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scales.utils.iteratee.Iteratees.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package scales.utils.iteratee

import scalaz.Free.Trampoline
import scalaz.Id.Id
import scalaz.effect.IO
import scalaz.{Applicative, Bind, EphemeralStream, Free, Monad}
import scalaz.iteratee.Input.{Element, Empty, Eof, emptyInput}
import scalaz.iteratee.Iteratee.{cont, done, elInput, empty, enumEofT, foldM, iterateeT, repeat}
import scalaz.iteratee.StepT.{Cont, Done}
import scalaz.iteratee.{EnumeratorT, Input, IterateeT, StepT}
import scalaz.syntax.{BindOps, ToBifoldableOps, ToBindOps}
import scales.utils.ScalesUtils

object EphemeralStreamEnum {

   * Enumerates over an EphemeralStream
   * @param xs
   * @tparam E
   * @tparam F
   * @return
  def enumEphemeralStream[E, F[_] : Monad](xs: EphemeralStream[E]): EnumeratorT[E, F] = {
    import EphemeralStream.##::

    new EnumeratorT[E, F] {
      def apply[A] = (s: StepT[E, F, A]) =>
        xs match {
          case h ##:: t => s.mapCont(k => k(scalaz.iteratee.Iteratee.elInput(h)) >>== enumEphemeralStream[E, F](t).apply[A])
          case _ => s.pointI


   * Enumerates over an EphemeralStream but allows progress to be "saved" between calls
   * @param state
   * @param xs
   * @tparam E
   * @tparam F
   * @return
  def enumEphemeralStreamF[E, F[_] : Monad](state: EphemeralStream[E] => Unit)(xs: EphemeralStream[E]): EnumeratorT[E, F] = {
    import EphemeralStream.##::

    new EnumeratorT[E, F] {
      def apply[A] = (s: StepT[E, F, A]) =>
        xs match {
          case h ##:: t => s.mapCont(k => k(scalaz.iteratee.Iteratee.elInput(h)) >>== enumEphemeralStreamF[E, F]({state(t);state})(t).apply[A])
          case _ => s.pointI


   * Converts an iterator to EphemeralStream.  EphemeralStream then ensures next will not be called unexpectedly in the face of trampolining
   * @param iterator
   * @tparam A
   * @return
  def toEphemeral[A](iterator: Iterator[A]): EphemeralStream[A] =
    if (iterator.isEmpty) EphemeralStream.emptyEphemeralStream else {
      val next =
      val after = toEphemeral(iterator)
      EphemeralStream.cons(next, after)

 * Evals once, the developer must check its Done, equivalent to a .run but
 * doesn't lose the continuation - no "Diverging Iteratee"
trait Eval[WHAT, F[_],RETURN] {

  def orig : IterateeT[WHAT, F, RETURN]

   * Enumerates over Empty, evaluates fully until the iteratee returns Done with a value (Sending Eof)
   * @param F
   * @return
  def eval(implicit F: Monad[F]) : IterateeT[WHAT, F, RETURN] =
        cont = k => k(Eof[WHAT]).value
        , done = (a, i) => F.point(Done(a, i))


trait IterateeImplicits {
  implicit def toEval[WHAT, F[_], RETURN]( i : => IterateeT[WHAT, F, RETURN] ) = new Eval[WHAT, F, RETURN] {
    def orig = i


 * Collection of iterateees
object functions {

   * Taken from huynhjl's answer on StackOverflow, just abstracting the type to allow for better implicit inference
   * def iteratorEnumerator[E](iter: Iterator[E]) = new EnumeratorT[E, Trampoline] {
   * override def apply[A]: StepT[E, Trampoline, A] => IterateeT[E, Trampoline, A] =
   * {
   * case step if iter.isEmpty => iterateeT[E, Trampoline, A](Free.point(step))
   * case step @ Done(acc, input) => iterateeT[E, Trampoline, A](Free.point(step))
   * case step @ Cont(k) =>
   * val x : E =
   * k(Element(x)) >>== {
   * s => s.mapContOr(_ => sys.error("diverging iteratee"), apply(s))
   * }
   * }
   * }
  def iteratorEnumerator[E, F[_]](iter: Iterator[E])(implicit f: Monad[F]): EnumeratorT[E, F] =
    new EnumeratorT[E, F] {
      def apply[A] = {
        def go(xs: Iterator[E])(s: StepT[E, F, A]): IterateeT[E, F, A] =
          if (xs.isEmpty) s.pointI
            s mapCont { k =>
              val next =
              k(elInput(next)) >>== go(xs)


  /** drop while iteratee, returning the possibly remaining data */
  def dropWhile[E, F[_]](f: (E) => Boolean)(implicit F: Monad[F]): IterateeT[E, F, Option[E]] =
    dropWhileM[E, F] { e => F.point(f(e)) }

   * Same as dropWhile but captures the Monad in F
  def dropWhileM[E, F[_]](f: (E) => F[Boolean])(implicit F: Monad[F]): IterateeT[E, F, Option[E]] = {
    def step(s: Input[E]): IterateeT[E, F, Option[E]] =
        el = e => {
          iterateeT( {
            shouldCont =>
              if (shouldCont)
                Done(Some(e), Empty[E])
        empty = Cont(step).pointI,
        eof = Done[E, F, Option[E]](None, Eof[E]).pointI


  /** "find" iteratee, finds Some(first) or None */
  def find[E, F[_]](f: (E) => Boolean)(implicit F: Monad[F]): IterateeT[E, F, Option[E]] =
    dropWhile[E, F](!f(_))

