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scodec.Codec.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package scodec

import shapeless._
import shapeless.labelled.FieldType
import shapeless.ops.record._

import scodec.bits.BitVector

 * Supports encoding a value of type `A` to a `BitVector` and decoding a `BitVector` to a value of `A`.
 * Not every value of `A` can be encoded to a bit vector and similarly, not every bit vector can be decoded to a value
 * of type `A`. Hence, both encode and decode return either an error or the result. Furthermore, decode returns the
 * remaining bits in the bit vector that it did not use in decoding.
 * There are various ways to create instances of `Codec`. The trait can be implemented directly or one of the
 * constructor methods in the companion can be used (e.g., `apply`). Most of the methods on `Codec`
 * create return a new codec that has been transformed in some way. For example, the [[xmap]] method
 * converts a `Codec[A]` to a `Codec[B]` given two functions, `A => B` and `B => A`.
 * One of the simplest transformation methods is `def withContext(context: String): Codec[A]`, which
 * pushes the specified context string in to any errors (i.e., `Err`s) returned from encode or decode.
 * See the methods on this trait for additional transformation types.
 * See the [[codecs]] package object for pre-defined codecs for many common data types and combinators for building larger
 * codecs out of smaller ones.
 * == Tuple Codecs ==
 * The `~` operator supports combining a `Codec[A]` and a `Codec[B]` in to a `Codec[(A, B)]`.
 * For example: {{{
   val codec: Codec[Int ~ Int ~ Int] = uint8 ~ uint8 ~ uint8}}}
 * Codecs generated with `~` result in left nested tuples. These left nested tuples can
 * be pulled back apart by pattern matching with `~`. For example: {{{
  Codec.decode(uint8 ~ uint8 ~ uint8, bytes) map { case a ~ b ~ c => a + b + c }
 * Alternatively, a function of N arguments can be lifted to a function of left-nested tuples. For example: {{{
  val add3 = (_: Int) + (_: Int) + (_: Int)
  Codec.decode(uint8 ~ uint8 ~ uint8, bytes) map add3
 * Similarly, a left nested tuple can be created with the `~` operator. This is useful when creating the tuple structure
 * to pass to encode. For example: {{{
  (uint8 ~ uint8 ~ uint8).encode(1 ~ 2 ~ 3)
 * Tuple based codecs are of limited use compared to `HList` based codecs, which is discussed later.
 * Note: this design is heavily based on Scala's parser combinator library and the syntax it provides.
 * === flatZip ===
 * Sometimes when combining codecs, a latter codec depends on a formerly decoded value.
 * The `flatZip` method is important in these types of situations -- it represents a dependency between
 * the left hand side and right hand side. Its signature is `def flatZip[B](f: A => Codec[B]): Codec[(A, B)]`.
 * This is similar to `flatMap` except the return type is `Codec[(A, B)]` instead of `Decoder[B]`.
 * Consider a binary format of an 8-bit unsigned integer indicating the number of bytes following it.
 * To implement this with `flatZip`, we could write: {{{
  val x: Codec[(Int, ByteVector)] = uint8 flatZip { numBytes => bytes(numBytes) }
  val y: Codec[ByteVector] = x.xmap[ByteVector]({ case (_, bv) => bv }, bv => (bv.size, bv))
 * In this example, `x` is a `Codec[(Int, ByteVector)]` but we do not need the size directly in the model
 * because it is redundant with the size stored in the `ByteVector`. Hence, we remove the `Int` by
 * `xmap`-ping over `x`. The notion of removing redundant data from models comes up frequently.
 * Note: there is a combinator that expresses this pattern more succinctly -- `variableSizeBytes(uint8, bytes)`.
 * == HList Codecs ==
 * `HList`s are similar to tuples in that they represent the product of an arbitrary number of types. That is,
 * the size of an `HList` is known at compile time and the type of each element is also known at compile time.
 * For more information on `HList`s in general, see [[ Shapeless]].
 * `Codec` makes heavy use of `HList`s. The primary operation is extending a `Codec[L]` for some `L <: HList` to
 * a `Codec[A :: L]`. For example: {{{
  val uint8: Codec[Int] = ...
  val string: Codec[String] = ...
  val codec: Codec[Int :: Int :: String] = uint8 :: uint8 :: string}}}
 * The `::` method is sort of like cons-ing on to the `HList` but it is doing so *inside* the `Codec` type.
 * The resulting codec encodes values by passing each component of the `HList` to the corresponding codec
 * and concatenating all of the results.
 * There are various methods on this trait that only work on `Codec[L]` for some `L <: HList`. Besides the aforementioned
 * `::` method, there are others like `:::`, `flatPrepend`, `flatConcat`, etc. One particularly useful method is
 * `dropUnits`, which removes any `Unit` values from the `HList`.
