sigmastate.lang.SigmaBinder.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package sigmastate.lang
import org.ergoplatform.ErgoAddressEncoder.NetworkPrefix
import org.ergoplatform._
import sigma.ast.NoType
import sigma.data.Nullable
import sigma.kiama.rewriting.CallbackRewriter
import sigma.ast._
import sigma.ast.syntax.SValue
import sigmastate.interpreter.Interpreter.ScriptEnv
import SigmaPredef.PredefinedFuncRegistry
import sigma.ast.syntax._
import sigma.exceptions.{BinderException, InvalidArguments}
object SrcCtxCallbackRewriter extends CallbackRewriter {
override def rewriting[T](oldTerm: T, newTerm: T): T = (oldTerm, newTerm) match {
case (o: SValue, n: SValue) if o.sourceContext.isDefined && n.sourceContext.isEmpty =>
case _ => newTerm
* @param env
* @param builder
* @param networkPrefix network prefix to decode an ergo address from string (PK op)
class SigmaBinder(env: ScriptEnv, builder: SigmaBuilder,
networkPrefix: NetworkPrefix,
predefFuncRegistry: PredefinedFuncRegistry) {
import SigmaBinder._
import builder._
import SrcCtxCallbackRewriter._
private val PKFunc = predefFuncRegistry.PKFunc(networkPrefix)
/** Rewriting of AST with respect to environment to resolve all references to global names
* and infer their types. */
private def eval(e: SValue, env: ScriptEnv): SValue = rewrite(reduce(strategy[Any]({
case i @ Ident(n, NoType) => env.get(n) match {
case Some(v) => Option(liftAny(v).get.withPropagatedSrcCtx(i.sourceContext))
case None => n match {
case "HEIGHT" => Some(Height)
case "MinerPubkey" => Some(MinerPubkey)
case "INPUTS" => Some(Inputs)
case "OUTPUTS" => Some(Outputs)
case "LastBlockUtxoRootHash" => Some(LastBlockUtxoRootHash)
case "EmptyByteArray" => Some(ByteArrayConstant(Array.emptyByteArray))
case "SELF" => Some(Self)
case "CONTEXT" => Some(Context)
case "Global" => Some(Global)
case _ => None
// Rule: Coll[Int](...) -->
case _ @ Apply(ApplyTypes(Ident("Coll", _), Seq(tpe)), args) =>
Some(mkConcreteCollection(args, tpe))
// Rule: Coll(...) -->
case Apply(Ident("Coll", _), args) =>
val tpe = if (args.isEmpty) NoType else args(0).tpe
Some(mkConcreteCollection(args, tpe))
// Rule: min(x, y) -->
case Apply(i @ Ident("min", _), args) => args match {
case Seq(l: SValue, r: SValue) =>
Some(mkMin(l.asNumValue, r.asNumValue))
case _ =>
throw new InvalidArguments(s"Invalid arguments for min: $args", i.sourceContext.toOption)
// Rule: max(x, y) -->
case Apply(i @ Ident("max", _), args) => args match {
case Seq(l: SValue, r: SValue) =>
Some(mkMax(l.asNumValue, r.asNumValue))
case _ =>
throw new InvalidArguments(s"Invalid arguments for max: $args", i.sourceContext.toOption)
// Rule: lambda (...) = ... --> lambda (...): T = ...
case lam @ Lambda(params, args, t, Some(body)) =>
val b1 = eval(body, env)
val newLam = mkLambda(args, t, Some(b1))
if (newLam != lam) Some(newLam) else None
// Rule: { e } --> e
case Block(Seq(), body) => Some(body)
case block @ Block(binds, t) =>
val newBinds = for (v @ Val(n, t, b) <- binds) yield {
if (env.contains(n)) error(s"Variable $n already defined ($n = ${env(n)}", v.sourceContext)
val b1 = eval(b, env)
builder.currentSrcCtx.withValue(v.sourceContext) {
mkVal(n, if (t != NoType) t else b1.tpe, b1)
val t1 = eval(t, env)
val newBlock = mkBlock(newBinds, t1)
if (newBlock != block)
case a @ Apply(PKFunc.symNoType, args) =>
Some(PKFunc.irInfo.irBuilder(PKFunc.sym, args).withPropagatedSrcCtx(a.sourceContext))
case sel @ Select(obj, "isEmpty", _) =>
Some(mkLogicalNot(mkSelect(obj, "isDefined").asBoolValue).withPropagatedSrcCtx(sel.sourceContext))
def bind(e: SValue): SValue =
eval(e, env)
object SigmaBinder {
def error(msg: String, srcCtx: Nullable[SourceContext]) = throw new BinderException(msg, srcCtx.toOption)
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