bugtests.support.py Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import sys
is_jython = sys.platform[:4] == "java"
import re, exceptions, thread, os, shutil
import support_config as cfg
if is_jython:
import jarray
from java.io import FileInputStream
from java.io import FileOutputStream
from java.util.jar import JarEntry
from java.util.jar import JarFile
from java.util.jar import JarInputStream
from java.util.jar import JarOutputStream
from java.util.jar import Manifest
UNIX = os.pathsep == ":"
WIN = os.pathsep == ";"
test_jythonc = 1
if not UNIX ^ WIN:
raise TestError("Unknown platform")
class TestError(exceptions.Exception):
def __init__(self, args):
exceptions.Exception.__init__(self, args)
class TestWarning(exceptions.Exception):
def __init__(self, args):
exceptions.Exception.__init__(self, args)
class TestSkip(exceptions.Exception):
def __init__(self, args):
exceptions.Exception.__init__(self, args)
def compare(s, pattern):
m = re.search(pattern, str(s))
if m is None:
raise TestError("string compare error\n '" + str(s) + "'\n '" + pattern + "'")
def StreamReader(instream, outstream):
while 1:
ch = instream.read()
if ch == -1: break
def execCmd(cmd, kw):
__doc__ = """execute a command, and wait for its results
returns 0 if everything was ok
raises a TestError if the command did not end normally"""
if kw.has_key("verbose") and kw["verbose"]:
print cmd
import java
r = java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime()
e = getattr(r, "exec")
p = e(cmd)
if kw.has_key("output"):
outstream = java.io.FileOutputStream(kw['output'])
outstream = java.lang.System.out
if kw.has_key("error"):
errstream = java.io.FileOutputStream(kw['error'])
errstream = java.lang.System.out
thread.start_new_thread(StreamReader, (p.inputStream, outstream))
thread.start_new_thread(StreamReader, (p.errorStream, errstream))
ret = p.waitFor()
if ret != 0 and not kw.has_key("expectError"):
raise TestError, "%s failed with %d" % (cmd, ret)
return ret
def compileJava(src, **kw):
classfile = src.replace('.java', '.class')
if not 'force' in kw and os.path.exists(classfile) and os.stat(src).st_mtime < os.stat(classfile).st_mtime:
return 0
classpath = cfg.classpath
if "classpath" in kw:
classpath = os.pathsep.join([cfg.classpath, kw["classpath"]])
if UNIX:
cmd = "%s/bin/javac -classpath %s %s" % (cfg.java_home, classpath, src)
elif WIN:
src = src.replace("/", "\\")
cmd = 'cmd /C "%s/bin/javac.exe -classpath %s %s"' % (cfg.java_home, classpath, src)
return execCmd(cmd, kw)
def runJava(cls, **kw):
classpath = cfg.classpath
if "classpath" in kw:
classpath = os.pathsep.join([cfg.classpath, kw["classpath"]])
if kw.get('pass_jython_home', 0):
defs = "-Dpython.home=%s" % cfg.jython_home
defs = ''
if UNIX:
cmd = ['/bin/sh', '-c', "%s/bin/java -classpath %s %s %s" % (cfg.java_home, classpath, defs, cls)]
elif WIN:
cmd = 'cmd /C "%s/bin/java.exe -classpath %s %s %s"' % (cfg.java_home, classpath, defs, cls)
return execCmd(cmd, kw)
def runJavaJar(jar, *args, **kw):
argString = " ".join(args)
if UNIX:
cmd = ['/bin/sh', '-c', "%s/bin/java -jar %s %s" % (cfg.java_home, jar, argString)]
elif WIN:
cmd = 'cmd /C "%s/bin/java.exe -jar %s %s"' % (cfg.java_home, jar, argString)
return execCmd(cmd, kw)
def runJython(cls, **kw):
javaargs = ''
if 'javaargs' in kw:
javaargs = kw['javaargs']
classpath = cfg.classpath
if "classpath" in kw:
classpath = os.pathsep.join([cfg.classpath, kw["classpath"]])
if UNIX:
cmd = "%s/bin/java -classpath %s %s -Dpython.home=%s org.python.util.jython %s" % (cfg.java_home, classpath, javaargs, cfg.jython_home, cls)
