scodec.protocols.time.TimeStamped.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scodec.protocols
package time
import language.higherKinds
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import fs2._
import fs2.pipe.Stepper
import java.time.Instant
/** Wrapper that associates a time with a value. */
case class TimeStamped[+A](time: Instant, value: A) {
def map[B](f: A => B): TimeStamped[B] = copy(value = f(value))
def mapTime(f: Instant => Instant): TimeStamped[A] = copy(time = f(time))
def toTimeSeriesValue: TimeSeriesValue[A] = map(Some.apply)
object TimeStamped {
def now[A](a: A): TimeStamped[A] = TimeStamped(, a)
/** Orders values by timestamp -- values with the same timestamp are considered equal. */
def timeBasedOrdering[A]: Ordering[TimeStamped[A]] = new Ordering[TimeStamped[A]] {
def compare(x: TimeStamped[A], y: TimeStamped[A]) = x.time compareTo y.time
/** Orders values by timestamp, then by value. */
implicit def ordering[A](implicit A: Ordering[A]): Ordering[TimeStamped[A]] = new Ordering[TimeStamped[A]] {
def compare(x: TimeStamped[A], y: TimeStamped[A]) = x.time compareTo y.time match {
case 0 =>, y.value)
case other => other
* Combinator that converts a `Pipe[Pure, A, B]` in to a `Pipe[Pure, TimeStamped[A], TimeStamped[B]]` such that
* timestamps are preserved on elements that flow through the stream.
def preserveTimeStamps[A, B](p: Pipe[Pure, A, B]): Pipe[Pure, TimeStamped[A], TimeStamped[B]] = {
def go(time: Option[Instant], stepper: Stepper[A, B]): Stream.Handle[Pure, TimeStamped[A]] => Pull[Pure, TimeStamped[B], Stream.Handle[Pure, TimeStamped[A]]] = { h =>
stepper.step match {
case Stepper.Done => Pull.done
case Stepper.Fail(err) =>
case Stepper.Emits(chunk, next) =>
time match {
case Some(ts) => Pull.output( { b => TimeStamped(ts, b) }) >> go(time, next)(h)
case None => go(time, next)(h)
case Stepper.Await(receive) =>
h.receive1 { case tsa #: tl => go(Some(tsa.time), receive(Some(Chunk.singleton(tsa.value))))(tl) }
_ pull go(None, pipe.stepper(p))
* Stream transducer that converts a stream of `TimeStamped[A]` in to a stream of
* `TimeStamped[B]` where `B` is an accumulated feature of `A` over a second.
* For example, the emitted bits per second of a `Stream[Task, ByteVector]` can be calculated
* using `perSecondRate(_.size * 8)`, which yields a stream of the emitted bits per second.
* @param f function which extracts a feature of `A`
def perSecondRate[F[_], A, B](f: A => B)(zero: B, combine: (B, B) => B): Pipe[F, TimeStamped[A], TimeStamped[B]] =
rate(1.second)(f)(zero, combine)
* Stream transducer that converts a stream of `TimeStamped[A]` in to a stream of
* `TimeStamped[B Either A]` where `B` is an accumulated feature of `A` over a second.
* Every incoming `A` is echoed to the output.
* For example, the emitted bits per second of a `Stream[Task, ByteVector]` can be calculated
* using `perSecondRate(_.size * 8)`, which yields a stream of the emitted bits per second.
* @param f function which extracts a feature of `A`
* @param zero identity for `combine`
* @param combine closed function on `B` which forms a monoid with `zero`
def withPerSecondRate[F[_], A, B](f: A => B)(zero: B, combine: (B, B) => B): Pipe[F, TimeStamped[A], TimeStamped[Either[B, A]]] =
withRate(1.second)(f)(zero, combine)
* Stream transducer that converts a stream of `TimeStamped[A]` in to a stream of
* `TimeStamped[B]` where `B` is an accumulated feature of `A` over a specified time period.
* For example, the emitted bits per second of a `Stream[Task, ByteVector]` can be calculated
* using `rate(1.0)(_.size * 8)`, which yields a stream of the emitted bits per second.