  /** filter iteratee, greedily taking all content until eof */
  def filter[E, F[_]](f: (E) => Boolean)(implicit F: Monad[F]): IterateeT[E, F, Iterable[E]] = {
    def step(l: List[E])(s: Input[E]): IterateeT[E, F, Iterable[E]] =
      iterateeT(F.point(s(el = e => {
        if (f(e))
          Cont(step(l :+ e))
        empty = Cont(step(l)),
        eof = Done(l, Eof[E]))))


  type ResumableIterList[E, F[_], A] = IterateeT[E, F, (Iterable[A], IterateeT[E, F, _])]
  type ResumableIterListStep[E, F[_], A] = StepT[E, F, (Iterable[A], IterateeT[E, F, _])]
  type ResumableIter[E, F[_], A] = IterateeT[E, F, (A, IterateeT[E, F, _])]
  type ResumableStep[E, F[_], A] = StepT[E, F, (A, IterateeT[E, F, _])]

   * marks a continuation resumableiter as actually being EOF - i.e. don't attempt to evaluate it
   * @param F
   * @tparam E
   * @tparam F
   * @tparam A
   * @return
  def resumableEOF[E, F[_], A](input: A = null)(implicit F: Applicative[F]): ResumableIter[E, F, A] =
    iterateeT(F.point(Done[E, F, (A, ResumableIter[E, F, A])]((input, null.asInstanceOf[ResumableIter[E, F, A]]), Eof[E]))).asInstanceOf[ResumableIter[E, F, A]]

  def resumableEOFDone[E, F[_], A](input: A)(implicit F: Applicative[F]): ResumableStep[E, F, A] =
    Done[E, F, (A, ResumableIter[E, F, A])]((input, resumableEOF(input)), Eof[E]).asInstanceOf[ResumableStep[E, F, A]]

   * is this iteratee actually "empty"
   * @param F
   * @tparam E
   * @tparam F
   * @tparam A
   * @return
  def isResumableEOF[E, F[_], A](iter: ResumableIter[E, F, A])(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[Boolean] =[E, F, A])

  def isResumableEOFS[E, F[_], A](s: ResumableStep[E, F, A]): Boolean =
      cont = k => false
      , done = (a, i) => a._2 == null && i.isEof

   * Extract the continuation from a Done, or the continuation itself
  def extractContFromDoneOrCont[E, F[_], A](iter: ResumableIter[E, F, A])(implicit F: Monad[F]): ResumableIter[E, F, A] =
      F.bind(iter.value)(s => s.fold(
        cont = k => cont(k).value
        , done = (x, i) => x._2.asInstanceOf[ResumableIter[E, F, A]].value

   * Extract the continuation from a Done
  def extractCont[E, F[_], A](iter: ResumableIter[E, F, A])(implicit F: Monad[F]): ResumableIter[E, F, A] =
      F.bind(iter.value)(s => s.fold(
        cont = k => scales.utils.error("Was not done")
        , done = (x, i) => x._2.asInstanceOf[ResumableIter[E, F, A]].value

   * Extract the continuation from a Done
  def extractContS[E, F[_], A](s: ResumableStep[E, F, A])(implicit F: Monad[F]): ResumableIter[E, F, A] =
      cont = k => scales.utils.error("Was not done")
      , done = (x, i) => x._2.asInstanceOf[ResumableIter[E, F, A]].value

   * Extract the Some(value) from a Done or None if it was not Done.
  def extract[E, F[_], A](iter: ResumableIter[E, F, A])(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[Option[A]] =
      done = (x, i) =>
      cont = f => F.point(None))

   * Extract the Some(value) from a Done or None if it was not Done.
  def extractS[E, F[_], A](iter: ResumableStep[E, F, A])(implicit F: Monad[F]): Option[A] =
      done = (x, i) =>
      cont = f => None)

   * Helper to identify dones
  def isDone[E, F[_], A](iter: IterateeT[E, F, A])(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[Boolean] =[E, F, A])

  def isDoneS[E, F[_], A](step: StepT[E, F, A])(implicit F: Monad[F]): Boolean =
      done = (a, i) => true,
      cont = f => false

   * Helper for done and empty
  def isEmpty[E, F[_], A](iter: IterateeT[E, F, A])(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[Boolean] =[E, F, A])

   * Helper for done and eof
  def isEOF[E, F[_], A](iter: IterateeT[E, F, A])(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[Boolean] =[E, F, A])

   * Helper for done and empty
  def isEmptyS[E, F[_], A](step: StepT[E, F, A])(implicit F: Monad[F]): Boolean =
      done = (a, i) => i.isEmpty,
      cont = f => false

   * Helper for done and eof
  def isEOFS[E, F[_], A](step: StepT[E, F, A])(implicit F: Monad[F]): Boolean =
      done = (a, i) => i.isEof,
      cont = f => false

  implicit class IterOps[E, F[_],A](val oiter: IterateeT[E,F,A]) extends AnyVal {

     * Converts a normal IterV[E,A] to a ResumableIter.
     * Does so by folding over the iter once for an input
     * and when its Done starting again
     * with the original iter.  This is close to restarting the iter on
     * a new "stream", otherwise all attempts to keep the Cont will be made.
    @inline def toResumableIter(implicit F: Monad[F]): ResumableIter[E,F,A] =


   * Converts a normal IterV[E,A] to a ResumableIter.
   * Does so by folding over the iter once for an input
   * and when its Done starting again
   * with the original iter.  This is close to restarting the iter on
   * a new "stream", otherwise all attempts to keep the Cont will be made.
  def toResumableIter[E, F[_], A](oiter: IterateeT[E, F, A])(implicit F: Monad[F]): ResumableIter[E, F, A] = {
    def step(iter: IterateeT[E, F, A])(s: Input[E]): ResumableIter[E, F, A] = {
      val next = iter.foldT[ResumableStep[E, F, A]]( // need to evaluate s in the case of done....
        done = (x, y) => {
          val si = {
            (s: Input[E]) =>

