scalikejdbc.DBConnection.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scalikejdbc
import java.sql.{ DatabaseMetaData, Connection, ResultSet }
import scalikejdbc.metadata._
import scala.collection.compat._
import scala.collection.compat.immutable.LazyList
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future }
import scala.util.control.Exception._
import scala.util.control.ControlThrowable
import java.util.Locale.{ ENGLISH => en }
* Basic Database Accessor which holds a JDBC connection.
trait DBConnection extends LogSupport with LoanPattern with AutoCloseable {
protected[this] val settingsProvider: SettingsProvider
private[this] lazy val jtaDataSourceCompatible: Boolean =
* Connection will be closed automatically by default.
private[this] var autoCloseEnabled: Boolean = true
* Isolation level for transactions.
private[this] var isolationLevel: IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.Default
* Provides default TxBoundary type class instance.
private[this] def defaultTxBoundary[A]: TxBoundary[A] =
* Switches auto close mode.
* @param autoClose auto close enabled if true
def autoClose(autoClose: Boolean): DBConnection = {
this.autoCloseEnabled = autoClose
* Set isolation level.
def isolationLevel(isolationLevel: IsolationLevel): DBConnection = {
this.isolationLevel = isolationLevel
* returns the additional attributes of current JDBC connection.
def connectionAttributes: DBConnectionAttributes = DBConnectionAttributes()
* Returns current JDBC connection.
def conn: Connection
* Returns is the current transaction is active.
* @return result
def isTxNotActive: Boolean = {
if (jtaDataSourceCompatible) {
// JTA managed connection should be used as-is
} else {
conn == null || conn.isClosed || conn.isReadOnly
* Returns is the current transaction hasn't started yet.
* @return result
def isTxNotYetStarted: Boolean = {
if (jtaDataSourceCompatible) {
// JTA managed connection should be used as-is
} else {
conn != null && conn.getAutoCommit
* Returns is the current transaction already started.
* @return result
def isTxAlreadyStarted: Boolean = {
if (jtaDataSourceCompatible) {
} else {
conn != null && !conn.getAutoCommit
private[this] def setAutoCommit(conn: Connection, readOnly: Boolean): Unit = {
if (!jtaDataSourceCompatible) conn.setAutoCommit(readOnly)
private[this] def setReadOnly(conn: Connection, readOnly: Boolean): Unit = {
if (!jtaDataSourceCompatible) conn.setReadOnly(readOnly)
private[this] def newTx(
conn: Connection,
isolationLevel: IsolationLevel
): Tx = {
setReadOnly(conn, false)
if (!jtaDataSourceCompatible && (isTxNotActive || isTxAlreadyStarted)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
new Tx(conn, isolationLevel)
* Starts a new transaction and returns it.
* @return tx
def newTx: Tx = newTx(conn, isolationLevel)
* Returns the current transaction.
* If the transaction has not started yet, IllegalStateException will be thrown.
* @return tx
def currentTx: Tx = {
if (!jtaDataSourceCompatible && (isTxNotActive || isTxNotYetStarted)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(ErrorMessage.TRANSACTION_IS_NOT_ACTIVE)
new Tx(conn, isolationLevel)
* Returns the current transaction.
* If the transaction has not started yet, IllegalStateException will be thrown.
* @return tx
def tx: Tx = {
handling(classOf[IllegalStateException]) by { e =>
throw new IllegalStateException(
ErrorMessage.TRANSACTION_IS_NOT_ACTIVE + " If you want to start a new transaction, use #newTx instead."
} apply currentTx
* Close the connection.
def close(): Unit = {
ignoring(classOf[Throwable]) {
if (
) {
log.debug("A Connection is closed.")
* Begins a new transaction.
def begin(): Unit = newTx.begin()
* Begins a new transaction if the other one does not already start.
def beginIfNotYet(): Unit = {
ignoring(classOf[IllegalStateException]) apply {
* Commits the current transaction.
def commit(): Unit = tx.commit()
* Rolls back the current transaction.
def rollback(): Unit = tx.rollback()
* Rolls back the current transaction if the transaction is still active.
def rollbackIfActive(): Unit = {
ignoring(classOf[IllegalStateException]) apply {
* Returns read-only session.
