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// Copyright: 2017 - 2024 Sam Halliday
// License:
package scalaz
import scala.{ inline, Any, AnyRef, Boolean }
import Scalaz._
* Interface for generic derivation of typeclasses (and algebras) for products
* and coproducts.
* Typeclass authors provide an implementation of this by extending Altz,
* Decidablez, LabelledEncoder or LabelledDecoder, or by wrapping an existing
* InvariantAlt instance in ExtendedInvariantAlt.
* Downstream users call this API via the DerivingMacro.
trait Deriving[F[_]] extends DerivingProducts[F] {
def xcoproductz[Z, A <: TList, FA <: TList](
tcs: Prod[FA]
f: Cop[A] => Z,
g: Z => Cop[A]
ev: A PairedWith FA
): F[Z]
* A weaker form of Deriving for typeclasses that can only support products,
* e.g. Semigroup.
trait DerivingProducts[F[_]] {
// convenient aliases for the API to minimise imports
type NameF[a] = Name[F[a]]
type TList = iotaz.TList
type Prod[a <: TList] = iotaz.Prod[a]
type Cop[a <: TList] = iotaz.Cop[a]
type PairedWith[A <: TList, FA <: TList] =
iotaz.TList.Compute.Aux[iotaz.TList.Op.Map[NameF, A], FA]
// scalafix:off DisableSyntax.implicitConversion
// provides convenient syntax for implementors...
import iotaz.{ Cops, Prods }
protected implicit def ProdOps[A <: TList](p: Prod[A]): Prods.ops.ProdOps[A] =
new Prods.ops.ProdOps[A](p)
protected implicit def ProdOps2[A <: TList](
p: (Prod[A], Prod[A])
): Prods.ops.ProdOps2[A] =
new Prods.ops.ProdOps2[A](p)
protected implicit def CopOps[A <: TList](p: Cop[A]): Cops.ops.CopOps[A] =
new Cops.ops.CopOps[A](p)
protected implicit def CopOps2[A <: TList](
p: (Cop[A], Cop[A])
): Cops.ops.CopOps2[A] =
new Cops.ops.CopOps2[A](p)
// scalafix:on
def xproductz[Z, A <: TList, FA <: TList](
tcs: Prod[FA]
f: Prod[A] => Z,
g: Z => Prod[A]
ev: A PairedWith FA
): F[Z]
object Deriving {
@inline def apply[F[_]](implicit F: Deriving[F]): Deriving[F] = F
* Generate, for a given case class, object, or sealed trait `A` a call to
* relevant `Deriving` method to produce an `F[A]`.
* There is no magic in this macro, it is pure boilerplate generation. e.g.
* for `case class Foo(s: String, i: Int)` and `Equal`, the following is
* generated:
* {{{
* val iso = Prod.gen[Foo, String :: Int :: TNil]
* val tcs = Prod(Need(Equal[String]), Need(Equal[Int]))
* implicitly[Deriving[Equal]].xproductz(tcs)(, iso.from)
* }}}
* And similarly for a sealed trait (but instead calling `Cop.gen` and
* `xcoproductz`).
