sigmastate.SigSerializer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Interpreter of a Sigma-State language
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package sigma.serialization
import debox.cfor
import scorex.util.encode.Base16
import sigma.Extensions.ArrayOps
import sigma.ast.{FixedCost, JitCost, NamedDesc, OperationCostInfo, PerItemCost}
import sigma.crypto.{BigIntegers, CryptoConstants}
import{CAND, COR, CTHRESHOLD, ProveDHTuple, ProveDlog, SigmaBoolean}
import sigma.util.safeNewArray
import sigmastate.{CAndUncheckedNode, COrUncheckedNode, CThresholdUncheckedNode, NoProof, UncheckedDiffieHellmanTuple, UncheckedSchnorr, UncheckedSigmaTree, UncheckedTree}
import sigmastate.crypto.DLogProtocol.SecondDLogProverMessage
import sigmastate.crypto.VerifierMessage.Challenge
import sigmastate.crypto.{GF2_192_Poly, SecondDHTupleProverMessage}
import sigmastate.interpreter.CErgoTreeEvaluator.{fixedCostOp, perItemCostOp}
import sigmastate.interpreter.CErgoTreeEvaluator
import sigmastate.utils.Helpers
/** Contains implementation of signature (aka proof) serialization.
* @see toProofBytes, parseAndComputeChallenges
class SigSerializer {
/** Log warning message using this class's logger. */
def warn(msg: String) = println(msg)
/** A size of challenge in Sigma protocols, in bits. */
val hashSize = CryptoConstants.soundnessBits / 8
/** Number of bytes to represent any group element as byte array */
val order = sigma.crypto.groupSize
/** Recursively traverses the given node and serializes challenges and prover messages
* to the given writer.
* Note, sigma propositions and commitments are not serialized.
* @param tree tree to traverse and serialize
* @return the proof bytes containing all the serialized challenges and prover messages
* (aka `z` values)
def toProofBytes(tree: UncheckedTree): Array[Byte] = {
tree match {
case NoProof =>
case t: UncheckedSigmaTree =>
val w = SigmaSerializer.startWriter()
toProofBytes(t, w, writeChallenge = true)
val res = w.toBytes
/** Recursively traverses the given node and serializes challenges and prover messages
* to the given writer.
* Note, sigma propositions and commitments are not serialized.
* @param node subtree to traverse
* @param w writer to put the bytes
* @param writeChallenge if true, than node.challenge is serialized, and omitted
* otherwise.
def toProofBytes(node: UncheckedSigmaTree,
w: SigmaByteWriter,
writeChallenge: Boolean): Unit = {
if (writeChallenge) {
node match {
case dl: UncheckedSchnorr =>
val z = BigIntegers.asUnsignedByteArray(order, dl.secondMessage.z.bigInteger)
case dh: UncheckedDiffieHellmanTuple =>
val z = BigIntegers.asUnsignedByteArray(order, dh.secondMessage.z)
case and: CAndUncheckedNode =>
// don't write children's challenges -- they are equal to the challenge of this node
val cs = and.children.toArray
cfor(0)(_ < cs.length, _ + 1) { i =>
val child = cs(i)
toProofBytes(child, w, writeChallenge = false)
case or: COrUncheckedNode =>
// don't write last child's challenge -- it's computed by the verifier via XOR
val cs = or.children.toArray
val iLastChild = cs.length - 1
cfor(0)(_ < iLastChild, _ + 1) { i =>
val child = cs(i)
toProofBytes(child, w, writeChallenge = true)
toProofBytes(cs(iLastChild), w, writeChallenge = false)
case t: CThresholdUncheckedNode =>
// write the polynomial, except the zero coefficient
val poly = t.polynomialOpt.get.toByteArray(false)
// don't write children's challenges
val cs = t.children.toArray
cfor(0)(_ < cs.length, _ + 1) { i =>
val child = cs(i)
toProofBytes(child, w, writeChallenge = false)
case _ =>
throw new SerializerException(s"Don't know how to execute toBytes($node)")
/** Verifier Step 2: In a top-down traversal of the tree, obtain the challenges for the
* children of every non-leaf node by reading them from the proof or computing them.
* Verifier Step 3: For every leaf node, read the response z provided in the proof.
* @param exp sigma proposition which defines the structure of bytes from the reader
* @param proof proof to extract challenges from
* @param E optional evaluator (can be null) which is used for profiling of operations.
* When `E` is `null`, then profiling is turned-off and has no effect on
* the execution.
* @return An instance of [[UncheckedTree]] i.e. either [[NoProof]] or [[UncheckedSigmaTree]]
def parseAndComputeChallenges(exp: SigmaBoolean, proof: Array[Byte])(implicit E: CErgoTreeEvaluator): UncheckedTree = {
if (proof.isEmpty)
else {
// Verifier step 1: Read the root challenge from the proof.
