scalaz.Heap.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scalaz
import std.tuple._
import EphemeralStream.{EStream, emptyEphemeralStream, ##::}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
/**An efficient, asymptotically optimal, implementation of priority queues
* extended with support for efficient size.
* The implementation of 'Heap' is based on bootstrapped skew binomial heaps
* as described by:
* G. Brodal and C. Okasaki , "Optimal Purely Functional Priority Queues",
* Journal of Functional Programming 6:839-857 (1996),
* Based on the heaps Haskell library by Edward Kmett
sealed abstract class Heap[A] {
import Heap._
import Heap.impl._
import Tree._
def fold[B](empty: => B, nonempty: (Int, (A, A) => Boolean, Tree[Ranked[A]]) => B): B
/**Is the heap empty? O(1)*/
def isEmpty: Boolean = fold(true, (_, _, _) => false)
/**Is the heap populated? O(1)*/
final def nonEmpty: Boolean = !isEmpty
/**The number of elements in the heap. O(1)*/
def size: Int = fold(0, (s, _, _) => s)
/**Insert a new value into the heap. O(1)*/
def insert(a: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): Heap[A] = insertWith(o.lessThanOrEqual, a)
/** Alias for insert */
final def +(a: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): Heap[A] = this insert a
def insertAll(as: IterableOnce[A])(implicit o: Order[A]): Heap[A] =
as.iterator.foldLeft(this)((h,a) => h insert a)
def insertAllF[F[_]](as: F[A])(implicit F: Foldable[F], o: Order[A]): Heap[A] =
F.foldLeft(as, this)((h,a) => h insert a)
/**Meld the values from two heaps into one heap. O(1)*/
def union(as: Heap[A]): Heap[A] = (this, as) match {
case (Empty(), q) => q
case (q, Empty()) => q
case (Heap(s1, leq, t1@Node(Ranked(r1, x1), f1)),
Heap(s2, _, t2@Node(Ranked(r2, x2), f2))) =>
if (leq(x1, x2))
Heap(s1 + s2, leq, Node(Ranked(0, x1), skewInsert(leq, t2, f1)))
Heap(s1 + s2, leq, Node(Ranked(0, x2), skewInsert(leq, t1, f2)))
/**Split the heap into the minimum element and the remainder. O(log n)*/
def uncons: Option[(A, Heap[A])] =
fold(None, (_, _, t) => Some((t.rootLabel.value, deleteMin)))
/**Get the minimum key on the (nonempty) heap. O(1) */
def minimum: A = fold(sys.error("Heap.minimum: empty heap"), (_, _, t) => t.rootLabel.value)
/**Get the minimum key on the (nonempty) heap. O(1) */
def minimumO: Option[A] = fold(None, (_, _, t) => Some(t.rootLabel.value))
/**Delete the minimum key from the heap and return the resulting heap. O(log n) */
def deleteMin: Heap[A] = {
fold(Empty[A], (s, leq, t) => t match {
case Leaf(_) => Empty[A]
case Node(_, f0) => {
val (Node(Ranked(r, x), cf), ts2) = getMin(leq, f0)
val (zs, ts1, f1) : (Forest[A], Forest[A], Forest[A]) = splitForest(r, emptyEphemeralStream, emptyEphemeralStream, cf)
val f2 = skewMeld(leq, skewMeld(leq, ts1, ts2), f1)
val f3 = zs.foldRight(f2)(skewInsert(leq, _, _))
Heap(s - 1, leq, Node(Ranked(0, x), f3))
def adjustMin(f: A => A): Heap[A] = this match {
case Heap(s, leq, Node(Ranked(r, x), xs)) =>
Heap(s, leq, heapify(leq)(Node(Ranked(r, f(x)), xs)))
def toUnsortedStream: EStream[A] = fold(emptyEphemeralStream, (_, _, t) =>
def toUnsortedList: List[A] = toUnsortedStream.toList
def toUnsortedIList: IList[A] = IList.fromFoldable(toUnsortedStream)
def toEphemeralStream: EStream[A] =
def toLazyList: LazyList[A] =
def toList: List[A] = toLazyList.toList
def toIList: IList[A] = toEphemeralStream.toIList
/**Map a function over the heap, returning a new heap ordered appropriately. O(n)*/
def map[B: Order](f: A => B): Heap[B] = fold(Empty[B], (_, _, t) => t.foldMap(x => singleton(f(x.value))))