          F.point {
            println("calling point on point in resumable done (x,el, eof, empty) "+ (x,y.isEl,y.isEof,y.isEmpty))
            val fstep = F.point(Cont((i: Input[E]) => iterateeT(si(i))))
            Done((x, iterateeT(fstep)), y)
        cont = k => {
          val n = k(s)
            done = (x, y) => {
              val fstep = F.point(Cont(step(iter)))
                step =>
                  println("calling point on point in resumable done - from cont - (x,el, eof, empty) "+ (x,y.isEl,y.isEof,y.isEmpty))
                  Done((x, iterateeT(fstep)), y)
            cont = k => cont(k).value.asInstanceOf[F[ResumableStep[E,F,A]]]/*i => {
     { _ =>
                println("calling point on cont - from cont  ")



  def toResumableIter[E, F[_], A](oiter: IterateeT[E, F, A])(implicit F: Monad[F]): ResumableIter[E, F, A] = {
    def step(iter: IterateeT[E, F, A])(s: Input[E]): ResumableIter[E, F, A] = {
      val next = iter.foldT[ResumableStep[E, F, A]]( // need to evaluate s in the case of done....
        done = (x, y) => F.point(Done((x, iterateeT(F.point(Cont(step(oiter))))), y)),
        cont = k => {
            done = (x, y) => F.point(Done((x, iterateeT(F.point(Cont(step(oiter))))), y)),
            cont = i => F.point(Cont(step(iterateeT(F.point(Cont(i))))))

   * Stepwise fold, each element is evaluated but each one is returned as a result+resumable iter.
  def foldI[E, F[_], A](f: (E, A) => A)(init: A, stopOn: A => Boolean = (_: A) => true)(implicit F: Monad[F]): ResumableIter[E, F, A] =
    foldIM[E, F, A] { (e, a) => F.point(f(e, a)) }(init, stopOn)

   * Stepwise fold but the result of f is bound to F
  def foldIM[E, F[_], A](f: (E, A) => F[A])(init: A, stopOn: A => Boolean = (_: A) => true)(implicit F: Monad[F]): ResumableIter[E, F, A] = {
    def step(current: A, fromStart: Boolean): Input[E] => IterateeT[E, F, (A, IterateeT[E, F, _])] = s =>
        el = e =>
          IterateeT.IterateeTMonadTrans[E].liftM(f(e, current)) flatMap { i =>
            if (!stopOn(i))
              cont(step(i, false))
              done[E, F, (A, IterateeT[E, F, _])]((i, cont(step(i, false))), Empty[E])
        empty = {
          println("got a foldIM empty " + fromStart)
          cont(step(current, false))
        eof = done((current, iterateeT(F.point(Cont(step(current, false))))), Eof[E])

    cont(step(init, true))

   * Repeating fold on done, calling f with the result to accumulate with side effects, stopping when stopOn is true and
   * returns the accumulated value continuation iteratee pair.
   * @param init
   * @param f
   * @param stopOn
   * @param F
   * @tparam E
   * @tparam F
   * @tparam A
   * @return
  def repeatUntil[E, F[_], A](init: A)(f: A => A)(stopOn: A => Boolean)(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[(A, ResumableIter[A, F, A])] =
    repeatUntilM[E, F, A](init)(a => F.point(f(a)))(stopOn)

   * Repeating fold on done, calling f with the result to accumulate with side effects, stopping when stopOn is true and
   * returns the accumulated value continuation iteratee pair.
   * @param init
   * @param f
   * @param stopOn
   * @param F
   * @tparam E
   * @tparam F
   * @tparam A
   * @return
  def repeatUntilM[E, F[_], A](init: A)(f: A => F[A])(stopOn: A => Boolean)(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[(A, ResumableIter[A, F, A])] =
    ((foldIM[A, F, A]((e, a) => f(a))(init = init, stopOn = stopOn) &= repeat[A, F](init)) run).
      asInstanceOf[F[(A, ResumableIter[A, F, A])]]

   * Folds over the Iteratee with Cont or Done and Empty, returning with Done and EOF.
   * If there is a ping pong on enumerator -> Cont -> enumerator then we'll of course get an infinite loop.
   * foldI returns a ResumableIter that performs a fold until a done, this folds over the enumerator to return a value.
   * combine with onDone to get through chunks of data.
  def foldOnDone[E, F[_], A, ACC](e: => EnumeratorT[E, F])(initAcc: ACC, initResumable: ResumableIter[E, F, A])(f: (ACC, A) => ACC)(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[ACC] = {
    import ScalesUtils._
    import scalaz.Scalaz._

    val starter = (initResumable &= e).eval

    val r =
      repeatUntilM((initAcc, starter, false))(a => {
        val (currentA, itr, _) = a
        for {
          step <- itr.value
          isdone = isDoneS(step)
          iseof = isEOFS(step)

          shouldStop = (currentA, itr, true)

          res =
            if (isdone && !iseof) {
              val a = extractS(step)
              if (a.isEmpty)
                (f(currentA, a.get), extractContS(step), false)
            } else

        } yield {
          val (currentA, itr, done) = res

          (currentA, (itr &= e).eval, done)
      })(stopOn = a => a._3) { r =>
      val ((acc, nr, b), cont) = r

   * Only possible to work on IO as it allows us to exit the monad
   * @param e
   * @param init
   * @tparam E
   * @tparam A
  class ResumableIterIterator[E, A](e: EnumeratorT[E, IO])(init: ResumableIter[E, IO, A]) extends Iterator[A] {

    import ScalesUtils._

    var cur = (init &= e).eval

    def next = {
      val t =
        (for {
          step <- cur.value
        } yield

      cur = (extractCont(cur) &= e).eval
      t.get // note we check for defined in hasNext

    def hasNext =
      (for {
        step <- cur.value
        isdone = isDoneS(step)
        r = extractS(step)
      } yield {
        isdone && !isEOFS(step) && r.isDefined