val r = SigmaSerializer.startReader(proof)
val res = parseAndComputeChallenges(exp, r, null)
/** Represents cost of parsing UncheckedSchnorr node from proof bytes. */
final val ParseChallenge_ProveDlog = OperationCostInfo(
FixedCost(JitCost(10)), NamedDesc("ParseChallenge_ProveDlog"))
/** Represents cost of parsing UncheckedDiffieHellmanTuple node from proof bytes. */
final val ParseChallenge_ProveDHT = OperationCostInfo(
FixedCost(JitCost(10)), NamedDesc("ParseChallenge_ProveDHT"))
/** Represents cost of parsing GF2_192_Poly from proof bytes. */
final val ParsePolynomial = OperationCostInfo(
PerItemCost(baseCost = JitCost(10), perChunkCost = JitCost(10), chunkSize = 1),
/** Represents cost of:
* 1) evaluating a polynomial
* 2) obtaining GF2_192 instance
* 3) converting it to array of bytes
final val EvaluatePolynomial = OperationCostInfo(
PerItemCost(baseCost = JitCost(3), perChunkCost = JitCost(3), chunkSize = 1),
/** Helper method to read requested or remaining bytes from the reader. */
def readBytesChecked(r: SigmaByteReader, numRequestedBytes: Int, onError: String => Unit): Array[Byte] = {
val bytes = r.getBytesUnsafe(numRequestedBytes)
if (bytes.length != numRequestedBytes) {
val hex = Base16.encode(r.getAllBufferBytes)
/** Verifier Step 2: In a top-down traversal of the tree, obtain the challenges for the
* children of every non-leaf node by reading them from the proof or computing them.
* Verifier Step 3: For every leaf node, read the response z provided in the proof.
* @param exp sigma proposition which defines the structure of bytes from the reader
* @param r reader to extract challenges from
* @param challengeOpt if non-empty, then the challenge has been computed for this node
* by its parent; else it needs to be read from the proof (via reader)
* @param E optional evaluator (can be null) which is used for profiling of operations.
* When `E` is `null`, then profiling is turned-off and has no effect on
* the execution.
* @return An instance of [[UncheckedSigmaTree]]
* HOTSPOT: don't beautify the code
* Note, null` is used instead of Option to avoid allocations.
def parseAndComputeChallenges(
exp: SigmaBoolean,
r: SigmaByteReader,
challengeOpt: Challenge = null)(implicit E: CErgoTreeEvaluator): UncheckedSigmaTree = {
// Verifier Step 2: Let e_0 be the challenge in the node here (e_0 is called "challenge" in the code)
val challenge = if (challengeOpt == null) {
Challenge @@ readBytesChecked(r, hashSize,
hex => warn(s"Invalid challenge in: $hex")).toColl
} else {
exp match {
case dl: ProveDlog =>
// Verifier Step 3: For every leaf node, read the response z provided in the proof.
fixedCostOp(ParseChallenge_ProveDlog) {
val z_bytes = readBytesChecked(r, order, hex => warn(s"Invalid z bytes for $dl: $hex"))
val z = BigIntegers.fromUnsignedByteArray(z_bytes)
UncheckedSchnorr(dl, None, challenge, SecondDLogProverMessage(z))
case dh: ProveDHTuple =>
// Verifier Step 3: For every leaf node, read the response z provided in the proof.
fixedCostOp(ParseChallenge_ProveDHT) {
val z_bytes = readBytesChecked(r, order, hex => warn(s"Invalid z bytes for $dh: $hex"))
val z = BigIntegers.fromUnsignedByteArray(z_bytes)
UncheckedDiffieHellmanTuple(dh, None, challenge, SecondDHTupleProverMessage(z))
case and: CAND =>
// Verifier Step 2: If the node is AND, then all of its children get e_0 as the challenge
val nChildren = and.children.length
val children = safeNewArray[UncheckedSigmaTree](nChildren)
cfor(0)(_ < nChildren, _ + 1) { i =>
children(i) = parseAndComputeChallenges(and.children(i), r, challenge)
CAndUncheckedNode(challenge, children)
case or: COR =>
// Verifier Step 2: If the node is OR, then each of its children except rightmost
// one gets the challenge given in the proof for that node.
// The rightmost child gets a challenge computed as an XOR of the challenges of all the other children and e_0.
// Read all the children but the last and compute the XOR of all the challenges including e_0
val nChildren = or.children.length
val children = safeNewArray[UncheckedSigmaTree](nChildren)
val xorBuf = challenge.toArray.clone()
val iLastChild = nChildren - 1
cfor(0)(_ < iLastChild, _ + 1) { i =>
val parsedChild = parseAndComputeChallenges(or.children(i), r, null)
children(i) = parsedChild
Helpers.xorU(xorBuf, parsedChild.challenge.toArray) // xor it into buffer
val lastChild = or.children(iLastChild)
// use the computed XOR for last child's challenge
children(iLastChild) = parseAndComputeChallenges(
lastChild, r, challengeOpt = Challenge @@ xorBuf.toColl)
COrUncheckedNode(challenge, children)
case th: CTHRESHOLD =>
// Verifier Step 2: If the node is THRESHOLD,
// evaluate the polynomial Q(x) at points 1, 2, ..., n to get challenges for child 1, 2, ..., n, respectively.
// Read the polynomial -- it has n-k coefficients
val nChildren = th.children.length
val nCoefs = nChildren - th.k
val polynomial = perItemCostOp(ParsePolynomial, nCoefs) { () =>
val coeffBytes = readBytesChecked(r, hashSize * nCoefs,
hex => warn(s"Invalid coeffBytes for $th: $hex"))
GF2_192_Poly.fromByteArray(challenge.toArray, coeffBytes)
val children = safeNewArray[UncheckedSigmaTree](nChildren)
cfor(0)(_ < nChildren, _ + 1) { i =>
val c = perItemCostOp(EvaluatePolynomial, nCoefs) { () =>
Challenge @@ polynomial.evaluate((i + 1).toByte).toByteArray.toColl
children(i) = parseAndComputeChallenges(th.children(i), r, c)
CThresholdUncheckedNode(challenge, children, th.k, Some(polynomial))
object SigSerializer extends SigSerializer
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