scodec.protocols.mpeg.transport.Demultiplexer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scodec.protocols.mpeg
package transport
import scala.language.higherKinds
import fs2._
import scodec.{ Attempt, Codec, DecodeResult, Err }
import scodec.Decoder
import scodec.bits._
import scodec.codecs.fixedSizeBits
import scodec.protocols.mpeg._
import scodec.protocols.mpeg.transport.psi.{ Section, SectionHeader, SectionCodec }
/** Supports depacketization of an MPEG transport stream, represented as a stream of `Packet`s. */
object Demultiplexer {
sealed trait Result
case class SectionResult(section: Section) extends Result
case class PesPacketResult(body: PesPacket) extends Result
* Indication that a header was decoded successfully and there was enough information on how to decode the body of the message.
* Upon receiving a result of this type, the demultiplexer will accumulate the number of bits specified by `neededBits` if that value
* is defined. If `neededBits` is undefined, the demultiplexer will accumulate all payload bits until the start of the next message (as
* indicated by the payload unit start indicator). When accumulation has completed, the specified decoder will be invoked to decode
* a message.
case class DecodeBody[A](neededBits: Option[Long], decoder: Decoder[A])
/** Error that indicates any data accumulated by the demultiplexer should be dropped and no further decoding should occur until the next
* payload start. */
case class ResetDecodeState(context: List[String]) extends Err {
def message = "reset decode state"
def pushContext(ctx: String) = ResetDecodeState(ctx :: context)
private sealed trait DecodeState
private object DecodeState {
case class AwaitingHeader(acc: BitVector, startedAtOffsetZero: Boolean) extends DecodeState
case class AwaitingBody[A](headerBits: BitVector, neededBits: Option[Long], bitsPostHeader: BitVector, decoder: Decoder[A]) extends DecodeState {
def decode: Attempt[DecodeResult[A]] = decoder.decode(bitsPostHeader)
def accumulate(data: BitVector): AwaitingBody[A] = copy(bitsPostHeader = bitsPostHeader ++ data)
private case class StepResult[+A](state: Option[DecodeState], output: Vector[Either[DemultiplexerError, A]]) {
def ++[AA >: A](that: StepResult[AA]): StepResult[AA] = StepResult(that.state, output ++ that.output)
private object StepResult {
def noOutput(state: Option[DecodeState]): StepResult[Nothing] = apply(state, Vector.empty)
def state(state: DecodeState): StepResult[Nothing] = StepResult(Some(state), Vector.empty)
def oneResult[A](state: Option[DecodeState], output: A): StepResult[A] = apply(state, Vector(Right(output)))
def oneError(state: Option[DecodeState], err: DemultiplexerError): StepResult[Nothing] = apply(state, Vector(Left(err)))
* Stream transducer that converts packets in to sections and PES packets.
* The packets may span PID values. De-packetization is performed on each PID and as whole messages are received,
* reassembled messages are emitted.
* PES packets emitted by this method never include parsed headers -- that is, every emitted PES packet is of
* type `PesPacket.WithoutHeader`. To get PES packets with parsed headers, use `demultiplexWithPesHeaders`.
* Errors encountered while depacketizing are emitted.
* Upon noticing a PID discontinuity, an error is emitted and PID decoding state is discarded, resulting in any in-progress
* section decoding to be lost for that PID.
def demultiplex[F[_]](sectionCodec: SectionCodec): Pipe[F, Packet, PidStamped[Either[DemultiplexerError, Result]]] =
demultiplexSectionsAndPesPackets(sectionCodec.decoder, pph => Decoder(b => Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(PesPacket.WithoutHeader(pph.streamId, b), BitVector.empty))))
/** Variant of `demultiplex` that parses PES packet headers. */
def demultiplexWithPesHeaders[F[_]](sectionCodec: SectionCodec): Pipe[F, Packet, PidStamped[Either[DemultiplexerError, Result]]] =
demultiplexSectionsAndPesPackets(sectionCodec.decoder, PesPacket.decoder)
/** Variant of `demultiplex` that allows section and PES decoding to be explicitly specified. */
def demultiplexSectionsAndPesPackets[F[_]](
decodeSectionBody: SectionHeader => Decoder[Section],
decodePesBody: PesPacketHeaderPrefix => Decoder[PesPacket]): Pipe[F, Packet, PidStamped[Either[DemultiplexerError, Result]]] = {
val stuffingByte = bin"11111111"
def decodeHeader(data: BitVector, startedAtOffsetZero: Boolean): Attempt[DecodeResult[DecodeBody[Result]]] = {
if (data.sizeLessThan(16)) {
Attempt.failure(Err.InsufficientBits(16, data.size, Nil))
} else if (data startsWith stuffingByte) {
} else {
if (startedAtOffsetZero && data.take(16) == hex"0001".bits) {
if (data.sizeLessThan(40)) {
Attempt.failure(Err.InsufficientBits(40, data.size, Nil))
} else {
Codec[PesPacketHeaderPrefix].decode(data.drop(16)) map { _ map { header =>
val neededBits = if (header.length == 0) None else Some(header.length * 8L)
DecodeBody(neededBits, decodePesBody(header).map(PesPacketResult.apply))
} else {
if (data.sizeLessThan(24)) {
Attempt.failure(Err.InsufficientBits(24, data.size, Nil))
} else {
Codec[SectionHeader].decode(data) map { _ map { header =>
DecodeBody(Some(header.length * 8L), decodeSectionBody(header).map(SectionResult.apply))
* Most general way to perform demultiplexing, allowing parsing of arbitrary headers and decoding of a specified output type.
