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sigmastate.lang.ContractParser.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package sigmastate.lang

import fastparse._
import fastparse.NoWhitespace._
import SigmaParser._
import sigma.ast.SType
import sigma.ast.syntax.SValue
import sigmastate.lang.parsers.Basic

 * Represents a docstring line.
case class DocumentationToken(kind: DocumentationToken.Kind, name: Option[String], body: Option[String])

 * Companion object containing the classes required for describing an docstring token.
object DocumentationToken {
  def apply(kind: Kind): DocumentationToken = new DocumentationToken(kind, None, None)

  def apply(kind: Kind, body: String): DocumentationToken = new DocumentationToken(kind, None, Option(body))

  def apply(kind: TagKind, name: String, body: String): DocumentationToken =
    new DocumentationToken(kind, Option(name), Option(body))

   * Represents a documentation remark.
  sealed abstract class Kind

   * Documents an untagged doc description, this is simply a line of text anywhere in the docstring.
  case object Description extends Kind

   * Represents an empty doc line.
  case object EmptyLine extends Kind

   * Represents a line starting with a tag (@) but is not supported.
  case object UnsupportedTag extends Kind

   * Represents a labeled documentation remark.
  sealed abstract class TagKind(val label: String) extends Kind

   * Documents a specific value parameter of the contract template.
  case object Param extends TagKind("@param")

   * Documents the return value of the contract template.
  case object Return extends TagKind("@returns")

 * Holds values extracted from a `@param` tag line in docstrings.
 * @param name        Name of the parameter.
 * @param description Description of the parameter.
case class ParameterDoc(name: String, description: String)

 * Contract template documentation extracted from the preceding docstring.
 * @param description Top level contract template description.
 * @param params      Contract template parameters as defined in the docstring.
case class ContractDoc(description: String, params: Seq[ParameterDoc])

object ContractDoc {
  def apply(tokens: Seq[DocumentationToken]): ContractDoc = {
    val nonEmptyTokens = tokens.dropWhile(_.kind == DocumentationToken.EmptyLine)

    val (description, paramTokens) = nonEmptyTokens.span(_.kind == DocumentationToken.Description)
    val descriptionText = description.flatMap(_.body).mkString(" ")

    def extractParamDocs(tokens: Seq[DocumentationToken]): Seq[ParameterDoc] = {
      tokens match {
        case DocumentationToken(kind: DocumentationToken.TagKind, Some(name), Some(body)) +: tail if kind == DocumentationToken.Param =>
          // grab the succeeding description tokens if there are any, this is multiline description of params
          val (descTokens, remainingTokens) = tail.span(_.kind == DocumentationToken.Description)
          val fullDescription = (body +: descTokens.flatMap(_.body)).mkString(" ")
          ParameterDoc(name, fullDescription) +: extractParamDocs(remainingTokens)
        case _ +: tail => extractParamDocs(tail)
        case Seq() => Seq()

    ContractDoc(descriptionText, extractParamDocs(paramTokens))

 * Represents a parsed parameter defined in a contracts signature.
 * @param name         The name of the parameter.
 * @param tpe          The type of the parameter.
 * @param defaultValue The default value assigned to the parameter, if it exists.
case class ContractParam(name: String, tpe: SType, defaultValue: Option[SType#WrappedType])

 * Represents the signature of a contract.
 * @param name   The name of the contract.
 * @param params The parameters for the contract.
case class ContractSignature(name: String, params: Seq[ContractParam])

 * The result of parsing a contract template.
 * Includes the parsed docstring preceding the contract as well as the contract signature.
 * @param docs      Docstring parsed from the contract.
 * @param signature Signature of the contract.
 * @param body      Parsed SValue of the contract.
case class ParsedContractTemplate(docs: ContractDoc, signature: ContractSignature, body: SValue)

 * Parsers that handle parsing contract definitions excluding the contract body which is handled
 * by [[SigmaParser]].
object ContractParser {
  def parse(source: String): Parsed[ParsedContractTemplate] = fastparse.parse(source, parse(_))

   * Parse a contract up until the open brace (i.e the beginning of the contract logic).
  def parse[_: P]: P[ParsedContractTemplate] = P(Docs.parse ~ Basic.Newline ~ Signature.parse ~ WL.? ~ "=" ~ WL.? ~ AnyChar.rep(1).!).map(s => ParsedContractTemplate(s._1, s._2, SigmaParser(s._3).get.value))

   * Parsers for contract docstrings.
   * Contract docstrings follow similiar structure as scaladocs except only support a subset
   * of documentation tags such as @param & @returns.
  object Docs {

    import DocumentationToken._

    def parse(source: String): Parsed[ContractDoc] = {
      fastparse.parse(source, parse(_))

    def parse[_: P]: P[ContractDoc] = P(" ".rep.? ~ "/*" ~ docLine.rep ~ " ".rep.? ~ "*/").map(ContractDoc.apply)

    def linePrefix[_: P] = P(WL.? ~ "*" ~ " ".rep.? ~ !"/")

    def word[_: P] = CharsWhile(c => c != ' ')

    def charUntilNewLine[_: P] = CharsWhile(c => c != '\n')

    def unsupportedTag[_: P] = P("@" ~ charUntilNewLine.?).map(_ => DocumentationToken(UnsupportedTag))

    def returnTag[_: P] = P("@returns").map(_ => DocumentationToken(Return))

    def paramTag[_: P] = P("@param" ~ WL ~ word.! ~ WL ~ charUntilNewLine.!).map(s => DocumentationToken(Param, s._1, s._2))

    def tag[_: P] = P(returnTag | paramTag | unsupportedTag)

    def emptyLine[_: P] = P(("" | " ".rep.?) ~ &(Basic.Newline)).map(_ => DocumentationToken(EmptyLine))

    def description[_: P] = P(!"@" ~ charUntilNewLine.!).map(s => DocumentationToken(Description, s))

    def docLine[_: P] = P(linePrefix ~ (emptyLine | description | tag) ~ Basic.Newline)

   * Parsers for contract signatures.
   * A contract signature has essentially the same shape as a scala function signature.
  object Signature {

    def parse(source: String): Parsed[ContractSignature] = {
      fastparse.parse(source, parse(_))

    def parse[_: P]: P[ContractSignature] = P(annotation ~ WL.? ~ `def` ~ WL.? ~ Id.! ~ params).map(s => ContractSignature(s._1, s._2.getOrElse(Seq())))

    def annotation[_: P] = P("@contract")

    def paramDefault[_: P] = P(WL.? ~ `=` ~ WL.? ~ ExprLiteral).map(s => s.asWrappedType)

    def param[_: P] = P(WL.? ~ Id.! ~ ":" ~ Type ~ paramDefault.?).map(s => ContractParam(s._1, s._2, s._3))

    def params[_: P] = P("(" ~ param.rep(1, ",").? ~ ")")

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