* @param over time period over which to calculate
* @param f function which extracts a feature of `A`
* @param zero identity for `combine`
* @param combine closed function on `B` which forms a monoid with `zero`
def rate[F[_], A, B](over: FiniteDuration)(f: A => B)(zero: B, combine: (B, B) => B): Pipe[F, TimeStamped[A], TimeStamped[B]] =
in => withRate(over)(f)(zero, combine)(in) through pipe.collect { case TimeStamped(ts, Left(b)) => TimeStamped(ts, b) }
* Stream transducer that converts a stream of `TimeStamped[A]` in to a stream of
* `TimeStamped[Either[B, A]]` where `B` is an accumulated feature of `A` over a specified time period.
* Every incoming `A` is echoed to the output.
* For example, the emitted bits per second of a `Stream[Task, ByteVector]` can be calculated
* using `rate(1.0)(_.size * 8)`, which yields a stream of the emitted bits per second.
* @param over time period over which to calculate
* @param f function which extracts a feature of `A`
* @param zero identity for `combine`
* @param combine closed function on `B` which forms a monoid with `zero`
def withRate[F[_], A, B](over: FiniteDuration)(f: A => B)(zero: B, combine: (B, B) => B): Pipe[F, TimeStamped[A], TimeStamped[Either[B, A]]] = {
val overMillis = over.toMillis
def go(start: Instant, acc: B): Stream.Handle[F, TimeStamped[A]] => Pull[F, TimeStamped[Either[B, A]], Stream.Handle[F, TimeStamped[A]]] = h => {
val end = start plusMillis overMillis
Pull.await1Option[F, TimeStamped[A]](h).flatMap {
case Some(tsa #: tl) =>
if (tsa.time isBefore end) Pull.output1(tsa map Right.apply) >> go(start, combine(acc, f(tsa.value)))(tl)
else Pull.output1(TimeStamped(end, Left(acc))) >> go(end, zero)(tl.push1(tsa))
case None =>
Pull.output1(TimeStamped(end, Left(acc))) >> Pull.done
_ pull { h =>
h.receive1 { case tsa #: tl =>
Pull.output1( >> go(tsa.time, f(tsa.value))(tl)
* Returns a stream that is the throttled version of the source stream.
* Given two adjacent items from the source stream, `a` and `b`, where `a` is emitted
* first and `b` is emitted second, their time delta is `b.time - a.time`.
* This function creates a stream that emits values at wall clock times such that
* the time delta between any two adjacent values is proportional to their time delta
* in the source stream.
* The `throttlingFactor` is a scaling factor that determines how much source time a unit
* of wall clock time is worth. A value of 1.0 causes the output stream to emit
* values spaced in wall clock time equal to their time deltas. A value of 2.0
* emits values at twice the speed of wall clock time.
* This is particularly useful when timestamped data can be read in bulk (e.g., from a capture file)
* but should be "played back" at real time speeds.
