scalaz.StreamT.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scalaz
import Id._
/** StreamT monad transformer.
abstract class StreamT[M[_], A] { self =>
import StreamT._
def step(): M[StreamT.Step[M, A]]
/** Returns a new [[StreamT]] that does not contain [[StreamT.Skip]] steps,
* while yields the same elements as `this`.
def noSkip(implicit M: Monad[M]): StreamT[M, A] = { () =>
M.bind(self.step()) {
case Yield(a, s) =>
M.point(Yield(a, s.noSkip))
case Skip(s) =>
case Done() =>
/** Returns a new [[StreamT]] that does not contain [[StreamT.Skip]] steps,
* while yields the same elements as `this`.
* @note
* Unlike [[noSkip]], this [[noSkipRec]] is stack safe.
def noSkipRec(implicit M: BindRec[M]): StreamT[M, A] = { () =>
M.tailrecM(self) { s => {
case Yield(a, s1) => \/-(Yield(a, s1.noSkipRec))
case Skip(s1) => -\/(s1)
case Done() => \/-(Done())
def uncons(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[Option[(A, StreamT[M, A])]] =
M.bind(step()) {
case Yield(a, s) => M.point(Some((a, s)))
case Skip(s) => s.uncons
case Done() => M.point(None)
def unconsRec(implicit M: BindRec[M]): M[Option[(A, StreamT[M, A])]] =
M.tailrecM(this)(s => {
case Yield(a, s1) => \/-(Some((a, s1)))
case Skip(s1) => -\/(s1)
case Done() => \/-(None)
def ::(a: A)(implicit M: Applicative[M]): StreamT[M, A] =
StreamT[M, A](M.point(Yield(a, this)))
def isEmpty(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[Boolean] =
def isEmptyRec(implicit M: BindRec[M]): M[Boolean] =
def head(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[A] ="head: empty StreamT"))._1)
def headRec(implicit M: BindRec[M]): M[A] ="head: empty StreamT"))._1)
def headOption(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[Option[A]] =
def headOptionRec(implicit M: BindRec[M]): M[Option[A]] =
def tailM(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[StreamT[M, A]] ="tailM: empty StreamT"))._2)
def tailMRec(implicit M: BindRec[M]): M[StreamT[M, A]] ="tailM: empty StreamT"))._2)
def tailOption(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[Option[StreamT[M, A]]] =
def tailOptionRec(implicit M: BindRec[M]): M[Option[StreamT[M, A]]] =
def trans[N[_]](t: M ~> N)(implicit M: Functor[M]): StreamT[N, A] = { () =>
t([Step[M, A], Step[N, A]](this.step()) {
case Yield(a, s) => Yield(a, s trans t)
case Skip(s) => Skip(s trans t)
case Done() => Done()
def filter(p: A => Boolean)(implicit m: Functor[M]): StreamT[M, A] =
stepMap[A] {
case Yield(a, s) => if (p(a)) Yield(a, s filter p) else Skip(s filter p)
case Skip(s) => Skip(s filter p)
case Done() => Done()
def collect[B](
pf: PartialFunction[A, B]
)(implicit M: Functor[M]): StreamT[M, B] = { () => {
case Yield(pf(b), s) =>
Yield(b, s.collect(pf))
case Yield(_, s) =>
case Skip(s) =>
case Done() =>
def drop(n: Int)(implicit M: Functor[M]): StreamT[M, A] = stepMap[A] {
case Yield(a, s) => if (n > 0) Skip(s drop (n - 1)) else Yield(a, s)
case Skip(s) => Skip(s drop n)
case Done() => Done()
def dropWhile(p: A => Boolean)(implicit m: Functor[M]): StreamT[M, A] =
stepMap[A] {
case Yield(a, s) => if (p(a)) Skip(s dropWhile p) else Yield(a, s)
case Skip(s) => Skip(s dropWhile p)
case Done() => Done()
def postScanLeft[B](
head: B
)(op: (B, A) => B)(implicit M: Functor[M]): StreamT[M, B] =
stepMap[B] {
case Yield(a, s) =>
val next = op(head, a)
Yield(next, s.postScanLeft(next)(op))
case Skip(s) =>
case Done() =>
/** Produces a [[StreamT]] containing cumulative results of applying the
* operator going left to right, including the initial value.
