scodec.Codec.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2013, Scodec
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors
* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
* specific prior written permission.
package scodec
import scala.deriving.*
import scala.compiletime.*
import scodec.bits.{BitVector, ByteVector}
/** Supports encoding a value of type `A` to a `BitVector` and decoding a `BitVector` to a value of `A`.
* Not every value of `A` can be encoded to a bit vector and similarly, not every bit vector can be decoded to a value
* of type `A`. Hence, both encode and decode return either an error or the result. Furthermore, decode returns the
* remaining bits in the bit vector that it did not use in decoding.
* There are various ways to create instances of `Codec`. The trait can be implemented directly or one of the
* constructor methods in the companion can be used (e.g., `apply`). Most of the methods on `Codec`
* create return a new codec that has been transformed in some way. For example, the [[xmap]] method
* converts a `Codec[A]` to a `Codec[B]` given two functions, `A => B` and `B => A`.
* One of the simplest transformation methods is `def withContext(context: String): Codec[A]`, which
* pushes the specified context string in to any errors (i.e., `Err`s) returned from encode or decode.
* See the methods on this trait for additional transformation types.
* See the [[codecs]] package object for pre-defined codecs for many common data types and combinators for building larger
* codecs out of smaller ones.
* ## Tuple Codecs
* The `::` operator supports combining a `Codec[A]` and a `Codec[B]` in to a `Codec[(A, B)]`.
* For example: {{{
* val codec: Codec[(Int, Int, Int)] = uint8 :: uint8 :: uint8
* }}}
* There are various methods on `Codec` that only work on `Codec[A]` for some `A <: Tuple`. Besides the aforementioned
* `::` method, they include methods like `++`, `flatPrepend`, `flatConcat`, etc. One particularly useful method is
* `dropUnits`, which removes any `Unit` values from the tuple.
* Given a `Codec[(X0, X1, ..., Xn)]` and a case class with types `X0` to `Xn` in the same order,
* the codec can be turned in to a case class codec via the `as` method. For example:
* {{{
* case class Point(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int)
* val threeInts: Codec[(Int, Int, Int)] = uint8 :: uint8 :: uint8
* val point: Codec[Point] = threeInts.as[Point]
* }}}
* ### flatZip
* Sometimes when combining codecs, a latter codec depends on a formerly decoded value.
* The `flatZip` method is important in these types of situations -- it represents a dependency between
* the left hand side and right hand side. Its signature is `def flatZip[B](f: A => Codec[B]): Codec[(A, B)]`.
* This is similar to `flatMap` except the return type is `Codec[(A, B)]` instead of `Decoder[B]`.
* Consider a binary format of an 8-bit unsigned integer indicating the number of bytes following it.
* To implement this with `flatZip`, we could write: {{{
* val x: Codec[(Int, ByteVector)] = uint8.flatZip { numBytes => bytes(numBytes) }
* val y: Codec[ByteVector] = x.xmap[ByteVector]({ case (_, bv) => bv }, bv => (bv.size, bv))
* }}}
* In this example, `x` is a `Codec[(Int, ByteVector)]` but we do not need the size directly in the model
* because it is redundant with the size stored in the `ByteVector`. Hence, we remove the `Int` by
* `xmap`-ping over `x`. The notion of removing redundant data from models comes up frequently.
* Note: there is a combinator that expresses this pattern more succinctly -- `variableSizeBytes(uint8, bytes)`.
* ### flatPrepend
* When the function passed to `flatZip` returns a `Codec[B]` where `B <: Tuple`, you end up creating
* right nested tuples instead of a extending the arity of a single tuple. To do the latter, there's
* `flatPrepend`. It has the signature: {{{
* def flatPrepend[B <: Tuple](f: A => Codec[B]): Codec[A *: B]
* }}}
* It forms a codec of `A` consed on to `B` when called on a `Codec[A]` and passed a function `A => Codec[B]`.
* Note that the specified function must return a tuple codec. Implementing our example from earlier
* using `flatPrepend`: {{{
* val x: Codec[(Int, ByteVector)] = uint8.flatPrepend { numBytes => bytes(numBytes).tuple }
* }}}
* In this example, `bytes(numBytes)` returns a `Codec[ByteVector]` so we called `.tuple` on it to lift it
* in to a `Codec[ByteVector *: Unit]`.
* There are similar methods for flat appending and flat concating.
