scalaz.Reducer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scalaz
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scalaz.Free.{Trampoline, return_, suspend}
import scalaz.Maybe.Just
import scalaz.Tags.Conjunction
* A `Reducer[C,M]` is a [[scalaz.Semigroup]]`[M]` that maps
* values of type `C` through `unit` to values of type `M`. A `C-Reducer` may also
* supply operations which tack on another `C` to an existing `Semigroup` `M` on the left
* or right. These specialized reductions may be more efficient in some scenarios
* and are used when appropriate by a [[scalaz.Generator]]. The names `cons` and `snoc` work
* by analogy to the synonymous operations in the list semigroup.
* Minimal definition: `unit` or `snoc`
* Based on the Reducer Haskell library by Edward Kmett
* (
trait Reducer[C, M] {
implicit def semigroup: Semigroup[M]
def unit(c: C): M
/** Faster `append(m, unit(c))`. */
def snoc(m: M, c: C): M
/** Faster `append(unit(c), m)`. */
def cons(c: C, m: M): M
def append(a1: M, a2: => M): M =
semigroup.append(a1, a2)
/** Distribute `C`s to `M` and `N`. */
def compose[N](r: Reducer[C, N]): Reducer[C, (M, N)] = {
new Reducer[C, (M, N)] {
private[this] implicit val m: Semigroup[M] = Reducer.this.semigroup
private[this] implicit val n: Semigroup[N] = r.semigroup
import std.tuple._
override val semigroup: Semigroup[(M, N)] = Semigroup[(M, N)]
override def unit(x: C) = (Reducer.this.unit(x), r.unit(x))
override def snoc(p: (M, N), x: C) = (Reducer.this.snoc(p._1, x), r.snoc(p._2, x))
override def cons(x: C, p: (M, N)) = (Reducer.this.cons(x, p._1), r.cons(x, p._2))
def unfoldlOpt[B](seed: B)(f: B => Maybe[(B, C)]): Maybe[M] =
@inline private def defaultUnfoldlOpt[B](seed: B)(f: B => Maybe[(B, C)]): Maybe[M] = {
def rec(seed: B, acc: M): M = f(seed) match {
case Just((b, c)) => rec(b, cons(c, acc))
case _ => acc
f(seed) map { case (b, c) => rec(b, unit(c)) }
def unfoldl[B](seed: B)(f: B => Maybe[(B, C)])(implicit M: Monoid[M]): M =
unfoldlOpt(seed)(f) getOrElse
def unfoldrOpt[B](seed: B)(f: B => Maybe[(C, B)]): Maybe[M] =
@inline private def defaultUnfoldrOpt[B](seed: B)(f: B => Maybe[(C, B)]): Maybe[M] = {
def rec(acc: M, seed: B): M = f(seed) match {
case Just((c, b)) => rec(snoc(acc, c), b)
case _ => acc
f(seed) map { case (c, b) => rec(unit(c), b) }
def unfoldr[B](seed: B)(f: B => Maybe[(C, B)])(implicit M: Monoid[M]): M =
unfoldrOpt(seed)(f) getOrElse
trait ReducerLaw {
def consCorrectness(c: C, m: M)(implicit E: Equal[M]): Boolean =
E.equal(cons(c, m), append(unit(c), m))
def snocCorrectness(m: M, c: C)(implicit E: Equal[M]): Boolean =
E.equal(snoc(m, c), append(m, unit(c)))
def unfoldlOptConsistency[B](seed: B, f: B => Maybe[(B, C)])(implicit E: Equal[M]): Boolean = {
val g: ((Int, B)) => Maybe[((Int, B), C)] = { case (i, b) =>
if(i > 0) f(b) map { case (b, c) => ((i-1, b), c) }
else Maybe.empty
val limit = 4 // to prevent infinite unfolds
Equal[Maybe[M]].equal(unfoldlOpt((limit, seed))(g), defaultUnfoldlOpt((limit, seed))(g))
def unfoldrOptConsistency[B](seed: B, f: B => Maybe[(C, B)])(implicit E: Equal[M]): Boolean = {
val g: ((Int, B)) => Maybe[(C, (Int, B))] = { case (i, b) =>
if(i > 0) f(b) map { case (c, b) => (c, (i-1, b)) }
else Maybe.empty
val limit = 4 // to prevent infinite unfolds
