scodec.bits.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scodec
import scala.language.experimental.macros
* Provides immutable data types for working with bits and bytes.
* @see [[BitVector]] and [[ByteVector]]
package object bits {
* Provides the `bin` string interpolator, which returns `BitVector` instances from binary strings.
final implicit class BinStringSyntax(val sc: StringContext) extends AnyVal {
* Converts this binary literal string to a `BitVector`. Whitespace characters are ignored.
* Named arguments are supported in the same manner as the standard `s` interpolator but they must be
* of type `BitVector`.
def bin(args: BitVector*): BitVector = macro LiteralSyntaxMacros.binStringInterpolator
* Provides the `hex` string interpolator, which returns `ByteVector` instances from hexadecimal strings.
final implicit class HexStringSyntax(val sc: StringContext) extends AnyVal {
* Converts this hexadecimal literal string to a `ByteVector`. Whitespace characters are ignored.
* Named arguments are supported in the same manner as the standard `s` interpolator but they must be
* of type `ByteVector`.
def hex(args: ByteVector*): ByteVector = macro LiteralSyntaxMacros.hexStringInterpolator
private[bits] implicit class EitherOps[L, R](val self: Either[L, R]) extends AnyVal {
def map[R2](f: R => R2): Either[L, R2] = self match {
case Right(r) => Right(f(r))
case l: Left[L, R] => l.asInstanceOf[Either[L, R2]]
def flatMap[R2](f: R => Either[L, R2]): Either[L, R2] = self match {
case Right(r) => f(r)
case l: Left[L, R] => l.asInstanceOf[Either[L, R2]]
def toOption: Option[R] = self match {
case Right(r) => Some(r)
case Left(_) => None