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sigmastate.crypto.GF2_192.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
 By Leonid Reyzin

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package sigmastate.crypto

import debox.cfor

import java.util

class GF2_192 extends AnyRef {
  private[crypto] val word: Array[Long] = new Array[Long](3)

    * returns a copy of the field element
    * @param that element to copy
  def this(that: GF2_192) {
    this.word(0) = that.word(0)
    this.word(1) = that.word(1)
    this.word(2) = that.word(2)

    * returns the field element whose 32 least significant bits are bits of that and rest are 0
    * @param that lower 32 bits
  def this(that: Int) {
    this.word(0) = that.toLong & 0xFFFFFFFFL

    * returns the field element whose bits are given by the long array
    * @param that must be length 3
  def this(that: Array[Long]) {
    require(that.length == 3)
    this.word(0) = that(0)
    this.word(1) = that(1)
    this.word(2) = that(2)

    * returns the field element whose bits are given by the byte array that[pos]...that[pos+23]
    * @param that must be length at least pos+24
  def this(that: Array[Byte], pos: Int) {
    assert(that.length >= pos + 24)
    cfor(0)(_ < 8, _ + 1) { i =>
      word(0) |= (that(i + pos).toLong & 0xFF) << (i << 3)
    cfor(0)(_ < 8, _ + 1) { i =>
      word(1) |= (that(i + pos + 8).toLong & 0xFF) << (i << 3)
    cfor(0)(_ < 8, _ + 1) { i =>
      word(2) |= (that(i + pos + 16).toLong & 0xFF) << (i << 3)

    * returns the field element whose bits are given by the byte array that
    * @param that must be length 24
  def this(that: Array[Byte]) {
    this(that, 0)

    * @param obj the field element with which to compare
    * @return true if and only if this and that represent the same field element
  override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = {
    if (this eq obj.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) return true // equal references
    obj match {
      case that: GF2_192 =>
        this.word(0) == that.word(0) && this.word(1) == that.word(1) && this.word(2) == that.word(2)
      case _ => false

  override def hashCode = java.util.Arrays.hashCode(word)

    * @return long array of length 3 containing the three words of the field element
  def toLongArray: Array[Long] = {
    val ret = new Array[Long](3)
    ret(0) = word(0)
    ret(1) = word(1)
    ret(2) = word(2)

    * @return byte array of length 24 containing the two words of the field element
  def toByteArray: Array[Byte] = {
    val ret = new Array[Byte](24)
    toByteArray(ret, 0)

    * @param ret bytes of the field element will go into ret[pos]...ret[pos+23]
  def toByteArray(ret: Array[Byte], pos: Int): Unit = {
    assert(ret.length >= pos + 24)
    cfor (0)(_ < 3, _ + 1) { j =>
      cfor(0)(_ < 8, _ + 1) { i =>
        ret(pos + i + 8 * j) = ((word(j) >> (i << 3)) & 0xFF).toByte

    * @return true if this == 0, false otherwise
  def isZero: Boolean = word(0) == 0L && word(1) == 0L && word(2) == 0L

    * @return true if this == 1, false otherwise
  def isOne: Boolean = word(0) == 1L && word(1) == 0L && word(2) == 0L

  //The tables above were generated by the code below. The code is no longer needed.
  /* *******************************************************************************************

      static long [][] powTable0 = new long [7] [];
      static long [][] powTable1 = new long [7] [];
      static long [][] powTable2 = new long [7] [];

      public static void genPowTable() {
          GF2_192 z = new GF2_192();
          int i;

          powTable0[0] = new long [192];
          powTable1[0] = new long [192];
          powTable2[0] = new long [192];
          i = 0;
          for (; i<64; i++)  {
              z.word[0] = 1L<= 0, _ - 1) { i =>
      w3 = w2 >>> 63
      w2 = (w2 << 1) | (w1 >>> 63)
      w1 = (w1 << 1) | (w0 >>> 63)
      w0 <<= 1
      val t: Long = (b >>> i) & 1
      w2 ^= a.word(2) * t
      w1 ^= a.word(1) * t
      w0 ^= (a.word(0) * t) ^ (irredPentanomial * w3) // mod reduce
    res.word(0) = w0
    res.word(1) = w1
    res.word(2) = w2

    * Computes a plus b and puts the result into res.
    * @param res output; must be not null; may be equal to a and/or b
    * @param a   multiplicand; may be equal to res, in which case will get overwritten
    * @param b   multiplier; may be equal to res, in which case will get overwritten
  def add(res: GF2_192, a: GF2_192, b: GF2_192): Unit = {
    res.word(0) = a.word(0) ^ b.word(0)
    res.word(1) = a.word(1) ^ b.word(1)
    res.word(2) = a.word(2) ^ b.word(2)

