scalaz.IStream.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
// Copyright: 2017 - 2018 Sam Halliday
// License:
package scalaz
import scala.annotation.tailrec
* A linked list with by-name head and tail, allowing some control over memory
* usage and evaluation of contents.
* This structure is a good choice when the contents are expensive to calculate
* and may not all need to be evaluated, at the cost of an overhead when the
* contents are calculated. Typeclass instances try to defer evaluation of
* contents, unless it would require a full traversal of the spine, preferring
* lazy semantics when an evaluation choice is to be made.
sealed abstract class IStream[A] { self =>
import IStream._
/** Strict concatenation */
final def !:(a: A): IStream[A] = Cons(Value(a), Value(self))
final def :!(other: A): IStream[A] = !!(Strict(other))
final def !!(other: IStream[A]): IStream[A] =
instances.foldRight(self, other)((a, as) => Strict.cons(a, as))
/** prepend lazily (by-name parameters do not work here) */
final def #:(a: Name[A]): IStream[A] = Cons(a, Value(self))
// not stack safe. We could have an infinite stream so would we want to
// sacrifice stack safety for non-terminating programs instead? That's what
// foldLeft is for. Life is meaningless, etc, etc.
final def foldRightByName[B](z: =>B)(f: (=>A, =>B) => B): B = self match {
case _: Nil[_] => z
case Cons(head, tail) => f(head.value, tail.value.foldRightByName(z)(f))
// Stack safe, but can't exit early. You may never escape.
final def foldLeftByName[B](z: B)(f: (=>B, =>A) => B): B = {
@tailrec def loop(t: IStream[A], acc: B): B = t match {
case _: Nil[_] => acc
case Cons(head, tail) => loop(tail.value, f(acc, head.value))
loop(self, z)
def reverse: IStream[A] = foldLeftByName(empty[A])((xs, x) => Lazy.cons(x, xs))
def headMaybe: Maybe[A] = self match {
case IStream.Nil() => Maybe.empty
case IStream.Cons(head, _) => Maybe.just(head.value)
object IStream {
private final case class Nil[A]() extends IStream[A]
private final case class Cons[A](
head: Name[A],
tail: Name[IStream[A]]
) extends IStream[A]
// it is very tempting to add a third case that concatenates two streams...
// but it would break the stack safety of foldLeft.
def empty[A]: IStream[A] = _empty.asInstanceOf[IStream[A]]
private[this] final val _empty = Nil[Nothing]()
object ByName {
def apply[A](a: =>A): IStream[A] = Cons(Name(a), nil[A])
def cons[A](head: =>A, tail: =>IStream[A]): IStream[A] = Cons(Name(head), Name(tail))
def infinite[A](el: A): IStream[A] = cons(el, infinite(el))
object Lazy {
def apply[A](a: =>A): IStream[A] = Cons(Need(a), nil[A])
def cons[A](head: =>A, tail: =>IStream[A]): IStream[A] = Cons(Need(head), Need(tail))
def infinite[A](el: A): IStream[A] = cons(el, infinite(el))
object Strict {
def apply[A](a: A): IStream[A] = Cons(Value(a), nil[A])
def cons[A](head: A, tail: IStream[A]): IStream[A] = head !: tail
def fromLazyList[A](sa: LazyList[A]): IStream[A] = sa match {
case LazyList() => empty[A]
case h #:: t => Lazy.cons(h, fromLazyList(t))
def fromMaybe[A](ma: Maybe[A]): IStream[A] = ma match {
case Maybe.Just(a) => Strict(a)
case Maybe.Empty() => empty[A]
def fromFoldable[F[_]: Foldable, A](fa: F[A]): IStream[A] =
Foldable[F].foldRight(fa, empty[A])((h, t) => Lazy.cons(h, t))
implicit val iStreamIsCovariant: IsCovariant[IStream] =
// more efficient allocations
private[this] final val __empty = Value(_empty)
private[this] final def nil[A] = __empty.asInstanceOf[Name[IStream[A]]]
implicit val instances: MonadPlus[IStream] & IsEmpty[IStream] & Traverse[IStream] =
new MonadPlus[IStream] with IsEmpty[IStream] with Traverse[IStream] {
override def map[A, B](fa: IStream[A])(f: A => B): IStream[B] =
fa.foldRightByName(empty[B])((h, t) => Lazy.cons(f(h), t))
def point[A](a: =>A): IStream[A] = Lazy(a)
def bind[A, B](fa: IStream[A])(f: A => IStream[B]): IStream[B] =
foldRight(fa, empty[B])((h, t) => plus(f(h), t))
def plus[A](a: IStream[A], b: =>IStream[A]): IStream[A] =
def empty[A]: IStream[A] = IStream.empty[A]
def isEmpty[A](fa: IStream[A]): Boolean = fa.isInstanceOf[Nil[_]]
override def foldMap[A, B](fa: IStream[A])(f: A => B)(implicit F: Monoid[B]): B =
foldRight(fa,, b) => F.append(f(a), b))
override def foldRight[A, B](fa: IStream[A], z: =>B)(
f: (A, =>B) => B
): B =
fa match {
case _: Nil[_] => z
case Cons(head, tail) => f(head.value, foldRight(tail.value, z)(f))
override def index[A](fa: IStream[A], i: Int): Option[A] = {
if (i < 0) {
} else {
def loop(n: Int, xs: IStream[A]): Option[A] = {
xs match {
case Cons(h, t) =>
if (n == 0) Some(h.value) else loop(n - 1, t.value)
case _ =>
loop(i, fa)
override def foldLeft[A, B](fa: IStream[A], z: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B = {
@tailrec def loop(t: IStream[A], acc: B): B = t match {
case _: Nil[_] => acc
case Cons(head, tail) => loop(tail.value, f(acc, head.value))
loop(fa, z)
def traverseImpl[G[_], A, B](
fa: IStream[A]
)(f: A => G[B])(implicit G: Applicative[G]): G[IStream[B]] =
(x, ys) => G.apply2(f(x), ys)(_ !: _)
// wtf is traversal all about?
override def traverse[G[_]: Applicative, A, B](fa: IStream[A])(f: A => G[B]): G[IStream[B]] = traverseImpl(fa)(f)
override def length[A](fa: IStream[A]): Int = {
@tailrec def loop(t: IStream[A], acc: Int): Int = t match {
case Cons(_, tail) =>
loop(tail.value, acc + 1)
case _: Nil[_] =>
loop(fa, 0)
implicit def equal[A: Equal]: Equal[IStream[A]] = {
val nameEq = Equal[Name[A]]
def loop(x1: IStream[A], x2: IStream[A]): Boolean = {
(x1 eq x2) || {
x1 match {
case Cons(h1, t1) =>
x2 match {
case Cons(h2, t2) if nameEq.equal(h1, h2) =>
loop(t1.value, t2.value)
case _ =>
case _ =>
x2 match {
case Cons(_, _) =>
case _ =>
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