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sigmastate.eval.TreeBuilding.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package sigmastate.eval

import sigma.ast._
import org.ergoplatform._
import sigma.ast.syntax.ValueOps
import sigma.serialization.OpCodes._
import sigma.serialization.ConstantStore
import sigma.ast.syntax._
import{ProveDHTuple, ProveDlog}

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import sigma.serialization.ValueCodes.OpCode

/** Implementation of IR-graph to ErgoTree expression translation.
  * This, in a sense, is inverse to [[GraphBuilding]], however roundtrip identity is not
  * possible, because one of the goals of Tree -> Graph -> Tree translation is to perform
  * size optimization of the resulting tree.
  * The main optimizations that are achieved by Tree -> Graph -> Tree process:
  * 1) Common Subexpression Elimination which is done in GraphBuilding
  * 2) ValDef introduction minimization, which is done in TreeBuilding. The ValDef is
  * introduced only for graph nodes (i.e. subcomputations) that have more than 1 usage.
  * @see buildTree method
  * */
trait TreeBuilding extends SigmaLibrary { IR: IRContext =>
  import Liftables._
  import Context._
  import SigmaProp._
  import Coll._
  import Box._
  import CollBuilder._
  import SigmaDslBuilder._
  import BigInt._
  import WOption._
  import GroupElement._

  /** Convenience synonyms for easier pattern matching. */
  private val ContextM = ContextMethods
  private val SigmaM = SigmaPropMethods
  private val CollM = CollMethods
  private val BoxM = BoxMethods
  private val CBM = CollBuilderMethods
  private val SDBM = SigmaDslBuilderMethods
  private val OM = WOptionMethods
  private val BIM = BigIntMethods
  private val GM = GroupElementMethods

  /** Describes assignment of valIds for symbols which become ValDefs.
    * Each ValDef in current scope have entry in this map */
  type DefEnv = Map[Sym, (Int, SType)]

  /** Recognizes arithmetic operation of graph IR and returns its ErgoTree code. */
  object IsArithOp {
    def unapply(op: EndoBinOp[_]): Option[OpCode] = op match {
      case _: NumericPlus[_]    => Some(PlusCode)
      case _: NumericMinus[_]   => Some(MinusCode)
      case _: NumericTimes[_]   => Some(MultiplyCode)
      case _: IntegralDivide[_] => Some(DivisionCode)
      case _: IntegralMod[_]    => Some(ModuloCode)
      case _: OrderingMin[_]    => Some(MinCode)
      case _: OrderingMax[_]    => Some(MaxCode)
      case _ => None

  /** Recognizes comparison operation of graph IR and returns the corresponding ErgoTree
    * builder function.
  object IsRelationOp {
    def unapply(op: BinOp[_,_]): Option[(SValue, SValue) => Value[SBoolean.type]] = op match {
      case _: Equals[_]       => Some(builder.mkEQ[SType])
      case _: NotEquals[_]    => Some(builder.mkNEQ[SType])
      case _: OrderingGT[_]   => Some(builder.mkGT[SType])
      case _: OrderingLT[_]   => Some(builder.mkLT[SType])
      case _: OrderingGTEQ[_] => Some(builder.mkGE[SType])
      case _: OrderingLTEQ[_] => Some(builder.mkLE[SType])
      case _ => None

  /** Recognizes logical binary operation of graph IR and returns the corresponding
    * ErgoTree builder function.
  object IsLogicalBinOp {
    def unapply(op: BinOp[_,_]): Option[(BoolValue, BoolValue) => Value[SBoolean.type]] = op match {
      case And => Some(builder.mkBinAnd)
      case Or  => Some(builder.mkBinOr)
      case BinaryXorOp => Some(builder.mkBinXor)
      case _ => None

  /** Recognizes unary logical operation of graph IR and returns the corresponding
    * ErgoTree builder function.
  object IsLogicalUnOp {
    def unapply(op: UnOp[_,_]): Option[BoolValue => BoolValue] = op match {
      case Not => Some({ v: BoolValue => builder.mkLogicalNot(v) })
      case _ => None