def throttle[A](source: Stream[Task, TimeStamped[A]], throttlingFactor: Double)(implicit S: Strategy, scheduler: Scheduler): Stream[Task, TimeStamped[A]] = {
val tickDuration = 100.milliseconds
val ticksPerSecond = 1.second.toMillis / tickDuration.toMillis
def doThrottle: Pipe2[Task, TimeStamped[A], Unit, TimeStamped[A]] = {
type PullFromSourceOrTicks = (Stream.Handle[Task, TimeStamped[A]], Stream.Handle[Task, Unit]) => Pull[Task, TimeStamped[A], (Stream.Handle[Task, TimeStamped[A]], Stream.Handle[Task, Unit])]
def takeUpto(chunk: Chunk[TimeStamped[A]], upto: Instant): (Chunk[TimeStamped[A]], Chunk[TimeStamped[A]]) = {
val uptoMillis = upto.toEpochMilli
val toTake = chunk.indexWhere { _.time.toEpochMilli > uptoMillis }.getOrElse(chunk.size)
(chunk.take(toTake), chunk.drop(toTake))
def read(upto: Instant): PullFromSourceOrTicks = { (src, ticks) =>
src.receive {
case chunk #: tl =>
if (chunk.isEmpty) read(upto)(tl, ticks)
else {
val (toOutput, pending) = takeUpto(chunk, upto)
if (pending.isEmpty) Pull.output(toOutput) >> read(upto)(tl, ticks)
else Pull.output(toOutput) >> awaitTick(upto, pending)(tl, ticks)
def awaitTick(upto: Instant, pending: Chunk[TimeStamped[A]]): PullFromSourceOrTicks = { (src, ticks) =>
ticks.receive1 {
case tick #: tl =>
val newUpto = upto.plusMillis(((1000 / ticksPerSecond) * throttlingFactor).toLong)
val (toOutput, stillPending) = takeUpto(pending, newUpto)
if (stillPending.isEmpty) {
Pull.output(toOutput) >> read(newUpto)(src, tl)
} else {
Pull.output(toOutput) >> awaitTick(newUpto, stillPending)(src, tl)
_.pull2(_) {
(src, ticks) => src.await1.flatMap { case tsa #: tl => Pull.output1(tsa) >> read(tsa.time)(tl, ticks) }
(source through2 time.awakeEvery[Task](tickDuration).map(_ => ()))(doThrottle)
* Stream transducer that filters the specified timestamped values to ensure
* the output time stamps are always increasing in time. Other values are
* dropped.
def increasing[F[_], A]: Pipe[F, TimeStamped[A], TimeStamped[A]] =
increasingW andThen pipe.collect { case Right(out) => out }
* Stream transducer that filters the specified timestamped values to ensure
* the output time stamps are always increasing in time. The increasing values
* are emitted as output of the writer, while out of order values are written
* to the writer side of the writer.
def increasingW[F[_], A]: Pipe[F, TimeStamped[A], Either[TimeStamped[A], TimeStamped[A]]] = {
def notBefore(last: Instant): Stream.Handle[F, TimeStamped[A]] => Pull[F, Either[TimeStamped[A], TimeStamped[A]], Stream.Handle[F, TimeStamped[A]]] = h => {
h.receive1 {
case tsa #: tl =>
val now = tsa.time
if (last.toEpochMilli <= now.toEpochMilli) Pull.output1(Right(tsa)) >> notBefore(now)(tl)
else Pull.output1(Left(tsa)) >> notBefore(last)(tl)
_ pull { h =>
h.receive1 { case tsa #: tl =>
Pull.output1(Right(tsa)) >> notBefore(tsa.time)(tl)
* Stream transducer that reorders a stream of timestamped values that are mostly ordered,
* using a time based buffer of the specified duration. See [[attemptReorderLocally]] for details.
* The resulting stream is guaranteed to always emit values in time increasing order.
* Values may be dropped from the source stream if they were not successfully reordered.
def reorderLocally[F[_], A](over: FiniteDuration): Pipe[F, TimeStamped[A], TimeStamped[A]] =
reorderLocallyW(over) andThen pipe.collect { case Right(tsa) => tsa }
* Stream transducer that reorders a stream of timestamped values that are mostly ordered,
* using a time based buffer of the specified duration. See [[attemptReorderLocally]] for details.
* The resulting stream is guaranteed to always emit output values in time increasing order.
* Any values that could not be reordered due to insufficient buffer space are emitted on the writer (left)
* side.
def reorderLocallyW[F[_], A](over: FiniteDuration): Pipe[F, TimeStamped[A], Either[TimeStamped[A], TimeStamped[A]]] =
attemptReorderLocally(over) andThen increasingW
* Stream transducer that reorders timestamped values over a specified duration.
* Values are kept in an internal buffer. Upon receiving a new value, any buffered
* values that are timestamped with `value.time - over` are emitted. Other values,
* and the new value, are kept in the buffer.
* This is useful for ordering mostly ordered streams, where values
* may be out of order with close neighbors but are strictly less than values
* that come much later in the stream.
* An example of such a structure is the result of merging streams of values generated
* with ``.
