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sigmastate.lang.parsers.Exprs.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package sigmastate.lang.parsers

import fastparse._
import ScalaWhitespace._
import sigma.ast._
import sigma.ast.syntax.{SValue, ValueOps}
import sigmastate.lang._
import SigmaPredef._
import sigmastate.lang.parsers.Basic._

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.compat.immutable.ArraySeq

//noinspection ForwardReference,TypeAnnotation
/** Parsers of ErgoScript expressions. */
trait Exprs extends Core with Types {

  import builder._
  /** Parses a definition in a block `val name = expr` */
  def BlockDef[_:P]: P[Value[SType]]

  // Depending on where an expression is located, subtle behavior around
  // semicolon inference and arrow-type-ascriptions like i: a => b
  // varies.

  // Expressions used as statements, directly within a {block}
  object StatCtx extends WsCtx(semiInference=true)
  // Expressions nested within other expressions
  object ExprCtx extends WsCtx(semiInference=false)
  // Expressions directly within a `val x = ...` or `def x = ...`
  object FreeCtx extends WsCtx(semiInference=true)

  override def TypeExpr[_:P]: P[Value[SType]] = ExprCtx.Expr

  private val predefFuncRegistry = new PredefinedFuncRegistry(builder)
  import predefFuncRegistry._

  //noinspection TypeAnnotation,ForwardReference
  /** Parsing context of expressions (see derived classes). */
  class WsCtx(semiInference: Boolean) {

    private def OneSemiMax[_:P]: P[Unit] = if (semiInference) OneNLMax else Pass
    private def NoSemis[_:P]: P[Unit] = if (semiInference) NotNewline else Pass

    /** Parses ErgoScript expressions. See nested methods for subexpressions. */
    def Expr[_:P]: P[Value[SType]] = {
      def If: P[Value[SType]] = {
        def Else: P[Value[SType]] = P( Semi.? ~ `else` ~/ Expr )
        P( Index ~ `if` ~/ "(" ~ ExprCtx.Expr ~ ")" ~ Expr ~ Else ).map {
          case (i, c, t, e) => atSrcPos(i) { mkIf(c.asValue[SBoolean.type], t, e) }

      /** Note, `def` declarations parsed to ValNode with function type. */
      def Fun: P[Val] = P(`def` ~ FunDef)

      def LambdaRhs: P[Value[SType]] =
        if (semiInference)
          P( (Index ~ BlockChunk).map {
            case (index, (_ , b))  => atSrcPos(index) { block(b) }
          } )
          P( Expr )

      def PostfixLambda: P[Value[SType]] = P( Index ~ PostfixExpr ~ (`=>` ~ LambdaRhs.? | SuperPostfixSuffix).? ).map {
        case (_, e, None) => e
        case (_, e, Some(None)) => e
        case (i, Tuple(args), Some(Some(body))) => atSrcPos(i) { lambda(args, body) }
        case (i, e, Some(body)) => error(s"Invalid declaration of lambda $e => $body", Some(srcCtx(i)))

      def SmallerExprOrLambda = P( PostfixLambda )

      P( If | Fun | SmallerExprOrLambda )

    private def SuperPostfixSuffix[_:P] = P( (`=` ~/ Expr).? )
    private def ExprPrefix[_:P] = P( WL ~ CharPred("-+!~".contains(_)).! ~~ !parsers.Basic.OpChar ~ WS)
    private def ExprSuffix[_:P] = P(
      (WL ~ "." ~/ (Index ~ Id.!).map{ case (i, s) => atSrcPos(i) { mkIdent(s, NoType)} }
      | WL ~ => STypeApply("", items.toIndexedSeq))
      | NoSemis ~ ArgList ).repX

    private def PrefixExpr[_:P] = P( ExprPrefix.? ~ SimpleExpr ).map {
      case (Some(op), e) => mkUnaryOp(op, e)
      case (None, e) => e

    // Intermediate `WL` needs to always be non-cutting, because you need to
    // backtrack out of `InfixSuffix` into `PostFixSuffix` if it doesn't work out
    private def InfixSuffix[_:P]: P[(String, Value[SType])] =
      P( NoSemis ~~ WL ~~ Id.! ~~ OneSemiMax ~ PrefixExpr ~~ ExprSuffix).map {
        case (op, f, args) =>
          val rhs = applySuffix(f, args)
          (op, rhs)

    private def PostFix[_:P]: P[Value[SType]] =
      P( NoSemis ~~ WL ~~ (Index ~ Id.!) ~ Newline.? ).map { case (i, s) =>
        atSrcPos(i) { mkIdent(s, NoType)}

    private def PostfixSuffix[_:P] = P( InfixSuffix.repX ~~ PostFix.?)