* @tparam B
* the type of the elements in the resulting collection
* @param head
* the initial value
* @param op
* the binary operator applied to the intermediate result and the element
* @return
* collection with intermediate results
def scanLeft[B](head: B)(op: (B, A) => B)(implicit
M: Applicative[M]
): StreamT[M, B] =
head :: postScanLeft(head)(op)
/** Computes a prefix scan of the elements of the collection.
* Note: The neutral element `B` may be applied more than once.
* @tparam B
* element type of the resulting collection
* @param op
* the associative operator for the scan
* @return
* a new [[StreamT]] containing the prefix scan of the elements in this
* $coll
def scan[B >: A](op: (B, B) => B)(implicit M: Functor[M]): StreamT[M, B] =
stepMap[B] {
case Yield(a, s) =>
Yield(a, s.postScanLeft[B](a)(op))
case Skip(s) =>
case Done() =>
def take(n: Int)(implicit M: Functor[M]): StreamT[M, A] = stepMap[A] {
case Yield(a, s) => if (n <= 0) Done() else Yield(a, s take (n - 1))
case Skip(s) => Skip(s take n)
case Done() => Done()
def takeWhile(p: A => Boolean)(implicit m: Functor[M]): StreamT[M, A] =
stepMap[A] {
case Yield(a, s) => if (p(a)) Yield(a, s takeWhile p) else Done()
case Skip(s) => Skip(s takeWhile p)
case Done() => Done()
def ++(bs: => StreamT[M, A])(implicit m: Functor[M]): StreamT[M, A] =
stepMap[A] {
case Yield(a, s) => Yield(a, s ++ bs)
case Skip(s) => Skip(s ++ bs)
case Done() => Skip(bs)
def flatMap[B](f: A => StreamT[M, B])(implicit m: Functor[M]): StreamT[M, B] =
stepMap[B] {
case Yield(a, s) => Skip(f(a) ++ (s flatMap f))
case Skip(s) => Skip(s flatMap f)
case Done() => Done()
def map[B](f: A => B)(implicit m: Functor[M]): StreamT[M, B] = stepMap[B] {
case Yield(a, s) => Yield(f(a), s map f)
case Skip(s) => Skip(s map f)
case Done() => Done()
/** @since 7.0.1 */
def mapM[B](f: A => M[B])(implicit M: Monad[M]): StreamT[M, B] = stepBind[B] {
case Yield(a, s) =>, s mapM f))
case Skip(s) => M.point(Skip(s mapM f))
case Done() => M.point(Done())
def weakMemoize(implicit m: Functor[M]): StreamT[M, A] = stepMap {
case Yield(a, s) =>
val memo = EphemeralStream.weakMemo(s.step())
Yield(a, () => memo())
case Skip(s) =>
val memo = EphemeralStream.weakMemo(s.step())
Skip(() => memo())
case Done() => Done()
def memoize(implicit m: Functor[M]): StreamT[M, A] = stepMap {
case Yield(a, s) =>
new StreamT[M, A] {
lazy val lazyStep = s.step()
def step() = lazyStep
case Skip(s) =>
Skip(new StreamT[M, A] {
lazy val lazyStep = s.step()
def step() = lazyStep
case Done() => Done()
def foldLeft[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[B] =
M.bind(step()) {
case Yield(a, s) => s.foldLeft(f(z, a))(f)
case Skip(s) => s.foldLeft(z)(f)
case Done() => M.point(z)
def foldLeftRec[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(implicit M: BindRec[M]): M[B] =
M.tailrecM((this, z))(sb => {
case Yield(a, s) => -\/((s, f(sb._2, a)))
case Skip(s) => -\/((s, sb._2))
case Done() => \/-(sb._2)
/** **Warning:** Requires evaluation of the whole stream. Depending on the
* monad `M`, the evaluation will happen either immediately, or will be
* deferred until the resulting `LazyList` is extracted from the returned
* `M`.
def toLazyList(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[LazyList[A]] =
/** **Warning:** Requires evaluation of the whole stream. Depending on the
* monad `M`, the evaluation will happen either immediately, or will be
* deferred until the resulting `LazyList` is extracted from the returned
* `M`.
def toLazyListRec(implicit M: BindRec[M]): M[LazyList[A]] =
/** Converts this `StreamT` to a lazy `LazyList`, i.e. without forcing
* evaluation of all elements. Note, however, that at least one element of
* this stream will be evaluated, and depending on the structure of this
* stream, up to two elements might be evaluated.