* @return session
def readOnlySession(
settings: SettingsProvider = SettingsProvider.default
): DBSession = {
setReadOnly(conn, true)
conn = conn,
isReadOnly = true,
connectionAttributes = connectionAttributes,
settings = this.settingsProvider merge settings
* Provides read-only session block.
* @param execution block
* @tparam A return type
* @return result value
def readOnly[A](execution: DBSession => A): A = {
if (autoCloseEnabled) using(conn)(_ => execution(readOnlySession()))
else execution(readOnlySession())
* Provides read-only session block.
* @param execution block
* @tparam A return type
* @return result value
def readOnlyWithConnection[A](execution: Connection => A): A = {
readOnly(s => execution(s.conn))
* Returns auto-commit session.
* @return session
def autoCommitSession(
settings: SettingsProvider = SettingsProvider.default
): DBSession = {
setReadOnly(conn, false)
setAutoCommit(conn, true)
connectionAttributes = connectionAttributes,
settings = this.settingsProvider merge settings
* Provides auto-commit session block.
* @param execution block
* @tparam A return type
* @return result value
def autoCommit[A](execution: DBSession => A): A = {
if (autoCloseEnabled) using(conn)(_ => execution(autoCommitSession()))
else execution(autoCommitSession())
* Provides auto-commit session block.
* @param execution block
* @tparam A return type
* @return result value
def autoCommitWithConnection[A](execution: Connection => A): A = {
autoCommit(s => execution(s.conn))
* Returns within-tx session.
* @return session
def withinTxSession(
tx: Tx = currentTx,
settings: SettingsProvider = SettingsProvider.default
): DBSession = {
if (!jtaDataSourceCompatible && !tx.isActive()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(ErrorMessage.TRANSACTION_IS_NOT_ACTIVE)
conn = conn,
tx = Some(tx),
connectionAttributes = connectionAttributes,
settings = this.settingsProvider merge settings
* Provides within-tx session block.
* @param execution block
* @tparam A return type
* @return result value
def withinTx[A](execution: DBSession => A): A = {
* Provides within-tx session block.
* @param execution block
* @tparam A return type
* @return result value
def withinTxWithConnection[A](execution: Connection => A): A = {
withinTx(s => execution(s.conn))
private[this] def begin(tx: Tx): Unit = {
// Start the transaction
// Check if transaction is actually active
if (!jtaDataSourceCompatible && !tx.isActive()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(ErrorMessage.TRANSACTION_IS_NOT_ACTIVE)
private[this] def rollbackIfThrowable[A](f: => A): A = try {
} catch {
case e: ControlThrowable =>
throw e
case originalException: Throwable =>
try {
} catch {
case rollbackException: Throwable => {
// log rollback exception for application operators
"Could not successfully complete local transaction",
// original exception is likely more valuable to calling code to act upon
throw originalException
* Provides local-tx session block.
* @param execution block
* @tparam A return type
* @return result value
def localTx[A](
execution: DBSession => A
)(implicit boundary: TxBoundary[A] = defaultTxBoundary[A]): A = {
val doClose = if (autoCloseEnabled) () => conn.close() else () => ()
val txResult: A =
try {
val tx = newTx
rollbackIfThrowable[A] {
val session = DBSession(
conn = conn,
tx = Option(tx),
connectionAttributes = connectionAttributes,
settings = this.settingsProvider
val result: A = execution(session)
boundary.finishTx(result, tx)
} catch {
case e: Throwable => doClose(); throw e
boundary.closeConnection(txResult, doClose)
* Easy way to checkout the current connection to be used in a transaction
* that needs to be committed/rolled back depending on Future results.
* @param execution block that takes a session and returns a future
* @tparam A future result type
* @return future result
def futureLocalTx[A](
execution: DBSession => Future[A]
)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[A] = {
// Enable TxBoundary implicits
import scalikejdbc.TxBoundary.Future._
* Provides local-tx session block.
