cofree[F, A]]]): Order[Cofree[F, A]] =
    new Order[Cofree[F, A]] with CofreeEqual[F, A] {
      override lazy val F: Order[F[Cofree[F, A]]] = F0
      override def A: Order[A] = A0
      override def order(x: Cofree[F, A], y: Cofree[F, A]) = {
        Monoid[Ordering].append(A.order(x.head, y.head), F0.order(x.tail, y.tail))

  implicit def cofreeZipOrder[F[_], A](implicit A: Order[A], F: => Order[F[CofreeZip[F, A]]]): Order[CofreeZip[F, A]] =
      cofreeOrder[F, A](A, F.contramap(Tags.Zip.subst))


sealed abstract class CofreeInstances4 extends CofreeInstances5 {
  /** low priority `Foldable1` instance */
  implicit def cofreeFoldable[F[_]: Foldable]: Foldable1[Cofree[F, *]] =
    new CofreeFoldable[F]{
      def F = implicitly

sealed abstract class CofreeInstances3 extends CofreeInstances4 {
  /** low priority `Traverse1` instance */
  implicit def cofreeTraverse[F[_]: Traverse]: Traverse1[Cofree[F, *]] =
    new CofreeTraverse[F]{
      def F = implicitly

  implicit def cofreeZipFunctor[F[_]: Functor]: Functor[CofreeZip[F, *]] =
    new CofreeZipFunctor[F]{
      def F = implicitly

sealed abstract class CofreeInstances2 extends CofreeInstances3 {
  /** high priority `Foldable1` instance. more efficient */
  implicit def cofreeFoldable1[F[_]: Foldable1]: Foldable1[Cofree[F, *]] =
    new CofreeFoldable1[F]{
      def F = implicitly

  implicit def cofreeBind[F[_]: Plus: Functor]: Bind[Cofree[F, *]] =
    new CofreeBind[F]{
      def F = implicitly
      def G = implicitly

sealed abstract class CofreeInstances1 extends CofreeInstances2 {
  /** high priority `Traverse1` instance. more efficient */
  implicit def cofreeTraverse1[F[_]: Traverse1]: Traverse1[Cofree[F, *]] =
    new CofreeTraverse1[F] {
      def F = implicitly

  implicit def cofreeZipApply[F[_]: Apply]: Apply[CofreeZip[F, *]] =
    new CofreeZipApply[F]{
      def F = implicitly

sealed abstract class CofreeInstances0 extends CofreeInstances1 {
  implicit def cofreeZipApplicative[F[_]: Applicative]: Applicative[CofreeZip[F, *]] =
    new CofreeZipApplicative[F]{
      def F = implicitly

  implicit def cofreeMonad[F[_]: PlusEmpty: Functor]: Monad[Cofree[F, *]] =
    new CofreeMonad[F]{
      def F = implicitly
      def G = implicitly

sealed abstract class CofreeInstances extends CofreeInstances0 {
  implicit def cofreeComonad[S[_]: Functor]: Comonad[Cofree[S, *]] = new CofreeComonad[S] {
    def F = implicitly

private trait CofreeComonad[S[_]] extends Comonad[Cofree[S, *]] {
  implicit def F: Functor[S]

  def copoint[A](p: Cofree[S, A]) = p.head

  override def cojoin[A](a: Cofree[S, A]) = a.duplicate

  override final def map[A, B](fa: Cofree[S, A])(f: A => B) = fa map f

  def cobind[A, B](fa: Cofree[S, A])(f: (Cofree[S, A]) => B) = fa extend f

private trait CofreeZipFunctor[F[_]] extends Functor[CofreeZip[F, *]]{
  implicit def F: Functor[F]

  override final def map[A, B](fa: CofreeZip[F, A])(f: A => B) = Tags.Zip(Tag unwrap fa map f)

private trait CofreeZipApply[F[_]] extends Apply[CofreeZip[F, *]] with CofreeZipFunctor[F]{
  implicit def F: Apply[F]

  override final def ap[A, B](fa: => CofreeZip[F, A])(f: => CofreeZip[F, A => B]): CofreeZip[F, B] =
        Tag.unwrap(fa).t.flatMap(fat => Tag.unwrap(f) => F.apply2(Tags.Zip.subst(fat), Tags.Zip.subst(fab)) { (a, b) =>

private trait CofreeZipApplicative[F[_]] extends Applicative[CofreeZip[F, *]] with CofreeZipApply[F]{
  implicit def F: Applicative[F]

