scalaz.MonadTrans.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scalaz
/** Class of monad transformers. */
trait MonadTrans[F[_[_], _]] {
/** A component of `Applicative.point` for the transformer stack. */
def liftM[G[_] : Monad, A](a: G[A]): F[G, A]
/** A version of `liftM` that infers the type constructor `G`. */
final def liftMU[GA](a: GA)(implicit G: Unapply[Monad, GA]): F[G.M, G.A] =
liftM[G.M, G.A](G(a))(G.TC)
/** The [[scalaz.Monad]] implied by this transformer. */
implicit def apply[G[_] : Monad]: Monad[F[G, ?]]
trait MonadTransLaw {
/** Lifted `point` is `point` of this transformer's monad. */
def identity[G[_], A](a: A)(implicit G: Monad[G], FA: Equal[F[G, A]]): Boolean =
FA.equal(liftM(G.point(a)), Monad[F[G, ?]].point(a))
/** `bind` and then `liftM` is the same as `liftM` and then `bind` */
def composition[G[_], A, B](ga: G[A], f: A => G[B])(implicit G: Monad[G], FB: Equal[F[G, B]]): Boolean =
FB.equal(liftM(Monad[G].bind(ga)(f)), Monad[F[G, ?]].bind(liftM(ga))(a => liftM(f(a))))
def monadTransLaw = new MonadTransLaw {}
object MonadTrans {
def apply[F[_[_], _]](implicit F: MonadTrans[F]): MonadTrans[F] = F
trait Hoist[F[_[_], _]] extends MonadTrans[F] {
def hoist[M[_]: Monad, N[_]](f: M ~> N): F[M, ?] ~> F[N, ?]
object Hoist {
def apply[F[_[_], _]](implicit F: Hoist[F]): Hoist[F] = F
* This trait establishes a partial order among monads. A "bigger" monad
* is one that does all of the effects of the "smaller" as part of its
* execution.
trait MonadPartialOrder[G[_], F[_]] extends NaturalTransformation[F, G] { self =>
implicit val MG: Monad[G]
implicit val MF: Monad[F]
def apply[A](m2: F[A]) = promote(m2)
def promote[A](m2: F[A]): G[A]
def compose[M[_]](mo: MonadPartialOrder[M, G]): MonadPartialOrder[M, F] =
new MonadPartialOrder[M, F] {
val MG = mo.MG
val MF = self.MF
def promote[A](m2: F[A]) = mo.promote(self.promote(m2))
def transform[T[_[_], _]: MonadTrans]: MonadPartialOrder[T[G, ?], F] =
new MonadPartialOrder[T[G, ?], F] {
val MG = MonadTrans[T].apply[G](self.MG)
val MF = self.MF
def promote[A](m2: F[A]) = MonadTrans[T].liftM(self.promote(m2))(self.MG)
sealed abstract class MonadPartialOrderFunctions1 {
implicit def transitive[G[_], F[_], E[_]](implicit e1: MonadPartialOrder[G, F], e2: MonadPartialOrder[F, E]): MonadPartialOrder[G, E] =
e2 compose e1
sealed abstract class MonadPartialOrderFunctions extends MonadPartialOrderFunctions1 {
// the identity ordering
implicit def id[M[_]: Monad]: MonadPartialOrder[M, M] =
new MonadPartialOrder[M, M] {
val MG = Monad[M]
val MF = Monad[M]
def promote[A](m: M[A]) = m
implicit def transformer[M[_]: Monad, F[_[_], _]: MonadTrans]: MonadPartialOrder[F[M, ?], M] =
object MonadPartialOrder extends MonadPartialOrderFunctions
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