* @param execution block
* @tparam A return type
* @return result value
def localTxWithConnection[A](
execution: Connection => A
)(implicit boundary: TxBoundary[A] = defaultTxBoundary[A]): A = {
localTx(s => execution(s.conn))
* Splits the name to schema and table name
* @param name name
* @return schema and table
private[this] def toSchemaAndTable(name: String): (String, String) = {
val schema = {
if (name.split("\\.").length > 1) name.split("\\.").head
else null
val table = if (name.split("\\.").length > 1) name.split("\\.")(1) else name
(schema, table)
* Returns all the table information that match the pattern
* @param tableNamePattern table name pattern (with schema optionally)
* @return table information
def getTableNames(
tableNamePattern: String = "%",
tableTypes: Array[String] = DBConnection.tableTypes
): List[String] = {
readOnlyWithConnection { conn =>
val meta = conn.getMetaData
tableNamePattern.replaceAll("\\*", "%"),
).map { case (schema, tableNamePattern) =>
new ResultSetIterator(
meta.getTables(null, schema, tableNamePattern, tableTypes)
).map { rs =>
val schemaName = rs.string("TABLE_SCHEM")
if (schema != null && schema.nonEmpty && schemaName != null) {
schemaName + "." + rs.string("TABLE_NAME")
} else {
* Returns columns resultset in schema.tableNames
* @param meta database meta data
* @param schema schema name
* @param table table name
* @return resultset related to columns
def getAllColumns(
meta: DatabaseMetaData,
schema: String,
table: String
): ResultSet = {
meta.getDatabaseProductName match {
case "MySQL" => {
val catalog = if (schema == null || schema.isEmpty) {
// If you pass null to catalog, MySQL returns all columns which named {table}
// To avoid that, get using database from connection.
} else {
meta.getColumns(catalog, null, table, "%")
case _ => meta.getColumns(null, schema, table, "%")
* Returns all the column names on the matched table name
def getColumnNames(
tableName: String,
tableTypes: Array[String] = DBConnection.tableTypes
): List[String] = {
readOnlyWithConnection { conn =>
val meta = conn.getMetaData
getSchemaAndTableName(meta, tableName, tableTypes).map {
case (schema, tableName) =>
new ResultSetIterator(getAllColumns(meta, schema, tableName))
* Returns table information if exists
* @param table table name (with schema optionally)
* @return table information
def getTable(
table: String,
tableTypes: Array[String] = DBConnection.tableTypes
): Option[Table] =
getTables(table = table, tableTypes = tableTypes).headOption
* Returns all table informations
* @param table table name (with schema optionally)
* @return table informations
def getTables(
table: String,
tableTypes: Array[String] = DBConnection.tableTypes
): Seq[Table] = {
readOnlyWithConnection { conn =>
val meta = conn.getMetaData
getSchemaAndTableName(meta, table, tableTypes).toSeq.flatMap {
case (schema, tableName) =>
_getTable(meta, schema, tableName, tableTypes)
* Returns table information if exists.