  def point[A](a: => A) = Tags.Zip(Cofree.delay(a, F.point(Tag.unwrap[Cofree[F, A], Tags.Zip](point(a)))))

private trait CofreeBind[F[_]] extends Bind[Cofree[F, *]] with CofreeComonad[F]{
  implicit def F: Functor[F]
  implicit def G: Plus[F]

  def bind[A, B](fa: Cofree[F, A])(f: A => Cofree[F, B]): Cofree[F, B] = {
    val c = f(fa.head)
    Cofree.applyT(c.head, =>, ) )

private trait CofreeMonad[F[_]] extends Monad[Cofree[F, *]] with CofreeBind[F]{
  implicit def G: PlusEmpty[F]

  def point[A](a: => A): Cofree[F, A] = Cofree(a, G.empty)

private trait CofreeFoldable[F[_]] extends Foldable1[Cofree[F, *]]{
  implicit def F: Foldable[F]

  override final def foldMap[A, B](fa: Cofree[F, A])(f: A => B)(implicit M: Monoid[B]): B =
    M.append(f(fa.head), F.foldMap(fa.tail)(foldMap(_)(f)))

  override final def foldRight[A, B](fa: Cofree[F, A], z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B): B =
    f(fa.head, F.foldRight(fa.tail, z)(foldRight(_, _)(f)))

  override final def foldLeft[A, B](fa: Cofree[F, A], z: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B =
    F.foldLeft(fa.tail, f(z, fa.head))((b, c) => foldLeft(c, b)(f))

  override final def foldMapLeft1[A, B](fa: Cofree[F, A])(z: A => B)(f: (B, A) => B): B =
    F.foldLeft(fa.tail, z(fa.head))((b, c) => foldLeft(c, b)(f))

  override def foldMapRight1[A, B](fa: Cofree[F, A])(z: A => B)(f: (A, => B) => B): B = {
    import std.option.none
    foldRight(fa, none[B]){
      case (l, None) => Some(z(l))
      case (l, Some(r)) => Some(f(l, r))

  override def foldMap1[A, B](fa: Cofree[F, A])(f: A => B)(implicit S: Semigroup[B]): B = {
    val h = f(fa.head)
    F.foldMap1Opt(fa.tail)(foldMap1(_)(f)).map(S.append(h, _)).getOrElse(h)

private trait CofreeFoldable1[F[_]] extends Foldable1[Cofree[F, *]] with CofreeFoldable[F]{
  implicit def F: Foldable1[F]

  override final def foldMap1[A, B](fa: Cofree[F, A])(f: A => B)(implicit S: Semigroup[B]): B =
    S.append(f(fa.head), F.foldMap1(fa.tail)(foldMap1(_)(f)))

private trait CofreeTraverse[F[_]] extends Traverse1[Cofree[F, *]] with CofreeFoldable[F] with CofreeComonad[F]{
  implicit def F: Traverse[F]

  override final def traverseImpl[G[_], A, B](fa: Cofree[F,A])(f: A => G[B])(implicit G: Applicative[G]): G[Cofree[F,B]] =
    G.apply2(f(fa.head), F.traverse(fa.tail)(traverse(_)(f)))(Cofree(_, _))

  override def traverse1Impl[G[_], A, B](fa: Cofree[F,A])(f: A => G[B])(implicit G: Apply[G]): G[Cofree[F,B]] =
    G.applyApplicative.traverse[Cofree[F, A], F, Cofree[F, B]](fa.tail)(a => -\/(traverse1(a)(f)))
      .fold(ftl => G.apply2(f(fa.head), ftl)(Cofree(_, _)),
         tl =>, tl)))

private trait CofreeTraverse1[F[_]] extends Traverse1[Cofree[F, *]] with CofreeTraverse[F] with CofreeFoldable1[F]{
  implicit def F: Traverse1[F]

  override def traverse1Impl[G[_], A, B](fa: Cofree[F,A])(f: A => G[B])(implicit G: Apply[G]): G[Cofree[F,B]] =
    G.apply2(f(fa.head), F.traverse1(fa.tail)(traverse1(_)(f)))(Cofree(_, _))

private trait CofreeEqual[F[_], A] extends Equal[Cofree[F, A]] {
  protected[this] def A: Equal[A]
  protected[this] def F: Equal[F[Cofree[F, A]]]
  override final def equal(x: Cofree[F, A], y: Cofree[F, A]) = {
    A.equal(x.head, y.head) && F.equal(x.tail, y.tail)

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