scray.querying.caching.KeyValueCache.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// See the LICENCE.txt file distributed with this work for additional
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// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package scray.querying.caching
import scray.querying.queries.DomainQuery
import scray.querying.source.LazyDataFuture
import org.mapdb._
import scray.querying.queries.KeyBasedQuery
import com.twitter.concurrent.Spool
import scray.querying.description.internal.WrongQueryTypeForCacheException
import scray.querying.queries.KeyedQuery
import scray.querying.description.SimpleRow
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
class KeyValueCache[K, V](
val sourceDiscriminant: String,
val keySerializer: Option[Serializer[K]] = None,
val valueSerializer: Option[Serializer[V]] = None,
val cachesizegb: Double = 1.0D,
val numberentries: Option[Int] = None) extends Cache[V] {
val db = DBMaker.newMemoryDirectDB().transactionDisable().asyncWriteEnable().make
val cache = db.createHashMap("cache").counterEnable().expireStoreSize(cachesizegb).
keySerializer(keySerializer.orNull).valueSerializer(valueSerializer.orNull).make[K, V]
val store = Store.forDB(db)
* retrieve one row, ending is an implicit of existing contents (i.e. can only be one)
override def retrieve(query: DomainQuery): Option[V] = query match {
case keyedQuery: KeyedQuery =>
// in this case we use a SimpleRow to retrieve the keys
Option(cache.get(SimpleRow(new ArrayBuffer() ++= keyedQuery.keys).asInstanceOf[K]))
case keyquery: KeyBasedQuery[K] => Option(cache.get(keyquery.key))
case _ => throw new WrongQueryTypeForCacheException(query, sourceDiscriminant)
def put(query: DomainQuery, value: V) = query match {
case keyedQuery: KeyedQuery =>
// in this case we use a SimpleRow to store the keys
cache.put(SimpleRow(new ArrayBuffer() ++= keyedQuery.keys).asInstanceOf[K], value)
case keyquery: KeyBasedQuery[K] => cache.put(keyquery.key, value)
case _ => throw new WrongQueryTypeForCacheException(query, sourceDiscriminant)
override def maintnance: Unit = {
// expiring old columns can be handled automatically by MapDB in this case
override def close: Unit = {
override def report: MonitoringInfos = MonitoringInfos(cachesizegb, cache.sizeLong, store.getCurrSize, store.getFreeSize)
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