* ## Derived Codecs
* Codecs for case classes and sealed class hierarchies can often be automatically derived.
* Consider this example: {{{
* case class Point(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) derives Codec
* Codec[Point].encode(Point(1, 2, 3))
* }}}
* In this example, no explicit codec was defined for `Point` and instead, one was derived as a result
* of the `derives Codec` clause. Derivation of a codec for a case class requires each element of the case class to
* have a given codec of the corresponding type. In this case, each element was an `Int` and there is
* a `Codec[Int]` given in the companion of `Codec`.
* Derived codecs include the name of each element in any errors produced when encoding/decoding the element.
* This works similarly for ADTs / sealed class hierarchies. The binary form is represented as a single
* unsigned 8-bit integer representing the ordinal of the sum, followed by the derived form of the product.
* Full examples are available in the test directory of this project.
trait Codec[A] extends Encoder[A], Decoder[A]:
self =>
/** Transforms this codec to a `Codec[B]` if `A` is isomorphic to `B`.
* This is most commonly used to convert a tuple codec to a case class:
* @example {{{
* case class Point(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int)
* val c: Codec[(Int, Int, Int)] = int8 :: int8 :: int8
* val p: Codec[Point] = c.as[Point]
* }}}
def as[B](using iso: Iso[A, B]): Codec[B] = xmap(iso.to, iso.from)
/** Transforms using two functions, `A => Attempt[B]` and `B => Attempt[A]`.
final def exmap[B](f: A => Attempt[B], g: B => Attempt[A]): Codec[B] = new Codec[B]:
def sizeBound: SizeBound = self.sizeBound
def encode(b: B) = self.econtramap(g).encode(b)
def decode(buffer: BitVector) = self.emap(f).decode(buffer)
/** Transforms using the isomorphism described by two functions, `A => B` and `B => A`.
final def xmap[B](f: A => B, g: B => A): Codec[B] = new Codec[B]:
def sizeBound: SizeBound = self.sizeBound
def encode(b: B) = self.encode(g(b))
def decode(buffer: BitVector) = self.decode(buffer).map(_.map(f))
/** Lifts this codec in to a codec of a singleton tuple.
final def tuple: Codec[A *: EmptyTuple] = xmap(_ *: Tuple(), _.head)
@deprecated("Use .tuple instead", "2.0.0")
final def hlist: Codec[A *: EmptyTuple] = tuple
/** Assuming `A` is `Unit`, creates a `Codec[B]` that: encodes the unit followed by a `B`;
* decodes a unit followed by a `B` and discards the decoded unit.
final def dropLeft[B](codecB: Codec[B])(using ev: Unit =:= A): Codec[B] =
(this :: codecB).xmap[B]((_, b) => b, b => (ev(()), b))
/** Assuming `A` is `Unit`, creates a `Codec[B]` that: encodes the unit followed by a `B`;
* decodes a unit followed by a `B` and discards the decoded unit.
* Operator alias of [[dropLeft]].
final def ~>[B](codecB: Codec[B])(using Unit =:= A): Codec[B] = dropLeft(codecB)
/** Assuming `B` is `Unit`, creates a `Codec[A]` that: encodes the `A` followed by a unit;
* decodes an `A` followed by a unit and discards the decoded unit.
final def dropRight[B](codecB: Codec[B])(using ev: Unit =:= B): Codec[A] =
(this :: codecB).xmap[A]((a, _) => a, a => (a, ev(())))
/** Assuming `B` is `Unit`, creates a `Codec[A]` that: encodes the `A` followed by a unit;
* decodes an `A` followed by a unit and discards the decoded unit.
* Operator alias of [[dropRight]].
final def <~[B](codecB: Codec[B])(using Unit =:= B): Codec[A] = dropRight(codecB)
/** Converts this to a `Codec[Unit]` that encodes using the specified zero value and
* decodes a unit value when this codec decodes an `A` successfully.
final def unit(zero: A): Codec[Unit] = xmap[Unit](_ => (), _ => zero)
/** Returns a new codec that encodes/decodes a value of type `(A, B)` where the codec of `B` is dependent on `A`.
final def flatZip[B](f: A => Codec[B]): Codec[(A, B)] = new Codec[(A, B)]:
def sizeBound: SizeBound = self.sizeBound.atLeast
override def encode(t: (A, B)) = Codec.encodeBoth(self, f(t._1))(t._1, t._2)
override def decode(buffer: BitVector) =
a <- self
b <- f(a)
yield (a, b)).decode(buffer)
/** Returns a new codec that encodes/decodes a value of type `(A, B)` where the codec of `B` is dependent on `A`.
