scodec.Decoder.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scodec
import scala.language.higherKinds
import scodec.bits.BitVector
import shapeless.Lazy
* Supports decoding a value of type `A` from a `BitVector`.
* @groupname primary Primary Members
* @groupprio primary 0
* @groupname combinators Basic Combinators
* @groupprio combinators 10
* @groupname coproduct Coproduct Support
* @groupprio coproduct 13
trait Decoder[+A] { self =>
* Attempts to decode a value of type `A` from the specified bit vector.
* @param bits bits to decode
* @return error if value could not be decoded or the remaining bits and the decoded value
* @group primary
def decode(bits: BitVector): Attempt[DecodeResult[A]]
* Attempts to decode a value of type `A` from the specified bit vector and discards the remaining bits.
* @param bits bits to decode
* @return error if value could not be decoded or the decoded value
* @group primary
final def decodeValue(bits: BitVector): Attempt[A] = decode(bits).map { _.value }
* Converts this decoder to a `Decoder[B]` using the supplied `A => B`.
* @group combinators
def map[B](f: A => B): Decoder[B] = new Decoder[B] {
def decode(bits: BitVector) = self.decode(bits) map { _ map f }
* Converts this decoder to a `Decoder[B]` using the supplied `A => Decoder[B]`.
* @group combinators
def flatMap[B](f: A => Decoder[B]): Decoder[B] = new Decoder[B] {
def decode(bits: BitVector) = self.decode(bits) flatMap { result => f(result.value).decode(result.remainder) }
* Converts this decoder to a `Decoder[B]` using the supplied `A => Attempt[B]`.
* @group combinators
def emap[B](f: A => Attempt[B]): Decoder[B] = new Decoder[B] {
def decode(bits: BitVector) = self.decode(bits) flatMap { result => f(result.value) map { b => DecodeResult(b, result.remainder) } }
* Converts this decoder to a new decoder that fails decoding if there are remaining bits.
* @group combinators
def complete: Decoder[A] = new Decoder[A] {
def decode(bits: BitVector) = self.decode(bits) flatMap { result =>
if (result.remainder.isEmpty) Attempt.successful(result) else {
val rem = result.remainder
Attempt.failure {
val max = 512L
if (rem.sizeLessThan(max + 1)) {
val preview = rem.take(max)
Err(s"${preview.size} bits remaining: 0x${preview.toHex}")
} else Err(s"more than $max bits remaining")
* Gets this as a `Decoder`.
* @group combinators
def asDecoder: Decoder[A] = this
* Converts this to a codec that fails encoding with an error.
* @group combinators
def decodeOnly[AA >: A]: Codec[AA] = new Codec[AA] {
def sizeBound = SizeBound.unknown
def encode(a: AA) = Attempt.failure(Err("encoding not supported"))
def decode(bits: BitVector) = self.decode(bits)
* Provides functions for working with decoders.
* @groupname conv Conveniences
* @groupprio conv 2
trait DecoderFunctions {
* Decodes a tuple `(A, B)` by first decoding `A` and then using the remaining bits to decode `B`.
* @group conv
final def decodeBoth[A, B](decA: Decoder[A], decB: Decoder[B])(buffer: BitVector): Attempt[DecodeResult[(A, B)]] =
decodeBothCombine(decA, decB)(buffer) { (a, b) => (a, b) }
* Decodes a `C` by first decoding `A` and then using the remaining bits to decode `B`, then applying the decoded values to the specified function to generate a `C`.
* @group conv
final def decodeBothCombine[A, B, C](decA: Decoder[A], decB: Decoder[B])(buffer: BitVector)(f: (A, B) => C): Attempt[DecodeResult[C]] = {
// Note: this could be written using flatMap on Decoder but this function is called *a lot* and needs to be very fast
decA.decode(buffer) flatMap { aResult =>
decB.decode(aResult.remainder) map { bResult => bResult map { b => f(aResult.value, b) } }
* Repeatedly decodes values of type `A` from the specified vector, converts each value to a `B` and appends it to an accumulator of type
* `B` using the supplied `zero` value and `append` function. Terminates when no more bits are available in the vector. Exits upon first decoding error.
* @return tuple consisting of the terminating error if any and the accumulated value
* @group conv
final def decodeAll[A, B](buffer: BitVector)(zero: B, append: (B, B) => B)(f: A => B)(implicit decoder: Lazy[Decoder[A]]): (Option[Err], B) = {
var remaining = buffer
var acc = zero
while (remaining.nonEmpty) {
decoder.value.decode(remaining) match {
case Attempt.Successful(DecodeResult(a, newRemaining)) =>
remaining = newRemaining
acc = append(acc, f(a))
case Attempt.Failure(cause) =>
return (Some(cause), acc)
(None, acc)
* Repeatedly decodes values of type `A` from the specified vector and returns a collection of the specified type.