    private def PostfixExpr[_:P]: P[SValue] =
      P( PrefixExpr ~~ ExprSuffix ~~ PostfixSuffix ).map {
        case (prefix, suffix, (infixOps, postfix)) =>
          val lhs = applySuffix(prefix, suffix)
          val obj = mkInfixTree(lhs, infixOps)
          postfix.fold(obj) {
            case Ident(name, _) =>
              builder.currentSrcCtx.withValue(obj.sourceContext) {
                mkMethodCallLike(obj, name, IndexedSeq.empty)

    private def Parened[_:P] = P ( "(" ~/ TypeExpr.rep(0, ",") ~ TrailingComma ~ ")" )
    private def SimpleExpr[_:P] = {

      P(  BlockExpr
        | ExprLiteral
        | StableId
        | (Index ~ `_`.!).map { case (i, lit) => atSrcPos(i) { mkIdent(lit, NoType) } }
        | (Index ~ Parened).map {
        case (index, Seq()) => atSrcPos(index) { mkUnitConstant }
        case (_, Seq(item)) => item
        case (index, items) => atSrcPos(index) { mkTuple(items) }

  /** Constructor of lambda nodes */
  protected def lambda(args: Seq[Value[SType]], body: Value[SType]): Value[SType] = {
    val names = { case Ident(n, t) => (n, t) }
    mkLambda(names.toIndexedSeq, NoType, Some(body))

  /** The precedence of an infix operator is determined by the operator's first character.
    * Characters are listed below in increasing order of precedence, with characters on the same line
    * having the same precedence. */
  private val priorityList = Seq(
    // all letters have lowerst precedence 0
    Seq('=', '!'),
    Seq('<', '>'),
    Seq(':', '>'),
    Seq('+', '-'),
    Seq('*', '/', '%')
  private val priorityMap: Map[Char, Int] = (for {
    (xs, p) <- { case (xs, i) => (xs, i + 1) }
    x <- xs
  } yield (x, p)).toMap

  @inline private def precedenceOf(ch: Char): Int = if (priorityMap.contains(ch)) priorityMap(ch) else 0
  @inline private def precedenceOf(op: String): Int = precedenceOf(op(0))

  /** Build expression tree from a list of operations respecting precedence.
    * Example: a + b * c  =>  a + (b * c)
  protected[lang] def mkInfixTree(lhs: SValue, rhss: Seq[(String, SValue)]): SValue = {
    @tailrec def build(wait: List[(SValue, String)], x: SValue, rest: List[(String, SValue)]): SValue = (wait, rest) match {
      case ((l, op1) :: stack, (op2, r) :: tail) =>
        if (precedenceOf(op1) >= precedenceOf(op2)) {
          val n = mkBinaryOp(l, op1, x)
          build(stack, n, rest)
        else {
          build((x, op2) :: wait, r, tail)

      case (Nil, Nil) => x
      case (Nil, (op, r):: Nil) => mkBinaryOp(x, op, r)
      case ((l, op) :: Nil, Nil) => mkBinaryOp(l, op, x)

      case (Nil, (op, r) :: tail) =>
        build((x, op) :: Nil, r, tail)
      case ((l, op) :: stack, Nil) =>
        val n = mkBinaryOp(l, op, x)
        build(stack, n, Nil)
    build(Nil, lhs, rhss.toList)

   private def applySuffix(f: Value[SType], args: Seq[SigmaNode]): Value[SType] = {
    builder.currentSrcCtx.withValue(f.sourceContext) {
      val rhs = args.foldLeft(f)((acc, arg) => arg match {
        case Ident(name, _) => mkSelect(acc, name)
        case UnitConstant() => mkApply(acc, ArraySeq.empty)
        case Tuple(xs) => mkApply(acc, xs.toArray[SValue])
        case STypeApply("", targs) => mkApplyTypes(acc, targs)
        case arg: SValue => acc match {
          case Ident(name, _) if name == => arg match {
            case Block(_, body) =>
              mkApply(mkIdent(, ZKProofFunc.declaration.tpe), Array(body))
            case nonBlock =>
              error(s"expected block parameter for ZKProof, got $nonBlock", nonBlock.sourceContext)
          case _ => mkApply(acc, Array(arg))
        case _ => error(s"Error after expression $f: invalid suffixes $args", f.sourceContext)

  /** Parses `name[T1, ..., Tn](a1, ..., aM): R = expr` */
  def FunDef[_:P]: P[Val] = {
    def Body = P( WL ~ `=` ~/ FreeCtx.Expr )