   * Converts the iteratee/enumerator/source triple into a Iterator.  This is only possible in IO given the ability to exit the monad _and_ trampoline.
   * For most uses iterate is a better option
  def withIter[E, A](e: EnumeratorT[E, IO])(initResumable: ResumableIter[E, IO, A]) = new ResumableIterIterator[E, A](e)(initResumable)

   * onDone, iterates over the list of iteratees applying
   * the element, when the resulting list contains a Done
   * then the list of Dones is returned.
   * One can use tuples or pattern matching to discern which
   * of the original lists iteratees have matched.
   * Due to the return type of this iteratee all items
   * in the list must return the same type and must return
   * both an A and an IterV with the same interface to continue
   * with the next and maintain state.
   * In the case of EOF, an empty list is returned
  def onDone[E, F[_], A](originalList: List[ResumableIter[E, F, A]])(implicit F: Monad[F]): ResumableIterList[E, F, A] = {

    def step(l: List[ResumableIter[E, F, A]])(s: Input[E]): ResumableIterList[E, F, A] = {
        s(el = e => {
          @inline def add(res: List[A], newl: List[ResumableIter[E, F, A]], k: (Input[E]) => IterateeT[E, F, (A, IterateeT[E, F, _])]): F[(List[A], List[ResumableIter[E, F, A]])] = {
            val d = k(Element(e))
   { step =>
              val nextl = d :: newl
                done = (x, _) => (x._1 :: res, nextl),
                cont = _ => (res, nextl)

          val r =
            (foldM[ResumableIter[E, F, A], F, (List[A], List[ResumableIter[E, F, A]])]((Nil, Nil)) { (acc, i) =>
              val (res, newl) = acc
              F.bind(i.value) { step =>
                  // safety first
                  done = (e1, y) =>
                    // are we EOF, in which case remove
                    if (y.isEof)
                    else {
                      if (y.isEmpty)
                        // feed back the continuation
                        // this is where we hope that the users don't
                        // break on purpose :-()
                          cont = k => add(res, newl, k.asInstanceOf[(Input[E]) => IterateeT[E, F, (A, IterateeT[E, F, _])]]),
                          done = (x, y) => scales.utils.error("Continuation can only be a Cont")
                        scales.utils.error("Can only handle EOF or Empty for Done")

                  cont = i => add(res, newl, i)
            } &= iteratorEnumerator(l.iterator)).run

 { r =>
            val (res, newl) = r

            if (res.isEmpty)
              Done((res, iterateeT(F.point(Cont(step(newl))))), Empty[E])
          empty = F.point(Cont(step(l))),
          eof = F.point(Done((Nil, iterateeT(F.point(Cont(step(l))))), Eof[E]))


   * keeps a running count of each element, probably not of much use
   * unless combined but acts as a good poc for ResumableIter
  def runningCount[E, F[_]](implicit F: Monad[F]) = foldI[E, F, Long]((e: E, count: Long) => count + 1)(0)

   * Append to an appendable, always returns Done for a line, cont for
   * everything else
   * TODO - should it be a pair including the appendable?
  def appendTo[F[_]](to: Appendable)(implicit F: Applicative[F]): IterateeT[CharSequence, F, CharSequence] = {
    def step(s: Input[CharSequence]): IterateeT[CharSequence, F, CharSequence] =
      iterateeT(F.point(s(el = { e =>
        Done(e, Empty[CharSequence])
        empty = Cont(step),
        eof = Done("", Eof[CharSequence]))))


   * Calls the function param with the fed data and returns its
   * result - consider Scalaz 7 map directly rather than composing
  def evalWith[FROM, F[_], TO](f: (FROM) => TO)(implicit F: Applicative[F]): IterateeT[FROM, F, TO] = {
    def step(s: Input[FROM]): IterateeT[FROM, F, TO] =
      iterateeT(F.point(s(el = e => {
        val to = f(e)
        Done(to, Empty[FROM])
        empty = Cont(step),
        eof = Cont(step))))


   * Enumeratee that converts input 1:1
   * String => Int, enumerator Iterator[String] but IterV[Int, Int]
  @deprecated(since = "0.6.0-M5", message = "Use Scalaz 7 IterateeT.contramap")
  def enumerateeMap[E, F[_], A, R](target: IterateeT[A, F, R])(f: E => A)(implicit F: Monad[F]): IterateeT[E, F, R] = {

    def next(i: IterateeT[A, F, R]): IterateeT[E, F, R] =
      iterateeT(i.foldT[StepT[E, F, R]](
        done = (a, y) => F.point(Done(a, Eof[E])),
        cont = k => F.point(Cont((x: Input[E]) =>
          x(el = e => next(k(Element(f(e)))),
            empty = next(k(Empty[A])),
            eof = next(k(Eof[A])))


   * Sums an iteratee up, consider using the Scalaz IterateeT monadic sum instead
  def sum[T, F[_]](implicit n: Numeric[T], F: Applicative[F]): IterateeT[T, F, T] = {
    import n._
    def step(acc: T)(s: Input[T]): IterateeT[T, F, T] =
      s(el = e =>
        cont(step(acc + e)),
        empty =
        eof =
          done(acc, Eof[T])