  /** Recognizes unary numeric operation of graph IR and returns the corresponding
    * ErgoTree builder function.
  object IsNumericUnOp {
    def unapply(op: UnOp[_,_]): Option[SValue => SValue] = op match {
      case NumericNegate(_) => Some({ v: SValue => builder.mkNegation(v.asNumValue) })
      case _ => None

  /** Recognizes context property in the graph IR and returns the corresponding
    * ErgoTree node.
  object IsContextProperty {
    def unapply(d: Def[_]): Option[SValue] = d match {
      case ContextM.HEIGHT(_) => Some(Height)
      case ContextM.INPUTS(_) => Some(Inputs)
      case ContextM.OUTPUTS(_) => Some(Outputs)
      case ContextM.SELF(_) => Some(Self)
      case _ => None

  /** Recognizes special graph IR nodes which typically have many usages, but
    * for which no ValDefs should be created.
  object IsInternalDef {
    def unapply(d: Def[_]): Option[Def[_]] = d match {
      case _: SigmaDslBuilder | _: CollBuilder | _: WSpecialPredefCompanion => Some(d)
      case _ => None

  /** Recognizes constants in graph IR. */
  object IsConstantDef {
    def unapply(d: Def[_]): Option[Def[_]] = d match {
      case _: Const[_] => Some(d)
      case _ => None

  /** Transforms the given graph node into the corresponding ErgoTree node.
    * It is mutually recursive with processAstGraph, so it's part of the recursive
    * algorithms required by buildTree method.
  private def buildValue(ctx: Ref[Context],
                 mainG: PGraph,
                 env: DefEnv,
                 s: Sym,
                 defId: Int,
                 constantsProcessing: Option[ConstantStore]): SValue = {
    import builder._
    def recurse[T <: SType](s: Sym) = buildValue(ctx, mainG, env, s, defId, constantsProcessing).asValue[T]
    object In { def unapply(s: Sym): Option[SValue] = Some(buildValue(ctx, mainG, env, s, defId, constantsProcessing)) }
    s match {
      case _ if s == ctx => sigma.ast.Context
      case _ if env.contains(s) =>
        val (id, tpe) = env(s)
        ValUse(id, tpe) // recursion base
      case Def(Lambda(lam, _, x, y)) =>
        val varId = defId + 1       // arguments are treated as ValDefs and occupy id space
        val env1 = env + (x -> (varId, elemToSType(x.elem)))
        val block = processAstGraph(ctx, mainG, env1, lam, varId + 1, constantsProcessing)
        val rhs = mkFuncValue(Array((varId, elemToSType(x.elem))), block)
      case Def(Apply(fSym, xSym, _)) =>
        val Seq(f, x) = Seq(fSym, xSym).map(recurse)
        builder.mkApply(f, Array(x))
      case Def(th @ ThunkDef(root, _)) =>
        val block = processAstGraph(ctx, mainG, env, th, defId, constantsProcessing)
      case Def(Const(x)) =>
        val tpe = elemToSType(s.elem)
        constantsProcessing match {
          case Some(s) =>
            val constant = mkConstant[tpe.type](x.asInstanceOf[tpe.WrappedType], tpe)
          case None =>
            mkConstant[tpe.type](x.asInstanceOf[tpe.WrappedType], tpe)
      case Def(wc: LiftedConst[a,_]) =>
        val tpe = elemToSType(s.elem)
        mkConstant[tpe.type](wc.constValue.asInstanceOf[tpe.WrappedType], tpe)

      case Def(IsContextProperty(v)) => v
      case s if s == sigmaDslBuilder => Global

      case Def(ApplyBinOp(IsArithOp(opCode), xSym, ySym)) =>
        val Seq(x, y) = Seq(xSym, ySym).map(recurse)
        mkArith(x.asNumValue, y.asNumValue, opCode)
      case Def(ApplyBinOp(IsRelationOp(mkNode), xSym, ySym)) =>
        val Seq(x, y) = Seq(xSym, ySym).map(recurse)
        mkNode(x, y)
      case Def(ApplyBinOp(IsLogicalBinOp(mkNode), xSym, ySym)) =>
        val Seq(x, y) = Seq(xSym, ySym).map(recurse)
        mkNode(x, y)
      case Def(ApplyBinOpLazy(IsLogicalBinOp(mkNode), xSym, ySym)) =>
        val Seq(x, y) = Seq(xSym, ySym).map(recurse)
        mkNode(x, y)
      case Def(ApplyUnOp(IsLogicalUnOp(mkNode), xSym)) =>