    P(Index ~ DottyExtMethodSubj.? ~ Id.! ~ FunSig ~ (`:` ~/ Type).? ~~ Body ).map {
      case (index, None, n, args, resType, body) =>
        atSrcPos(index) {
          val lambda = mkLambda(args.headOption.getOrElse(Seq()).toIndexedSeq, resType.getOrElse(NoType), Some(body))
          mkVal(n, resType.getOrElse(NoType), lambda)
      case (index, Some(dottyExtSubj), n, args, resType, body) if args.length <= 1 =>
        val combinedArgs = Seq(dottyExtSubj) ++ args.headOption.getOrElse(Seq())
        atSrcPos(index) {
          val lambda = mkLambda(combinedArgs.toIndexedSeq, resType.getOrElse(NoType), Some(body))
          mkVal(n, resType.getOrElse(NoType), lambda)
      case (index, dottyExt, n, secs, resType, body) =>
        error(s"Function can only have single argument list: def ${dottyExt.getOrElse("")} $n($secs): ${resType.getOrElse(NoType)} = $body", Some(srcCtx(index)))

  private def SimplePattern[_:P] = {
    def TupleEx = P( "(" ~/ Pattern.rep(0, ",") ~ TrailingComma ~ ")" )
    def Extractor = P( StableId ~ TupleEx.? )
    P(  TupleEx
      | Extractor
      | (Index ~ VarId.!).map { case (i, lit) => atSrcPos(i) { mkIdent(lit, NoType) } })

  private def BlockExpr[_:P] = P( "{" ~/ ( Block ~ "}" ) )

  private def BlockLambdaHead[_:P] = {
    def Arg = P( Annot.rep ~ Id.! ~ (`:` ~/ Type).? ).map {
      case (n, Some(t)) => (n, t)
      case (n, None) => (n, NoType)
    def Args = P( Arg.rep(1, ",") ~ TrailingComma )
    P( OneNLMax ~ "(" ~ Args.? ~ ")" ).map(_.toSeq.flatten)

  def BlockLambda[_:P] = P( BlockLambdaHead ~ `=>` )

  private def BlockChunk[_:P] = {
    def Prelude = P( Annot.rep ~ `lazy`.? )
    def BlockStat = P( Prelude ~ BlockDef | StatCtx.Expr )
    P( BlockLambda.rep ~ BlockStat.rep(sep = Semis) )

  private def extractBlockStats(stats: Seq[SValue]): (Seq[Val], SValue) = {
    if (stats.nonEmpty) {
      val lets = stats.iterator.take(stats.size - 1).map {
        case l: Val => l
        case v => error(s"Block should contain a list of Val bindings and one expression: but was $stats",
      (lets.toList, stats.last)
      (Seq(), mkUnitConstant)

  protected def block(stats: Seq[SValue]): SValue = {
    val (lets, body) = extractBlockStats(stats)
    mkBlock(lets, body)

  private def BaseBlock[_:P](end: P0)(implicit name: sourcecode.Name): P[Value[SType]] = {
    def BlockEnd = P( Semis.? ~ &(end) )
    def Body = P( BlockChunk.repX(sep = Semis) )
    P( Index ~ Semis.? ~ BlockLambda.? ~ Body ~/ BlockEnd ).map {
      case (index, Some(args), Seq((Seq(), Seq(b)))) =>
        atSrcPos(index) { mkLambda(args.toIndexedSeq, NoType, Some(b)) }
      case (index, Some(args), bodyItems) =>
        atSrcPos(index) {
          val b = block(bodyItems.flatMap {
            case (Seq(), exprs) => exprs
          mkLambda(args.toIndexedSeq, NoType, Some(b))
      case (index, None, bodyItems) =>
        atSrcPos(index) {
          block(bodyItems.flatMap {
            case (Seq(), exprs) => exprs

  override def Block[_:P] = BaseBlock("}")

  override def Pattern[_:P]: P0 = P( (WL ~ TypeOrBindPattern).rep(1, sep = "|"./) )

  private def TypePattern[_:P] = P( (`_` | BacktickId | VarId) ~ `:` ~ TypePat )
  private def TypeOrBindPattern[_:P]: P0 = P( TypePattern | BindPattern ).ignore

  def BindPattern[_:P]: P[Any] = {
    def InfixPattern = P( SimplePattern )
    P( InfixPattern )

  private def TypePat[_:P]: P[SType] = P( CompoundType )
  def ParenArgList[_:P]: P[Value[SType]] =
    P( "(" ~/ Index ~ Exprs.? ~ TrailingComma ~ ")" ).map {
      case (index, Some(exprs)) => atSrcPos(index) { mkTuple(exprs) }
      case (index, None) => atSrcPos(index) { mkUnitConstant }
  private def ArgList[_:P] = P( ParenArgList | OneNLMax ~ BlockExpr )

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