def asLazyList(implicit
ev: M[Step[M, A]] === Id[Step[Id, A]]
): LazyList[A] = {
def go(s: StreamT[Id, A]): LazyList[A] = s.unconsRec match {
case None => LazyList.empty[A]
case Some((a, s1)) => LazyList.cons(a, go(s1))
go(() => ev(step()))
def foldRight[B](z: => B)(f: (=> A, => B) => B)(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[B] = {
_.foldLeft(z)((a, b) => f(b, a))
def foldRightRec[B](
z: => B
)(f: (=> A, => B) => B)(implicit M: BindRec[M]): M[B] = {
_.foldLeft(z)((a, b) => f(b, a))
/** `foldRight` with potential to terminate early, e.g. on an infinite stream.
def foldRightM[B](
z: => M[B]
)(f: (=> A, => M[B]) => M[B])(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[B] =
M.bind(step()) {
case Yield(a, s) => f(a, s.foldRightM(z)(f))
case Skip(s) => s.foldRightM(z)(f)
case Done() => z
def foldMap[B](f: A => B)(implicit M: Foldable[M], B: Monoid[B]): B =
M.foldMap(step()) {
case Yield(a, s) => B.append(f(a), s.foldMap(f))
case Skip(s) => s.foldMap(f)
case Done() =>
def length(implicit m: Monad[M]): M[Int] =
foldLeft(0)((c, a) => 1 + c)
def lengthRec(implicit M: BindRec[M]): M[Int] =
foldLeftRec(0)((c, a) => 1 + c)
def foreach(f: A => M[Unit])(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[Unit] = M.bind(step()) {
case Yield(a, s) => M.bind(f(a))(_ => s foreach f)
case Skip(s) => s.foreach(f)
case Done() => M.pure(())
def foreachRec(
f: A => M[Unit]
)(implicit M: Monad[M], B: BindRec[M]): M[Unit] =
B.tailrecM(this)(s =>
M.bind(s.step()) {
case Yield(a, s1) => => -\/(s1))
case Skip(s1) => M.pure(-\/(s1))
case Done() => M.pure(\/-(()))
private def stepMap[B](f: Step[M, A] => Step[M, B])(implicit
M: Functor[M]
): StreamT[M, B] = () =>
private def stepBind[B](f: Step[M, A] => M[Step[M, B]])(implicit
M: Monad[M]
): StreamT[M, B] = () => M.bind(step())(f)
private def rev(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[LazyList[A]] = {
def loop(xs: StreamT[M, A], ys: LazyList[A]): M[LazyList[A]] =
M.bind(xs.step()) {
case Yield(a, s) => loop(s, a #:: ys)
case Skip(s) => loop(s, ys)
case Done() => M.point(ys)
loop(this, LazyList.empty)
private def revRec(implicit M: BindRec[M]): M[LazyList[A]] =
M.tailrecM((this, LazyList.empty[A])) { case (xs, ys) => {
case Yield(a, s) => -\/((s, a #:: ys))
case Skip(s) => -\/((s, ys))
case Done() => \/-(ys)
/** Returns a new [[StreamT]] only containing items that are different from
* their previous items.
* @param `latest`
* the assuming previous item of the head element of this [[StreamT]]
def distinctUntilChanged(
latest: A
)(implicit M: Functor[M], A: Equal[A]): StreamT[M, A] =
stepMap {
case Skip(next) =>
case Done() =>
case Yield(a, next) if A.equal(a, latest) =>
case Yield(a, next) =>
Yield(a, next.distinctUntilChanged(a))
/** Returns a new [[StreamT]] only containing items that are different from
* their previous items.
