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scray.querying.planning.Planner.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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// See the LICENCE.txt file distributed with this work for additional
// information regarding copyright ownership.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package scray.querying.planning

import com.twitter.concurrent.Spool
import com.twitter.util.{ Await, Future }
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging

import java.util.UUID

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import scala.collection.parallel.immutable.ParSeq

import scray.querying.{ Query, Registry }
import scray.querying.description.{ And, AtomicClause, Clause, Column, ColumnConfiguration, ColumnOrdering, Columns, Equal, Greater, GreaterEqual, IsNull, Or, Row, Smaller, SmallerEqual, TableConfiguration, TableIdentifier, Unequal, Wildcard, WildcardChecker }
import scray.querying.description.internal.{ SingleValueDomain, RangeValueDomain, QueryspaceViolationTableUnavailableException, QueryspaceViolationException, QueryspaceColumnViolationException, QueryWithoutColumnsException, QueryDomainParserExceptionReasons, QueryDomainParserException, NonAtomicClauseException, NoPlanException, MaterializedView, IndexTypeException, Domain, Bound, _ }
import scray.querying.queries.{ DomainQuery, QueryInformation }
import scray.querying.source.{ EagerCollectingDomainFilterSource, EagerEmptyRowDispenserSource, EagerSource, IdentityEagerCollectingQueryMappingSource, IndexMergeSource, LazyEmptyRowDispenserSource, LazyQueryColumnDispenserSource, LazyQueryDomainFilterSource, LazySource, LimitIncreasingQueryableSource }
import scray.querying.source.{ OrderingEagerMappingSource, ParallelizedQueryableSource, QueryableSource, SimpleHashJoinSource, Source, SplittedAutoIndexQueryableSource, TimeoutMappingSource, MergeReferenceColumns, KeyedSource }
//import scray.querying.source.indexing.{ SimpleHashJoinConfig, TimeIndexConfig, TimeIndexSource }
import scray.common.key.api.KeyGenerator
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer

 * Simple planner to execute queries.
 * For each query do:
 *   - transform query to a list of select-project-join queries
 *   - transform query predicates to a set of domains
 *   - find the main query
object Planner extends LazyLogging {

   * plans the execution and starts it
  def planAndExecute(query: Query): Spool[Row] = {"plan:" + query.getTableIdentifier.toString())
    val (plans, queryInfo) = Planner.plan(query)
    // do we need to order?
    val ordering = plans.find((execution) => execution._1.isInstanceOf[OrderedComposablePlan[_, _]]).
      map(_._1.asInstanceOf[OrderedComposablePlan[DomainQuery, _]])
    // run the plans and merge if it is needed
        executePlans(plans.asInstanceOf[ParSeq[(OrderedComposablePlan[DomainQuery,_], DomainQuery)]], ordering == None, ordering, queryInfo),
  def plan(query: Query) = {
    val queryInfo = Registry.createQueryInformation(query)"qid is ${query.getQueryID}")
    val version = basicVerifyQuery(query)


    // TODO: memoize query-plans if basicVerifyQuery has been successful

    val conjunctiveQueries = distributiveOrReductionToConjunctiveQuery(query)
    // from now on, we only have select-project-join / conjunctive queries
    // those can be executed in parallel and the union is returned
    // if there is no orderby clause the queries can be pulled lazily, otherwise
    // we need to do some merging

    // planning of conjunctive queries can be done in parallel
    val plans = { cQuery =>

      def getDomainQuery(): DomainQuery = {
        val mv = Registry.getMaterializedView(query.getQueryspace, version, query.getTableIdentifier)
        if (mv.isDefined) {
          logger.debug(s"Use materialized view for query ${query.getQueryID}")
          val mvDomains = Planner.qualifyPredicates(cQuery)
          createQueryDomains(query, version, List(Planner.getMvQuery(mvDomains, query, query.getTableIdentifier, mv.get.primaryKeyColumn, mv.get.keyGenerationClass)))
        } else {
          // transform query into a query only containing domains
          transformQueryDomains(cQuery, version)

      val domainQuery = getDomainQuery()
      // find the main plan
      val plan = findMainQueryPlan(cQuery, domainQuery)
      // add timeout filter source
      val planWithTimeoutCheck = addTimeoutSource(plan, domainQuery)
      // add in-memory filtering for rows which are excluded by the domains
      val filteredPlan = addRemainingFilters(planWithTimeoutCheck, domainQuery)

      // add column removal for columns which are not needed any more
      val allColumns = cQuery.getResultSetColumns.columns.isLeft
      val dispensedColumnPlan = removeDispensableColumns(filteredPlan, domainQuery, allColumns)