def forall(f: A => Boolean): Boolean = toLazyList.forall(f)
def exists(f: A => Boolean): Boolean = toLazyList.exists(f)
def foreach(f: A => Unit): Unit = toLazyList.foreach(f)
/**Filter the heap, retaining only values that satisfy the predicate. O(n)*/
def filter(p: A => Boolean): Heap[A] =
fold(Empty[A], (_, leq, t) => t foldMap (x => if (p(x.value)) singletonWith(leq, x.value) else Empty[A]))
/**Builds a new heap by applying a partial function to all elements of this heap on which the function is defined. O(n)*/
def collect[B: Order](pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): Heap[B] =
fold(Empty[B], (_, _, t) => t.foldMap(x => if (pf.isDefinedAt(x.value)) singleton(pf.apply(x.value)) else Empty[B]))
/**Partition the heap according to a predicate. The first heap contains all elements that
* satisfy the predicate. The second contains all elements that fail the predicate. O(n)*/
def partition(p: A => Boolean): (Heap[A], Heap[A]) =
fold((Empty[A], Empty[A]), (_, leq, t) => t.foldMap(x =>
if (p(x.value)) (singletonWith(leq, x.value), Empty[A])
(Empty[A], singletonWith(leq, x.value))))
/**Partition the heap of the elements that are less than, equal to, and greater than a given value. O(n)*/
def split(a: A): (Heap[A], Heap[A], Heap[A]) = {
fold((Empty[A], Empty[A], Empty[A]), (s, leq, t) => {
def f(x: A) : (Heap[A], Heap[A], Heap[A]) = if (leq(x, a)) if (leq(a, x)) (Empty[A], singletonWith(leq, x), Empty[A])
(singletonWith(leq, x), Empty[A], Empty[A])
(Empty[A], Empty[A], singletonWith(leq, x))
t foldMap (x => f(x.value))
/**Return a heap consisting of the least n elements of this heap. O(n log n) */
def take(n: Int): Heap[A] = withList(_.take(n))
/**Return a heap consisting of all the members of this heap except for the least n. O(n log n) */
def drop(n: Int): Heap[A] = withList(_.drop(n))
/**Split into two heaps, the first containing the n least elements, the second containing the n
* greatest elements. O(n log n) */
def splitAt(n: Int): (Heap[A], Heap[A]) = splitWithList(_.splitAt(n))
/**Returns a tuple where the first element is a heap consisting of the longest prefix of least elements
* in this heap that do not satisfy the given predicate, and the second element is the remainder
* of the elements. O(n log n) */
def break(p: A => Boolean): (Heap[A], Heap[A]) =
span(x => !p(x))
/**Returns a tuple where the first element is a heap consisting of the longest prefix of least elements
* in this heap that satisfy the given predicate and the second element is the remainder of the elements.
* O(n log n)*/
def span(p: A => Boolean): (Heap[A], Heap[A]) =
/**Returns a heap consisting of the longest prefix of least elements of this heap that satisfy the predicate.
* O(n log n) */
def takeWhile(p: A => Boolean): Heap[A] =
/**Returns a heap consisting of the longest prefix of least elements of this heap that do not
* satisfy the predicate. O(n log n) */
def dropWhile(p: A => Boolean): Heap[A] =
/**Remove duplicate entries from the heap. O(n log n)*/
def nub: Heap[A] = fold(Empty[A], (_, leq, t) => {
val x = t.rootLabel.value
val xs = deleteMin
val zs = xs.dropWhile(leq(_, x))
zs.nub.insertWith(leq, x)
/**Construct heaps from each element in this heap and union them together into a new heap. O(n)*/
def flatMap[B: Order](f: A => Heap[B]): Heap[B] =
fold(Empty[B], (_, _, t) => t foldMap (x => f(x.value)))
/**Traverse the elements of the heap in sorted order and produce a new heap with applicative effects.
