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scalikejdbc.Binders.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package scalikejdbc

import java.sql.{ PreparedStatement, ResultSet }
import java.time.ZoneId
import JavaUtilDateConverterImplicits._

 * Provides both of TypeBinder and ParameterBinderFactory for the specified type A.
trait Binders[A] extends TypeBinder[A] with ParameterBinderFactory[A] { self =>

  def xmap[B](f: A => B, g: B => A): Binders[B] = new Binders[B] {
    def apply(rs: ResultSet, columnIndex: Int): B = f(self(rs, columnIndex))
    def apply(rs: ResultSet, columnLabel: String): B = f(self(rs, columnLabel))

    def apply(value: B): ParameterBinderWithValue = self.contramap(g)(value)


 * Provides factories of Binders and built-in Binders.
object Binders {

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Factory methods
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  def apply[A](index: (ResultSet, Int) => A)(label: (ResultSet, String) => A)(f: A => (PreparedStatement, Int) => Unit): Binders[A] = new Binders[A] {
    def apply(rs: ResultSet, columnIndex: Int): A = index(rs, columnIndex)
    def apply(rs: ResultSet, columnLabel: String): A = label(rs, columnLabel)
    def apply(value: A): ParameterBinderWithValue = {
      if (value == null) ParameterBinder.NullParameterBinder
      else ParameterBinder(value, f(value))

  def of[A](f: Any => A)(g: A => (PreparedStatement, Int) => Unit): Binders[A] = new Binders[A] {
    def apply(rs: ResultSet, columnIndex: Int): A = f(rs.getObject(columnIndex))
    def apply(rs: ResultSet, columnLabel: String): A = f(rs.getObject(columnLabel))
    def apply(value: A): ParameterBinderWithValue = {
      if (value == null) ParameterBinder.NullParameterBinder
      else ParameterBinder(value, g(value))

  private[scalikejdbc] def option[A](t: Binders[A]): Binders[Option[A]] = option(t, t)

  def option[A](implicit b: TypeBinder[A], p: ParameterBinderFactory[A]): Binders[Option[A]] = new Binders[Option[A]] {
    def apply(rs: ResultSet, columnIndex: Int): Option[A] = TypeBinder.option(b).apply(rs, columnIndex)
    def apply(rs: ResultSet, columnLabel: String): Option[A] = TypeBinder.option(b).apply(rs, columnLabel)
    def apply(value: Option[A]): ParameterBinderWithValue = ParameterBinderFactory.optionalParameterBinderFactory(p).apply(value)

  // ----------------------------------------------------
  // private

  private[this] def throwExceptionIfNull[A <: AnyVal, B](f: B => A)(a: B): A = {
    if (a == null) throw new UnexpectedNullValueException else f(a)

  private[this] def wrapCastOption[A <: AnyVal, B](o: B): Option[A] = Option(o).asInstanceOf[Option[A]]

  private[this] def unwrapCastOption[A <: AnyVal, B](o: Option[A]): B = o match {
    case Some(v) => v.asInstanceOf[B]
    case None => null.asInstanceOf[B]

  private[scalikejdbc] def nullThrough[A, B](f: A => B)(a: A): B = if (a == null) null.asInstanceOf[B] else f(a)

  private[scalikejdbc] def convertJavaTimeZonedDateTime(z: ZoneId): java.sql.Timestamp => java.time.ZonedDateTime =
    nullThrough(x => java.time.ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(x.toInstant, z))
  private[scalikejdbc] def convertJavaTimeOffsetDateTime(z: ZoneId): java.sql.Timestamp => java.time.OffsetDateTime =
    nullThrough(x => java.time.OffsetDateTime.ofInstant(x.toInstant, z))
  private[scalikejdbc] def convertJavaTimeLocalDateTime(z: ZoneId): java.sql.Timestamp => java.time.LocalDateTime =
    nullThrough(x => java.time.LocalDateTime.ofInstant(x.toInstant, z))

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Built-in Binders
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  val javaInteger: Binders[java.lang.Integer] = Binders.of[java.lang.Integer] {
    case null => null
    case v: Float => v.toInt.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Integer]
    case v: Double => v.toInt.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Integer]
    case n: Number => n.intValue
    case v => java.lang.Integer.valueOf(v.toString)
  }(v => (ps, idx) => ps.setInt(idx, v.intValue))

  val int: Binders[Int] = javaInteger.xmap(throwExceptionIfNull(_.intValue), Integer.valueOf)
  val optionInt: Binders[Option[Int]] = javaInteger.xmap(wrapCastOption[Int, Integer], unwrapCastOption[Int, Integer])

