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scalikejdbc.StatementExecutor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package scalikejdbc

import java.sql.PreparedStatement

import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory

import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import JavaUtilDateConverterImplicits._

 * Companion object.
object StatementExecutor {

  val eol: String = System.getProperty("line.separator")

  private trait Executor {
    def apply[A](execute: () => A): A
  private class NakedExecutor extends Executor {
    override def apply[A](execute: () => A): A = execute()

  private val LocalDateEpoch = java.time.LocalDate.ofEpochDay(0)

  object PrintableQueryBuilder extends PrintableQueryBuilder {
    // Find ? placeholders, but ignore ?? because that's an escaped question mark.
    private val substituteRegex = "(? null
              case ParameterBinder(v) => normalize(v)
              case None => null
              case Some(p) => normalize(p)
              case p: String => p
              case p: java.util.Date => p.toSqlTimestamp.toString
              case p =>
                ClassNameUtil.getClassName(param.getClass) match {
                  case "org.joda.time.DateTime" =>
                    param.asInstanceOf[{ def toDate: java.util.Date }].toDate.toSqlTimestamp.toString
                  case "org.joda.time.LocalDateTime" =>
                    param.asInstanceOf[{ def toDate: java.util.Date }].toDate.toSqlTimestamp
                  case "org.joda.time.LocalDate" =>
                    param.asInstanceOf[{ def toDate: java.util.Date }].toDate.toSqlDate
                  case "org.joda.time.LocalTime" =>
                    val millis = param.asInstanceOf[{ def toDateTimeToday: { def getMillis: Long } }].toDateTimeToday.getMillis
                    new java.sql.Time(millis)
                  case _ => p

          (normalize(param) match {
            case null => "null"
            case result: String =>
              settingsProvider.loggingSQLAndTime(GlobalSettings.loggingSQLAndTime).maxColumnSize.collect {
                case maxSize if result.length > maxSize =>
                  "'" + result.take(maxSize) + "... (" + result.length + ")" + "'"
              }.getOrElse {
                "'" + result + "'"
            case result => result.toString
          }).replaceAll("\r", "\\\\r")
            .replaceAll("\n", "\\\\n")

        var i = 0
        def trimSpaces(s: String, i: Int = 0): String = i match {
          case i if i > 10 => s
          case i => trimSpaces(s.replaceAll("  ", " "), i + 1)

        val sqlWithPlaceholders = trimSpaces(SQLTemplateParser.trimComments(template)
          .replaceAll("[\r\n\t]", " "))

        sqlWithPlaceholders.split('\'') {
          // Even numbered parts are outside quotes, odd numbered are inside
          case (target, quoteCount) if (quoteCount % 2 == 0) => {
            substituteRegex.replaceAllIn(target, m => {
              i += 1
              if (params.size >= i) {
                toPrintable(params(i - 1)).replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("$", "\\$")
              } else {
                // In this case, SQLException will be thrown later.
                // At least, throwing java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException here is meaningless.
          case (s, quoteCount) if (quoteCount % 2 == 1) =>
            // If the statement is valid, we can always expect an odd number of elements
            // Thus, we can add two quotes here.
            "'" + s + "'"
          case (s, _) => s

      } catch {
        case NonFatal(e) =>
          log.debug(s"Failed to build a printable SQL statement with ${template}, params: ${params}", e)


 * java.sql.Statement Executor.
 * @param underlying preparedStatement
 * @param template SQL template
 * @param singleParams parameters for single execution (= not batch execution)
 * @param isBatch is batch flag
case class StatementExecutor(
  underlying: PreparedStatement,
  template: String,
  connectionAttributes: DBConnectionAttributes,
  singleParams: collection.Seq[Any] = Nil,
  tags: collection.Seq[String] = Nil,
  isBatch: Boolean = false,
  settingsProvider: SettingsProvider = SettingsProvider.default) extends LogSupport with UnixTimeInMillisConverterImplicits with AutoCloseable {

  import StatementExecutor._

  private[this] lazy val batchParamsList = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[collection.Seq[Any]]


   * Initializes this instance.
  private def initialize(): Unit = {
    if (isBatch) {

   * Binds parameters to the underlying java.sql.PreparedStatement object.
   * @param params parameters
  def bindParams(params: collection.Seq[Any]): Unit = {
    val paramsWithIndices = {
      case option: Option[_] => option.orNull[Any]
      case other => other

    for ((param, idx) <- paramsWithIndices) {
      bind(param, idx + 1)
    if (isBatch) {
      batchParamsList += params