elif WIN:
cmd = 'cmd /C "%s/bin/java.exe -classpath %s %s -Dpython.home=%s org.python.util.jython %s"' % (cfg.java_home, classpath, javaargs, cfg.jython_home, cls)
return execCmd(cmd, kw)
def compileJPythonc(*files, **kw):
if not test_jythonc:
raise TestSkip('Skipping pythonc')
if os.path.isdir("jpywork") and not kw.has_key("keep"):
shutil.rmtree("jpywork", 1)
cmd = "-i "
if kw.has_key("core"):
cmd = cmd + "--core "
if kw.has_key("deep"):
cmd = cmd + "--deep "
if kw.has_key("all"):
cmd = cmd + "--all "
if kw.has_key("package"):
cmd = cmd + "--package %s " % kw['package']
if kw.has_key("addpackages"):
cmd = cmd + "--addpackages %s " % kw['addpackages']
if kw.has_key("jar"):
cmd = cmd + "--jar %s " % kw['jar']
if os.path.isfile(kw['jar']):
cmd = cmd + " ".join(files)
classpath = cfg.classpath
if "classpath" in kw:
classpath = os.pathsep.join([cfg.classpath, kw["classpath"]])
jythonc = "%s/Tools/jythonc/jythonc.py %s" % (cfg.jython_home, cmd)
if UNIX:
cmd = "%s/bin/java -classpath %s -Dpython.home=%s org.python.util.jython %s" % (cfg.java_home, classpath, cfg.jython_home, jythonc)
elif WIN:
cmd = 'cmd /C "%s/bin/java.exe -classpath \"%s\" -Dpython.home=%s org.python.util.jython %s"' % (cfg.java_home, classpath, cfg.jython_home, jythonc)
return execCmd(cmd, kw)
def grep(file, text, count=0):
f = open(file, "r")
lines = f.readlines()
result = []
for line in lines:
if re.search(text, line):
if count:
return len(result)
return result
class JarPacker:
__doc__ = """helper class to pack stuff into a jar file -
the terms 'file' and 'dir' mean java.io.File here """
def __init__(self, jarFile, bufsize=1024):
self._jarFile = jarFile
self._bufsize = bufsize
self._manifest = None
self._jarOutputStream = None
def close(self):
def addManifestFile(self, manifestFile):
__doc__ = """only one manifest file can be added"""
def addManifest(self, manifest):
if not self._manifest:
self._manifest = manifest
def addFile(self, file, parentDirName=None):
buffer = jarray.zeros(self._bufsize, 'b')
inputStream = FileInputStream(file)
jarEntryName = file.getName()
if parentDirName:
jarEntryName = parentDirName + "/" + jarEntryName
read = inputStream.read(buffer)
while read <> -1:
self.getJarOutputStream().write(buffer, 0, read)
read = inputStream.read(buffer)
def addDirectory(self, dir, parentDirName=None):
if not dir.isDirectory():
filesInDir = dir.listFiles()
for currentFile in filesInDir:
if currentFile.isFile():
if parentDirName:
self.addFile(currentFile, parentDirName + "/" + dir.getName())
self.addFile(currentFile, dir.getName())
if parentDirName:
newParentDirName = parentDirName + "/" + dir.getName()
newParentDirName = dir.getName()
self.addDirectory(currentFile, newParentDirName)
def addJarFile(self, jarFile):
__doc__ = """if you want to add a .jar file with a MANIFEST, add it first"""
jarJarFile = JarFile(jarFile)
jarInputStream = JarInputStream(FileInputStream(jarFile))
jarEntry = jarInputStream.getNextJarEntry()
while jarEntry:
buffer = jarray.zeros(self._bufsize, 'b')
read = jarInputStream.read(buffer)
while read <> -1:
self.getJarOutputStream().write(buffer, 0, read)
read = jarInputStream.read(buffer)
jarEntry = jarInputStream.getNextJarEntry()
def getJarOutputStream(self):
if not self._jarOutputStream:
if self._manifest:
self._jarOutputStream = JarOutputStream(FileOutputStream(self._jarFile), self._manifest)
self._jarOutputStream = JarOutputStream(FileOutputStream(self._jarFile))
return self._jarOutputStream
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