* [[]]
* @param meta database meta data
* @param schema schema name
* @param table table name
* @param tableTypes target table types
* @return table information
private[this] def _getTable(
meta: DatabaseMetaData,
schema: String,
table: String,
tableTypes: Array[String] = DBConnection.tableTypes
): Seq[Table] = {
val tableList =
new ResultSetIterator(meta.getTables(null, schema, table, tableTypes))
.map { rs =>
.to(LazyList) { case (_catalog, schema, table, remarks) =>
val pkNames: List[String] = new ResultSetIterator(
meta.getPrimaryKeys(_catalog, schema, table)
new Table(
name = table,
schema = schema,
description = remarks,
columns = new ResultSetIterator(getAllColumns(meta, schema, table))
.map { rs =>
name =
try rs.string("COLUMN_NAME")
catch { case e: ResultSetExtractorException => null },
typeCode =
catch { case e: ResultSetExtractorException => -1 },
typeName = rs.string("TYPE_NAME"),
size =
catch { case e: ResultSetExtractorException => -1 },
isRequired =
try {
rs.string("IS_NULLABLE") != null && rs.string(
) == "NO"
} catch { case e: ResultSetExtractorException => false },
isPrimaryKey =
try {
pkNames.exists(_ == rs.string("COLUMN_NAME"))
} catch { case e: ResultSetExtractorException => false },
isAutoIncrement =
try {
// Oracle throws java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column name
rs.string("IS_AUTOINCREMENT") != null && rs.string(
) == "YES"
} catch { case e: ResultSetExtractorException => false },
description =
try rs.string("REMARKS")
catch { case e: ResultSetExtractorException => null },
defaultValue =
try rs.string("COLUMN_DEF")
catch { case e: ResultSetExtractorException => null }
foreignKeys = {
try {
new ResultSetIterator(meta.getImportedKeys(_catalog, schema, table))
.map { rs =>
name = rs.string("FKCOLUMN_NAME"),
foreignColumnName = rs.string("PKCOLUMN_NAME"),
foreignTableName = rs.string("PKTABLE_NAME")
} catch { case e: ResultSetExtractorException => Nil }
indices = {
try {
new ResultSetIterator(
meta.getIndexInfo(_catalog, schema, table, false, true)
.foldLeft(Map[String, Index]()) { case (map, rs) =>
val indexName: String = rs.string("INDEX_NAME")
val index: Index = map.get(indexName) match {
case Some(idx) =>
rs.stringOpt("COLUMN_NAME") match {
case Some(columnName) =>
idx.copy(columnNames = idx.columnNames :+ columnName)
case _ => idx
case _ =>
name = indexName,
columnNames = rs.stringOpt("COLUMN_NAME").toList,
isUnique = !rs.boolean("NON_UNIQUE"),
qualifier = rs.stringOpt("INDEX_QUALIFIER"),
indexType = {
rs.shortOpt("TYPE") match {
case Some(t) => IndexType.from(t)
case _ => IndexType.tableIndexOther
ordinalPosition = rs.shortOpt("ORDINAL_POSITION"),
ascOrDesc = rs.stringOpt("ASC_OR_DESC"),
cardinality = rs.longOpt("CARDINALITY"),
pages = rs.longOpt("PAGES"),
filterCondition = rs.stringOpt("FILTER_CONDITION")
map.updated(indexName, index)
.map { case (k, v) => v }
} catch {
case e: ResultSetExtractorException =>
log.error("Failed to fetch index information", e)
) {
override def catalog: String = _catalog
* Returns table name list
* @param tableNamePattern table name pattern
* @param tableTypes table types
* @return table name list
def showTables(
tableNamePattern: String = "%",
tableTypes: Array[String] = DBConnection.tableTypes
): String = {
getTableNames(tableNamePattern, tableTypes).mkString("\n")
* Returns describe style string value for the table
* @param table table name (with schema optionally)
* @return described information
def describe(table: String): String = {
getTable(table).map(_.toDescribeStyleString).getOrElse("Not found.")
* Returns schema name and table name
* @param meta database meta data
* @param tablePattern table name (with schema optionally)
* @param tableTypes target table types
* @return schema name and table name
private[this] def getSchemaAndTableName(
meta: DatabaseMetaData,
tablePattern: String,
tableTypes: Array[String]
): Option[(String, String)] = {
def _getSchemaAndTableName(
meta: DatabaseMetaData,
tablePattern: String,
tableTypes: Array[String]
): Option[(String, String)] = {
val (_schema, table) = toSchemaAndTable(tablePattern)
val schema = if (meta.getURL.startsWith("jdbc:h2")) {
// H2 Database 1.4 cannot accept null for metadata retrieving columns
// in tables that name is same as information schema (e.g.) rules
} else {
if (
new ResultSetIterator(
meta.getTables(null, schema, table, tableTypes)
) {
} else {
Some((schema, table))
_getSchemaAndTableName(meta, tablePattern, tableTypes)
_getSchemaAndTableName(meta, tablePattern.toUpperCase(en), tableTypes)
_getSchemaAndTableName(meta, tablePattern.toLowerCase(en), tableTypes)
object DBConnection {
* Default table types used for metadata introspection.
* See [[java.sql.DatabaseMetaData#getTableTypes]] for details.
val tableTypes: Array[String] = Array("TABLE", "VIEW")
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