* O(n log n)*/
def traverse[F[_] : Applicative, B: Order](f: A => F[B]): F[Heap[B]] = {
val F = Applicative[F][EStream, B])
def foldRight[B](z: B)(f: (A, => B) => B): B = {
Foldable[EStream].foldRight(toEphemeralStream, z)(f)
private def withList(f: List[A] => List[A]) = {
import std.list._
fold(Empty[A], (_, leq, _) => fromDataWith(leq, f(toList)))
private[scalaz] def insertWith(f: (A, A) => Boolean, x: A) =
fold(singletonWith(f, x), (s, _, t) => {
val y = t.rootLabel.value
if (f(x, y)) Heap(s + 1, f, Node(Ranked(0, x), (t ##:: emptyEphemeralStream)))
Heap(s + 1, f, Node(Ranked(0, y),
skewInsert(f, Node(Ranked(0, x), emptyEphemeralStream[Tree[Ranked[A]]]), t.subForest)))
private def splitWithList(f: List[A] => (List[A], List[A])) = {
import std.list._
fold((Empty[A], Empty[A]), (_, leq, _) => {
val g = (x: List[A]) => fromDataWith(leq, x)
val x = f(toList)
(g(x._1), g(x._2))
override def toString = ""
object Heap extends HeapInstances {
final case class Ranked[A](rank: Int, value: A)
type Forest[A] = EStream[Tree[Ranked[A]]]
type ForestZipper[A] = (Forest[A], Forest[A])
/**The empty heap */
object Empty {
def apply[A]: Heap[A] = new Heap[A] {
def fold[B](empty: => B, nonempty: (Int, (A, A) => Boolean, Tree[Ranked[A]]) => B): B = empty
def unapply[A](h: Heap[A]): Boolean = h.fold(true, (_, _, _) => false)
import Heap.impl._
def fromData[F[_] : Foldable, A: Order](as: F[A]): Heap[A] =
Foldable[F].foldLeft(as, Empty[A])((b, a) => b insert a)
def fromCodata[F[_] : Foldable, A: Order](as: F[A]): Heap[A] =
Foldable[F].foldr(as, Empty[A])(x => y => y insert x)
def fromDataWith[F[_] : Foldable, A](f: (A, A) => Boolean, as: F[A]): Heap[A] =
Foldable[F].foldLeft(as, Empty[A])((x, y) => x.insertWith(f, y))
/**Heap sort */
def sort[F[_] : Foldable, A: Order](xs: F[A]): IList[A] = fromData(xs).toIList
/**Heap sort */
def sortWith[F[_] : Foldable, A](f: (A, A) => Boolean, xs: F[A]): IList[A] = fromDataWith(f, xs).toIList
/**A heap with one element. */
def singleton[A: Order](a: A): Heap[A] = singletonWith[A](Order[A].lessThanOrEqual, a)
/**Create a heap consisting of multiple copies of the same value. O(log n) */
def replicate[A: Order](a: A, i: Int): Heap[A] = {
def f(x: Heap[A], y: Int): Heap[A] =
if (y % 2 == 0) f(x union x, y / 2)
if (y == 1) x
g(x union x, (y - 1) / 2, x)
def g(x: Heap[A], y: Int, z: Heap[A]): Heap[A] =
if (y % 2 == 0) g(x union x, y / 2, z)
if (y == 1) x union z
g(x union x, (y - 1) / 2, x union z)
if (i < 0) sys.error("Heap.replicate: negative length")
if (i == 0) Empty[A]
f(singleton(a), i)
def apply[A](sz: Int, leq: (A, A) => Boolean, t: Tree[Ranked[A]]): Heap[A] = new Heap[A] {