      // remove empty rows
      val dispensedPlan = removeEmptyRows(dispensedColumnPlan, domainQuery, queryInfo)

      // if needed add an in-memory sorting step afterwards
      val executablePlan = sortedPlan(dispensedPlan, domainQuery)

      // post-actions
      Registry.queryPostProcessor(domainQuery, executablePlan)"domain query: ${executablePlan.toString()}")

      (executablePlan, domainQuery)

    (plans, queryInfo)

   * verify basic query properties
  @inline def basicVerifyQuery(query: Query): Int = {
    // then we can retrieve the latest version of this queryspace
    val version = Registry.getLatestVersion(query.getQueryspace).getOrElse({logger.error("No latest version for queryspace found!");throw new NoQueryspaceRegistered(query)})

    // check that the queryspace is there
    Registry.getQuerySpace(query.getQueryspace, version).orElse({logger.warn("No queryspace found"); throw new QueryspaceViolationException(query)})

    // check that the table is registered in the queryspace
    Registry.getQuerySpaceTable(query.getQueryspace, version, query.getTableIdentifier).orElse{
      logger.warn(s"Unable to get query space table. Queryspace: ${query.getQueryspace}, version: ${version}, table identifier: ${query.getTableIdentifier}\nExisting queryspace: ${printQuerySpace(version)}");
      throw new QueryspaceViolationException(query)
    }.map { tableConf =>
      if(!(tableConf.queryableStore.isDefined || tableConf.readableStore.isDefined)) {
          // check that there is a version for the table
          tableConf.versioned.orElse(throw new QueryspaceViolationTableUnavailableException(query)).
            map(_.runtimeVersion().orElse(throw new QueryspaceViolationTableUnavailableException(query)))

    // def to throw if a column is not registered
    @inline def checkColumnReference(reference: Column): Unit = {
      Registry.getQuerySpaceColumn(query.getQueryspace, version, reference) match {
        case None => {logger.warn("Unable to get Query space column"); throw new QueryspaceColumnViolationException(query, reference)}
        case _ => // column is registered, o.k.

    // check that all queried columns are registered
    query.getResultSetColumns.columns match {
      case Right(columns) => columns.foreach(col => checkColumnReference(col))
      case Left(bool) => if(bool) { /* is a star (*), o.k. */ } else {
        { logger.warn("Unable to get result set columns")
          throw new QueryWithoutColumnsException(query)

    // check that all columns used in clauses are registered
    query.getWhereAST.foreach {
      case equal: Equal[_] => checkColumnReference(equal.column)
      case greater: Greater[_] => checkColumnReference(greater.column)
      case greaterequal: GreaterEqual[_] => checkColumnReference(greaterequal.column)
      case smaller: Smaller[_] => checkColumnReference(smaller.column)
      case smallerequal: SmallerEqual[_] => checkColumnReference(smallerequal.column)
      case unequal: Unequal[_] => checkColumnReference(unequal.column)
      case isnull: IsNull[_] => checkColumnReference(isnull.column)
      case _ => // do not need to check, not an atomic clause

    // check that all referenced columns in orderby, groupby are registered => checkColumnReference(grouping.column)) => checkColumnReference(ordering.column))
    // return version being used

   * make a cartesian product of the provided List of Lists
  protected def cartesianClauseProduct(l: List[List[Clause]]): List[List[Clause]] = {
    if(l.size == 0) {
    } else {
      l.head.flatMap(item => cartesianClauseProduct(l.tail).map(product => item :: product))

   * in the end this shall return a list of flattened and-terms with
   * clauses only contained of atomic clauses
  protected def distributiveOrReductionOnClause(clause: Clause): List[Clause] = {
    clause match {
      case or: Or => {
        // split n clauses into n disjoint clauses
        or.flatten.clauses.toList.flatMap(orClausePart => distributiveOrReductionOnClause(orClausePart))
      case and: And => {
        // first reduce sub-terms to produce a List of Lists
        val orLists =
        // now we "multiply" by creating new Ands by making this a cartesian product
        val cartesian = cartesianClauseProduct(orLists)
        // now we eliminate direct sub-ands from the lists and make each of them an and => new And(list:_*).flatten)
      case _:AtomicClause => List(clause) // this is an atomic clause
      case _ => List(clause)

   * use distributive law to remove ors and produce a conjunctive queries.
   * This may or may not be a good idea for special cases at hand, but we leave
   * this for optimization in the future.
  def distributiveOrReductionToConjunctiveQuery(query: Query): List[Query] = { {
      ast => distributiveOrReductionOnClause(ast).map(clause => query.transformedAstCopy(Some(clause)))