def distinctUntilChanged(implicit M: Functor[M], A: Equal[A]): StreamT[M, A] =
stepMap {
case Skip(next) =>
case Done() =>
case Yield(a, next) =>
Yield(a, next.distinctUntilChanged(a))
def mergeWith(
f2: => StreamT[M, A]
)(implicit M: Nondeterminism[M]): StreamT[M, A] = {
(() => mergeFStep(this.step(), f2.step()))
def mergeMap[B](
f: A => StreamT[M, B]
)(implicit M: Nondeterminism[M]): StreamT[M, B] = {
def mergeMapInitStep(fsa: M[Step[M, A]]): M[Step[M, B]] = { {
case Yield(a, s) =>
Skip(() => mergeMapStep(s.step(), f(a).step()))
case Skip(s) =>
Skip(() => mergeMapInitStep(s.step()))
case Done() =>
def mergeMapStep(fsa: M[Step[M, A]], fsb: M[Step[M, B]]): M[Step[M, B]] = {, fsb)) {
case -\/((sa, fsb)) =>
sa match {
case Yield(a, s) =>
Skip(() => mergeMapStep(s.step(), mergeFStep(f(a).step(), fsb)))
case Skip(s) =>
Skip(() => mergeMapStep(s.step(), fsb))
case Done() =>
Skip(() => fsb)
case \/-((fsa, sb)) =>
sb match {
case Yield(b, s) =>
Yield(b, () => mergeMapStep(fsa, s.step()))
case Skip(s) =>
Skip(() => mergeMapStep(fsa, s.step()))
case Done() =>
Skip(() => mergeMapInitStep(fsa))
(() => mergeMapInitStep(this.step()))
/** The [[flatMapLatest]] operator behaves much like the [[mergeMap]] except
* that whenever a new item is emitted by the source [[StreamT]], it will not
* subscribe to and stop mirroring the [[StreamT]] that was generated from
* the previously-emitted item, and begin only mirroring the current one.
def flatMapLatest[B](
f: A => StreamT[M, B]
)(implicit M: Nondeterminism[M]): StreamT[M, B] = {
def flatMapLatestInitStep(fsa: M[Step[M, A]]): M[Step[M, B]] = { {
case Yield(a, s) =>
Skip(() => flatMapLatestStep(s.step(), f(a).step()))
case Skip(s) =>
Skip(() => flatMapLatestInitStep(s.step()))
case Done() =>
def flatMapLatestStep(
fsa: M[Step[M, A]],
fsb: M[Step[M, B]]
): M[Step[M, B]] = {, fsb)) {
case -\/((sa, fsb)) =>
sa match {
case Yield(a, s) =>
Skip(() => flatMapLatestStep(s.step(), f(a).step()))
case Skip(s) =>
Skip(() => flatMapLatestStep(s.step(), fsb))
case Done() =>
Skip(() => fsb)
case \/-((fsa, sb)) =>
sb match {
case Yield(b, s) =>
Yield(b, () => flatMapLatestStep(fsa, s.step()))
case Skip(s) =>
Skip(() => flatMapLatestStep(fsa, s.step()))
case Done() =>
Skip(() => flatMapLatestInitStep(fsa))
(() => flatMapLatestInitStep(this.step()))
// Prioritized Implicits for type class instances
sealed abstract class StreamTInstances0 {
implicit def StreamTInstance1[F[_]](implicit
F0: Functor[F]
): Bind[StreamT[F, *]] & Plus[StreamT[F, *]] =
new StreamTInstance1[F] {
implicit def F: Functor[F] = F0
implicit def StreamTSemigroup[F[_], A](implicit
F0: Functor[F]
): Semigroup[StreamT[F, A]] =
new StreamTSemigroup[F, A] {
implicit def F: Functor[F] = F0
sealed abstract class StreamTInstances extends StreamTInstances0 {
implicit def StreamTIsCovariant[F[_]](implicit
F: IsCovariant[F]
): IsCovariant[StreamT[F, *]] = IsCovariant.force[StreamT[F, *]]
implicit def StreamTMonoid[F[_], A](implicit
F0: Applicative[F]
): Monoid[StreamT[F, A]] =
new StreamTMonoid[F, A] {
implicit def F: Applicative[F] = F0
implicit def StreamTMonadPlus[F[_]](implicit
F0: Applicative[F]
): MonadPlus[StreamT[F, *]] =
new StreamTMonadPlus[F] {
implicit def F: Applicative[F] = F0
implicit def StreamTEqual[F[_], A](implicit
E: Equal[F[LazyList[A]]],
F: Monad[F]
): Equal[StreamT[F, A]] = E.contramap((_: StreamT[F, A]).toLazyList)