* Caution: this transducer should only be used on streams that are mostly ordered.
* In the worst case, if the source is in reverse order, all values in the source
* will be accumulated in to the buffer until the source halts, and then the{
* values will be emitted in order.
def attemptReorderLocally[F[_], A](over: FiniteDuration): Pipe[F, TimeStamped[A], TimeStamped[A]] = {
import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap
val overMillis = over.toMillis
def outputMapValues(m: SortedMap[Long, Vector[TimeStamped[A]]]) =
Pull.output(Chunk.seq(m.foldLeft(Vector.empty[TimeStamped[A]]) { case (acc, (_, tss)) => acc ++ tss }))
def go(buffered: SortedMap[Long, Vector[TimeStamped[A]]]): Stream.Handle[F, TimeStamped[A]] => Pull[F, TimeStamped[A], Stream.Handle[Pure, TimeStamped[A]]] = h => {
Pull.await1Option(h).flatMap {
case Some(tsa #: tl) =>
val tsaTimeMillis = tsa.time.toEpochMilli
val until = tsaTimeMillis - overMillis
val (toOutput, toBuffer) = buffered span { case (x, _) => x <= until }
val updatedBuffer = toBuffer + (tsaTimeMillis -> (toBuffer.getOrElse(tsaTimeMillis, Vector.empty[TimeStamped[A]]) :+ tsa))
outputMapValues(toOutput) >> go(updatedBuffer)(tl)
case None =>
outputMapValues(buffered) >> Pull.done
_ pull go(SortedMap.empty)
def liftL[A, B, C](p: Pipe[Pure, TimeStamped[A], TimeStamped[B]]): Pipe[Pure, TimeStamped[Either[A, C]], TimeStamped[Either[B, C]]] = {
def go(stepper: Stepper[TimeStamped[A], TimeStamped[B]]): Stream.Handle[Pure, TimeStamped[Either[A, C]]] => Pull[Pure, TimeStamped[Either[B, C]], Stream.Handle[Pure, TimeStamped[Either[A, C]]]] = h => {
stepper.step match {
case Stepper.Done => Pull.done
case Stepper.Fail(err) =>
case Stepper.Emits(chunk, next) =>
Pull.output( { tsb => { b => Left(b): Either[B, C] }}) >> go(next)(h)
case Stepper.Await(receive) =>
h.receive {
case chunk #: tl =>
chunk.uncons match {
case None =>
case Some((head @ TimeStamped(time, Right(c)), tail)) =>
val numHeadRights = {
val indexOfFirstLeft = tail.indexWhere(_.value.isLeft)
indexOfFirstLeft match {
case None => chunk.size
case Some(idx) => 1 + idx
val toOutput = chunk.take(numHeadRights).asInstanceOf[Chunk[TimeStamped[Either[B, C]]]]
val remainder = chunk.drop(numHeadRights)
Pull.output(toOutput) >> go(stepper)(if (remainder.isEmpty) tl else tl.push(remainder))
case Some((TimeStamped(time, Left(a)), tail)) =>
val numHeadLefts = {
val indexOfFirstRight = tail.indexWhere(_.value.isRight)
indexOfFirstRight match {
case None => chunk.size
case Some(idx) => 1 + idx
val toFeed = chunk.take(numHeadLefts).map { _ map { case Left(a) => a; case Right(_) => sys.error("Chunk is all lefts!") } }
val remainder = chunk.drop(numHeadLefts)
go(receive(Some(toFeed)))(if (remainder.isEmpty) tl else tl.push(remainder))
_ pull go(pipe.stepper(p))
def liftR[A, B, C](p: Pipe[Pure, TimeStamped[A], TimeStamped[B]]): Pipe[Pure, TimeStamped[Either[C, A]], TimeStamped[Either[C, B]]] = {
def swap[X, Y]: Pipe[Pure, TimeStamped[Either[X, Y]], TimeStamped[Either[Y, X]]] =
pipe.lift((_: TimeStamped[Either[X, Y]]).map(_.swap))
swap[C, A].andThen(liftL(p)).andThen(swap[B, C])