  val javaBoolean: Binders[java.lang.Boolean] = Binders.of[java.lang.Boolean] {
    case null => null
    case b: java.lang.Boolean => b
    case b: Boolean => b.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Boolean]
    case s: String if s == "false" || s == "true" => s.toBoolean
    case s: String => {
      try s.toInt != 0
      catch { case e: NumberFormatException => s.nonEmpty }
    case n: Number => (n.intValue() != 0).asInstanceOf[java.lang.Boolean]
    case v => (v != 0).asInstanceOf[java.lang.Boolean]
  }(v => (ps, idx) => ps.setBoolean(idx, v))

  val boolean: Binders[Boolean] = javaBoolean.xmap(throwExceptionIfNull(_.booleanValue), java.lang.Boolean.valueOf)
  val optionBoolean: Binders[Option[Boolean]] = javaBoolean.xmap(wrapCastOption[Boolean, java.lang.Boolean], unwrapCastOption[Boolean, java.lang.Boolean])

  val javaShort: Binders[java.lang.Short] = Binders.of[java.lang.Short] {
    case null => null
    case v: Float => v.toShort.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Short]
    case v: Double => v.toShort.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Short]
    case n: Number => n.shortValue
    case v => java.lang.Short.valueOf(v.toString)
  }(v => (ps, idx) => ps.setShort(idx, v))

  val short: Binders[Short] = javaShort.xmap(throwExceptionIfNull(_.shortValue), java.lang.Short.valueOf)
  val optionShort: Binders[Option[Short]] = javaShort.xmap(wrapCastOption[Short, java.lang.Short], unwrapCastOption[Short, java.lang.Short])

  val javaLong: Binders[java.lang.Long] = Binders.of[java.lang.Long] {
    case null => null
    case v: Float => v.toLong.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Long]
    case v: Double => v.toLong.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Long]
    case n: Number => n.longValue
    case v => java.lang.Long.valueOf(v.toString)
  }(v => (ps, idx) => ps.setLong(idx, v))

  val long: Binders[Long] = javaLong.xmap(throwExceptionIfNull(_.longValue), java.lang.Long.valueOf)
  val optionLong: Binders[Option[Long]] = javaLong.xmap(wrapCastOption[Long, java.lang.Long], unwrapCastOption[Long, java.lang.Long])

  val javaFloat: Binders[java.lang.Float] = Binders.of[java.lang.Float] {
    case null => null
    case v => java.lang.Float.valueOf(v.toString)
  }(v => (ps, idx) => ps.setFloat(idx, v))

  val float: Binders[Float] = javaFloat.xmap(throwExceptionIfNull(_.floatValue), java.lang.Float.valueOf)
  val optionFloat: Binders[Option[Float]] = javaFloat.xmap(wrapCastOption[Float, java.lang.Float], unwrapCastOption[Float, java.lang.Float])

  val javaDouble: Binders[java.lang.Double] = Binders.of[java.lang.Double] {
    case null => null
    case v => java.lang.Double.valueOf(v.toString)
  }(v => (ps, idx) => ps.setDouble(idx, v))

  val double: Binders[Double] = javaDouble.xmap(throwExceptionIfNull(_.doubleValue), java.lang.Double.valueOf)
  val optionDouble: Binders[Option[Double]] = javaDouble.xmap(wrapCastOption[Double, java.lang.Double], unwrapCastOption[Double, java.lang.Double])

  val javaByte: Binders[java.lang.Byte] = Binders.of[java.lang.Byte] {
    case null => null
    case v => java.lang.Byte.valueOf(v.toString)
  }(v => (ps, idx) => ps.setByte(idx, v))

  val byte: Binders[Byte] = javaByte.xmap(throwExceptionIfNull(_.byteValue), java.lang.Byte.valueOf)
  val optionByte: Binders[Option[Byte]] = javaByte.xmap(wrapCastOption[Byte, java.lang.Byte], unwrapCastOption[Byte, java.lang.Byte])