   * Maps a given input to a function returning a Input[EphemeralStream].
   * If the Input is El it returns it, if EOF empty and continues on empty.
  def mapTo[E, F[_], A](f: E => Input[EphemeralStream[A]])(implicit F: Applicative[F]): IterateeT[E, F, EphemeralStream[A]] = {
    def step(s: Input[E]): IterateeT[E, F, EphemeralStream[A]] =
          el = e => {
            val r = f(e)
              el = e1 => {
                Done(e1, Empty[E])
              empty = Cont(step),
              eof = Done(EphemeralStream.emptyEphemeralStream, Eof[E])
          empty = Cont(step),
          eof = Done(EphemeralStream.emptyEphemeralStream, Eof[E])


   * Enumeratee that folds over the Iteratee with Cont or Done and Empty, returning with Done and EOF.
   * Converts ResumableIters on Done via a fold, returning Done only when receiving EOF from the initIter.
   * NB - This can be thought of the reverse of toResumableIter but also accumulating.
  def foldOnDoneIter[E, F[_], A, ACC](initAcc: ACC, initIter: ResumableIter[E, F, A])(f: (ACC, A) => ACC)(implicit F: Monad[F]): IterateeT[E, F, ACC] = {

    def next(acc: ACC, i: ResumableIter[E, F, A]): IterateeT[E, F, ACC] =
        i.foldT[StepT[E, F, ACC]](
          done = (ac, y) => {
            val (e, cont) = ac
            val newacc = f(acc, e)
            y match {
              case Element(a) =>
                scales.utils.error("Cannot process an input element from Done")
              case Empty() =>
                // can continue
                F.point(Cont[E, F, ACC]((x: Input[E]) =>
                  // is the cont itself actually a done or a cont?
                      F.bind(cont.value) {
                        s =>
                          s(done = (x, y) => scales.utils.error("got a Done from a resumableIter cont " + x + " " + y),
                            cont = k =>
                              k(x).asInstanceOf[ResumableIter[E, F, A]].value
              case Eof() => F.point(Done(newacc, Eof[E]))
          cont = k => F.point(Cont((x: Input[E]) =>
            next(acc, k(x))))

    next(initAcc, initIter)

   * Takes Input[E] converts via toMany to an EphemeralStream[A].  This in turn is fed to the destination iteratee.
   * The inputs can be 1 -> Many, Many -> 1, or indeed 1 -> 1.
   * The callers must take care of what kind of continnuation Iteratee is returned in a Done.
   * If the dest returns EOF, the toMany is in turn called with EOF for any needed resource control processing.
  def enumToMany[E, F[_], A, R](dest: ResumableIter[A, F, R])(toMany: ResumableIter[E, F, EphemeralStream[A]])(implicit F: Monad[F]): ResumableIter[E, F, R] = {
    val empty = EphemeralStream.emptyEphemeralStream[A]

     * Pumps data from the toMany through to the destination, when the destination has consumed as much as possible it returns.
    def loop(i: ResumableStep[A, F, R], s: EphemeralStream[A]):
      F[(ResumableStep[A, F, R], EphemeralStream[A])] = {

      def step(theStep: ResumableStep[A, F, R], cs: EphemeralStream[A]): F[(ResumableStep[A, F, R], EphemeralStream[A])] =
            done = (a, y) => F.point((theStep, cs)),
            cont =
              k => if (!cs.isEmpty) {
                // println("got cont")
                val cs_called = cs
                val head = cs_called.headOption.get // if used in El it captures the byname not the value
                val ncs = cs_called.tailOption.get
                F.bind(k(Element(head)).value) { ncv =>
                  step(ncv, ncs)
              } else {
                F.point((theStep, cs))

      val scalc = step(i, s)

     * Call the toMany continuation function
    def pumpNext(x: Input[E], toMany: Input[E] => ResumableIter[E, F, EphemeralStream[A]], k: Input[A] => ResumableIter[A, F, R]): ResumableIter[E, F, R] = {
      val afterNewCall = toMany(x)
      //println("and then " + afterNewCall)
      import scalaz._
      import Scalaz._
          done = (nextContPair, rest) => {
            //println("was done weren't it")
            val (e1, nextCont) = nextContPair
            val nextContR = nextCont.asInstanceOf[ResumableIter[E, F, scalaz.EphemeralStream[A]]]
            val r = F.bind(isEOF(afterNewCall)) { eof =>
                if (eof)
                  //println("after is eof")
                  nextI(k(Eof[A]), empty, nextContR)
                else {
                  if (e1.isEmpty)
                    nextI(k(Empty[A]), empty, nextContR)
                  else {
                    val h = e1.headOption.get
                    //println("some data after all "+h)
                    val tail = e1.tailOption.get
                    nextI(k(Element(h)), tail, nextContR)

          cont = k1 =>
            nextI(k(Empty[A]), empty, afterNewCall).value

     * For Cont handling we must loop when there is more data left on the stream,
     * when not verify if the toMany has returned more data to process.
    def contk(k: Input[A] => ResumableIter[A, F, R], step: ResumableStep[A, F, R], s: EphemeralStream[A], toMany: ResumableIter[E, F, EphemeralStream[A]]): ResumableIter[E, F, R] = {
      if (!s.isEmpty) {
        val r = loop(step, s)
        iterateeT(F.bind(r) { pair =>
          val (ni, ns) = pair
          next(ni, ns, toMany).value // bad - should let a done exit early
      } else
        iterateeT(F.point(Cont((x: Input[E]) =>
            el = e => {
                  tooManyStep =>
                      done = (a, y) => {
                        val (e1, nextContR) = a
                        val nextCont = nextContR.asInstanceOf[ResumableIter[E, F, scalaz.EphemeralStream[A]]]
                        scales.utils.error("Unexpected State for enumToMany - Cont but toMany is done")
                      cont = toManyCont => {
                        pumpNext(x, toManyCont, k).value
            empty = // - only used when we stop enumerating - the async 'pause' case - we should not nextI")
              nextI(k(Empty[A]), empty, toMany),
            eof = nextI(k(Eof[A]), empty, toMany)