* Operator alias for [[flatZip]].
final def >>~[B](f: A => Codec[B]): Codec[(A, B)] = flatZip(f)
/** Similar to `flatZip` except the `A` type is not visible in the resulting type -- the binary
* effects of the `Codec[A]` still occur though.
* Example usage: {{{
* case class Flags(x: Boolean, y: Boolean, z: Boolean)
* (bool :: bool :: bool :: ignore(5)).consume { flgs =>
* conditional(flgs.x, uint8) :: conditional(flgs.y, uint8) :: conditional(flgs.z, uint8)
* } {
* case (x, y, z) => Flags(x.isDefined, y.isDefined, z.isDefined) }
* }
* }}}
final def consume[B](f: A => Codec[B])(g: B => A): Codec[B] = new Codec[B]:
def sizeBound = self.sizeBound.atLeast
def encode(b: B) =
val a = g(b)
encA <- self.encode(a)
encB <- f(a).encode(b)
yield encA ++ encB
def decode(bv: BitVector) =
a <- self
b <- f(a)
yield b).decode(bv)
final override def complete: Codec[A] = Codec(this, super.complete)
final override def compact: Codec[A] = Codec(super.compact, this)
/** Safely lifts this codec to a codec of a supertype.
* When a subtype of `B` that is not a subtype of `A` is passed to encode,
* an encoding error is returned.
final def upcast[B >: A](using reflect.TypeTest[B, A]): Codec[B] = new Codec[B]:
def sizeBound: SizeBound = self.sizeBound
def encode(b: B) = b match
case a: A => self.encode(a)
case _ => Attempt.failure(Err("not a value of desired type"))
def decode(bv: BitVector) = self.decode(bv)
override def toString = self.toString
/** Safely lifts this codec to a codec of a subtype.
* When a supertype of `B` that is not a supertype of `A` is decoded,
* an decoding error is returned.
final def downcast[B <: A](using reflect.TypeTest[A, B]): Codec[B] = new Codec[B]:
def sizeBound: SizeBound = self.sizeBound
def encode(b: B) = self.encode(b)
def decode(bv: BitVector) = self.decode(bv).flatMap { result =>
result.value match
case b: B => Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(b, result.remainder))
case _ => Attempt.failure(Err("not a value of desired type"))
override def toString = self.toString
/** Creates a new codec that is functionally equivalent to this codec but pushes the specified
* context string in to any errors returned from encode or decode.
final def withContext(context: String): Codec[A] = new Codec[A]:
def sizeBound: SizeBound = self.sizeBound
override def encode(a: A) = self.encode(a).mapErr(_.pushContext(context))
override def decode(buffer: BitVector) = self.decode(buffer).mapErr(_.pushContext(context))
override def toString = s"$context($self)"
/** Creates a new codec that is functionally equivalent to this codec but returns the specified string from `toString`.
final def withToString(str: => String): Codec[A] = new Codec[A]:
override def sizeBound: SizeBound = self.sizeBound
override def encode(a: A) = self.encode(a)
override def decode(buffer: BitVector) = self.decode(buffer)
override def toString = str
override def decodeOnly[AA >: A]: Codec[AA] =
val sup = super.decodeOnly[AA]
new Codec[AA]:
def sizeBound = self.sizeBound
def encode(a: AA) = sup.encode(a)
def decode(bits: BitVector) = sup.decode(bits)
/** Companion for [[Codec]].
object Codec extends EncoderFunctions, DecoderFunctions:
inline def apply[A](using c: Codec[A]): Codec[A] = c
/** Creates a codec from encoder and decoder functions.
def apply[A](
encoder: A => Attempt[BitVector],
decoder: BitVector => Attempt[DecodeResult[A]]
): Codec[A] = new Codec[A]:
override def sizeBound: SizeBound = SizeBound.unknown
override def encode(a: A) = encoder(a)
override def decode(bits: BitVector) = decoder(bits)
/** Creates a codec from an encoder and a decoder.
def apply[A](encoder: Encoder[A], decoder: Decoder[A]): Codec[A] = new Codec[A]:
override def sizeBound: SizeBound = encoder.sizeBound
override def encode(a: A) = encoder.encode(a)
override def decode(bits: BitVector) = decoder.decode(bits)
/** Provides a `Codec[A]` that delegates to a lazily evaluated `Codec[A]`.