Equal[Maybe[M]].equal(unfoldrOpt((limit, seed))(g), defaultUnfoldrOpt((limit, seed))(g))
def reducerLaw: ReducerLaw = new ReducerLaw {}
sealed abstract class UnitReducer[C, M] extends Reducer[C, M] {
implicit def semigroup: Semigroup[M]
def unit(c: C): M
def snoc(m: M, c: C): M = semigroup.append(m, unit(c))
def cons(c: C, m: M): M = semigroup.append(unit(c), m)
override def unfoldlOpt[B](seed: B)(f: B => Maybe[(B, C)]): Maybe[M] =
semigroup.unfoldlSumOpt(seed)(f(_) map { case (b, c) => (b, unit(c)) })
override def unfoldrOpt[B](seed: B)(f: B => Maybe[(C, B)]): Maybe[M] =
semigroup.unfoldrSumOpt(seed)(f(_) map { case (c, b) => (unit(c), b) })
object UnitReducer {
/** Minimal `Reducer` derived from a semigroup and `unit`. */
def apply[C, M](u: C => M)(implicit M: Semigroup[M]): Reducer[C, M] = new UnitReducer[C, M] {
val semigroup = M
def unit(c: C) = u(c)
object Reducer extends ReducerInstances {
/** Reducer derived from `unit`, `cons`, and `snoc`. Permits more
* sharing than `UnitReducer.apply`.
def apply[C, M](u: C => M, cs: (C, M) => M, sc: (M, C) => M)(implicit M: Semigroup[M]): Reducer[C, M] =
reducer(u, cs, sc)
sealed abstract class ReducerInstances {
/** Collect `C`s into a list, in order. */
implicit def ListReducer[C]: Reducer[C, List[C]] = {
import std.list._
unitConsReducer(_ :: Nil, _ :: _)
def ReverseListReducer[C]: Reducer[C, List[C]] = {
import std.list._
reducer(_ :: Nil, (c, cs) => cs :+ c, (cs, c) => c :: cs)
/** Collect `C`s into an ilist, in order. */
implicit def IListReducer[C]: Reducer[C, IList[C]] = {
unitConsReducer(_ :: INil(), _ :: _)
/** Collect `C`s into an NonEmptyList, in order. */
implicit def NonEmptyListReducer[C]: Reducer[C, NonEmptyList[C]] = {
unitConsReducer(NonEmptyList.nel(_, INil()), _ <:: _)
def ReverseNonEmptyListReducer[C]: Reducer[C, NonEmptyList[C]] = {
reducer(NonEmptyList.nel(_, INil()), (c, cs) => NonEmptyList.nel(cs.head, cs.tail :+ c), (cs, c) => c <:: cs)
/** Collect `C`s into a LazyList, in order. */
implicit def LazyListReducer[C]: Reducer[C, LazyList[C]] = {
import std.lazylist._
unitLazyConsReducer(LazyList.cons(_, LazyList.empty), LazyList.cons(_, _))
/** Collect `C`s into a stream, in order. */
implicit def StreamReducer[C]: Reducer[C, Stream[C]] = {
import Stream._
unitLazyConsReducer(cons(_, empty): Stream[C], cons(_, _))
/** Ignore `C`s. */
implicit def UnitReducer[C]: Reducer[C, Unit] = {
import std.anyVal._
unitReducer((_: C) => ())
/** Collect `C`s into a vector, in order. */
implicit def VectorReducer[C]: Reducer[C, Vector[C]] = new Reducer[C, Vector[C]]{
val semigroup: Semigroup[Vector[C]] = std.vector.vectorMonoid[C]
def cons(c: C, m: Vector[C]) = c +: m
def snoc(m: Vector[C], c: C) = m :+ c
def unit(c: C) = Vector(c)
/** The "or" semigroup. */
implicit val AnyReducer: Reducer[Boolean, Boolean] = {
implicit val B = std.anyVal.booleanInstance.disjunction
unitReducer(x => x)
import std.anyVal._
/** The "and" semigroup. */
implicit val AllReducer: Reducer[Boolean, Boolean @@ Conjunction] = unitReducer(b => Tag[Boolean, Conjunction](b))
/** Accumulate endomorphisms. */
implicit def EndoReducer[A]: Reducer[A => A, Endo[A]] = unitReducer(Endo(_))
implicit def DualReducer[A: Semigroup]: Reducer[A, A @@ Tags.Dual] = unitReducer(Tags.Dual(_: A))(Dual.dualSemigroup[A])