     * Handle closed states in either dest or toMany, feed data back out when
     * dest signals it is Done.  .run triggers EOFs but in the case
     * of continuations the data is fake - triggered by doneWith itself.
     * internalEOF caters for this case.
    def doneWith(a: (R, ResumableIter[A, F, R]), y: Input[A], i: ResumableStep[A, F, R], s: EphemeralStream[A], toMany: ResumableIter[E, F, EphemeralStream[A]], internalEOF: Boolean): ResumableIter[E, F, R] = {

      val (res, nextCont) = a
      // println("res is "+ res)
      import scalaz._
      import Scalaz._

      val returnThis: ResumableIter[E, F, R] =
          for {
            eof <- isEOF(nextCont)
            doneMany <- isDone(toMany)
            eofMany <- isEOF(toMany)
          } yield {
            if (eof ||
              (doneMany && eofMany) || // either eof then its not restartable
              (Eof.unapply(y) && !internalEOF) // or the source is out of elements

              resumableEOFDone[E, F, R](res)

              // there is a value to pass back out
              Done((res, {
                lazy val ocont = nextI(nextCont, s, toMany, true)

                if (s.isEmpty) {
                  // need to process this res but force another to be
                  // calculated before it is returned to the enumerator
                  //cont[E,F,(R,IterateeT[E,F,_])]( _ => cont[E,F,(R,IterateeT[E,F,_])]( _ => ocont))
                  cont[E, F, (R, IterateeT[E, F, _])](_ => ocont)
                } else {
                  // still data to process
              }), Empty[E])

      if (Eof.unapply(y) && !internalEOF) {
        // signal the end here to toMany, don't care about result, tested by testSimpleLoad and testRandomAmounts in AsyncPullTest
          toMany.foldT(done = (a1, y1) => returnThis.value,
            cont = k => {
              F.bind(k(Eof[E]).value) {
                _ => returnThis.value
      } else

    def next(step: ResumableStep[A, F, R], s: EphemeralStream[A], toMany: ResumableIter[E, F, EphemeralStream[A]], internalEOF: Boolean = false): ResumableIter[E, F, R] =
          cont = k => contk(k, step, s, toMany).value
          , done = (a, y) =>
            doneWith(a.asInstanceOf[(R, ResumableIter[A, F, R])], y, step, s, toMany, internalEOF).value

    def nextI(step: ResumableIter[A, F, R], s: EphemeralStream[A], toMany: ResumableIter[E, F, EphemeralStream[A]], internalEOF: Boolean = false): ResumableIter[E, F, R] =
      iterateeT(F.bind(step.value){ step =>
        next(step, s, toMany, internalEOF).value

    nextI(dest, empty, toMany)

   * Based on Scalaz 7 flatMap but exposes the monad through the f parameter
   * @param itr
   * @param f
   * @param F
   * @tparam E
   * @tparam F
   * @tparam A
   * @tparam B
   * @return
  def flatMap[E, F[_], A, B](itr: IterateeT[E, F, A])(f: A => IterateeT[E, F, B])(implicit F: Monad[F]): IterateeT[E, F, B] = {
    def through(x: IterateeT[E, F, A]): IterateeT[E, F, B] =
        F.bind(x.value)((s: StepT[E, F, A]) => s.fold[F[StepT[E, F, B]]](
          cont = k => F.point(StepT.scont(u => through(k(u))))
          , done = (a, i) =>
            if (i.isEmpty)
                cont = kk => kk(i).value
                , done = (aa, _) => F.point(StepT.sdone[E, F, B](aa, i))



trait Iteratees {

  def error(string: String) = sys.error(string)

  def iterateesOf[F[_]](implicit F: Monad[F]) = new IterateeFunctions[F](F)

  implicit val ioIteratees = iterateesOf[IO]
  implicit val trampolineIteratees = iterateesOf[Trampoline]
   * Warning: Id does not trampoline, consider trampolineIteratees or ioIteratees to import from
  implicit val idIteratees = iterateesOf[Id]

object monadHelpers {

  trait CanRunIt[F[_]] {
    def runIt[A](param: F[A])(implicit F: Monad[F]): A

  object CanRunIt {
    implicit val idCanPerform: CanRunIt[Id] = new CanRunIt[Id] {
      override def runIt[A](param: Id[A])(implicit F: Monad[Id]): A = param

    implicit val trampolineCanPerform: CanRunIt[Trampoline] = new CanRunIt[Trampoline] {
      override def runIt[A](param: Trampoline[A])(implicit F: Monad[Trampoline]): A = param run

    implicit val ioCanPerform: CanRunIt[IO] = new CanRunIt[IO] {
      override def runIt[A](param: IO[A])(implicit F: Monad[IO]): A = param.unsafePerformIO()

  implicit class Performer[A,F[_]: CanRunIt: Monad](val a: F[A]) {
    def runIt: A = implicitly[CanRunIt[F]].runIt(a)

  implicit class TrampolinePerformer[A](val a: Trampoline[A])(implicit c: CanRunIt[Trampoline], F: Monad[Trampoline]) {
    def runIt: A = c.runIt(a)

class IterateeFunctions[F[_]](val F: Monad[F]) {

  type TheF[X] = F[X]

  object EphemeralStreamEnum {

     * Enumerates over an EphemeralStream
     * @param xs
     * @tparam E
     * @tparam F
     * @return
    @inline def enumEphemeralStream[E](xs: EphemeralStream[E])(implicit F: Monad[F]): EnumeratorT[E, F] =

