sigma.data.CollsOverArrays.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package sigma.data
import debox.{Buffer, cfor}
import sigma.data.RType._
import sigma.util.{CollectionUtil, MaxArrayLength, safeConcatArrays_v5}
import sigma.{Coll, CollBuilder, PairColl, VersionContext, requireSameLength}
import sigma.rtypeToClassTag
class CollOverArray[@specialized A](val toArray: Array[A], val builder: CollBuilder)
(implicit tA: RType[A]) extends Coll[A] {
require(toArray.length <= MaxArrayLength,
s"Cannot create collection with size ${toArray.length} greater than $MaxArrayLength")
override def tItem: RType[A] = tA
@inline def length: Int = toArray.length
@inline def apply(i: Int): A = toArray.apply(i)
override def isEmpty: Boolean = length == 0
override def nonEmpty: Boolean = length > 0
override def isDefinedAt(idx: Int): Boolean = (idx >= 0) && (idx < length)
def getOrElse(i: Int, default: A): A = if (i >= 0 && i < toArray.length) toArray(i) else default
def map[@specialized B: RType](f: A => B): Coll[B] = {
implicit val ctB = RType[B].classTag
def foreach(f: A => Unit): Unit = toArray.foreach(f)
def exists(p: A => Boolean): Boolean = toArray.exists(p)
def forall(p: A => Boolean): Boolean = toArray.forall(p)
def filter(p: A => Boolean): Coll[A] = builder.fromArray(toArray.filter(p))
def foldLeft[B](zero: B, op: ((B, A)) => B): B = toArray.foldLeft(zero)((b, a) => op((b, a)))
def slice(from: Int, until: Int): Coll[A] = builder.fromArray(toArray.slice(from, until))
@inline def zip[@specialized B](ys: Coll[B]): PairColl[A, B] = builder.pairColl(this, ys)
def append(other: Coll[A]): Coll[A] = {
if (toArray.length <= 0) return other
val result = if (VersionContext.current.isJitActivated) {
// in v5.0 and above this fixes the ClassCastException problem
safeConcatArrays_v5(toArray, other.toArray)(tA.classTag)
} else {
CollectionUtil.concatArrays_v4(toArray, other.toArray)
def reverse: Coll[A] = {
val limit = length
val res = new Array[A](limit)
cfor(0)(_ < limit, _ + 1) { i =>
res(i) = toArray(limit - i - 1)
def indices: Coll[Int] = builder.fromArray(toArray.indices.toArray)
override def flatMap[B: RType](f: A => Coll[B]): Coll[B] = {
implicit val ctB = RType[B].classTag
builder.fromArray(toArray.flatMap(x => f(x).toArray))
override def segmentLength(p: A => Boolean, from: Int): Int = toArray.segmentLength(p, from)
override def indexWhere(p: A => Boolean, from: Int): Int = {
val start = math.max(from, 0) // This is necessary for Scala 2.13 as indexWhere is implemented differently
toArray.indexWhere(p, start)
override def lastIndexWhere(p: A => Boolean, end: Int): Int = toArray.lastIndexWhere(p, end)
override def take(n: Int): Coll[A] = {
if (n <= 0) builder.emptyColl
else if (n >= length) this
else {
val res = new Array[A](n)
Array.copy(toArray, 0, res, 0, n)
override def patch(from: Int, patch: Coll[A], replaced: Int): Coll[A] = {
// TODO optimize: avoid using `patch` as it do boxing
val res = toArray.patch(from, patch.toArray, replaced).toArray
override def updated(index: Int, elem: A): Coll[A] = {
// TODO optimize: avoid using `updated` as it do boxing
val res = toArray.updated(index, elem)
override def updateMany(indexes: Coll[Int], values: Coll[A]): Coll[A] = {
requireSameLength(indexes, values)
val resArr = toArray.clone()
var i = 0
while (i < indexes.length) {
val pos = indexes(i)
if (pos < 0 || pos >= toArray.length) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(pos.toString)
resArr(pos) = values(i)
i += 1
override def unionSet(that: Coll[A]): Coll[A] = {
val set = debox.Set.ofSize[A](this.length)
val res = Buffer.ofSize[A](this.length)
@inline def addItemToSet(x: A) = {
if (!set(x)) {
res += x
def addToSet(arr: Array[A]) = {
val limit = arr.length
cfor(0)(_ < limit, _ + 1) { i =>
val x = arr(i)
override def equals(obj: scala.Any): Boolean = (this eq obj.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) || (obj match {
case obj: CollOverArray[_] if obj.tItem == this.tItem =>
java.util.Objects.deepEquals(obj.toArray, toArray)
case _ => false
override def hashCode() = CollectionUtil.deepHashCode(toArray)
private[sigma] class CollOverArrayBuilder extends CollBuilder { builder =>
@inline override def pairColl[@specialized A, @specialized B](as: Coll[A], bs: Coll[B]): PairColl[A, B] = {
if (VersionContext.current.isJitActivated) {
// v5.0 and above
val asLen = as.length
val bsLen = bs.length
// if necessary, use minimal length and slice longer collection
if (asLen == bsLen)
new PairOfCols(as, bs)
else if (asLen < bsLen) {
new PairOfCols(as, bs.slice(0, asLen))
} else {
new PairOfCols(as.slice(0, bsLen), bs)
} else {
// The v4.x implementation doesn't check the case when `as` and `bs` have different lengths.