 * Given a `Codec[X0 :: X1 :: ... Xn :: HNil]` and a case class with types `X0` to `Xn` in the same order,
 * the `HList` codec can be turned in to a case class codec via the `as` method. For example:
  case class Point(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int)
  val threeInts: Codec[Int :: Int :: Int :: HNil] = uint8 :: uint8 :: uint8
  val point: Codec[Point] =[Point]
 * === flatPrepend ===
 * The `HList` analog to `flatZip` is `flatPrepend`. It has the signature: {{{
  def flatPrepend[L <: HList](f: A => Codec[L]): Codec[A :: L]
 * It forms a codec of `A` consed on to `L` when called on a `Codec[A]` and passed a function `A => Codec[L]`.
 * Note that the specified function must return an `HList` based codec. Implementing our example from earlier
 * using `flatPrepend`: {{{
  val x: Codec[Int :: ByteVector :: HNil] = uint8 flatPrepend { numBytes => bytes(numBytes).hlist }
 * In this example, `bytes(numBytes)` returns a `Codec[ByteVector]` so we called `.hlist` on it to lift it
 * in to a `Codec[ByteVector :: HNil]`.
 * There are similar methods for flat appending and flat concating.
 * == Coproduct Codecs ==
 * Given some ordered list of types, potentially with duplicates, a value of the `HList` of those types
 * has a value for *every* type in the list. In other words, an `HList` represents having an `X0` AND `X1` AND
 * ... AND `XN`. A `Coproduct` for the same list of types represents having a value for *one* of those types.
 * In other words, a `Coproduct` represents having an `X0` OR `X1` OR ... OR `XN`. This is somewhat imprecise
 * because a coproduct can tell us exactly which `Xi` we have, even in the presence of duplicate types.
 * A coproduct can also be thought of as an `Either` that has an unlimited number of choices instead of just 2 choices.
 * Shapeless represents coproducts in a similar way as `HList`s. A coproduct type is built using the `:+:` operator
 * with a sentinal value of `CNil`. For example, an `Int` or `Long` or `String` is represented as the coproduct type: {{{
  Int :+: Long :+: String :+: CNil }}}
 * For more information on coproducts in general, see [[ Shapeless]].
 * Like `HList` based codecs, scodec supports `Coproduct` based codecs by coopting syntax from Shapeless. Specifically,
 * the `:+:` operator is used: {{{
  val builder = uint8 :+: int64 :+: utf8
 * Unlike `HList` based codecs, the result of `:+:` is not a codec but rather a [[codecs.CoproductCodecBuilder]].
 * Having a list of types and a codec for each is not sufficient to build a coproduct codec. We also need to describe
 * how each entry in the coproduct is differentiated from the other entries. There are a number of ways to do this
 * and each way changes the binary format significantly. See the docs on `CoproductCodecBuilder` for details.
 * == Derived Codecs ==
 * Codecs for case classes and sealed class hierarchies can often be automatically derived.
 * Consider this example: {{{
  import scodec.codecs.implicits._
  case class Point(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int)
  Codec[Point].encode(Point(1, 2, 3))
 * In this example, no explicit codec was defined for `Point` yet `Codec[Point]` successfully created one.
 * It did this by "reflecting" over the structure of `Point` and looking up a codec for each component type
 * (note: no runtime reflection is performed - rather, this is implemented using macro-based compile time reflection).
 * In this case, there are three components, each of type `Int`, so the compiler first looked for an implicit `Codec[Int]`.
 * It then combined each `Codec[Int]` using an `HList` based codec and finally converted the `HList` codec
 * to a `Codec[Point]`. It found the implicit `Codec[Int]` instances due to the import of `scodec.codecs.implicits._`.
 * Furthermore, if there was an error encoding or decoding a field, the field name (i.e., x, y, or z) is included
 * as context on the `Err` returned.
 * This works similarly for sealed class hierarchies -- each subtype is internally represented as a member
 * of a coproduct. There must be the following implicits in scope however:
 *  - `Discriminated[A, D]` for some discriminator type `D`, which provides the `Codec[D]` to use for encoding/decoding
 *     the discriminator
 *  - `Discriminator[A, X, D]` for each subtype `X` of `A`, which provides the discriminator value for type `X`
 *  - `Codec[X]` for each subtype `X` of `A`
 * Full examples are available in the test directory of this project.
 * == Implicit Codecs ==
 * If authoring combinators that require implicit codec arguments, use `shapeless.Lazy[Codec[A]]` instead of
 * `Codec[A]`. This prevents the occurrence of diverging implicit expansion errors.
 * @groupname tuple Tuple Support
 * @groupprio tuple 11
 * @groupname hlist HList Support
 * @groupprio hlist 12
 * @groupname generic Generic Support
 * @groupprio generic 13
 * @define TransformTC Codec
trait Codec[A] extends GenCodec[A, A] { self =>