      case CBM.fromItems(_, colSyms, elemT) =>
        val elemTpe = elemToSType(elemT)
        val col =[elemTpe.type])
        mkConcreteCollection[elemTpe.type](col.toArray[Value[elemTpe.type]], elemTpe)
      case CBM.xor(_, colSym1, colSym2) =>
        mkXor(recurse(colSym1), recurse(colSym2))
      case SDBM.xor(_, colSym1, colSym2) =>
        mkXor(recurse(colSym1), recurse(colSym2))

      case ContextM.getVar(_, Def(Const(id)), eVar) =>
        val tpe = elemToSType(eVar)
        mkGetVar(id, tpe)

      case BIM.subtract(In(x), In(y)) =>
        mkArith(x.asNumValue, y.asNumValue, MinusCode)
      case BIM.add(In(x), In(y)) =>
        mkArith(x.asNumValue, y.asNumValue, PlusCode)
      case BIM.multiply(In(x), In(y)) =>
        mkArith(x.asNumValue, y.asNumValue, MultiplyCode)
      case BIM.divide(In(x), In(y)) =>
        mkArith(x.asNumValue, y.asNumValue, DivisionCode)
      case BIM.mod(In(x), In(y)) =>
        mkArith(x.asNumValue, y.asNumValue, ModuloCode)
      case BIM.min(In(x), In(y)) =>
        mkArith(x.asNumValue, y.asNumValue, MinCode)
      case BIM.max(In(x), In(y)) =>
        mkArith(x.asNumValue, y.asNumValue, MaxCode)

      case Def(ApplyUnOp(IsNumericUnOp(mkNode), xSym)) =>

      case CollM.apply(colSym, In(index)) =>
        val col = recurse(colSym)
        mkByIndex(col, index.asIntValue, None)
      case CollM.length(col) =>
      case CollM.exists(colSym, pSym) =>
        val Seq(col, p) = Seq(colSym, pSym).map(recurse)
        mkExists(col.asCollection[SType], p.asFunc)
      case CollM.forall(colSym, pSym) =>
        val Seq(col, p) = Seq(colSym, pSym).map(recurse)
        mkForAll(col.asCollection[SType], p.asFunc)
      case, fSym) =>
        val Seq(col, f) = Seq(colSym, fSym).map(recurse)
        mkMapCollection(col.asCollection[SType], f.asFunc)
      case CollM.getOrElse(colSym, In(index), defValSym) =>
        val col = recurse(colSym)
        val defVal = recurse(defValSym)
        mkByIndex(col, index.asIntValue, Some(defVal))
      case CollM.append(col1Sym, col2Sym) =>
        val Seq(col1, col2) = Seq(col1Sym, col2Sym).map(recurse)
        mkAppend(col1, col2)
      case CollM.slice(colSym, In(from), In(until)) =>
        mkSlice(recurse(colSym), from.asIntValue, until.asIntValue)
      case CollM.foldLeft(colSym, zeroSym, pSym) =>
        val Seq(col, zero, p) = Seq(colSym, zeroSym, pSym).map(recurse)
        mkFold(col, zero, p.asFunc)
      case CollM.filter(colSym, pSym) =>
        val Seq(col, p) = Seq(colSym, pSym).map(recurse)
        mkFilter(col.asCollection[SType], p.asFunc)

      case Def(MethodCall(receiver, m, argsSyms, _)) if receiver.elem.isInstanceOf[CollElem[_, _]] =>
        val colSym = receiver.asInstanceOf[Ref[Coll[Any]]]
        val args =[Sym]).map(recurse)
        val col = recurse(colSym).asCollection[SType]
        val colTpe = col.tpe
        val method = SCollectionMethods.methods.find( == m.getName).getOrElse(error(s"unknown method Coll.${m.getName}"))
        val typeSubst = (method, args) match {
          case (_ @ SCollectionMethods.FlatMapMethod, Seq(f)) =>
            val typeSubst = Map(SCollection.tOV -> f.asFunc.tpe.tRange.asCollection.elemType)
          case (_ @ SCollectionMethods.ZipMethod, Seq(coll)) =>
            val typeSubst = Map(SCollection.tOV -> coll.asCollection[SType].tpe.elemType)
          case (_, _) => EmptySubst
        val specMethod = method.withConcreteTypes(typeSubst + (SCollection.tIV -> colTpe.elemType))
        builder.mkMethodCall(col, specMethod, args.toIndexedSeq, Map())