  private[this] def bind(param: Any, i: Int): Unit = {
    param match {
      case null => underlying.setObject(i, null)
      case AsIsParameterBinder(None) => bind(null, i)
      case AsIsParameterBinder(Some(value)) => bind(value, i)
      case AsIsParameterBinder(value) => bind(value, i)
      case binder: ParameterBinder => binder(underlying, i)
      case p: java.sql.Array => underlying.setArray(i, p)
      case p: BigDecimal => underlying.setBigDecimal(i, p.bigDecimal)
      case p: BigInt => underlying.setBigDecimal(i, new java.math.BigDecimal(p.bigInteger))
      case p: Boolean => underlying.setBoolean(i, p)
      case p: Byte => underlying.setByte(i, p)
      case p: java.sql.Date => underlying.setDate(i, p)
      case p: Double => underlying.setDouble(i, p)
      case p: Float => underlying.setFloat(i, p)
      case p: Int => underlying.setInt(i, p)
      case p: Long => underlying.setLong(i, p)
      case p: Short => underlying.setShort(i, p)
      case p: java.sql.SQLXML => underlying.setSQLXML(i, p)
      case p: String => underlying.setString(i, p)
      case p: java.sql.Time => underlying.setTime(i, p)
      case p: java.sql.Timestamp => underlying.setTimestamp(i, p)
      case p: => underlying.setURL(i, p)
      case p: java.util.Date => underlying.setTimestamp(i, p.toSqlTimestamp)
      case p: java.time.ZonedDateTime =>
        underlying.setTimestamp(i, java.sql.Timestamp.from(p.toInstant))
      case p: java.time.OffsetDateTime =>
        underlying.setTimestamp(i, java.sql.Timestamp.from(p.toInstant))
      case p: java.time.Instant =>
        underlying.setTimestamp(i, java.sql.Timestamp.from(p))
      case p: java.time.LocalDateTime =>
        underlying.setTimestamp(i, java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf(p))
      case p: java.time.LocalDate =>
        underlying.setDate(i, java.sql.Date.valueOf(p))
      case p: java.time.LocalTime =>
        val millis = p.atDate(StatementExecutor.LocalDateEpoch).atZone(java.time.ZoneId.systemDefault).toInstant.toEpochMilli
        val time = new java.sql.Time(millis)
        underlying.setTime(i, time)
      case p: => underlying.setBinaryStream(i, p)
      case p =>
        ClassNameUtil.getClassName(param.getClass) match {
          case "org.joda.time.DateTime" =>
            val t = p.asInstanceOf[{ def toDate: java.util.Date }].toDate.toSqlTimestamp
            underlying.setTimestamp(i, t)
          case "org.joda.time.LocalDateTime" =>
            val t = p.asInstanceOf[{ def toDate: java.util.Date }].toDate.toSqlTimestamp
            underlying.setTimestamp(i, t)
          case "org.joda.time.LocalDate" =>
            val t = p.asInstanceOf[{ def toDate: java.util.Date }].toDate.toSqlDate
            underlying.setDate(i, t)
          case "org.joda.time.LocalTime" =>
            val millis = p.asInstanceOf[{ def toDateTimeToday: { def getMillis: Long } }].toDateTimeToday.getMillis
            underlying.setTime(i, new java.sql.Time(millis))
          case _ =>
            log.debug("The parameter(" + p + ") is bound as an Object.")
            underlying.setObject(i, p)

   * SQL String value
  private[this] lazy val sqlString: String = {

    def singleSqlString(params: collection.Seq[Any]): String = {

      val sql =, settingsProvider, params)

      try {
        settingsProvider.sqlFormatter(GlobalSettings.sqlFormatter).formatter match {
          case Some(formatter) =>
          case None =>
      } catch {
        case e: Exception =>
          log.debug("Caught an exception when formatting SQL because of " + e.getMessage)

    if (isBatch) {
      settingsProvider.loggingSQLAndTime(GlobalSettings.loggingSQLAndTime).maxBatchParamSize.collect {
        case maxSize if batchParamsList.size > maxSize =>
          batchParamsList.take(maxSize).map(params => singleSqlString(params)).mkString(";" + eol + "   ") + ";" + eol +
            "   ... (total: " + batchParamsList.size + " times)"
      }.getOrElse { => singleSqlString(params)).mkString(";" + eol + "   ")
    } else {


   * Returns stack trace information as String value
   * @return stack trace
  private[this] def stackTraceInformation: String = {
    val loggingSQLAndTime = settingsProvider.loggingSQLAndTime(GlobalSettings.loggingSQLAndTime)

    val stackTrace = Thread.currentThread.getStackTrace
    val lines = (if (loggingSQLAndTime.printUnprocessedStackTrace) {
    } else {
      stackTrace.dropWhile { trace =>
        val className = trace.getClassName
        className != getClass.toString &&
          (className.startsWith("java.lang.") || className.startsWith("scalikejdbc."))
    }).take(loggingSQLAndTime.stackTraceDepth).map { trace => "    " + trace.toString }

    "  [Stack Trace]" + eol +
      "    ..." + eol +
      lines.mkString(eol) + eol +
      "    ..." + eol