def gen[F[_], A]: F[A] = macro macros.IotaDerivingMacros.gen[F, A]
private class DecidablezEqual extends Decidablez[Equal] {
@inline private final def quick(a: Any, b: Any): Boolean =
override def divide2[A1, A2, Z](a1: =>Equal[A1], a2: =>Equal[A2])(
f: Z => (A1, A2)
): Equal[Z] =
divide(a1, a2)(f)
override def dividez[Z, A <: TList, FA <: TList](tcs: Prod[FA])(
g: Z => Prod[A]
ev: A PairedWith FA
): Equal[Z] = { (z1, z2) =>
(g(z1), g(z2)).zip(tcs).all { p =>
val (a1, a2) = p.a
val fa = p.b
quick(a1, a2) || fa.value.equal(a1, a2)
override def choosez[Z, A <: TList, FA <: TList](tcs: Prod[FA])(
g: Z => Cop[A]
ev: A PairedWith FA
): Equal[Z] = { (z1, z2) =>
(g(z1), g(z2))
.into {
case -\/(_) => false
case \/-(p) =>
val (a1, a2) = p.a
val fa = p.b
quick(a1, a2) || fa.value.equal(a1, a2)
// hide the detail that this is an Decidablez to avoid exposing Divide
implicit val _deriving_equal: Deriving[Equal] = new DecidablezEqual
implicit val _deriving_order: Deriving[Order] = new Decidablez[Order] {
@inline private final def quick(a: Any, b: Any): Boolean =
override def divide2[A1, A2, Z](a1: =>Order[A1], a2: =>Order[A2])(
f: Z => (A1, A2)
): Order[Z] =
divide(a1, a2)(f)
override def dividez[Z, A <: TList, FA <: TList](tcs: Prod[FA])(
g: Z => Prod[A]
ev: A PairedWith FA
): Order[Z] = {
val delegate = new DecidablezEqual().dividez(tcs)(g)(null) // scalafix:ok
new Order[Z] {
override def equal(z1: Z, z2: Z): Boolean = delegate.equal(z1, z2)
def order(z1: Z, z2: Z): Ordering =
(g(z1), g(z2)).zip(tcs).foldRight(Ordering.EQ: Ordering) { (p, acc) =>
val (a1, a2) = p.a
val fa = p.b
if (quick(a1, a2)) acc
fa.value.order(a1, a2) match {
case Ordering.EQ => acc
case ord => ord
override def choosez[Z, A <: TList, FA <: TList](tcs: Prod[FA])(
g: Z => Cop[A]
ev: A PairedWith FA
): Order[Z] = {
val delegate = new DecidablezEqual().choosez(tcs)(g)(null) // scalafix:ok
new Order[Z] {
override def equal(z1: Z, z2: Z): Boolean = delegate.equal(z1, z2)
def order(z1: Z, z2: Z): Ordering =
(g(z1), g(z2)).zip(tcs).into {
case -\/((i1, _, i2, _)) => Ordering.fromInt(i1 - i2)
case \/-(p) =>
val (a1, a2) = p.a
val fa = p.b
if (quick(a1, a2)) Ordering.EQ
else fa.value.order(a1, a2)
object DerivingProducts {
@inline def apply[F[_]](implicit
F: DerivingProducts[F]
): DerivingProducts[F] = F
private class InvariantApplicativezSemigroup
extends InvariantApplicativez[Semigroup] {
type L[a] = ((a, a), NameF[a])
private[this] val appender = λ[L ~> Id] { case ((a1, a2), fa) =>
fa.value.append(a1, a2)
override def xproductz[Z, A <: TList, FA <: TList](
tcs: Prod[FA]
f: Prod[A] => Z,
g: Z => Prod[A]
ev: A PairedWith FA
): Semigroup[Z] =
new Semigroup[Z] {
// can't use SAM types with by-name parameters
// z2 is eagerly evaluated :-(
def append(z1: Z, z2: =>Z): Z =
f(tcs.ziptraverse2(g(z1), g(z2), appender))
implicit val _deriving_semigroup: DerivingProducts[Semigroup] =
new InvariantApplicativezSemigroup
implicit val _deriving_monoid: DerivingProducts[Monoid] =
new InvariantApplicativez[Monoid] {
override def xproductz[Z, A <: TList, FA <: TList](
tcs: Prod[FA]
f: Prod[A] => Z,
g: Z => Prod[A]
ev: A PairedWith FA
): Monoid[Z] = {
val delegate = new InvariantApplicativezSemigroup()
.xproductz(tcs)(f, g)(null) // scalafix:ok
val nada = λ[NameF ~> Id](
new Monoid[Z] {
def append(z1: Z, z2: =>Z): Z = delegate.append(z1, z2)
def zero: Z = f(tcs.traverse(nada))
// these must be duplicated here so they are in the implicit scope. This is not
// a problem when they are defined on the companion of the typeclass, but since
// we are retrofitting scalaz-core, we must endure a few hacks...
implicit val _deriving_equal: DerivingProducts[Equal] =
implicit val _deriving_order: DerivingProducts[Order] =