      case BoxM.value(In(box)) =>
      case BoxM.propositionBytes(In(box)) =>
      case BoxM.getReg(In(box), regId, _) =>
        val tpe = elemToSType(s.elem).asOption
        if (regId.isConst)
          mkExtractRegisterAs(box.asBox, ErgoBox.allRegisters(valueFromRep(regId)), tpe)
          error(s"Non constant expressions (${regId.node}) are not supported in getReg")
      case BoxM.creationInfo(In(box)) =>
      case =>
      case BoxM.bytes(In(box)) =>
      case BoxM.bytesWithoutRef(In(box)) =>

      case OM.get(In(optionSym)) =>
      case OM.getOrElse(In(optionSym), In(defVal)) =>
        mkOptionGetOrElse(optionSym.asValue[SOption[SType]], defVal)
      case OM.isDefined(In(optionSym)) =>

      case SigmaM.and_sigma_&&(In(p1), In(p2)) =>
        SigmaAnd(Seq(p1.asSigmaProp, p2.asSigmaProp))
      case SigmaM.or_sigma_||(In(p1), In(p2)) =>
        SigmaOr(Seq(p1.asSigmaProp, p2.asSigmaProp))
      case SigmaM.propBytes(In(prop)) =>

      case Def(AnyZk(_, colSyms, _)) =>
        val col =
      case Def(AllZk(_, colSyms, _)) =>
        val col =

      case Def(AnyOf(_, colSyms, _)) =>
        val col =
      case Def(AllOf(_, colSyms, _)) =>
        val col =

      case SDBM.allOf(_,  items) =>
      case SDBM.anyOf(_,  items) =>
      case SDBM.atLeast(_, bound, items) =>
        mkAtLeast(recurse(bound), recurse(items))
      case Def(SDBM.xorOf(_,  items)) =>

      case Def(SDBM.sigmaProp(_, In(cond))) =>
      case SDBM.proveDlog(_, In(g)) =>
        g match {
          case gc: Constant[SGroupElement.type]@unchecked => SigmaPropConstant(ProveDlog(gc.value))
          case _ => mkCreateProveDlog(g.asGroupElement)
      case SDBM.proveDHTuple(_, In(g), In(h), In(u), In(v)) =>
        (g, h, u, v) match {
          case (gc: Constant[SGroupElement.type]@unchecked,
          hc: Constant[SGroupElement.type]@unchecked,
          uc: Constant[SGroupElement.type]@unchecked,
          vc: Constant[SGroupElement.type]@unchecked) =>
            SigmaPropConstant(ProveDHTuple(gc.value, hc.value, uc.value, vc.value))
          case _ =>
            mkCreateProveDHTuple(g.asGroupElement, h.asGroupElement, u.asGroupElement, v.asGroupElement)
      case SDBM.sigmaProp(_, In(cond)) => // TODO refactor: remove or cover by tests: it is never executed
      case SDBM.byteArrayToBigInt(_, colSym) =>
      case SDBM.sha256(_, colSym) =>
      case SDBM.blake2b256(_, colSym) =>
      case SDBM.longToByteArray(_, longSym) =>
      case SDBM.byteArrayToLong(_, colSym) =>
      case SDBM.decodePoint(_, colSym) =>
      case SDBM.substConstants(_, In(scriptBytes), In(positions), In(newValues)) =>
        mkSubstConst(scriptBytes.asByteArray, positions.asIntArray, newValues.asCollection[SType])

      case Def(IfThenElseLazy(condSym, thenPSym, elsePSym)) =>
        val Seq(cond, thenP, elseP) = Seq(condSym, thenPSym, elsePSym).map(recurse)
        mkIf(cond, thenP, elseP)