   * Logging SQL and timing (this trait depends on this instance)
  private[this] trait LoggingSQLAndTiming extends Executor with LogSupport {

    abstract override def apply[A](execute: () => A): A = {
      val loggingSQLAndTime = settingsProvider.loggingSQLAndTime(GlobalSettings.loggingSQLAndTime)

      def messageInSingleLine(spentMillis: Long): String = "[SQL Execution] " + sqlString + "; (" + spentMillis + " ms)"
      def messageInMultiLines(spentMillis: Long): String = {
        "SQL execution completed" + eol +
          eol +
          "  [SQL Execution]" + eol +
          "   " + sqlString + "; (" + spentMillis + " ms)" + eol +
          eol +

      val before = System.currentTimeMillis
      val result = super.apply(execute)
      val after = System.currentTimeMillis
      val spentMillis = after - before

      // logging SQL and time
      if (loggingSQLAndTime.enabled) {
        if (loggingSQLAndTime.warningEnabled &&
          spentMillis >= loggingSQLAndTime.warningThresholdMillis) {
          if (loggingSQLAndTime.singleLineMode) {
          } else {
        } else {
          if (loggingSQLAndTime.singleLineMode) {
          } else {
      // call event handler
      settingsProvider.queryCompletionListener(GlobalSettings.queryCompletionListener).apply(template, singleParams, spentMillis)
      settingsProvider.taggedQueryCompletionListener(GlobalSettings.taggedQueryCompletionListener).apply(template, singleParams, spentMillis, tags)

      // result from super.apply()

  private[this] trait LoggingSQLIfFailed extends Executor with LogSupport {

    abstract override def apply[A](execute: () => A): A = try {
    } catch {
      case e: Exception =>
        if (settingsProvider.loggingSQLErrors(GlobalSettings.loggingSQLErrors)) {
          if (settingsProvider.loggingSQLAndTime(GlobalSettings.loggingSQLAndTime).singleLineMode) {
            log.error("[SQL Execution Failed] " + sqlString + " (Reason: " + e.getMessage + ")")
          } else {
            log.error("SQL execution failed (Reason: " + e.getMessage + "):" + eol + eol + "   " + sqlString + eol)
        } else {
          log.debug("Logging SQL errors is disabled.")
        // call event handler
        settingsProvider.queryFailureListener(GlobalSettings.queryFailureListener).apply(template, singleParams, e)
        settingsProvider.taggedQueryFailureListener(GlobalSettings.taggedQueryFailureListener).apply(template, singleParams, e, tags)

        throw e

   * Executes SQL statement
  private[this] val statementExecute = new NakedExecutor with LoggingSQLAndTiming with LoggingSQLIfFailed

  def generatedKeysResultSet: java.sql.ResultSet = underlying.getGeneratedKeys

  def addBatch(): Unit = underlying.addBatch()

  def execute(): Boolean = statementExecute(() => underlying.execute())

  def execute(x1: String): Boolean = statementExecute(() => underlying.execute(x1))

  def execute(x1: String, x2: Array[Int]): Boolean = statementExecute(() => underlying.execute(x1, x2))

  def execute(x1: String, x2: Array[String]): Boolean = statementExecute(() => underlying.execute(x1, x2))

  def execute(x1: String, x2: Int): Boolean = statementExecute(() => underlying.execute(x1, x2))

  def executeBatch(): Array[Int] = statementExecute(() => underlying.executeBatch())

  def executeLargeBatch(): Array[Long] = statementExecute(() => underlying.executeLargeBatch())

  def executeQuery(): java.sql.ResultSet = statementExecute(() => underlying.executeQuery())

  def executeQuery(x1: String): java.sql.ResultSet = statementExecute(() => underlying.executeQuery(x1))

  def executeUpdate(): Int = statementExecute(() => underlying.executeUpdate())

  def executeUpdate(x1: String): Int = statementExecute(() => underlying.executeUpdate(x1))

  def executeUpdate(x1: String, x2: Array[Int]): Int = statementExecute(() => underlying.executeUpdate(x1, x2))

  def executeUpdate(x1: String, x2: Array[String]): Int = statementExecute(() => underlying.executeUpdate(x1, x2))

  def executeUpdate(x1: String, x2: Int): Int = statementExecute(() => underlying.executeUpdate(x1, x2))

  def executeLargeUpdate(): Long = statementExecute(() => underlying.executeLargeUpdate())

  def executeLargeUpdate(sql: String): Long = statementExecute(() => underlying.executeLargeUpdate(sql))

  def executeLargeUpdate(sql: String, columnIndexes: Array[Int]): Long = statementExecute(() => underlying.executeLargeUpdate(sql, columnIndexes))

  def executeLargeUpdate(sql: String, columnNames: Array[String]): Long = statementExecute(() => underlying.executeLargeUpdate(sql, columnNames))

  def executeLargeUpdate(sql: String, autoGeneratedKeys: Int): Long = statementExecute(() => underlying.executeLargeUpdate(sql, autoGeneratedKeys))

  def close(): Unit = underlying.close()


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