scalaz.iteratee.Input.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scalaz
package iteratee
import LazyOption._
import Iteratee._
/**The input to an iteratee. **/
sealed abstract class Input[E] {
def fold[Z](empty: => Z, el: (=> E) => Z, eof: => Z): Z
def apply[Z](empty: => Z, el: (=> E) => Z, eof: => Z) =
fold(empty, el, eof)
def el: LazyOption[E] =
apply(lazyNone[E], lazySome(_), lazyNone[E])
def elOr(e: => E) =
def isEmpty: Boolean =
apply(true, _ => false, false)
def isEl: Boolean =
apply(false, _ => true, false)
def isEof: Boolean =
apply(false, _ => false, true)
def map[X](f: (=> E) => X): Input[X] =
fold(emptyInput, e => elInput(f(e)), eofInput)
def flatMap[X](f: (=> E) => Input[X]): Input[X] =
fold(emptyInput, e => f(e), eofInput)
def filter(f: (=> E) => Boolean): Input[E] =
fold(emptyInput, e => if (f(e)) this else emptyInput, eofInput)
def foreach(f: (=> E) => Unit) =
fold((), e => f(e), ())
def forall(p: (=> E) => Boolean): Boolean =
fold(true, p, true)
def exists(p: (=> E) => Boolean): Boolean =
fold(false, p, false)
override final def toString = fold("Empty", el => el.toString, "EOF")
object Input extends InputInstances with InputFunctions {
def apply[E](e: => E): Input[E] =
object Empty {
def apply[E]: Input[E] = new Input[E] {
def fold[Z](empty: => Z, el: (=> E) => Z, eof: => Z) = empty
def unapply[E](i: Input[E]): Boolean = i.fold(true, _ => false, false)
object Element {
def apply[E](e: => E): Input[E] = new Input[E] {
def fold[Z](empty: => Z, el: (=> E) => Z, eof: => Z) = el(e)
def unapply[E](i: Input[E]): Option[E] = i.fold(None, Some(_), None)
object Eof {
def apply[E]: Input[E] = new Input[E] {
def fold[Z](empty: => Z, el: (=> E) => Z, eof: => Z) = eof
def unapply[E](i: Input[E]): Boolean = i.fold(false, _ => false, true)
sealed abstract class InputInstances {
import Input._
implicit val input: Traverse[Input] with Monad[Input] with Plus[Input] = new Traverse[Input] with Monad[Input] with Plus[Input] {
override def length[A](fa: Input[A]): Int = fa.fold(
empty = 0
, el = _ => 1
, eof = 0
def point[A](a: => A): Input[A] = elInput(a)
def traverseImpl[G[_]: Applicative, A, B](fa: Input[A])(f: A => G[B]): G[Input[B]] = fa.fold(
empty = Applicative[G].point(emptyInput[B])
, el = x => Applicative[G].map(f(x))(b => elInput(b))
, eof = Applicative[G].point(eofInput[B])
override def foldRight[A, B](fa: Input[A], z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B): B = fa.fold(
empty = z
, el = a => f(a, z)
, eof = z
def plus[A](a: Input[A], b: => Input[A]): Input[A] = a.fold(
empty = b
, el = _ => a
, eof = b
def bind[A, B](fa: Input[A])(f: A => Input[B]): Input[B] = fa flatMap (a => f(a))
implicit def inputSemigroup[A](implicit A: Semigroup[A]): Semigroup[Input[A]] = new Semigroup[Input[A]] {
def append(a1: Input[A], a2: => Input[A]): Input[A] = a1.fold(
empty = a2.fold(
empty = emptyInput
, el = elInput
, eof = eofInput
, el = xa => a2.fold(
empty = elInput(xa)
, el = ya => elInput(A.append(xa, ya))
, eof = eofInput
, eof = eofInput
implicit def inputEqual[A](implicit A: Equal[A]): Equal[Input[A]] = new Equal[Input[A]] {
def equal(a1: Input[A], a2: Input[A]): Boolean = a1.fold(
empty = a2.isEmpty
, el = a => a2.exists(z => A.equal(a, z))
, eof = a2.isEof
implicit def inputShow[A](implicit A: Show[A]): Show[Input[A]] = new Show[Input[A]] {
override def shows(f: Input[A]) = f.fold(
empty = "empty-input"
, el = a => "el-input(" + A.shows(a) + ")"
, eof = "eof-input"
trait InputFunctions {
def emptyInput[E]: Input[E] = Input.Empty[E]
def elInput[E](e: => E): Input[E] = Input.Element(e)
def eofInput[E]: Input[E] = Input.Eof[E]
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