scales.iterv.PullIteratees.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scales.iterv
import scalaz.Equal, scalaz.Equal._, scalaz.Scalaz._
import scales.utils._
import scales.xml.{
Elem, EndElem,
impl => ximpl
import scales.xml.parser.strategies.{MemoryOptimisationStrategy, OptimisationToken}
import collection.FlatMapIterator
* Iteratees related to pull parsing
trait PullIteratees {
// enumerators and iteratees follow
import scalaz.{IterV, Enumerator, Input, EphemeralStream}
import scalaz.IterV._
type QNamesMatch = (List[QName], Option[XmlPath])
* Collects all data belonging to an element that matches
* the list. content content
* as a path (each parent node containing only one child node).
* Uses the default QName equality
def onQNames(qnames: List[QName]): ResumableIter[PullType, QNamesMatch] = onQNamesI(qnames)(ScalesXml.qnameEqual)
* Collects all data belonging to an element that matches
* the list. content content
* as a path (each parent node containing only one child node).
* Uses an implicit QName equality
def onQNamesI(qnames: List[QName])(implicit qe: Equal[QName]): ResumableIter[PullType, QNamesMatch] = {
* The pairs allow the depth of each element to be followed. In particular this stops both descent and ascent problems in the
* pushing and popping on the stack. I.e. it covers the case where you have nested repeating QNames, both when you are looking for them
* and when your are not. Don't pop to early and don't incorrectly force a done.
lazy val starter = Cont(step(Nil, (qnames.head, 0),, 0)), noXmlPath, false))
def step(before: List[(QName, Int)], focus: (QName, Int), toGo: List[(QName, Int)], path: XmlPath, collecting: Boolean)(s: Input[PullType]): ResumableIter[PullType, QNamesMatch] =
s(el = { e => //println(e +" "+before+" "+focus+" " + toGo);
e match {
case Left(elem@Elem(q, a, n)) => {
val nfocus = if (q === focus._1) (focus._1, focus._2 + 1)
else focus
val npath = addAndFocus(path, elem)
val shouldCollect = collecting || (toGo.isEmpty && q === focus._1)
// is it our head?
if ((!toGo.isEmpty) && q === focus._1)
// move down
step(before :+ focus, toGo.head, toGo.tail, npath, false)
// wait for a down
step(before, nfocus, toGo, npath, shouldCollect))
case Left(x: XmlItem) =>
if (collecting) // collect
Cont(step(before, focus, toGo, addChild(path, x), true))
Cont(step(before, focus, toGo, path, false)) // don't collect
case Right(EndElem(q, n)) =>
if (q === focus._1) {
val ncfocus = (focus._1, focus._2 - 1)
if (toGo.isEmpty && ncfocus._2 == 0) // we are popping to the selected level
Done(((qnames, Some(path)),
Cont(step(before, ncfocus, toGo,
// remove all children on the next iteration
path.removeAndUp.getOrElse(noXmlPath), false))), IterV.Empty[PullType])
else {
if (before.isEmpty)
starter // only when the root is asked for, could just refuse that of course?
else {
if (collecting)
// we are collecting but we still have more than 0 repeated qnames deep
Cont(step(before, ncfocus, toGo, path.zipUp, true))
else {
// we aren't collecting but we are moving up, we just have repeated names
val nfocus = before.last
val nbefore = before.dropRight(1)
Cont(step(nbefore, nfocus, focus :: toGo,
path.removeAndUp.getOrElse(noXmlPath), false // we have NOT been collecting
} else {
Cont(step(before, focus, toGo,
if (collecting) // empty is not enough, it should also be definitely collecting
path.removeAndUp.getOrElse(noXmlPath), collecting))
empty = Cont(step(before, focus, toGo, path, false)),
eof = Done(((qnames, None), starter), IterV.EOF[PullType]))
if (qnames.isEmpty) error("Qnames is empty")
type PeekMatch = Option[XmlPath]
def skipv(downTo: Int*): IterV[PullType, PeekMatch] = skip(List(downTo: _*))
* Skips all events until the indexes match downTo, can be seen as
* \*\*[b]\*[c] skipping until c with skip(List(b,c)).
* This can be used, for example, to identify qnames within a message and combined with capture to allow replaying.
* Identifying a soap doc-lit request would be skip(List(2,1)).
* It returns the XmlPath to the skipped position, for soap /Envelope/Body/Request but does not collect the contents of that node.
* An empty list will simply return the first Element found.
def skip(downTo: => List[Int]): IterV[PullType, PeekMatch] = {
lazy val dEof: IterV[PullType, PeekMatch] = Done(None, IterV.EOF[PullType])
def step(before: List[Int], pos: List[Int], toGo: List[Int], path: XmlPath)(s: Input[PullType]): IterV[PullType, PeekMatch] =
s(el = { e =>
e match {
case Left(elem@Elem(q, a, n)) => {
lazy val npath = addAndFocus(path, elem)
val npos = pos.head + 1 :: pos.tail
val could = toGo.head == npos.head
//println("pos "+pos+ " npos "+npos+" before "+before+" toGo "+toGo)
if (pos.size == (before.size + 1)) // correct level
if (toGo.size == 1 && could)
Done(Some(npath), IterV.Empty[PullType])
else if (npos.head > toGo.head)
else if (could)
// pop and move down
Cont(step(before :+ toGo.head, 0 :: npos, toGo.tail, npath))
Cont(step(before, 0 :: npos, toGo, npath))
Cont(step(before, 0 :: npos, toGo, npath))
// just return this again
case Left(x: XmlItem) =>
Cont(step(before, pos, toGo, path))
// pop up no collecting, loose the head as we are moving up again
case Right(EndElem(q, n)) =>
// get or else end doc elem
if (pos.size > 0 && pos.size == before.size + 1)
// we have moved down in toGo
Cont(step(before.dropRight(1), pos.tail, before.last :: toGo, path.removeAndUp().getOrElse(noXmlPath)))
Cont(step(before, pos.tail, toGo, path.removeAndUp().getOrElse(noXmlPath)))
empty = Cont(step(before, pos, toGo, path)),
eof = dEof //Done((downTo, None),IterV.EOF[PullType])
Cont(step(List[Int](), List(0), 1 :: downTo, noXmlPath))
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