  val string: Binders[String] = Binders(_ getString _)(_ getString _)(v => (ps, idx) => ps.setString(idx, v))
  val sqlArray: Binders[java.sql.Array] = Binders(_ getArray _)(_ getArray _)(v => (ps, idx) => ps.setArray(idx, v))
  val javaBigDecimal: Binders[java.math.BigDecimal] = Binders(_ getBigDecimal _)(_ getBigDecimal _)(v => (ps, idx) => ps.setBigDecimal(idx, v))
  val bigDecimal: Binders[BigDecimal] = javaBigDecimal.xmap(nullThrough(BigDecimal.apply), _.bigDecimal)
  val javaBigInteger: Binders[java.math.BigInteger] = javaBigDecimal.xmap(nullThrough(_.toBigInteger), new java.math.BigDecimal(_))
  val bigInt: Binders[BigInt] = javaBigInteger.xmap(nullThrough(BigInt.apply), _.bigInteger)
  val sqlDate: Binders[java.sql.Date] = Binders(_ getDate _)(_ getDate _)(v => (ps, idx) => ps.setDate(idx, v))
  val sqlXml: Binders[java.sql.SQLXML] = Binders(_ getSQLXML _)(_ getSQLXML _)(v => (ps, idx) => ps.setSQLXML(idx, v))
  val sqlTime: Binders[java.sql.Time] = Binders(_ getTime _)(_ getTime _)(v => (ps, idx) => ps.setTime(idx, v))
  val sqlTimestamp: Binders[java.sql.Timestamp] = Binders(_ getTimestamp _)(_ getTimestamp _)(v => (ps, idx) => ps.setTimestamp(idx, v))
  val url: Binders[] = Binders(_ getURL _)(_ getURL _)(v => (ps, idx) => ps.setURL(idx, v))
  val utilDate: Binders[java.util.Date] = sqlTimestamp.xmap(identity, _.toSqlTimestamp)

  val javaTimeInstant: Binders[java.time.Instant] = sqlTimestamp.xmap(nullThrough(_.toInstant), java.sql.Timestamp.from)
  val javaTimeZonedDateTime: Binders[java.time.ZonedDateTime] =
    sqlTimestamp.xmap(convertJavaTimeZonedDateTime(java.time.ZoneId.systemDefault()), v => java.sql.Timestamp.from(v.toInstant))
  val javaTimeOffsetDateTime: Binders[java.time.OffsetDateTime] =
    sqlTimestamp.xmap(convertJavaTimeOffsetDateTime(java.time.ZoneId.systemDefault()), v => java.sql.Timestamp.from(v.toInstant))
  val javaTimeLocalDateTime: Binders[java.time.LocalDateTime] =
    sqlTimestamp.xmap(convertJavaTimeLocalDateTime(java.time.ZoneId.systemDefault()), v => java.sql.Timestamp.from(v.atZone(java.time.ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant))
  val javaTimeLocalDate: Binders[java.time.LocalDate] = sqlDate.xmap(nullThrough(_.toLocalDate), java.sql.Date.valueOf)
  val javaTimeLocalTime: Binders[java.time.LocalTime] = sqlTime.xmap(nullThrough(v => {
    // java.sql.Time#toLocalTime drops its millisecond value
    val millis: Long = v.getTime
    new java.util.Date(millis).toLocalTime
  }), java.sql.Time.valueOf)

  val binaryStream: Binders[InputStream] = Binders(_ getBinaryStream _)(_ getBinaryStream _)(v => (ps, idx) => ps.setBinaryStream(idx, v))
  val blob: Binders[java.sql.Blob] = Binders(_ getBlob _)(_ getBlob _)(v => (ps, idx) => ps.setBlob(idx, v))
  val clob: Binders[java.sql.Clob] = Binders(_ getClob _)(_ getClob _)(v => (ps, idx) => ps.setClob(idx, v))
  val nClob: Binders[java.sql.NClob] = Binders(_ getNClob _)(_ getNClob _)(v => (ps, idx) => ps.setNClob(idx, v))
  val ref: Binders[java.sql.Ref] = Binders(_ getRef _)(_ getRef _)(v => (ps, idx) => ps.setRef(idx, v))
  val rowId: Binders[java.sql.RowId] = Binders(_ getRowId _)(_ getRowId _)(v => (ps, idx) => ps.setRowId(idx, v))
  val bytes: Binders[Array[Byte]] = Binders(_ getBytes _)(_ getBytes _)(v => (ps, idx) => ps.setBytes(idx, v))
  val characterStream: Binders[] = Binders(_ getCharacterStream _)(_ getCharacterStream _)(v => (ps, idx) => ps.setCharacterStream(idx, v))
  val javaUtilCalendar: Binders[java.util.Calendar] = utilDate.xmap(nullThrough { v =>
    val c = java.util.Calendar.getInstance
  }, _.getTime)

  val asciiStream: Binders[] = Binders(_ getAsciiStream _)(_ getAsciiStream _)(v => (ps, idx) => ps.setAsciiStream(idx, v))
  val nCharacterStream: Binders[] = Binders(_ getNCharacterStream _)(_ getNCharacterStream _)(v => (ps, idx) => ps.setNCharacterStream(idx, v))
  val nString: Binders[String] = Binders(_ getNString _)(_ getNString _)(v => (ps, idx) => ps.setNString(idx, v))


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