    * Computes a times b and puts the result into res.
    * Uses table lookups, which may not preserve
    * the secrecy of the inputs in case of side-channel attacks.
    * @param res output; must be not null; may be equal to a and/or b
    * @param a   multiplicand; may be equal to res, in which case will get overwritten
    * @param b   multiplier; may be equal to res, in which case will get overwritten
  def mul(res: GF2_192,
          a: GF2_192,
          b: GF2_192): Unit = {
    // Implements a sort of times-x-and-add algorithm, except instead of multiplying by x
    // we multiply by x^4 and then add one of possible 16 precomputed values
    // contains a*0, a*1, a*x, a*(x+1), a*x^2, a*(x^2+1), a*(x^2+x), a*(x^2+x+1)
    // a*x^3, a*(x^3+1), a*(x^3+x), a*(x^3+x+1), a*(x^3+x^2), a*(x^3+x^2+1), a*(x^3+x^2+x), a*(x^3+x^2+x+1), all mod reduced
    // First word of each is in a0 muls, second word of each is in a1muls, third word of each is in a2muls
    val a0muls = new Array[Long](16)
    val a1muls = new Array[Long](16)
    val a2muls = new Array[Long](16)

    // a0muls[0], a1muls[0] and a2muls[0] are already correctly initialized to 0
    a0muls(1) = a.word(0)
    a1muls(1) = a.word(1)
    a2muls(1) = a.word(2)
    // a*x, a*x^2, a*x^3
    var i = 2
    while (i <= 8) {
      // multiply a*x^{log_2 i/2} by x to get a*x^{log_2 i}
      val prev = i / 2
      a0muls(i) = a0muls(prev) << 1
      a1muls(i) = (a1muls(prev) << 1) | (a0muls(prev) >>> 63)
      a2muls(i) = (a2muls(prev) << 1) | (a1muls(prev) >>> 63)
      // mod reduce
      a0muls(i) ^= irredMuls((a2muls(prev) >>> 63).toInt)
      i *= 2

    // a*(x+1)
    a0muls(3) = a0muls(1) ^ a0muls(2)
    a1muls(3) = a1muls(1) ^ a1muls(2)
    a2muls(3) = a2muls(1) ^ a2muls(2)

    // a*(x^2+1), a*(x^2+x), a*(x^2+x+1)
    cfor(1)(_ < 4, _ + 1) { i =>
      a0muls(4 | i) = a0muls(4) ^ a0muls(i)
      a1muls(4 | i) = a1muls(4) ^ a1muls(i)
      a2muls(4 | i) = a2muls(4) ^ a2muls(i)

    // a*(x^3+1), a*(x^3+x), a*(x^3+x+1), a*(x^3+x^2), a*(x^3+x^2+1), a*(x^3+x^2+x), a*(x^3+x^2+x+1)
    cfor(1)(_ < 8, _ + 1) { i =>
      a0muls(8 | i) = a0muls(8) ^ a0muls(i)
      a1muls(8 | i) = a1muls(8) ^ a1muls(i)
      a2muls(8 | i) = a2muls(8) ^ a2muls(i)
    var w0: Long = 0
    var w1: Long = 0
    var w2: Long = 0
    cfor(2)(_ >= 0, _ - 1) { j =>
      val multiplier = b.word(j)
      var i = 60
      while (i >= 0) {
        // Multiply by x^4
        val modReduceIndex = (w2 >>> 60).toInt
        w2 = (w2 << 4) | (w1 >>> 60)
        w1 = (w1 << 4) | (w0 >>> 60)
        // MOD REDUCE ACCORDING TO modReduceIndex by XORing the right value
        w0 = (w0 << 4) ^ irredMuls(modReduceIndex)
        //w0 = (w0<<4)^(irredPentanomial*(modReduceIndex&8))^(irredPentanomial*(modReduceIndex&4))^(irredPentanomial*(modReduceIndex&2))^(irredPentanomial*(modReduceIndex&1));
        // Add the correct multiple of a
        val index = ((multiplier >>> i) & 15).toInt
        w0 ^= a0muls(index)
        w1 ^= a1muls(index)
        w2 ^= a2muls(index)
        i -= 4
    res.word(0) = w0
    res.word(1) = w1
    res.word(2) = w2

  def invert(res: GF2_192,
             z: GF2_192): Unit = {
    // Computes z^{2^192-2} = z^{exponent written in binary as 191 ones followed by a single zero}
    // (by Fermat's little theorem, this is the correct inverse)
    // contains z raised to the power whose binary representation is 2^k ones
    val zTo2ToK1s = new GF2_192(z)