def fold[B](empty: => B, nonempty: (Int, (A, A) => Boolean, Tree[Ranked[A]]) => B) =
nonempty(sz, leq, t)
def unapply[A](h: Heap[A]): Option[(Int, (A, A) => Boolean, Tree[Ranked[A]])] =
h.fold(None, (sz, leq, t) => Some((sz, leq, t)))
private[scalaz] object impl {
import Tree._
def rightZ[A]: ForestZipper[A] => ForestZipper[A] = {
case (path, x ##:: xs) => (x ##:: path, xs)
def adjustZ[A](f: Tree[Ranked[A]] => Tree[Ranked[A]]):
ForestZipper[A] => ForestZipper[A] = {
case (path, x ##:: xs) => (path, f(x) ##:: xs)
case z => z
def rezip[A]: ForestZipper[A] => Forest[A] = {
case (s, xs) if s.isEmpty => xs
case (x ##:: path, xs) => rezip((path, x ##:: xs))
def rootZ[A]: ForestZipper[A] => A = {
case (_, x ##:: _) => x.rootLabel.value
case _ => sys.error("Heap.rootZ: empty zipper")
def zipper[A](xs: Forest[A]): ForestZipper[A] = (emptyEphemeralStream, xs)
def emptyZ[A]: ForestZipper[A] = (emptyEphemeralStream, emptyEphemeralStream)
def minZ[A](f: (A, A) => Boolean): Forest[A] => ForestZipper[A] = {
case s if s.isEmpty => emptyZ
case xs => {
val z = zipper(xs)
minZp(f)(z, z)
def minZp[A](leq: (A, A) => Boolean):
(ForestZipper[A], ForestZipper[A]) => ForestZipper[A] = {
case (lo, (_, ts)) if ts.isEmpty => lo
case (lo, z) => minZp(leq)(if (leq(rootZ(lo), rootZ(z))) lo else z, rightZ(z))
def heapify[A](leq: (A, A) => Boolean): Tree[Ranked[A]] => Tree[Ranked[A]] = {
case n@Node(_, ts) if ts.isEmpty => n
case n@Node(Ranked(r, a), as) => {
val (left, Node(Ranked(rp, ap), asp) ##:: right) = minZ(leq)(as)
if (leq(a, ap)) n
Node(Ranked(r, ap), rezip((left, heapify(leq)(Node(Ranked(rp, a), asp)) ##:: right)))
def singletonWith[A](f: (A, A) => Boolean, a: A) =
Heap(1, f, Node(Ranked(0, a), emptyEphemeralStream[Tree[Ranked[A]]]))
def rank[A](t: Tree[Ranked[A]]) = t.rootLabel.rank
def skewLink[A](f: (A, A) => Boolean,
t0: Tree[Ranked[A]],
t1: Tree[Ranked[A]],
t2: Tree[Ranked[A]]): Tree[Ranked[A]] = (t0, t1, t2) match {
case (Node(Ranked(r0, x0), cf0), Node(Ranked(r1, x1), cf1), Node(Ranked(r2, x2), cf2)) =>
if (f(x1, x0) && f(x1, x2)) Node(Ranked(r1 + 1, x1), t0 ##:: t2 ##:: cf1)
if (f(x2, x0) && f(x2, x1)) Node(Ranked(r2 + 1, x2), t0 ##:: t1 ##:: cf2)
Node(Ranked(r1 + 1, x0), t1 ##:: t2 ##:: cf0)
def link[A](f: (A, A) => Boolean):
(Tree[Ranked[A]], Tree[Ranked[A]]) => Tree[Ranked[A]] = {
case (t1@Node(Ranked(r1, x1), cf1), t2@Node(Ranked(r2, x2), cf2)) =>
if (f(x1, x2)) Node(Ranked(r1 + 1, x1), t2 ##:: cf1)
Node(Ranked(r2 + 1, x2), t1 ##:: cf2)
def skewInsert[A](f: (A, A) => Boolean, t: Tree[Ranked[A]], ts: Forest[A]): Forest[A] =
ts match {