// In which case appending two `PairOfCols` leads to invalid pairing of elements.
// To fix the problem, the longer collection have to be truncated (which is consistent
// with how zip is implemented for Arrays)
new PairOfCols(as, bs)
private def fromBoxedPairs[A, B](seq: Seq[(A, B)])(implicit tA: RType[A], tB: RType[B]): PairColl[A,B] = {
val len = seq.length
val resA = Array.ofDim[A](len)(tA.classTag)
val resB = Array.ofDim[B](len)(tB.classTag)
cfor(0)(_ < len, _ + 1) { i =>
val item = seq.apply(i).asInstanceOf[(A,B)]
resA(i) = item._1
resB(i) = item._2
pairCollFromArrays(resA, resB)(tA, tB)
override def fromItems[T](items: T*)(implicit cT: RType[T]): Coll[T] = cT match {
case pt: PairType[a,b] =>
val tA = pt.tFst
val tB = pt.tSnd
fromBoxedPairs(items)(tA, tB)
case _ =>
new CollOverArray(items.toArray(cT.classTag), builder)
override def fromArray[@specialized T: RType](arr: Array[T]): Coll[T] = RType[T] match {
case pt: PairType[a,b] =>
val tA = pt.tFst
val tB = pt.tSnd
fromBoxedPairs[a,b](arr.asInstanceOf[Array[(a,b)]])(tA, tB)
case _ =>
new CollOverArray(arr, builder)
override def replicate[@specialized T: RType](n: Int, v: T): Coll[T] = RType[T] match {
case pt: PairType[a,b] =>
val tA = pt.tFst
val tB = pt.tSnd
val tuple = v.asInstanceOf[(a, b)]
new PairOfCols(replicate(n, tuple._1)(tA), replicate(n, tuple._2)(tB))
case _ =>
override def unzip[@specialized A, @specialized B](xs: Coll[(A,B)]): (Coll[A], Coll[B]) = xs match {
case pa: PairColl[_,_] => (pa.ls, pa.rs)
case _ =>
val limit = xs.length
implicit val tA = xs.tItem.tFst
implicit val tB = xs.tItem.tSnd
val ls = Array.ofDim[A](limit)(tA.classTag)
val rs = Array.ofDim[B](limit)(tB.classTag)
cfor(0)(_ < limit, _ + 1) { i =>
val p = xs(i)
ls(i) = p._1
rs(i) = p._2
(fromArray(ls), fromArray(rs))
override def xor(left: Coll[Byte], right: Coll[Byte]): Coll[Byte] =
left.zip(right).map { case (l, r) => (l ^ r).toByte }
override def emptyColl[T](implicit cT: RType[T]): Coll[T] = cT match {
case pt: PairType[a,b] =>
val ls = emptyColl(pt.tFst)
val rs = emptyColl(pt.tSnd)
pairColl(ls, rs).asInstanceOf[Coll[T]]
case _ =>
new CollOverArray[T](cT.emptyArray, builder)
class PairOfCols[@specialized L, @specialized R](val ls: Coll[L], val rs: Coll[R]) extends PairColl[L,R] {
override def equals(that: scala.Any) = (this eq that.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) || (that match {
case that: PairColl[_,_] if that.tItem == this.tItem => ls == that.ls && rs == that.rs
case _ => false
override def hashCode() = ls.hashCode() * 41 + rs.hashCode()
@inline implicit def tL: RType[L] = ls.tItem
@inline implicit def tR: RType[R] = rs.tItem
override lazy val tItem: RType[(L, R)] = {
RType.pairRType(tL, tR)
override def builder: CollBuilder = ls.builder
override def toArray: Array[(L, R)] = ls.toArray.zip(rs.toArray)
@inline override def length: Int = if (ls.length <= rs.length) ls.length else rs.length
@inline override def apply(i: Int): (L, R) = (ls(i), rs(i))
override def isEmpty: Boolean = length == 0
override def nonEmpty: Boolean = length > 0
override def isDefinedAt(idx: Int): Boolean = ls.isDefinedAt(idx) && rs.isDefinedAt(idx)
override def getOrElse(i: Int, default: (L, R)): (L, R) =
if (i >= 0 && i < this.length)
else {
val d = default // force thunk
(d._1, d._2)
override def map[@specialized V: RType](f: ((L, R)) => V): Coll[V] = {
val limit = ls.length
val res = new Array[V](limit)
cfor(0)(_ < limit, _ + 1) { i =>
res(i) = f((ls(i), rs(i)))
new CollOverArray(res, builder)
override def exists(p: ((L, R)) => Boolean): Boolean = {
val len = ls.length
var i = 0
while (i < len) {
val found = p((ls(i), rs(i)))