implicit def StreamTShow[F[_], A](implicit
E: Show[F[LazyList[A]]],
F: Monad[F]
): Show[StreamT[F, A]] =
Contravariant[Show].contramap(E)((_: StreamT[F, A]).toLazyList)
implicit val StreamTHoist: Hoist[StreamT] = new StreamTHoist {}
implicit def StreamTFoldable[F[_]: Foldable]: Foldable[StreamT[F, *]] =
new Foldable[StreamT[F, *]] with Foldable.FromFoldMap[StreamT[F, *]] {
override def foldMap[A, M: Monoid](s: StreamT[F, A])(f: A => M) =
implicit def StreamTMergeMonoid[F[_], A](implicit
F0: Nondeterminism[F]
): Monoid[StreamT[F, A] @@ Tags.Parallel] =
new StreamTMergeMonoid[F, A] {
implicit def F: Nondeterminism[F] = F0
implicit def StreamTMergeMonad[F[_]](implicit
F0: Nondeterminism[F]
): Monad[λ[α => StreamT[F, α] @@ Tags.Parallel]] =
new Monad[λ[α => StreamT[F, α] @@ Tags.Parallel]] {
def bind[A, B](fa: StreamT[F, A] @@ Tags.Parallel)(
f: A => StreamT[F, B] @@ Tags.Parallel
): StreamT[F, B] @@ Tags.Parallel =
def point[A](a: => A): StreamT[F, A] @@ Tags.Parallel =
object StreamT extends StreamTInstances {
implicit def toDeferrer[M[_], A](stream: => StreamT[M, A]): Deferrer[M, A] =
new Deferrer[M, A] {
def #::(elem: => A)(implicit M: Applicative[M]): StreamT[M, A] =
new StreamT[M, A] {
def step() = M.pure(Yield(elem, stream))
trait Deferrer[M[_], A] {
def #::(elem: => A)(implicit M: Applicative[M]): StreamT[M, A]
def apply[M[_], A](step0: => M[Step[M, A]]): StreamT[M, A] =
new StreamT[M, A] {
def step() = step0
def empty[M[_], A](implicit M: Applicative[M]): StreamT[M, A] =
StreamT[M, A](M point Done())
def liftM[M[_], A](a: M[A])(implicit M: Applicative[M]): StreamT[M, A] =
StreamT[M, A](, empty[M, A](M))))
def fromLazyList[M[_], A](
mas: M[LazyList[A]]
)(implicit M: Applicative[M]): StreamT[M, A] = {
def loop(as: LazyList[A]): Step[M, A] = as match {
case head #:: tail => Yield(head, apply(M.point(loop(tail))))
case _ => Done()
apply[M, A](
def unfoldM[M[_], A, B](
start: B
)(f: B => M[Option[(A, B)]])(implicit M: Functor[M]): StreamT[M, A] =
StreamT[M, A]( {
case Some((a, b)) => Yield(a, unfoldM(b)(f))
case None => Done()
def unfold[A, B](b: B)(f: B => Option[(A, B)]): StreamT[Id, A] =
unfoldM[Id, A, B](b)(f)
def fromIterable[A](s: Iterable[A]): StreamT[Id, A] = {
def stepper(b: Iterable[A]): Option[(A, Iterable[A])] =
if (b.isEmpty) None else Some((b.head, b.tail))
/** Converts a [[StreamT]] that emits [[StreamT]]s into a single [[StreamT]]
* that emits the items emitted by the most-recently-emitted of those
* [[StreamT]]s.
def switch[M[_]: Nondeterminism, A](
streams: StreamT[M, StreamT[M, A]]
): StreamT[M, A] = {
def switchInitStep(
mTailStep: M[Step[M, StreamT[M, A]]]
): M[Step[M, A]] = {
Nondeterminism[M].map(mTailStep) {
case Yield(a, s) =>
Skip((() => switchStep(a.step(), s.step())))
case Skip(s) =>
Skip((() => switchInitStep(s.step())))
case Done() =>
def switchStep(
mHeadStep: M[Step[M, A]],
mTailStep: M[Step[M, StreamT[M, A]]]
): M[Step[M, A]] = {
Nondeterminism[M].choose(mTailStep, mHeadStep)
) {
case -\/((tail, mHeadStep)) =>
tail match {
case Yield(a, s) =>
Skip((() => switchStep(a.step(), s.step())))
case Skip(s) =>
Skip((() => switchStep(mHeadStep, s.step())))
case Done() =>
Skip((() => mHeadStep))
case \/-((mTailStep, headStream)) =>
headStream match {
case Yield(b, s) =>
Yield(b, (() => switchStep(s.step(), mTailStep)))
case Skip(s) =>
