scodec.protocols.pipes.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scodec.protocols
import fs2._
import fs2.pipe.Stepper
/** General purpose combinators for working with pipes that are not included in fs2. */
object pipes { outer =>
implicit class PipeOps[A, B](val self: Pipe[Pure, A, B]) extends AnyVal {
def conditionallyFeed[X](f: X => Either[A, B]): Pipe[Pure, X, B] = outer.conditionallyFeed(self, f)
def liftL[C]: Pipe[Pure, Either[A, C], Either[B, C]] = outer.liftL[A, B, C](self)
def liftR[C]: Pipe[Pure, Either[C, A], Either[C, B]] = outer.liftR[A, B, C](self)
* Accepts values of type `X` and converts them to an `A` or `B`. If `A`, the `A`
* is fed to `p`. If `B`, the `B` is emitted directly.
def conditionallyFeed[A, B, X](p: Pipe[Pure, A, B], f: X => Either[A, B]): Pipe[Pure, X, B] =
pipe.lift(f).andThen(liftL(p)).andThen(pipe.lift(_.fold(identity, identity)))
def liftL[A, B, C](p: Pipe[Pure, A, B]): Pipe[Pure, Either[A, C], Either[B, C]] = {
def go(stepper: Stepper[A, B]): Stream.Handle[Pure, Either[A, C]] => Pull[Pure, Either[B, C], Stream.Handle[Pure, Either[A, C]]] = h => {
stepper.step match {
case Stepper.Done => Pull.done
case Stepper.Fail(err) =>
case Stepper.Emits(chunk, next) =>
Pull.output( { b => Left(b): Either[B, C] }) >> go(next)(h)
case Stepper.Await(receive) =>
h.receive {
case chunk #: tl =>
chunk.uncons match {
case None =>
case Some((head @ Right(c), tail)) =>
val numHeadRights = {
val indexOfFirstLeft = tail.indexWhere(_.isLeft)
indexOfFirstLeft match {
case None => chunk.size
case Some(idx) => 1 + idx
val toOutput = chunk.take(numHeadRights).asInstanceOf[Chunk[Either[B, C]]]
val remainder = chunk.drop(numHeadRights)
Pull.output(toOutput) >> go(stepper)(if (remainder.isEmpty) tl else tl.push(remainder))
case Some((Left(a), tail)) =>
val numHeadLefts = {
val indexOfFirstRight = tail.indexWhere(_.isRight)
indexOfFirstRight match {
case None => chunk.size
case Some(idx) => 1 + idx
val toFeed = chunk.take(numHeadLefts).map { case Left(a) => a; case Right(_) => sys.error("Chunk is all lefts!") }
val remainder = chunk.drop(numHeadLefts)
go(receive(Some(toFeed)))(if (remainder.isEmpty) tl else tl.push(remainder))
_ pull go(pipe.stepper(p))
def liftR[A, B, C](p: Pipe[Pure, A, B]): Pipe[Pure, Either[C, A], Either[C, B]] = {
def swap[X, Y]: Pipe[Pure, Either[X, Y], Either[Y, X]] = pipe.lift((_: Either[X, Y]).swap)
swap[C, A].andThen(liftL(p)).andThen(swap[B, C])
implicit class StepperOps[A, B](val self: Stepper[A, B]) extends AnyVal {
def stepToAwait[I, R](
cont: (Vector[B], Option[Chunk[A]] => Stepper[A, B]) => Pull[Pure, I, R]
): Pull[Pure, I, R] = outer.stepToAwait(self)(cont)
def stepToAwait[A, B, I, R](s: Stepper[A, B], acc: Vector[B] = Vector.empty)(
cont: (Vector[B], Option[Chunk[A]] => Stepper[A, B]) => Pull[Pure, I, R]
): Pull[Pure, I, R] = {
s.step match {
case Stepper.Done => Pull.done
case Stepper.Fail(err) =>
case Stepper.Emits(chunk, next) =>
stepToAwait(next, acc ++ chunk.toVector)(cont)
case Stepper.Await(receive) =>
cont(acc, receive)