org.scassandra.server.actors.ConnectionHandler.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2014 Christopher Batey and Dogan Narinc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.scassandra.server.actors
import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorRef, ActorRefFactory}
import akka.util.ByteString
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.slf4j.Logging
import org.scassandra.server.RegisterHandlerMessages
import org.scassandra.server.cqlmessages._
import org.scassandra.server.cqlmessages.response.UnsupportedProtocolVersion
import org.scassandra.server.priming.QueryHandlerMessages
* TODO: This class is on the verge of needing split up.
* This class's responsibility is:
* * To read full CQL messages from the data, knowing that they may not come all at once or that multiple
* messages may come in the same data packet
* * To check the opcode and forward to the correct handler
* This could be changed to only know how to read full messages and then pass to an actor
* per stream that could check the opcode and forward.
class ConnectionHandler(queryHandlerFactory: (ActorRefFactory, ActorRef, CqlMessageFactory) => ActorRef,
registerHandlerFactory: (ActorRefFactory, ActorRef, CqlMessageFactory) => ActorRef,
prepareHandler: ActorRef,
connectionWrapperFactory: (ActorRefFactory, ActorRef) => ActorRef) extends Actor with Logging {
import akka.io.Tcp._
var ready = false
var partialMessage = false
var dataFromPreviousMessage: ByteString = _
var currentData: ByteString = _
var messageFactory: CqlMessageFactory = _
var registerHandler: ActorRef = _
var queryHandler: ActorRef = _
val ProtocolOneOrTwoHeaderLength = 8
def receive = {
case Received(data: ByteString) =>
logger.trace(s"Received a message of length ${data.length} data:: $data")
currentData = data
if (partialMessage) {
currentData = dataFromPreviousMessage ++ data
val messageLength = currentData.length
logger.trace(s"Whole message length so far is $messageLength")
// the header could be 8 or 9 bits now :(
while (currentData.length >= ProtocolOneOrTwoHeaderLength && takeMessage()) {}
if (currentData.length > 0) {
logger.trace("Not received length yet..")
partialMessage = true
dataFromPreviousMessage = currentData
currentData = ByteString()
case PeerClosed =>
logger.info("Client disconnected.")
context stop self
case unknown@_ =>
logger.warn(s"Unknown message $unknown")
private def processMessage(opCode: Byte, stream: Byte, messageBody: ByteString, protocolVersion: Byte) = {
logger.trace(s"Whole body $messageBody with length ${messageBody.length}")
opCode match {
case OpCodes.Startup =>
logger.debug("Sending ready message")
val wrappedSender = connectionWrapperFactory(context, sender)
queryHandler = queryHandlerFactory(context, wrappedSender, messageFactory)
registerHandler = registerHandlerFactory(context, wrappedSender, messageFactory)
wrappedSender ! messageFactory.createReadyMessage(stream)
ready = true
case OpCodes.Query =>
if (!ready) {
logger.info("Received query before startup message, sending error")
sender ! Write(messageFactory.createQueryBeforeErrorMessage().serialize())
} else {
queryHandler ! QueryHandlerMessages.Query(messageBody, stream)
case OpCodes.Register =>
logger.debug("Received register message. Sending to RegisterHandler")
registerHandler ! RegisterHandlerMessages.Register(messageBody, stream)
case OpCodes.Prepare =>
logger.debug("Received prepare message. Sending to PrepareHandler")
val wrappedSender = connectionWrapperFactory(context, sender)
prepareHandler ! PrepareHandlerMessages.Prepare(messageBody, stream, messageFactory, wrappedSender)
case OpCodes.Execute =>
logger.debug("Received execute message. Sending to ExecuteHandler")
val wrappedSender = connectionWrapperFactory(context, sender)
prepareHandler ! PrepareHandlerMessages.Execute(messageBody, stream, messageFactory, wrappedSender)
case opCode@_ =>
logger.warn(s"Received unknown opcode $opCode this probably means this feature is yet to be implemented the message body is $messageBody")
def initialiseMessageFactory(protocolVersion: Byte) = {
messageFactory = if (protocolVersion == ProtocolVersion.ClientProtocolVersionOne) {
logger.debug("Connection is for protocol version one")
} else {
logger.debug("Connection is for protocol version two")
/* should not be called if there isn't at least a header */
private def takeMessage(): Boolean = {
val protocolVersion = currentData(0)
if (protocolVersion == VersionThree.clientCode) {
logger.warn("Received a version three message, currently only one and two supported so sending an unsupported protocol error to get the driver to use an older version of the protocol.")
val wrappedSender = connectionWrapperFactory(context, sender)
// we can't really send the correct stream back as it is a different type (short rather than byte)
wrappedSender ! UnsupportedProtocolVersion(0x0)(VersionTwo)
currentData = ByteString()
return false
val stream: Byte = currentData(2)
val opCode: Byte = currentData(3)
val bodyLengthArray = currentData.take(ProtocolOneOrTwoHeaderLength).drop(4)
logger.debug(s"Body length array $bodyLengthArray")
val bodyLength = bodyLengthArray.asByteBuffer.getInt
logger.debug(s"Body length $bodyLength")
if (currentData.length == bodyLength + ProtocolOneOrTwoHeaderLength) {
logger.debug("Received exactly the whole message")
partialMessage = false
val messageBody = currentData.drop(ProtocolOneOrTwoHeaderLength)
processMessage(opCode, stream, messageBody, protocolVersion)
currentData = ByteString()
} else if (currentData.length > (bodyLength + ProtocolOneOrTwoHeaderLength)) {
partialMessage = true
logger.debug("Received a larger message than the length specifies - assume the rest is another message")
val messageBody = currentData.drop(ProtocolOneOrTwoHeaderLength).take(bodyLength)
logger.debug(s"Message received ${messageBody.utf8String}")
processMessage(opCode, stream, messageBody, protocolVersion)
currentData = currentData.drop(ProtocolOneOrTwoHeaderLength + bodyLength)
} else {
logger.debug(s"Not received whole message yet, currently ${currentData.length} but need ${bodyLength + 8}")
partialMessage = true
dataFromPreviousMessage = currentData
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