* When processing the payload in a packet, the start of the payload is passed along to `decodeHeader`, which determines how to
* process the body of the message.
* In addition to the payload data, a flag is passed to `decodeHeader` -- true is passed when the payload data started at byte 0 of
* the packet and false is passed when the payload data started later in the packet.
* See the documentation on `DecodeBody` for more information.
def demultiplexGeneral[F[_], Out](
decodeHeader: (BitVector, Boolean) => Attempt[DecodeResult[DecodeBody[Out]]]
): Pipe[F, Packet, PidStamped[Either[DemultiplexerError, Out]]] = {
def processBody[A](awaitingBody: DecodeState.AwaitingBody[A], payloadUnitStartAfterData: Boolean): StepResult[Out] = {
val haveFullBody = awaitingBody.neededBits match {
case None => payloadUnitStartAfterData
case Some(needed) => awaitingBody.bitsPostHeader.size >= needed
if (haveFullBody) {
awaitingBody.decode match {
case Attempt.Successful(DecodeResult(body, remainder)) =>
val decoded = StepResult.oneResult(None, body.asInstanceOf[Out]) // Safe cast b/c DecodeBody must provide a Decoder[Out]
decoded ++ processHeader(remainder, false, payloadUnitStartAfterData)
case Attempt.Failure(err) =>
val out = {
if (err.isInstanceOf[ResetDecodeState]) Vector.empty
else Vector(Left(DemultiplexerError.Decoding(
awaitingBody.headerBits ++
map { n => awaitingBody.bitsPostHeader.take(n) }.
getOrElse(awaitingBody.bitsPostHeader), err)))
val failure = StepResult(None, out)
awaitingBody.neededBits match {
case Some(n) =>
val remainder = awaitingBody.bitsPostHeader.drop(n.toLong)
failure ++ processHeader(remainder, false, payloadUnitStartAfterData)
case None => failure
} else {
def processHeader(acc: BitVector, startedAtOffsetZero: Boolean, payloadUnitStartAfterData: Boolean): StepResult[Out] = {
decodeHeader(acc, startedAtOffsetZero) match {
case Attempt.Failure(e: Err.InsufficientBits) =>
StepResult.state(DecodeState.AwaitingHeader(acc, startedAtOffsetZero))
case Attempt.Failure(_: ResetDecodeState) =>
case Attempt.Failure(e) =>
StepResult.oneError(None, DemultiplexerError.Decoding(acc, e))
case Attempt.Successful(DecodeResult(DecodeBody(neededBits, decoder), bitsPostHeader)) =>
val guardedDecoder = neededBits match {
case None => decoder
case Some(n) => fixedSizeBits(n, decoder.decodeOnly)
processBody(DecodeState.AwaitingBody(acc.take(24L), neededBits, bitsPostHeader, guardedDecoder), payloadUnitStartAfterData)
def resume(state: DecodeState, newData: BitVector, payloadUnitStartAfterData: Boolean): StepResult[Out] = state match {
case ah: DecodeState.AwaitingHeader =>
processHeader(ah.acc ++ newData, ah.startedAtOffsetZero, payloadUnitStartAfterData)
case ab: DecodeState.AwaitingBody[_] =>
processBody(ab.accumulate(newData), payloadUnitStartAfterData)
def handlePacket(state: Option[DecodeState], packet: Packet): StepResult[Out] = {
packet.payload match {
case None => StepResult.noOutput(state)
case Some(payload) =>
val currentResult = state match {
case None => StepResult.noOutput(state)
case Some(state) =>
val currentData = { start => payload.take(start.toLong * 8L) }.getOrElse(payload)
resume(state, currentData, payloadUnitStartAfterData = packet.payloadUnitStart.isDefined)
packet.payloadUnitStart match {
case None =>
case Some(start) =>
val nextResult = processHeader(payload.drop(start * 8L), start == 0, false)
currentResult ++ nextResult
type ThisHandle = Stream.Handle[Pure, Either[PidStamped[DemultiplexerError.Discontinuity], Packet]]
type ThisPull = Pull[Pure, PidStamped[Either[DemultiplexerError, Out]], ThisHandle]
def go(state: Map[Pid, DecodeState]): ThisHandle => ThisPull = h => {
h.receive1 {
case Left(discontinuity) #: tl =>
Pull.output1(PidStamped(, Left(discontinuity.value))) >> go(state -
case Right(packet) #: tl =>
val pid =
val oldStateForPid = state.get(pid)
val result = handlePacket(oldStateForPid, packet)
val newState = { s => state.updated(pid, s) }.getOrElse(state - pid)
Pull.output(Chunk.indexedSeq( { e => PidStamped(pid, e) })) >> go(newState)(tl)
Packet.validateContinuity[Pure] andThen { _ pull go(Map.empty) }