if (found) return true
i += 1
override def forall(p: ((L, R)) => Boolean): Boolean = {
val len = ls.length
var i = 0
while (i < len) {
val ok = p((ls(i), rs(i)))
if (!ok) return false
i += 1
override def filter(p: ((L, R)) => Boolean): Coll[(L,R)] = {
val len = ls.length
val resL: Buffer[L] = Buffer.empty[L](ls.tItem.classTag)
val resR: Buffer[R] = Buffer.empty[R](rs.tItem.classTag)
var i = 0
while (i < len) {
val l = ls.apply(i)
val r = rs.apply(i)
val ok = p((l, r))
if (ok) {
resL += l
resR += r
i += 1
builder.pairCollFromArrays(resL.toArray(), resR.toArray())
override def foldLeft[B](zero: B, op: ((B, (L, R))) => B): B = {
val limit = length
var state = zero
cfor(0)(_ < limit, _ + 1) { i =>
val l = ls.apply(i)
val r = rs.apply(i)
state = op((state, (l, r)))
override def slice(from: Int, until: Int): PairColl[L,R] = builder.pairColl(ls.slice(from, until), rs.slice(from, until))
def append(other: Coll[(L, R)]): Coll[(L,R)] = {
val arrs = builder.unzip(other)
builder.pairColl(ls.append(arrs._1), rs.append(arrs._2))
override def reverse: Coll[(L, R)] = {
val lLen = ls.length
val rLen = rs.length
if (lLen == rLen) {
builder.pairColl(ls.reverse, rs.reverse)
} else if (lLen < rLen) {
builder.pairColl(ls.reverse, rs.slice(0, lLen).reverse)
} else {
builder.pairColl(ls.slice(0, rLen).reverse, rs.reverse)
def zip[@specialized B](ys: Coll[B]): PairColl[(L,R), B] = builder.pairColl(this, ys)
override def indices: Coll[Int] = if (ls.length <= rs.length) ls.indices else rs.indices
override def flatMap[B: RType](f: ((L, R)) => Coll[B]): Coll[B] =
builder.fromArray(toArray.flatMap(p => f(p).toArray))
override def segmentLength(p: ((L, R)) => Boolean, from: Int): Int = {
toArray.segmentLength(p, from)
override def indexWhere(p: ((L, R)) => Boolean, from: Int): Int = toArray.indexWhere(p, from)
override def lastIndexWhere(p: ((L, R)) => Boolean, end: Int): Int = toArray.lastIndexWhere(p, end)
override def take(n: Int): Coll[(L, R)] = builder.pairColl(ls.take(n), rs.take(n))
override def patch(from: Int, patch: Coll[(L, R)], replaced: Int): Coll[(L, R)] = {
val (lsPatch, rsPatch) = builder.unzip(patch)
val lp = ls.patch(from, lsPatch, replaced)
val rp = rs.patch(from, rsPatch, replaced)
builder.pairColl(lp, rp)
override def updated(index: Int, elem: (L, R)): Coll[(L, R)] = {
val lu = ls.updated(index, elem._1)
val ru = rs.updated(index, elem._2)
builder.pairColl(lu, ru)
override def updateMany(indexes: Coll[Int], values: Coll[(L, R)]): Coll[(L, R)] = {
requireSameLength(indexes, values)
val resL = ls.toArray.clone()
val resR = rs.toArray.clone()
var i = 0
while (i < indexes.length) {
val pos = indexes(i)
if (pos < 0 || pos >= length) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(pos.toString)
resL(pos) = values(i)._1
resR(pos) = values(i)._2
i += 1
builder.pairColl(builder.fromArray(resL), builder.fromArray(resR))
override def unionSet(that: Coll[(L, R)]): Coll[(L, R)] = {
val set = new java.util.HashSet[(L,R)](32)
implicit val ctL = ls.tItem.classTag
implicit val ctR = rs.tItem.classTag
val resL = Buffer.empty[L]
val resR = Buffer.empty[R]
def addToSet(item: (L,R)) = {
if (!set.contains(item)) {
resL += item._1
resR += item._2
var i = 0
val thisLen = math.min(ls.length, rs.length)
while (i < thisLen) {
addToSet((ls(i), rs(i)))
i += 1
i = 0
val thatLen = that.length
while (i < thatLen) {
i += 1
builder.pairCollFromArrays(resL.toArray, resR.toArray)
override def mapFirst[T1: RType](f: L => T1): Coll[(T1, R)] = {
builder.pairColl(ls.map(f), rs)
override def mapSecond[T1: RType](f: R => T1): Coll[(L, T1)] = {
builder.pairColl(ls, rs.map(f))
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