    // Square res to get its exponent to be 10 in binary
    mul(res, z, z)
    // contains z raised to the power whose binary representation is 2^k ones followed by 2^k zeros
    val zTo2ToK1s2ToK0s = new GF2_192(res)
    // Loop invariant
    // res contains z raised to the power whose binary representation is 2^{k+1}-1 ones followed by a single zero
    // zTo2ToK1s contains z raised to the power whose binary representation is 2^k ones
    // zTo2ToK1s2ToK0s contains z raised to the power whose binary representation is 2^k ones followed by 2^k zeros
    var k = 0
    while (k < 6) {
      k += 1
      // Fill in the zeros in the exponent of zTo2ToK1s2ToK0s with ones
      mul(zTo2ToK1s, zTo2ToK1s2ToK0s, zTo2ToK1s)
      // zTo2ToK1s2ToK0s = power2To2ToK with 2^k zeros appended to the exponent
      power2To2ToK(zTo2ToK1s2ToK0s, zTo2ToK1s, k)
      // prepend 2^k ones to res
      mul(res, res, zTo2ToK1s2ToK0s)
    // Prepened another 64 ones to res
    power2To2ToK(zTo2ToK1s2ToK0s, zTo2ToK1s2ToK0s, k)
    mul(res, res, zTo2ToK1s2ToK0s)

    * Squares z and puts the result into res. Same as power2To2ToK(res, z, 0).
    * About same efficiency as mul(res, z, z) (more efficient implementations are possible,
    * but not provided here because of risk of side-channel attacks)
    * @param res output; must be not null; may be equal to z
    * @param z   input to be squared; may be equal to res, in which case will get overwritten
  def sqr(res: GF2_192,
          z: GF2_192): Unit = {
    // It is possible to precompute the square of every byte value in every byte position
    // (only bytes a few byte positions are needed -- squares of bytes in other positions
    // can be figured out by shifting squares of bytes in positions 0 and 16). This will result in a slightly
    // bigger table and several times more efficient squaring. However, because table lookups will
    // be input-dependent, this gives a higher risk of side-channel attacks that reveal z.
    // Hence, it's not implemented.
    power2To2ToK(res, z, 0)

    * Raises z to the power 2^{2^k} and puts the result into res. Same sqr(z, z) 2^k times.
    * Takes only about as much time as mul(res, z, z) (even more efficient implementations are possible,
    * but not provided here because of risk of side-channel attacks)
    * @param res output; must be not null; may be equal to z
    * @param z   input to be squared; may be equal to res, in which case will get overwritten
  def power2To2ToK(res: GF2_192, z: GF2_192, k: Int): Unit = {
    if (k >= 7) {
      // By Fermat's little theorem, z^{2^{2^k}} = z^{2^{2^k} mod (2^{192}-1)}
      // If k>=7, then 2^{2^k} mod (2^{192}-1) = 2^64 when k is even and 2^128 when k is odd (proof below),
      // so that's what we compute.
      // Note that we have no precomputed table for k=7 (i.e., 2^128), because we don't expect
      // this to be needed -- only up to k=6 is used in inversion.
      // Here's the proof: let m = 64. 2^{2^k} mod (2^{192}-1) = 2^{mn} mod (2^{3m}-1) for n = 2^{k-6}.
      // Let d = n div 3 and r = n mod 3.
      // Then 2^{mn} = (2^{3m}-1) (2^{m(n-3}}+2^{m(n-6)}+...+2^{m-nd})+2^{nr}
      // So the remainder is 2^{nr}. r is 2 when k is odd and 1 when k is even.
      power2To2ToK(res, z, 6)
      if (k % 2 == 1) {
        power2To2ToK(res, res, 6)
    } else {
      // powTable0[k][i] contains the result of raising x^i to the power 2^k for i = 0...63
      // powTable0[k][i-64] contains the result of raising x^i to the power 2^k for i = 64...127
      // powTable0[k][i-128] contains the result of raising x^i to the power 2^k for i = 128...191
      // Because raising to the power 2^k is linear over any field of characteristic 2,
      // we just need to XOR the values in these tables at indices i where z is 1.
      // This selection is done via multiplication by 0 or 1, to avoid having an input-dependent path
      // through the code, thus reducing the chance of side-channel attacks.
      // Note that more efficient tables can be precomputed -- for example, the result of raising
      // every one of 16 possible 4-bit nibbles at every one of 32 possible nibble positions.
      // But indexing into these tables will be input-dependent, which may make side-channel attacks easier.
      var t0: Long = 0
      var t1: Long = 0
      var t2: Long = 0
      var maxIndex = 0
      var i = 0
      cfor(0)(_ < z.word.length, _ + 1) { iW =>
        var w = z.word(iW)
        maxIndex += 64
        while (i < maxIndex) {
          val multiplier: Long = w & 1
          // No "if w&1 == 0" here, to avoid a data-dependent path through the code,
          // thus reducing the chance of side channel attacks
          t0 ^= powTable0(k)(i) * multiplier
          t1 ^= powTable1(k)(i) * multiplier
          t2 ^= powTable2(k)(i) * multiplier
          w >>>= 1
          i += 1
      res.word(0) = t0
      res.word(1) = t1
      res.word(2) = t2

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