* Typically used to consruct codecs for recursive structures.
def lazily[A](codec: => Codec[A]): Codec[A] = new Codec[A]:
lazy val c: Codec[A] = codec
def sizeBound = c.sizeBound
def encode(a: A) = c.encode(a)
def decode(b: BitVector) = c.decode(b)
override def toString = s"lazily($c)"
extension [A <: Tuple](codecA: Codec[A])
inline def dropUnits: Codec[DropUnits[A]] =
codecA.xmap(a => DropUnits.drop(a), b => DropUnits.insert(b))
/** When called on a `Codec[A]` for some `A <: Tuple`, returns a new codec that encodes/decodes
* the tuple `A` followed by the value `B`, where the latter is encoded/decoded with the codec
* returned from applying `A` to `f`.
extension [A <: Tuple, B](codecA: Codec[A])
inline def flatAppend(f: A => Codec[B]): Codec[Tuple.Concat[A, B *: EmptyTuple]] =
inlineImplementations.FlatAppendCodec(constValue[Tuple.Size[A]], codecA, f)
/** Builds a `Codec[A *: B]` from a `Codec[A]` and a `Codec[B]` where `B` is a tuple type.
* That is, this operator is a codec-level tuple prepend operation.
* @param codec codec to prepend
extension [A, B <: Tuple](codecA: Codec[A])
def ::(codecB: Codec[B]): Codec[A *: B] =
inlineImplementations.ConsCodec(codecA, codecB)
/** `codecB :+ codecA` returns a new codec that encodes/decodes the tuple `B` followed by an `A`.
* That is, this operator is a codec-level tuple append operation.
extension [A, B <: Tuple](codecB: Codec[B])
inline def :+(codecA: Codec[A]): Codec[Tuple.Concat[B, A *: EmptyTuple]] =
codecB ++ codecA.tuple
/** Builds a `Codec[A ++ B]` from a `Codec[A]` and a `Codec[B]` where `A` and `B` are tuples.
* That is, this operator is a codec-level tuple concat operation.
* @param codecA codec to concat
extension [A <: Tuple, B <: Tuple](codecA: Codec[A])
inline def ++(codecB: Codec[B]): Codec[Tuple.Concat[A, B]] =
inlineImplementations.ConcatCodec(constValue[Tuple.Size[A]], codecA, codecB)
/** When called on a `Codec[A]` for some `A <: Tuple`, returns a new codec that encodes/decodes
* the tuple `A` followed by the tuple `B`, where the latter is encoded/decoded with the codec
* returned from applying `A` to `f`.
extension [A <: Tuple, B <: Tuple](codecA: Codec[A])
inline def flatConcat(f: A => Codec[B]): Codec[Tuple.Concat[A, B]] =
inlineImplementations.FlatConcatCodec(constValue[Tuple.Size[A]], codecA, f)
/** When called on a `Codec[A]` where `A` is not a tuple, creates a new codec that encodes/decodes a tuple of `(B, A)`.
* For example, {{{uint8 :: utf8}}} has type `Codec[(Int, Int)]`.
extension [A, B](a: Codec[A])
def ::(b: Codec[B])(using DummyImplicit): Codec[(A, B)] =
inlineImplementations.PairCodec(a, b)
/** Creates a new codec that encodes/decodes a tuple of `A :: B` given a function `A => Codec[B]`.
* This allows later parts of a tuple codec to be dependent on earlier values.
extension [A, B <: Tuple](codecA: Codec[A])
def flatPrepend(f: A => Codec[B]): Codec[A *: B] =
new Codec[A *: B]:
def sizeBound = codecA.sizeBound.atLeast
def encode(ab: A *: B) = encodeBoth(codecA, f(ab.head))(ab.head, ab.tail)
def decode(b: BitVector) =
a <- codecA
l <- f(a)
yield a *: l).decode(b)
override def toString = s"flatPrepend($codecA, $f)"
/** Constructs a `Codec[(A, B, ..., N)]` from a tuple `(Codec[A], Codec[B], ..., Codec[N])`.