     * Enumerates over an EphemeralStream but allows progress to be "saved" between calls
     * @param state
     * @param xs
     * @tparam E
     * @tparam F
     * @return
    @inline def enumEphemeralStreamF[E](state: EphemeralStream[E] => Unit)(xs: EphemeralStream[E])(implicit F: Monad[F]): EnumeratorT[E, F] =
      scales.utils.iteratee.EphemeralStreamEnum.enumEphemeralStreamF[E, F](state)(xs)

     * Converts an iterator to EphemeralStream.  EphemeralStream then ensures next will not be called unexpectedly in the face of trampolining
     * @param iterator
     * @tparam A
     * @return
    @inline def toEphemeral[A](iterator: Iterator[A]): EphemeralStream[A] =

  object IterateeImplicits {
    @inline implicit def toEval[WHAT, RETURN]( i : IterateeT[WHAT, F, RETURN] ) =

     * Taken from huynhjl's answer on StackOverflow, just abstracting the type to allow for better implicit inference
     * def iteratorEnumerator[E](iter: Iterator[E]) = new EnumeratorT[E, Trampoline] {
     * override def apply[A]: StepT[E, Trampoline, A] => IterateeT[E, Trampoline, A] =
     * {
     * case step if iter.isEmpty => iterateeT[E, Trampoline, A](Free.point(step))
     * case step @ Done(acc, input) => iterateeT[E, Trampoline, A](Free.point(step))
     * case step @ Cont(k) =>
     * val x : E =
     * k(Element(x)) >>== {
     * s => s.mapContOr(_ => sys.error("diverging iteratee"), apply(s))
     * }
     * }
     * }

  @inline def iteratorEnumerator[E](iter: Iterator[E])(implicit F: Monad[F]): EnumeratorT[E, F] =

  /** drop while iteratee, returning the possibly remaining data */
  @inline def dropWhile[E](f: (E) => Boolean)(implicit F: Monad[F]): IterateeT[E, F, Option[E]] =

   * Same as dropWhile but captures the Monad in F
  @inline def dropWhileM[E](f: (E) => F[Boolean])(implicit F: Monad[F]): IterateeT[E, F, Option[E]] =

  /** "find" iteratee, finds Some(first) or None */
  @inline def find[E](f: (E) => Boolean)(implicit F: Monad[F]): IterateeT[E, F, Option[E]] =

  /** filter iteratee, greedily taking all content until eof */
  @inline def filter[E](f: (E) => Boolean)(implicit F: Monad[F]): IterateeT[E, F, Iterable[E]] =

  // defined again to make sure imports are smooth

  type ResumableIterList[E, A] = IterateeT[E, F, (Iterable[A],IterateeT[E,F,_])]
  type ResumableIterListStep[E, A] = StepT[E, F, (Iterable[A],IterateeT[E,F,_])]
  type ResumableIter[E, A] = IterateeT[E, F, (A, IterateeT[E, F,_])]
  type ResumableStep[E, A] = StepT[E, F, (A, IterateeT[E, F, _])]

   * marks a continuation resumableiter as actually being EOF - i.e. don't attempt to evaluate it
   * @param F
   * @tparam E
   * @tparam F
   * @tparam A
   * @return
  @inline def resumableEOF[E, A](input: A = null)(implicit F: Monad[F]): ResumableIter[E, A] =

  @inline def resumableEOFDone[E, A](input: A)(implicit F: Monad[F]): ResumableStep[E, A] =

   * is this iteratee actually "empty"
   * @param F
   * @tparam E
   * @tparam F
   * @tparam A
   * @return
  @inline def isResumableEOF[E, A](iter: ResumableIter[E,A])(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[Boolean] =

  @inline def isResumableEOFS[E, A](s: ResumableStep[E,A])(implicit F: Monad[F]): Boolean =

   * Extract the continuation from a Done
  @inline def extractCont[E, A]( iter : ResumableIter[E,A] )(implicit F: Monad[F]): ResumableIter[E, A] =

   * Extract the continuation from a Done or the cont itself
  @inline def extractContFromDoneOrCont[E, A]( iter : ResumableIter[E,A] )(implicit F: Monad[F]): ResumableIter[E, A] =
   * Extract the continuation from a Done
  @inline def extractContS[E, A]( s : ResumableStep[E, A] )(implicit F: Monad[F]): ResumableIter[E, A] =

   * Extract the Some(value) from a Done or None if it was not Done.
  @inline def extract[E, A]( iter : ResumableIter[E,  A] )(implicit F: Monad[F]) : F[Option[A]] =

   * Extract the Some(value) from a Done or None if it was not Done.
  @inline def extractS[E, A]( iter : ResumableStep[E, A] )(implicit F: Monad[F]) : Option[A] =

   * Helper to identify dones
  @inline def isDone[E, A]( iter : IterateeT[E, F, A] )(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[Boolean] =

  @inline def isDoneS[E, A]( step : StepT[E, F, A] )(implicit F: Monad[F]): Boolean =

   * Helper for done and empty
  @inline def isEmpty[E, A]( iter : IterateeT[E,F,A] )(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[Boolean] =

   * Helper for done and eof
  @inline def isEOF[E, A]( iter : IterateeT[E,F,A] )(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[Boolean] =

   * Helper for done and empty
  @inline def isEmptyS[E,A]( step : StepT[E,F,A] )(implicit F: Monad[F]): Boolean =

   * Helper for done and eof
  @inline def isEOFS[E, A]( step : StepT[E,F,A] )(implicit F: Monad[F]): Boolean =

   * Stepwise fold, each element is evaluated but each one is returned as a result+resumable iter.
  @inline def foldI[E,A]( f : (E,A) => A )( init : A, stopOn: A => Boolean = (_: A) => true )(implicit F: Monad[F]) : ResumableIter[E,A] =
    scales.utils.iteratee.functions.foldI[E,F,A](f)(init, stopOn)