   * Transforms using two functions, `A => Attempt[B]` and `B => Attempt[A]`.
   * @group combinators
  final def exmap[B](f: A => Attempt[B], g: B => Attempt[A]): Codec[B] = new Codec[B] {
    def sizeBound: SizeBound = self.sizeBound
    def encode(b: B) = self.econtramap(g).encode(b)
    def decode(buffer: BitVector) = self.emap(f).decode(buffer)

   * Transforms using the isomorphism described by two functions, `A => B` and `B => A`.
   * @group combinators
  final def xmap[B](f: A => B, g: B => A): Codec[B] = new Codec[B] {
    def sizeBound: SizeBound = self.sizeBound
    def encode(b: B) = self.encode(g(b))
    def decode(buffer: BitVector) = self.decode(buffer).map { _ map f }

   * Transforms using two functions, `A => Attempt[B]` and `B => A`.
   * The supplied functions form an injection from `B` to `A`. Hence, this method converts from
   * a larger to a smaller type. Hence, the name `narrow`.
   * @group combinators
  final def narrow[B](f: A => Attempt[B], g: B => A): Codec[B] = exmap(f, b => Attempt.successful(g(b)))

   * Transforms using two functions, `A => B` and `B => Attempt[A]`.
   * The supplied functions form an injection from `A` to `B`. Hence, this method converts from
   * a smaller to a larger type. Hence, the name `widen`.
   * @group combinators
  final def widen[B](f: A => B, g: B => Attempt[A]): Codec[B] = exmap(a => Attempt.successful(f(a)), g)

   * Lifts this codec in to a codec of a singleton hlist.
   * @group hlist
  final def hlist: Codec[A :: HNil] = xmap(_ :: HNil, _.head)

   * Creates a `Codec[(A, B)]` that first encodes/decodes an `A` followed by a `B`.
   * @group tuple
  final def pairedWith[B](codecB: Codec[B]): Codec[(A, B)] = new codecs.TupleCodec(this, codecB)

   * Creates a `Codec[(A, B)]` that first encodes/decodes an `A` followed by a `B`.
   * Operator alias for [[pairedWith]].
   * @group tuple
  final def ~[B](codecB: Codec[B]): Codec[(A, B)] = pairedWith(codecB)

   * Assuming `A` is `Unit`, creates a `Codec[B]` that: encodes the unit followed by a `B`;
   * decodes a unit followed by a `B` and discards the decoded unit.
   * @group tuple
  final def dropLeft[B](codecB: Codec[B])(implicit ev: Unit =:= A): Codec[B] =
    pairedWith(codecB).xmap[B]({ case (a, b) => b }, b => (ev(()), b))

   * Assuming `A` is `Unit`, creates a `Codec[B]` that: encodes the unit followed by a `B`;
   * decodes a unit followed by a `B` and discards the decoded unit.
   * Operator alias of [[dropLeft]].
   * @group tuple
  final def ~>[B](codecB: Codec[B])(implicit ev: Unit =:= A): Codec[B] = dropLeft(codecB)