def fromTuple[A <: Tuple: Tuple.IsMappedBy[Codec]](a: A): Codec[Tuple.InverseMap[A, Codec]] =
def go[X <: Tuple](x: X): Codec[? <: Tuple] = x match
case hd *: tl => hd.asInstanceOf[Codec[?]] :: go(tl)
case EmptyTuple => codecs.provide(EmptyTuple)
go(a).asInstanceOf[Codec[Tuple.InverseMap[A, Codec]]]
inline given derivedTuple[A <: Tuple]: Codec[A] =
lazy val componentCodecs =
summonAll[Tuple.Map[A, Codec]].toList.asInstanceOf[List[Codec[Any]]].toArray
inline def derived[A](using m: Mirror.Of[A]): Codec[A] =
lazy val componentCodecs =
val unlabelled =
summonCodecInstances[A, m.MirroredElemTypes].asInstanceOf[List[Codec[Any]]].toArray
val labels = constValueTuple[m.MirroredElemLabels].toList.asInstanceOf[List[String]]
.map: (codec, label) =>
inline m match
case p: Mirror.ProductOf[A] =>
met => p.fromTuple(met),
a => Tuple.fromProduct(a.asInstanceOf[Product]).asInstanceOf[p.MirroredElemTypes]
case s: Mirror.SumOf[A] =>
inlineImplementations.SumCodec(s, componentCodecs)
// From https://github.com/scala/scala3/blob/ebbd685cfb02e1935afb9b4fd568643315825c57/docs/_docs/reference/contextual/derivation.md
private inline def summonCodecInstances[T, Elems <: Tuple]: List[Codec[?]] =
inline erasedValue[Elems] match
case _: (elem *: elems) => deriveOrSummonCodec[T, elem] :: summonCodecInstances[T, elems]
case _: EmptyTuple => Nil
// From https://github.com/scala/scala3/blob/ebbd685cfb02e1935afb9b4fd568643315825c57/docs/_docs/reference/contextual/derivation.md
private inline def deriveOrSummonCodec[T, Elem]: Codec[Elem] =
inline erasedValue[Elem & Matchable] match
case _: T => deriveCodecRecursive[T, Elem]
case _ => summonInline[Codec[Elem]]
// From https://github.com/scala/scala3/blob/ebbd685cfb02e1935afb9b4fd568643315825c57/docs/_docs/reference/contextual/derivation.md
private inline def deriveCodecRecursive[T, Elem]: Codec[Elem] =
inline erasedValue[T & Matchable] match
case _: Elem => error("infinite recursive derivation")
case _ => Codec.derived[Elem](using summonInline[Mirror.Of[Elem]])
/** Implementations for various inline defs. Do not use directly! No binary compatibility provided for classes in this package. */
object inlineImplementations:
final class ConcatCodec[A <: Tuple, B <: Tuple](
sizeA: Tuple.Size[A],
codecA: Codec[A],
codecB: Codec[B]
) extends Codec[Tuple.Concat[A, B]]:
def sizeBound = codecA.sizeBound + codecB.sizeBound
def encode(ab: Tuple.Concat[A, B]) =
val (prefix, suffix) = ab.splitAt(sizeA)
encodeBoth(codecA, codecB)(prefix.asInstanceOf[A], suffix.asInstanceOf[B])
def decode(bv: BitVector) =
decodeBoth(codecA, codecB)(bv).map(
_.map((a: A, b: B) => a ++ b)
override def toString = s"$codecA ++ $codecB"
final class ConsCodec[A, B <: Tuple](codecA: Codec[A], codecB: Codec[B]) extends Codec[A *: B]:
def sizeBound = codecA.sizeBound + codecB.sizeBound
def encode(ab: A *: B) = encodeBoth(codecA, codecB)(ab.head, ab.tail)
def decode(bv: BitVector) = decodeBoth(codecA, codecB)(bv).map(_.map(_ *: _))
override def toString = s"$codecA :: $codecB"
final class FlatAppendCodec[A <: Tuple, B](
sizeA: Tuple.Size[A],
codecA: Codec[A],
f: A => Codec[B]
) extends Codec[Tuple.Concat[A, B *: EmptyTuple]]:
def sizeBound = codecA.sizeBound.atLeast
def encode(ab: Tuple.Concat[A, B *: EmptyTuple]) =
val (a, b) = ab.splitAt(sizeA).asInstanceOf[(A, B *: EmptyTuple)]
encodeBoth(codecA, f(a))(a, b.head)
def decode(bv: BitVector) =
case DecodeResult(a, rem) =>
.map(_.map(b => a ++ (b *: EmptyTuple)))