Skip((() => switchStep(s.step(), mTailStep)))
case Done() =>
Skip((() => switchInitStep(mTailStep)))
(() => switchInitStep(streams.step()))
def wrapEffect[M[_]: Functor, A](m: M[StreamT[M, A]]): StreamT[M, A] = { () =>
def runStreamT[S, A](stream: StreamT[State[S, *], A], s0: S): StreamT[Id, A] =
runStreamT[S, Id, A](stream, s0)
def runStreamT[S, M[_], A](stream: StreamT[StateT[S, M, *], A], s0: S)(
implicit M: Bind[M]
): StreamT[M, A] = { () => { case (a, s) =>
s match {
case Yield(a1, s1) => Yield(a1, runStreamT(s1, a))
case Skip(s1) => Skip(runStreamT(s1, a))
case Done() => Done()
private def mergeStep[M[_], A](s1: Step[M, A], fs2: M[Step[M, A]])(implicit
M: Nondeterminism[M]
): Step[M, A] = {
s1 match {
case Yield(a, s) =>
Yield(a, () => mergeFStep(s.step(), fs2))
case Skip(s) =>
Skip(() => mergeFStep(s.step(), fs2))
case Done() =>
Skip(() => fs2)
private def mergeFStep[M[_], A](fs1: M[Step[M, A]], fs2: M[Step[M, A]])(
implicit M: Nondeterminism[M]
): M[Step[M, A]] = {, fs2)) {
case -\/((s1, fs2)) =>
mergeStep(s1, fs2)
case \/-((fs1, s2)) =>
mergeStep(s2, fs1)
sealed abstract class Step[M[_], A] extends Product with Serializable
final case class Yield[M[_], A](a: A, s: StreamT[M, A]) extends Step[M, A]
final case class Skip[M[_], A](s: StreamT[M, A]) extends Step[M, A]
final case class Done[M[_], A] private () extends Step[M, A]
object Done {
def apply[M[_], A](): Step[M, A] = done_.asInstanceOf[Done[M, A]]
private[this] final val done_ : Done[Nothing, Nothing] =
new Done[Nothing, Nothing]()
// Implementation traits for type class instances
private trait StreamTInstance1[F[_]]
extends Bind[StreamT[F, *]]
with Plus[StreamT[F, *]] {
implicit def F: Functor[F]
override final def map[A, B](fa: StreamT[F, A])(f: A => B) =
fa map f
override final def bind[A, B](fa: StreamT[F, A])(f: A => StreamT[F, B]) =
fa flatMap f
override final def plus[A](a: StreamT[F, A], b: => StreamT[F, A]) =
a ++ b
private trait StreamTSemigroup[F[_], A] extends Semigroup[StreamT[F, A]] {
implicit def F: Functor[F]
def append(f1: StreamT[F, A], f2: => StreamT[F, A]): StreamT[F, A] = f1 ++ f2
private trait StreamTMonoid[F[_], A]
extends Monoid[StreamT[F, A]]
with StreamTSemigroup[F, A] {
implicit def F: Applicative[F]
def zero: StreamT[F, A] = StreamT.empty[F, A]
private trait StreamTMonadPlus[F[_]]
extends MonadPlus[StreamT[F, *]]
with StreamTInstance1[F] {
implicit def F: Applicative[F]
def point[A](a: => A): StreamT[F, A] = a :: StreamT.empty[F, A]
def empty[A]: StreamT[F, A] = StreamT.empty
private trait StreamTHoist extends Hoist[StreamT] {
import StreamT._
implicit def apply[G[_]: Monad]: Monad[StreamT[G, *]] = StreamTMonadPlus[G]
def liftM[M[_], A](a: M[A])(implicit M: Monad[M]): StreamT[M, A] =
override def wrapEffect[G[_]: Monad, A](a: G[StreamT[G, A]]): StreamT[G, A] =
def hoist[M[_], N[_]](
f: M ~> N
)(implicit M: Monad[M]): StreamT[M, *] ~> StreamT[N, *] =
new (StreamT[M, *] ~> StreamT[N, *]) {
def apply[A](a: StreamT[M, A]) = a.trans(f)
private trait StreamTMergeMonoid[F[_], A]
extends Monoid[StreamT[F, A] @@ Tags.Parallel] {
implicit def F: Nondeterminism[F]
def append(
f1: StreamT[F, A] @@ Tags.Parallel,
f2: => StreamT[F, A] @@ Tags.Parallel
): StreamT[F, A] @@ Tags.Parallel =
def zero: StreamT[F, A] @@ Tags.Parallel = Tags.Parallel(StreamT.empty)
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