   * Assuming `B` is `Unit`, creates a `Codec[A]` that: encodes the `A` followed by a unit;
   * decodes an `A` followed by a unit and discards the decoded unit.
   * @group tuple
  final def dropRight[B](codecB: Codec[B])(implicit ev: Unit =:= B): Codec[A] =
    pairedWith(codecB).xmap[A]({ case (a, b) => a }, a => (a, ev(())))

   * Assuming `B` is `Unit`, creates a `Codec[A]` that: encodes the `A` followed by a unit;
   * decodes an `A` followed by a unit and discards the decoded unit.
   * Operator alias of [[dropRight]].
   * @group tuple
  final def <~[B](codecB: Codec[B])(implicit ev: Unit =:= B): Codec[A] = dropRight(codecB)

   * Converts this codec to an `HList` based codec by flattening all left nested pairs.
   * For example, `flattenLeftPairs` on a `Codec[(((A, B), C), D)]` results in a
   * `Codec[A :: B :: C :: D :: HNil]`. This is particularly useful when combined
   * with `~`, `~>`, and `<~`.
   * @group tuple
  final def flattenLeftPairs(implicit f: codecs.FlattenLeftPairs[A]): Codec[f.Out] =
    xmap(a => f.flatten(a), l => f.unflatten(l))

   * Converts this to a `Codec[Unit]` that encodes using the specified zero value and
   * decodes a unit value when this codec decodes an `A` successfully.
   * @group combinators
  final def unit(zero: A): Codec[Unit] = xmap[Unit](_ => (), _ => zero)

   * Returns a new codec that encodes/decodes a value of type `(A, B)` where the codec of `B` is dependent on `A`.
   * @group tuple
  final def flatZip[B](f: A => Codec[B]): Codec[(A, B)] = new Codec[(A, B)] {
    def sizeBound: SizeBound = self.sizeBound.atLeast
    override def encode(t: (A, B)) = Codec.encodeBoth(self, f(t._1))(t._1, t._2)
    override def decode(buffer: BitVector) = (for {
      a <- self
      b <- f(a)
    } yield (a, b)).decode(buffer)

   * Returns a new codec that encodes/decodes a value of type `(A, B)` where the codec of `B` is dependent on `A`.
   * Operator alias for [[flatZip]].
   * @group tuple
  final def >>~[B](f: A => Codec[B]): Codec[(A, B)] = flatZip(f)

   * Similar to `flatZip` except the `A` type is not visible in the resulting type -- the binary
   * effects of the `Codec[A]` still occur though.
   * Example usage: {{{
     case class Flags(x: Boolean, y: Boolean, z: Boolean)
     (bool :: bool :: bool :: ignore(5)).consume { flgs =>
       conditional(flgs.x, uint8) :: conditional(flgs.y, uint8) :: conditional(flgs.z, uint8)
     } {
       case x :: y :: z :: HNil => Flags(x.isDefined, y.isDefined, z.isDefined) }
   * Note that when `B` is an `HList`, this method is equivalent to using `flatPrepend` and
   * `derive`. That is,
   * `a.consume(f)(g) === a.flatPrepend(f).derive[A].from(g)`.
   * @group combinators
  final def consume[B](f: A => Codec[B])(g: B => A): Codec[B] = new Codec[B] {
    def sizeBound = self.sizeBound.atLeast
    def encode(b: B) = {
      val a = g(b)
      for {
        encA <- self.encode(a)
        encB <- f(a).encode(b)
      } yield encA ++ encB
    def decode(bv: BitVector) = (for {
      a <- self
      b <- f(a)
    } yield b).decode(bv)

  final override def complete: Codec[A] = Codec(this, super.complete)

  final override def compact: Codec[A] = Codec(super.compact, this)

   * Safely lifts this codec to a codec of a supertype.
   * When a subtype of `B` that is not a subtype of `A` is passed to encode,
   * an encoding error is returned.
   * @group combinators
  final def upcast[B >: A](implicit ta: Typeable[A]): Codec[B] = new Codec[B] {
    def sizeBound: SizeBound = self.sizeBound
    def encode(b: B) = ta.cast(b) match {
      case Some(a) => self encode a
      case None => Attempt.failure(Err(s"not a value of type ${ta.describe}"))
    def decode(bv: BitVector) = self decode bv
    override def toString = self.toString