import Tags.{Multiplication, First, Last}
implicit val IntProductReducer: Reducer[Int, Int @@ Multiplication] = unitReducer(i => Tag[Int, Multiplication](i))
implicit val CharProductReducer: Reducer[Char, Char @@ Multiplication] = unitReducer(c => Tag[Char, Multiplication](c))
implicit val ByteProductReducer: Reducer[Byte, Byte @@ Multiplication] = unitReducer(b => Tag[Byte, Multiplication](b))
implicit val LongProductReducer: Reducer[Long, Long @@ Multiplication] = unitReducer(l => Tag[Long, Multiplication](l))
implicit val ShortProductReducer: Reducer[Short, Short @@ Multiplication] = unitReducer(s => Tag[Short, Multiplication](s))
implicit val BigIntProductReducer: Reducer[BigInt, BigInt @@ Multiplication] = {
import std.math.bigInt._
unitReducer(b => Tag[BigInt, Multiplication](b))
import std.option._
implicit def FirstReducer[A]: Reducer[A, Option[A] @@ First] = unitReducer(a => Tag[Option[A], First](Some(a)))
implicit def FirstOptionReducer[A]: Reducer[Option[A], Option[A] @@ First] = unitReducer(o => Tag[Option[A], First](o))
implicit def LastReducer[A]: Reducer[A, Option[A] @@ Last] = unitReducer(a => Tag[Option[A], Last](Some(a)))
implicit def LastOptionReducer[A]: Reducer[Option[A], Option[A] @@ Last] = unitReducer(o => Tag[Option[A], Last](o))
/** Alias for [[scalaz.Reducer]]`.apply`. */
def reducer[C, M](u: C => M, cs: (C, M) => M, sc: (M, C) => M)(implicit sm: Semigroup[M]): Reducer[C, M] =
new Reducer[C, M] {
val semigroup = sm
def unit(c: C) = u(c)
def snoc(m: M, c: C): M = sc(m, c)
def cons(c: C, m: M): M = cs(c, m)
def foldReduce[F[_], A, B: Monoid](a: F[A])(implicit f: Foldable[F], r: Reducer[A, B]): B =
/** Alias for [[scalaz.UnitReducer]]`.apply`. */
def unitReducer[C, M](u: C => M)(implicit mm: Semigroup[M]): Reducer[C, M] =
new UnitReducer[C, M] {
val semigroup = mm
def unit(c: C) = u(c)
def unitConsReducer[C, M](u: C => M, cs: (C, M) => M)(implicit sm: Semigroup[M]): Reducer[C, M] = new Reducer[C, M] {
val semigroup = sm
def unit(c: C) = u(c)
def snoc(m: M, c: C): M = sm.append(m, u(c))
def cons(c: C, m: M): M = cs(c, m)
override def unfoldr[B](seed: B)(f: B => Maybe[(C, B)])(implicit M: Monoid[M]): M = {
import std.function._
def go(s: B, f: B => Maybe[(C, B)]): Trampoline[M] = f(s) match {
case Just((c, b)) => suspend(go(b, f)) map (m => cs(c, m))
case _ => return_[Function0, M](
go(seed, f).run
def unitLazyConsReducer[C, M](u: C => M, cs: (C, => M) => M)(implicit sm: Semigroup[M]): Reducer[C, M] = new Reducer[C, M] {
val semigroup = sm
def unit(c: C) = u(c)
def snoc(m: M, c: C): M = sm.append(m, u(c))
def cons(c: C, m: M): M = cs(c, m)
override def unfoldr[B](seed: B)(f: B => Maybe[(C, B)])(implicit M: Monoid[M]): M = {
def unfold(s: B): M = f(s) match {
case Just((a, r)) => cs(a, unfold(r))
case _ =>
/** The reducer derived from any semigroup. Not implicit because it is
* suboptimal for most reducer applications.
def identityReducer[M](implicit mm: Semigroup[M]): Reducer[M, M] =
new Reducer[M, M] {
def semigroup = mm
def unit(c: M): M = c
def cons(c: M, m: M): M = append(c, m)
def snoc(m: M, c: M): M = append(m, c)
override def unfoldlOpt[B](seed: B)(f: B => Maybe[(B, M)]): Maybe[M] =
override def unfoldrOpt[B](seed: B)(f: B => Maybe[(M, B)]): Maybe[M] =
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