* Terminates when no more bits are available in the vector or when `limit` is defined and that many records have been
* decoded. Exits upon first decoding error.
* @group conv
final def decodeCollect[F[_], A](dec: Decoder[A], limit: Option[Int])(buffer: BitVector)(implicit cbf: collection.generic.CanBuildFrom[F[A], A, F[A]]): Attempt[DecodeResult[F[A]]] = {
val bldr = cbf()
var remaining = buffer
var count = 0
var maxCount = limit getOrElse Int.MaxValue
var error: Option[Err] = None
while (count < maxCount && remaining.nonEmpty) {
dec.decode(remaining) match {
case Attempt.Successful(DecodeResult(value, rest)) =>
bldr += value
count += 1
remaining = rest
case Attempt.Failure(err) =>
error = Some(err.pushContext(count.toString))
remaining = BitVector.empty
Attempt.fromErrOption(error, DecodeResult(bldr.result, remaining))
* Creates a decoder that decodes with each of the specified decoders, returning
* the first successful result.
* @group conv
final def choiceDecoder[A](decoders: Decoder[A]*): Decoder[A] = new Decoder[A] {
def decode(buffer: BitVector) = {
@annotation.tailrec def go(rem: List[Decoder[A]], lastErr: Err): Attempt[DecodeResult[A]] = rem match {
case Nil => Attempt.failure(lastErr)
case hd :: tl =>
hd.decode(buffer) match {
case res @ Attempt.Successful(_) => res
case Attempt.Failure(err) => go(tl, err)
go(decoders.toList, Err("no decoders provided"))
* Companion for [[Decoder]].
* @groupname ctor Constructors
* @groupprio ctor 1
* @groupname inst Typeclass Instances
* @groupprio inst 3
object Decoder extends DecoderFunctions {
* Provides syntax for summoning a `Decoder[A]` from implicit scope.
* @group ctor
def apply[A](implicit dec: Lazy[Decoder[A]]): Decoder[A] = dec.value
* Creates a decoder from the specified function.
* @group ctor
def apply[A](f: BitVector => Attempt[DecodeResult[A]]): Decoder[A] = new Decoder[A] {
def decode(bits: BitVector) = f(bits)
* Decodes the specified bit vector in to a value of type `A` using an implicitly available codec.
* @group conv
def decode[A](bits: BitVector)(implicit d: Lazy[Decoder[A]]): Attempt[DecodeResult[A]] = d.value.decode(bits)
* Creates a decoder that always decodes the specified value and returns the input bit vector unmodified.
* @group ctor
def point[A](a: => A): Decoder[A] = new Decoder[A] {
private lazy val value = a
def decode(bits: BitVector) = Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(value, bits))
override def toString = s"const($value)"
* Lifts a value of `Attempt[A]` in to a `Decoder`.
* @group ctor
def liftAttempt[A](attempt: Attempt[A]): Decoder[A] = new Decoder[A] {
def decode(b: BitVector) = attempt map { a => DecodeResult(a, b) }
override def toString = s"constAttempt($attempt)"
* Gets a decoder that returns the input bit vector as its value and also returns the value as its remainder.
* @group ctor
def get: Decoder[BitVector] = new Decoder[BitVector] {
def decode(b: BitVector) = Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(b, b))
override def toString = "get"
* Gets a decoder that ignores its input bit vector and sets the remainder to the specified value.
* @group ctor
def set(remainder: BitVector): Decoder[Unit] = new Decoder[Unit] {
def decode(b: BitVector) = Attempt.successful(DecodeResult((), remainder))
override def toString = s"set($remainder)"
* Gets a decoder that transforms the input bit vector with the specified function and returns the result as the remainder.
* @group ctor
def modify(f: BitVector => BitVector): Decoder[Unit] = new Decoder[Unit] {
def decode(b: BitVector) = Attempt.successful(DecodeResult((), f(b)))
override def toString = s"modify"
* Transform typeclass instance.
* @group inst
implicit val transformInstance: Transform[Decoder] = new Transform[Decoder] {
def exmap[A, B](decoder: Decoder[A], f: A => Attempt[B], g: B => Attempt[A]): Decoder[B] =
override def xmap[A, B](decoder: Decoder[A], f: A => B, g: B => A): Decoder[B] =
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