   * Safely lifts this codec to a codec of a subtype.
   * When a supertype of `B` that is not a supertype of `A` is decoded,
   * an decoding error is returned.
   * @group combinators
  final def downcast[B <: A](implicit tb: Typeable[B]): Codec[B] = new Codec[B] {
    def sizeBound: SizeBound = self.sizeBound
    def encode(b: B) = self encode b
    def decode(bv: BitVector) = self.decode(bv).flatMap { result =>
      tb.cast(result.value) match {
        case Some(b) => Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(b, result.remainder))
        case None => Attempt.failure(Err(s"not a value of type ${tb.describe}"))
    override def toString = self.toString

   * Creates a new codec that is functionally equivalent to this codec but pushes the specified
   * context string in to any errors returned from encode or decode.
   * @group combinators
  final def withContext(context: String): Codec[A] = new Codec[A] {
    def sizeBound: SizeBound = self.sizeBound
    override def encode(a: A) = self.encode(a).mapErr { _ pushContext context }
    override def decode(buffer: BitVector) = self.decode(buffer).mapErr { _ pushContext context }
    override def toString = s"$context($self)"

   * Creates a new codec that is functionally equivalent to this codec but returns the specified string from `toString`.
   * @group combinators
  final def withToString(str: => String): Codec[A] = new Codec[A] {
    override def sizeBound: SizeBound = self.sizeBound
    override def encode(a: A) = self.encode(a)
    override def decode(buffer: BitVector) = self.decode(buffer)
    override def toString = str

   * Supports creation of a coproduct codec. See [[scodec.codecs.CoproductCodecBuilder]] for details.
   * @group coproduct
  def :+:[B](left: Codec[B]): codecs.CoproductCodecBuilder[B :+: A :+: CNil, Codec[B] :: Codec[A] :: HNil, B :+: A :+: CNil] =
    codecs.CoproductCodecBuilder(left :: self :: HNil)

   * Lifts this codec to a codec of a shapeless field -- allowing it to be used in records and unions.
   * @group combinators
  def toField[K]: Codec[FieldType[K, A]] =
    xmap[FieldType[K, A]](a => labelled.field[K](a), identity)

   * Lifts this codec to a codec of a shapeless field -- allowing it to be used in records and unions.
   * The specified key is pushed in to the context of any errors that are returned from the resulting codec.
   * @group combinators
  def toFieldWithContext[K <: Symbol](k: K): Codec[FieldType[K, A]] =

  override def decodeOnly[AA >: A]: Codec[AA] = {
    val sup = super.decodeOnly[AA]
    new Codec[AA] {
      def sizeBound = self.sizeBound
      def encode(a: AA) = sup.encode(a)
      def decode(bits: BitVector) = sup.decode(bits)

 * Companion for [[Codec]].
 * @groupname ctor Constructors
 * @groupprio ctor 1
 * @groupname conv Conveniences
 * @groupprio conv 2
 * @groupname inst Supporting Instances
 * @groupprio inst 3
object Codec extends EncoderFunctions with DecoderFunctions {

   * Creates a codec from encoder and decoder functions.
   * @group ctor
  def apply[A](encoder: A => Attempt[BitVector], decoder: BitVector => Attempt[DecodeResult[A]]): Codec[A] = new Codec[A] {
    override def sizeBound: SizeBound = SizeBound.unknown
    override def encode(a: A) = encoder(a)
    override def decode(bits: BitVector) = decoder(bits)

   * Creates a codec from an encoder and a decoder.
   * @group ctor
  def apply[A](encoder: Encoder[A], decoder: Decoder[A]): Codec[A] = new Codec[A] {
    override def sizeBound: SizeBound = encoder.sizeBound
    override def encode(a: A) = encoder.encode(a)
    override def decode(bits: BitVector) = decoder.decode(bits)

