scodec.Encoder.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scodec
import scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance
import scodec.bits.BitVector
import shapeless.Lazy
* Supports encoding a value of type `A` to a `BitVector`.
* @groupname primary Primary Members
* @groupprio primary 0
* @groupname combinators Basic Combinators
* @groupprio combinators 10
* @groupname coproduct Coproduct Support
* @groupprio coproduct 13
trait Encoder[-A] { self =>
* Attempts to encode the specified value in to a bit vector.
* @param value value to encode
* @return error or binary encoding of the value
* @group primary
def encode(value: A): Attempt[BitVector]
* Provides a bound on the size of successfully encoded values.
* @group primary
def sizeBound: SizeBound
* Converts this encoder to an `Encoder[B]` using the supplied `B => A`.
* @group combinators
def contramap[B](f: B => A): Encoder[B] = new Encoder[B] {
def sizeBound = self.sizeBound
def encode(b: B) = self.encode(f(b))
* Converts this encoder to an `Encoder[B]` using the supplied partial
* function from `B` to `A`. The encoding will fail for any `B` that
* `f` maps to `None`.
* @group combinators
def pcontramap[B](f: B => Option[A]): Encoder[B] = new Encoder[B] {
def sizeBound = self.sizeBound
def encode(b: B): Attempt[BitVector] =
f(b).map(self.encode).getOrElse(Attempt.failure(Err(s"widening failed: $b")))
* Converts this encoder to an `Encoder[B]` using the supplied `B => Attempt[A]`.
* @group combinators
def econtramap[B](f: B => Attempt[A]): Encoder[B] = new Encoder[B] {
def sizeBound = self.sizeBound
def encode(b: B) = f(b) flatMap self.encode
* Converts this encoder to a new encoder that compacts the generated bit vector before returning it
* @group combinators
def compact: Encoder[A] = new Encoder[A] {
def sizeBound = self.sizeBound
def encode(a: A) = self.encode(a).map { _.compact }
* Gets this as an `Encoder`.
* @group combinators
def asEncoder: Encoder[A] = this
* Converts this to a codec that fails decoding with an error.
* @group combinators
def encodeOnly: Codec[A @uncheckedVariance] = new Codec[A] {
def sizeBound = self.sizeBound
def encode(a: A) = self.encode(a)
def decode(bits: BitVector) = Attempt.failure(Err("decoding not supported"))
* Provides functions for working with encoders.
* @groupname conv Conveniences
* @groupprio conv 2
trait EncoderFunctions {
* Encodes the specified values, one after the other, to a bit vector using the specified encoders.
* @group conv
final def encodeBoth[A, B](encA: Encoder[A], encB: Encoder[B])(a: A, b: B): Attempt[BitVector] = for {
encodedA <- encA.encode(a)
encodedB <- encB.encode(b)
} yield encodedA ++ encodedB
* Encodes all elements of the specified sequence and concatenates the results, or returns the first encountered error.
* @group conv
final def encodeSeq[A](enc: Encoder[A])(seq: collection.immutable.Seq[A]): Attempt[BitVector] = {
val buf = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[BitVector](seq.size)
seq foreach { a =>
enc.encode(a) match {
case Attempt.Successful(aa) => buf += aa
case Attempt.Failure(err) => return Attempt.failure(err.pushContext(buf.size.toString))
def merge(offset: Int, size: Int): BitVector = size match {
case 0 => BitVector.empty
case 1 => buf(offset)
case n =>
val half = size / 2
merge(offset, half) ++ merge(offset + half, half + (if (size % 2 == 0) 0 else 1))
Attempt.successful(merge(0, buf.size))
* Creates an encoder that encodes with each of the specified encoders, returning
* the first successful result.
* @group conv
final def choiceEncoder[A](encoders: Encoder[A]*): Encoder[A] = new Encoder[A] {
def sizeBound = SizeBound.choice(encoders.map { _.sizeBound })
def encode(a: A) = {
@annotation.tailrec def go(rem: List[Encoder[A]], lastErr: Err): Attempt[BitVector] = rem match {
case Nil => Attempt.failure(lastErr)
case hd :: tl =>
hd.encode(a) match {
case res @ Attempt.Successful(_) => res
case Attempt.Failure(err) => go(tl, err)
go(encoders.toList, Err("no encoders provided"))
* Companion for [[Encoder]].
* @groupname ctor Constructors
* @groupprio ctor 1
* @groupname inst Typeclass Instances
* @groupprio inst 3
object Encoder extends EncoderFunctions {
* Provides syntax for summoning an `Encoder[A]` from implicit scope.
* @group ctor
def apply[A](implicit enc: Lazy[Encoder[A]]): Encoder[A] = enc.value
* Creates an encoder from the specified function.
* @group ctor
def apply[A](f: A => Attempt[BitVector]): Encoder[A] = new Encoder[A] {
def sizeBound = SizeBound.unknown
def encode(value: A) = f(value)
* Encodes the specified value to a bit vector using an implicitly available encoder.
* @group conv
def encode[A](a: A)(implicit e: Lazy[Encoder[A]]): Attempt[BitVector] = e.value.encode(a)
* Transform typeclass instance.
* @group inst
implicit val transformInstance: Transform[Encoder] = new Transform[Encoder] {
def exmap[A, B](encoder: Encoder[A], f: A => Attempt[B], g: B => Attempt[A]): Encoder[B] =
override def xmap[A, B](encoder: Encoder[A], f: A => B, g: B => A): Encoder[B] =
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