scalaz.effect.ST.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scalaz
package effect
import reflect.ClassTag
import IvoryTower._
import STRef._
import STArray._
import ST._
import std.function._
import Id._
/**Mutable variable in state thread S containing a value of type A. [[http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/simonpj/papers/lazy-functional-state-threads.ps.Z]] */
sealed abstract class STRef[S, A] {
protected var value: A
/**Reads the value pointed at by this reference. */
def read: ST[S, A] = returnST(value)
/**Modifies the value at this reference with the given function. */
def mod[B](f: A => A): ST[S, STRef[S, A]] = st((s: Tower[S]) => {
value = f(value);
(s, this)
/**Associates this reference with the given value. */
def write(a: => A): ST[S, STRef[S, A]] = st((s: Tower[S]) => {
value = a;
(s, this)
/**Synonym for write*/
def |=(a: => A): ST[S, STRef[S, A]] =
/**Swap the value at this reference with the value at another. */
def swap(that: STRef[S, A]): ST[S, Unit] = for {
v1 <- this.read
v2 <- that.read
_ <- this write v2
_ <- that write v1
} yield ()
object STRef extends STRefInstances {
def apply[S]: (Id ~> STRef[S, ?]) =
def stRef[S]: (Id ~> STRef[S, ?]) = new (Id ~> STRef[S, ?]) {
def apply[A](a: A) = new STRef[S, A] {
var value = a
sealed abstract class STRefInstances {
/**Equality for STRefs is reference equality */
implicit def STRefEqual[S, A]: Equal[STRef[S, A]] =
Equal.equalA // todo reference equality?
/**Mutable array in state thread S containing values of type A. */
sealed abstract class STArray[S, A] {
def size: Int
def z: A
implicit def tag: ClassTag[A]
val arr = Need(Array.fill(size)(z))
private def value: Array[A] = arr.value
import ST._
/**Reads the value at the given index. */
def read(i: Int): ST[S, A] = returnST(value(i))
/**Writes the given value to the array, at the given offset. */
def write(i: Int, a: A): ST[S, STArray[S, A]] = st(s => {
value(i) = a;
(s, this)
/**Turns a mutable array into an immutable one which is safe to return. */
def freeze: ST[S, ImmutableArray[A]] = st(s => (s, ImmutableArray.fromArray(value)))
/**Fill this array from the given association list. */
def fill[B](f: (A, B) => A, xs: Traversable[(Int, B)]): ST[S, Unit] = xs match {
case Nil => returnST(())
case ((i, v) :: ivs) => for {
_ <- update(f, i, v)
_ <- fill(f, ivs)
} yield ()
/**Combine the given value with the value at the given index, using the given function. */
def update[B](f: (A, B) => A, i: Int, v: B) = for {
x <- read(i)
_ <- write(i, f(x, v))
} yield ()
object STArray {
def apply[S, A : ClassTag](s: Int, a: A): STArray[S, A] = stArray(s, a)
def stArray[S, A](s: Int, a: A)(implicit t: ClassTag[A]): STArray[S, A] = new STArray[S, A] {
val size = s
val z = a
implicit val tag = t
* Purely functional mutable state threads.
* Based on JL and SPJ's paper "Lazy Functional State Threads"
sealed abstract class ST[S, A] {
private[effect] def apply(s: Tower[S]): (Tower[S], A)
import ST._
def flatMap[B](g: A => ST[S, B]): ST[S, B] =
st(s => apply(s) match {
case (ns, a) => g(a)(ns)
def map[B](g: A => B): ST[S, B] =
st(s => apply(s) match {
case (ns, a) => (ns, g(a))
object ST extends STInstances {
def apply[S, A](a: => A): ST[S, A] =
def st[S, A](f: Tower[S] => (Tower[S], A)): ST[S, A] = new ST[S, A] {
private[effect] def apply(s: Tower[S]) = f(s)
// Implicit conversions between IO and ST
implicit def STToIO[A](st: ST[IvoryTower, A]): IO[A] =
IO.io(rw => Free.return_(st(rw)))
/**Put a value in a state thread */
def returnST[S, A](a: => A): ST[S, A] =
st(s => (s, a))
/**Run a state thread */
def runST[A](f: Forall[ST[?, A]]): A =
/**Allocates a fresh mutable reference. */
def newVar[S]: Id ~> λ[α => ST[S, STRef[S, α]]] =
new (Id ~> λ[α => ST[S, STRef[S, α]]]) {
def apply[A](a: A) = returnST(stRef[S](a))
/**Allocates a fresh mutable array. */
def newArr[S, A: ClassTag](size: Int, z: A): ST[S, STArray[S, A]] =
returnST(stArray[S, A](size, z))
/**Allows the result of a state transformer computation to be used lazily inside the computation. */
def fixST[S, A](k: (=> A) => ST[S, A]): ST[S, A] = st(s => {
lazy val ans: (Tower[S], A) = k(r)(s)
lazy val (_, r) = ans
/**Accumulates an integer-associated list into an immutable array. */
def accumArray[F[_], A : ClassTag, B](size: Int, f: (A, B) => A, z: A, ivs: F[(Int, B)])(implicit F: Foldable[F]): ImmutableArray[A] = {
import std.anyVal.unitInstance
type STA[S] = ST[S, ImmutableArray[A]]
runST(new Forall[STA] {
def apply[S] = for {
a <- newArr(size, z)
_ <- {
F.foldMap(ivs)((x: (Int, B)) => a.update(f, x._1, x._2))(stMonoid[S, Unit])
frozen <- a.freeze
} yield frozen
sealed abstract class STInstance0 {
implicit def stSemigroup[S, A](implicit A: Semigroup[A]): Semigroup[ST[S, A]] =
Semigroup.liftSemigroup[ST[S, ?], A](ST.stMonad[S], A)
sealed abstract class STInstances extends STInstance0 {
implicit def stMonoid[S, A](implicit A: Monoid[A]): Monoid[ST[S, A]] =
Monoid.liftMonoid[ST[S, ?], A](stMonad[S], A)
implicit def stMonad[S]: Monad[ST[S, ?]] =
new Monad[ST[S, ?]] {
def point[A](a: => A): ST[S, A] = returnST(a)
def bind[A, B](fa: ST[S, A])(f: A => ST[S, B]): ST[S, B] = fa flatMap f
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