   * Stepwise fold but the result of f is bound to F
  @inline def foldIM[E,A]( f : (E,A) => F[A] )( init : A, stopOn: A => Boolean = (_: A) => true )(implicit F: Monad[F]) : ResumableIter[E,A] =
    scales.utils.iteratee.functions.foldIM[E,F,A](f)(init, stopOn)

   * Repeating fold on done, calling f with the result to accumulate with side effects, stopping when stopOn is true and
   * returns the accumulated value continuation iteratee pair.
   * @param init
   * @param f
   * @param stopOn
   * @param F
   * @tparam E
   * @tparam F
   * @tparam A
   * @return
  def repeatUntil[E,A](init: A)(f : A => A)(stopOn: A => Boolean)(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[(A,ResumableIter[A,A])] =

   * Repeating fold on done, calling f with the result to accumulate with side effects, stopping when stopOn is true and
   * returns the accumulated value continuation iteratee pair.
   * @param init
   * @param f
   * @param stopOn
   * @param F
   * @tparam E
   * @tparam F
   * @tparam A
   * @return
  def repeatUntilM[E,A](init: A)(f : A => F[A] )(stopOn: A => Boolean)(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[(A,ResumableIter[A,A])] =

   * Folds over the Iteratee with Cont or Done and Empty, returning with Done and EOF.
   * If there is a ping pong on enumerator -> Cont -> enumerator then we'll of course get an infinite loop.
   * foldI returns a ResumableIter that performs a fold until a done, this folds over the enumerator to return a value.
   * combine with onDone to get through chunks of data.
  @inline def foldOnDone[E, A, ACC]( e: => EnumeratorT[E, F] )( initAcc : ACC, initResumable : ResumableIter[E, A] )( f : (ACC, A) => ACC ) (implicit F: Monad[F]): F[ACC] =
    scales.utils.iteratee.functions.foldOnDone[E,F,A,ACC](e)(initAcc, initResumable)(f)

   * onDone, iterates over the list of iteratees applying
   * the element, when the resulting list contains a Done
   * then the list of Dones is returned.
   * One can use tuples or pattern matching to discern which
   * of the original lists iteratees have matched.
   * Due to the return type of this iteratee all items
   * in the list must return the same type and must return
   * both an A and an IterV with the same interface to continue
   * with the next and maintain state.
   * In the case of EOF, an empty list is returned
  @inline def onDone[E, A](originalList : List[ResumableIter[E, A]]) (implicit F: Monad[F]): ResumableIterList[E, A] =

   * keeps a running count of each element, probably not of much use
   * unless combined but acts as a good poc for ResumableIter
  @inline def runningCount[E](implicit F: Monad[F]) =

   * Append to an appendable, always returns Done for a line, cont for
   * everything else
   * TODO - should it be a pair including the appendable?
  @inline def appendTo( to : Appendable )(implicit F: Applicative[F]): IterateeT[CharSequence, F, CharSequence] =

   * Calls the function param with the fed data and returns its
   * result - consider Scalaz 7 map directly rather than composing
  @inline def evalWith[FROM, TO]( f : (FROM) => TO )(implicit F: Applicative[F]): IterateeT[FROM, F, TO] =

   * Enumeratee that converts input 1:1
   * String => Int, enumerator Iterator[String] but IterV[Int, Int]
  @deprecated(since="0.6.0-M5", message="Use Scalaz 7 IterateeT.contramap")
  @inline def enumerateeMap[E, A, R](target: IterateeT[A,F,R])(f : E => A )(implicit F: Monad[F]) : IterateeT[E, F, R] =

   * Sums an iteratee up, consider using the Scalaz IterateeT monadic sum instead
  @inline def sum[T](implicit n: Numeric[T], F: Applicative[F]): IterateeT[T, F, T] =

   * Maps a given input to a function returning a Input[EphemeralStream].
   * If the Input is El it returns it, if EOF empty and continues on empty.
  @inline def mapTo[E, A]( f: E => Input[EphemeralStream[A]] )(implicit F: Applicative[F]): IterateeT[E, F, EphemeralStream[A]] =

   * Enumeratee that folds over the Iteratee with Cont or Done and Empty, returning with Done and EOF.
   * Converts ResumableIters on Done via a fold, returning Done only when receiving EOF from the initIter.
   * NB - This can be thought of the reverse of toResumableIter but also accumulating.
  @inline def foldOnDoneIter[E,A, ACC]( initAcc : ACC, initIter : ResumableIter[E, A])( f : (ACC, A) => ACC )(implicit F: Monad[F]): IterateeT[E, F, ACC] =
    scales.utils.iteratee.functions.foldOnDoneIter[E,F,A,ACC](initAcc, initIter)(f)

   * Takes Input[E] converts via toMany to an EphemeralStream[A].  This in turn is fed to the destination iteratee.
   * The inputs can be 1 -> Many, Many -> 1, or indeed 1 -> 1.
   * The callers must take care of what kind of continnuation Iteratee is returned in a Done.
   * If the dest returns EOF, the toMany is in turn called with EOF for any needed resource control processing.
  @inline def enumToMany[E, A, R]( dest: ResumableIter[A,R])( toMany: ResumableIter[E, EphemeralStream[A]])(implicit F: Monad[F]): ResumableIter[E, R] =

   * Based on Scalaz 7 flatMap but exposes the monad through the f parameter
   * @param itr
   * @param f
   * @param F
   * @tparam E
   * @tparam A
   * @tparam B
   * @return
  @inline def flatMap[E,A,B](itr: IterateeT[E,F,A])(f: A => IterateeT[E, F, B])(implicit F: Monad[F]): IterateeT[E, F, B] =


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