override def toString = s"$codecA.flatAppend()"
final class FlatConcatCodec[A <: Tuple, B <: Tuple](
sizeA: Tuple.Size[A],
codecA: Codec[A],
f: A => Codec[B]
) extends Codec[Tuple.Concat[A, B]]:
def sizeBound = codecA.sizeBound.atLeast
def encode(ab: Tuple.Concat[A, B]) =
val (a, b) = ab.splitAt(sizeA).asInstanceOf[(A, B)]
encodeBoth(codecA, f(a))(a, b)
def decode(bv: BitVector) =
case DecodeResult(a, rem) =>
f(a).decode(rem).map(_.map(b => a ++ b))
override def toString = s"$codecA.flatConcat()"
final class PairCodec[A, B](a: Codec[A], b: Codec[B]) extends Codec[(A, B)]:
def sizeBound = a.sizeBound + b.sizeBound
def encode(ab: (A, B)) = Codec.encodeBoth(a, b)(ab._1, ab._2)
def decode(bv: BitVector) = Codec.decodeBoth(a, b)(bv)
override def toString = s"$a :: $b"
final class TupleCodec[A <: Tuple](componentCodecs0: => Array[Codec[Any]]) extends Codec[A]:
private lazy val componentCodecs: Array[Codec[Any]] = componentCodecs0
def sizeBound = componentCodecs.foldLeft(SizeBound.exact(0L))(_ + _.sizeBound)
def encode(t: A) =
val components = t.toArray
var i = 0
var result: Attempt[BitVector] = null
var acc: BitVector = BitVector.empty
while i < componentCodecs.size && (result eq null) do
val codec = componentCodecs(i)
codec.encode(components(i)) match
case Attempt.Successful(enc) =>
acc = acc ++ enc
i += 1
case f @ Attempt.Failure(_) =>
result = f
if result ne null then result else Attempt.Successful(acc)
def decode(b: BitVector) =
var remaining = b
val components = new Array[Any](componentCodecs.size)
var i = 0
var result: Attempt[DecodeResult[A]] = null
while i < componentCodecs.length && (result eq null) do
val codec = componentCodecs(i)
codec.decode(remaining) match
case Attempt.Successful(DecodeResult(c, rem)) =>
components(i) = c
i += 1
remaining = rem
case f @ Attempt.Failure(_) =>
result = f
if result ne null then result
Attempt.Successful(DecodeResult(Tuple.fromArray(components).asInstanceOf[A], remaining))
override def toString = "TupleCodec"
final class SumCodec[A](mirror: Mirror.SumOf[A], caseCodecs0: => Array[Codec[Any]])
extends Codec[A]:
private lazy val caseCodecs: Array[Codec[Any]] = caseCodecs0
def sizeBound = caseCodecs.foldLeft(codecs.uint8.sizeBound)(_ + _.sizeBound)
def encode(a: A) =
val ordinal = mirror.ordinal(a)
Encoder.encodeBoth(codecs.uint8, caseCodecs(ordinal))(ordinal, a)
def decode(bits: BitVector) =
.flatMap(ordinal => caseCodecs(ordinal))
override def toString = "SumCodec"
given Codec[Byte] = codecs.byte
given Codec[Short] = codecs.short16
given Codec[Int] = codecs.int32
given Codec[Long] = codecs.int64
given Codec[Float] = codecs.float
given Codec[Double] = codecs.double
given Codec[String] = codecs.utf8_32
given Codec[Boolean] = codecs.bool(8)
given Codec[BitVector] = codecs.variableSizeBitsLong(codecs.int64, codecs.bits)
given Codec[ByteVector] = codecs.variableSizeBytesLong(codecs.int64, codecs.bytes)
given Codec[java.util.UUID] = codecs.uuid
given [A](using ccount: Codec[Int], ca: Codec[A]): Codec[List[A]] = codecs.listOfN(ccount, ca)
given [A](using ccount: Codec[Int], ca: Codec[A]): Codec[Vector[A]] = codecs.vectorOfN(ccount, ca)
given [A](using cguard: Codec[Boolean], ca: Codec[A]): Codec[Option[A]] =
codecs.optional(cguard, ca)
given Transform[Codec] with
extension [A, B](fa: Codec[A])
def exmap(f: A => Attempt[B], g: B => Attempt[A]): Codec[B] =
fa.exmap(f, g)
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