case t1 ##:: t2 ##:: rest =>
if (rank(t1) == rank(t2))
skewLink(f, t, t1, t2) ##:: rest
else (t ##:: ts)
case _ => t ##:: ts
def getMin[A](f: (A, A) => Boolean, trees: Forest[A]): (Tree[Ranked[A]], Forest[A]) =
trees match {
case (t ##:: ts) if ts.isEmpty => (t, emptyEphemeralStream)
case t ##:: ts => {
val (tp, tsp) = getMin(f, ts)
if (f(t.rootLabel.value, tp.rootLabel.value)) (t, ts) else (tp, t ##:: tsp)
def splitForest[A]:
(Int, Forest[A], Forest[A], Forest[A]) => (Forest[A], Forest[A], Forest[A]) = {
case (0, zs, ts, f) => (zs, ts, f)
case (1, zs, ts, (t ##:: tss)) if tss.isEmpty => (zs, t ##:: ts, emptyEphemeralStream)
case (1, zs, ts, t1 ##:: t2 ##:: f) =>
if (rank(t2) == 0) (t1 ##:: zs, t2 ##:: ts, f)
(zs, t1 ##:: ts, t2 ##:: f)
case (r, zs, ts, (t1 ##:: t2 ##:: cf)) =>
if (rank(t1) == rank(t2)) (zs, t1 ##:: t2 ##:: ts, cf)
if (rank(t1) == 0) splitForest(r - 1, t1 ##:: zs, t2 ##:: ts, cf)
splitForest(r - 1, zs, t1 ##:: ts, t2 ##:: cf)
case (_, _, _, _) => sys.error("Heap.splitForest: invalid arguments")
def skewMeld[A](f: (A, A) => Boolean, ts: Forest[A], tsp: Forest[A]) =
unionUniq(f)(uniqify(f)(ts), uniqify(f)(tsp))
def ins[A](f: (A, A) => Boolean, t: Tree[Ranked[A]]): Forest[A] => Forest[A] = {
case s if s.isEmpty => EphemeralStream(t)
case (tp ##:: ts) => if (rank(t) < rank(tp)) t ##:: tp ##:: ts
ins(f, link(f)(t, tp))(ts)
def uniqify[A](f: (A, A) => Boolean): Forest[A] => Forest[A] = {
case s if s.isEmpty => emptyEphemeralStream
case (t ##:: ts) => ins(f, t)(ts)
def unionUniq[A](f: (A, A) => Boolean): (Forest[A], Forest[A]) => Forest[A] = {
case (s, ts) if s.isEmpty => ts
case (ts, s) if s.isEmpty => ts
case (tts1@(t1 ##:: ts1), tts2@(t2 ##:: ts2)) =>
import std.anyVal._
Order[Int].order(rank(t1), rank(t2)) match {
case Ordering.LT => t1 ##:: unionUniq(f)(ts1, tts2)
case Ordering.EQ => ins(f, link(f)(t1, t2))(unionUniq(f)(ts1, ts2))
case Ordering.GT => t2 ##:: unionUniq(f)(tts1, ts2)
sealed abstract class HeapInstances {
implicit val heapInstance: Foldable[Heap] = new Foldable[Heap] with Foldable.FromFoldr[Heap] {
def foldRight[A, B](fa: Heap[A], z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B) = fa.foldRight(z)(f)
implicit def heapMonoid[A]: Monoid[Heap[A]] = new Monoid[Heap[A]] {
def append(f1: Heap[A], f2: => Heap[A]) = f1 union f2
def zero = Heap.Empty.apply
// implicit def heapEqual[A: Equal]: Equal[Heap[A]] = Equal.equalBy((_: Heap[A]).toStream)
implicit def healEqual[A : Equal](implicit H : Foldable[Heap]): Equal[Heap[A]] = Equal[EStream[A]] contramap {H.toEphemeralStream(_: Heap[A])}
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