   * Gets an implicitly available codec for type `A`.
   * If an implicit `Codec[A]` is not available, one might be able to be derived automatically.
   * Codecs can be derived for:
   *  - case classes (and hlists and records), where each component type of the case class either has an
   *    implicitly available codec or one can be automatically derived
   *  - sealed class hierarchies (and coproducts and unions), where:
   *    - the root type, `A`, has an implicitly available `Discriminated[A, D]` for some `D`
   *    - each subtype has an implicitly available codec or can have one derived
   *    - each subtype `X` has an implicitly available `Discriminator[A, X, D]`
   * @group ctor
  def apply[A](implicit c: Lazy[Codec[A]]): Codec[A] = c.value

   * Provides a `Codec[A]` that delegates to a lazily evaluated `Codec[A]`.
   * Typically used to consruct codecs for recursive structures.
   * @group ctor
  def lazily[A](codec: => Codec[A]): Codec[A] = new Codec[A] {
    // Avoid use of lazy val to avoid synchronization - okay to race on creation of codec,
    // and okay for multiple threads to compute their own codecs
    private var _c: Codec[A] = null
    private def c: Codec[A] = {
      if (_c eq null) {
        _c = codec
        if (_c eq null) throw new NullPointerException("lazy codec constructor returned null")
    def sizeBound = c.sizeBound
    def encode(a: A) = c.encode(a)
    def decode(b: BitVector) = c.decode(b)
    override def toString = s"lazily($c)"

   * Encodes the specified value to a bit vector using an implicitly available codec.
   * @group conv
  def encode[A](a: A)(implicit c: Lazy[Codec[A]]): Attempt[BitVector] = c.value.encode(a)

   * Decodes the specified bit vector in to a value of type `A` using an implicitly available codec.
   * @group conv
  def decode[A](bits: BitVector)(implicit c: Lazy[Codec[A]]): Attempt[DecodeResult[A]] = c.value.decode(bits)

   * Supports derived codecs.
   * @group ctor
  implicit val deriveHNil: Codec[HNil] =

   * Supports derived codecs.
   * @group ctor
  implicit def deriveProduct[H, T <: HList](implicit headCodec: Lazy[Codec[H]], tailAux: Lazy[Codec[T]]): Codec[H :: T] =
    headCodec.value :: tailAux.value

   * Supports derived codecs.
   * @group ctor
  implicit def deriveRecord[KH <: Symbol, VH, TRec <: HList, KT <: HList](implicit
    keys: Keys.Aux[FieldType[KH, VH] :: TRec, KH :: KT],
    headCodec: Lazy[Codec[VH]],
    tailAux: Lazy[Codec[TRec]]
  ): Codec[FieldType[KH, VH] :: TRec] = lazily {
    val headFieldCodec: Codec[FieldType[KH, VH]] = headCodec.value.toFieldWithContext(keys().head)
    headFieldCodec :: tailAux.value

   * Supports derived codecs.
   * @group ctor
  implicit def deriveLabelledGeneric[A, Rec <: HList](implicit
    lgen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, Rec],
    auto: Lazy[Codec[Rec]]
  ): Codec[A] = auto.value.xmap(lgen.from,

   * Supports derived codecs.
   * @group ctor
  implicit def deriveCoproduct[A, D, C0 <: Coproduct](implicit
    discriminated: codecs.Discriminated[A, D],
    auto: codecs.CoproductBuilderAuto[A] { type C = C0 },
    auto2: codecs.CoproductBuilderAutoDiscriminators[A, C0, D]
  ): Codec[A] =

   * Creates a coproduct codec builder for the specified type.
   * Support exists for coproducts and unions.
   * Each component type must have an implicitly available codec.
   * For example:
  type C = Foo :+: Bar :+: Baz :+: CNil
  val codec = Codec.coproduct[C].choice
   * @group ctor
  def coproduct[A](implicit auto: codecs.CoproductBuilderAuto[A]): auto.Out = auto.apply

   * Transform typeclass instance.
   * @group inst
  implicit val transformInstance: Transform[Codec] = new Transform[Codec] {
    def exmap[A, B](codec: Codec[A], f: A => Attempt[B], g: B => Attempt[A]): Codec[B] =
      codec.exmap(f, g)

    override def xmap[A, B](codec: Codec[A], f: A => B, g: B => A): Codec[B] =
      codec.xmap(f, g)

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