      case Def(Tup(In(x), In(y))) =>
        mkTuple(Seq(x, y))
      case Def(First(pair)) =>
        mkSelectField(recurse(pair), 1)
      case Def(Second(pair)) =>
        mkSelectField(recurse(pair), 2)

      case Def(Downcast(inputSym, toSym)) =>
        mkDowncast(recurse(inputSym).asNumValue, elemToSType(toSym).asNumType)
      case Def(Upcast(inputSym, toSym)) =>
        mkUpcast(recurse(inputSym).asNumValue, elemToSType(toSym).asNumType)

      case GM.exp(In(obj), In(arg)) =>
        mkExponentiate(obj.asGroupElement, arg.asBigInt)

      case GM.multiply(In(obj), In(arg)) =>
        mkMultiplyGroup(obj.asGroupElement, arg.asGroupElement)

      // Fallback MethodCall rule: should be the last in this list of cases
      case Def(MethodCall(objSym, m, argSyms, _)) =>
        val obj = recurse[SType](objSym)
        val args = argSyms.collect { case argSym: Sym => recurse[SType](argSym) }
        MethodsContainer.getMethod(obj.tpe, m.getName) match {
          case Some(method) =>
            val specMethod = method.specializeFor(obj.tpe,
            builder.mkMethodCall(obj, specMethod, args.toIndexedSeq, Map())
          case None =>
            error(s"Cannot find method ${m.getName} in object $obj")

      case Def(d) =>
        !!!(s"Don't know how to buildValue($mainG, $s -> $d, $env, $defId)")

  /** Transforms the given AstGraph node (Lambda of Thunk) into the corresponding ErgoTree node.
    * It is mutually recursive with buildValue, so it's part of the recursive
    * algorithms required by buildTree method.
  private def processAstGraph(ctx: Ref[Context],
                              mainG: PGraph,
                              env: DefEnv,
                              subG: AstGraph,
                              defId: Int,
                              constantsProcessing: Option[ConstantStore]): SValue = {
    val valdefs = new ArrayBuffer[ValDef]
    var curId = defId
    var curEnv = env
    for (s <- subG.schedule) {
      val d = s.node
      if (mainG.hasManyUsagesGlobal(s)
        && IsContextProperty.unapply(d).isEmpty
        && IsInternalDef.unapply(d).isEmpty
          // to increase effect of constant segregation we need to treat the constants specially
          // and don't create ValDef even if the constant is used more than one time,
          // because two equal constants don't always have the same meaning.
        && IsConstantDef.unapply(d).isEmpty)
        val rhs = buildValue(ctx, mainG, curEnv, s, curId, constantsProcessing)
        curId += 1
        val vd = ValDef(curId, Nil, rhs)
        curEnv = curEnv + (s -> (curId, vd.tpe))  // assign valId to s, so it can be use in ValUse
        valdefs += vd
    val root = subG.roots(0)
    val rhs = buildValue(ctx, mainG, curEnv, root, curId, constantsProcessing)
    val res = if (valdefs.nonEmpty) {
      (valdefs.toArray[BlockItem], rhs) match {
        // simple optimization to avoid producing block sub-expressions like:
        // `{ val idNew = id; idNew }` which this rules rewrites to just `id`
        case (Array(ValDef(idNew, _, source @ ValUse(id, tpe))), ValUse(idUse, tpeUse))
          if idUse == idNew && tpeUse == tpe => source
        case (items, _) =>
          BlockValue(items, rhs)
    } else rhs

  /** Transforms the given function `f` from graph-based IR to ErgoTree expression.
    * @param f                   reference to the graph node representing function from Context.
    * @param constantsProcessing if Some(store) is specified, then each constant is
    *                            segregated and a placeholder is inserted in the resulting expression.
    * @return expression of ErgoTree which corresponds to the function `f`
  def buildTree[T <: SType](f: Ref[Context => Any],
                            constantsProcessing: Option[ConstantStore] = None): Value[T] = {
    val Def(Lambda(lam,_,_,_)) = f
    val mainG = new PGraph(lam.y)
    val block = processAstGraph(asRep[Context](lam.x), mainG, Map.empty, mainG, 0, constantsProcessing)

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