   * Checks that we can use a one or more materialized views for a given query.
   * If there is more than one view available the result will be the one with the "best"
   * (i.e. highest) score (number of matching columns), except if some of the views
   * support the ordering defined, then the "best" of this sub-set be used regardless
   * of other views with better scores (saves memory).
//  private def checkMaterializedViewMatching(space: String, table: TableIdentifier, domQuery: DomainQuery): Option[(Boolean, MaterializedView)] = {
//    // check that all
//    @inline def checkSingleValueDomainValues(column: Column, values: Array[SingleValueDomain[_]]): Boolean = {
//      values.find { singleVDom =>
// { dom =>
//          dom.column == column && (dom match {
//            case single: SingleValueDomain[_] => singleVDom.value == single.value
//            case _ => false
//          })
//        }.isDefined
//      }.isDefined
//    }
//    @inline def checkRangeValueDomainValues(column: Column, values: Array[RangeValueDomain[_]]): Boolean = {
//      values.find { rangeDom =>
// { dom =>
//          dom.column == column && (dom match {
//            case range: RangeValueDomain[_] => range.asInstanceOf[RangeValueDomain[Any]].
//              isSubIntervalOf(rangeDom.asInstanceOf[RangeValueDomain[Any]])
//            case _ => false
//          })
//        }.isDefined
//      }.isDefined
//    }
//    @tailrec def findMaterializedViews(views: List[MaterializedView],
//                                          resultViews: List[(Boolean, Int, MaterializedView)]):
//                                          List[(Boolean, Int, MaterializedView)] = {
//      if(views.isEmpty) {
//        resultViews
//      } else {
//        val matView = views.head
//        // but... do we have constraints? If yes, check these first.
//        val moreThanZero = (!matView.fixedDomains.isEmpty) || (!matView.rangeDomains.isEmpty)
//        val matOpt: Option[(Boolean, Int)] = if(moreThanZero) {
//          // if we don't find a Domain of the view that doesn't match we found a usable view
//          val fdom = matView.fixedDomains.find((mat) => !checkSingleValueDomainValues(mat._1, mat._2)).isEmpty
//          val rdom = matView.rangeDomains.find((mat) => !checkRangeValueDomainValues(mat._1, mat._2)).isEmpty
//          if(fdom && rdom) {
//            matView.checkMaterializedView(matView, domQuery)
//          } else {
//            None
//          }
//        } else {
//          // no constraints return whether view is matching and how
//          matView.checkMaterializedView(matView, domQuery)
//        }
//        val resultlist = matOpt match {
//          case Some(addMatView) => (addMatView._1, addMatView._2, matView) :: resultViews
//          case None => resultViews
//        }
//        findMaterializedViews(views.tail, resultlist)
//      }
//    }
//    Registry.getQuerySpaceTable(space, domQuery.querySpaceVersion, table).flatMap { config =>
//      val views = findMaterializedViews(config.materializedViews, Nil)
//      if(!views.isEmpty) {
//        val orderedViews = views.filter(_._1)
//        if(!orderedViews.isEmpty) {
//          Some((true, orderedViews.maxBy[Int](_._2)._3))
//        } else {
//          Some((false, views.maxBy[Int](_._2)._3))
//        }
//      } else {
//        None
//      }
//    }
//    None
//  }

   * returns a QueryableStore and uses versioning information, if needed
  def getQueryableStore[Q <: DomainQuery, K <: DomainQuery, V](tableConfig: TableConfiguration[Q, K, V]): QueryableStoreSource[Q] = tableConfig.versioned match {
    case None => tableConfig.queryableStore.get
    case Some(versionInfo) =>"requesting store with ${versionInfo.runtimeVersion().get}")
      // versionInfo.queryableStore(versionInfo.runtimeVersion().get)

   * returns a ReadableStore and uses versioning information, if needed
  def getReadableStore[Q <: DomainQuery, K <: DomainQuery, V](tableConfig: TableConfiguration[Q, K, V]): QueryableStoreSource[K] = tableConfig.versioned match {
    case None => tableConfig.readableStore.get
    case Some(versionInfo) => versionInfo.readableStore.get
      // versionInfo.readableStore(versionInfo.runtimeVersion().get)
 def getMvQuery(domains: Option[List[Domain[_]]], query: Query, ti: TableIdentifier, primaryKeyColumn: String, keyGenerator: KeyGenerator[Array[String]]): SingleValueDomain[String] = {
        val keyElements = new ListBuffer[String] { domain => 
        val orderedColumnName = domain.sortBy { x => (x.column.columnName) }

 { domaine =>
              domaine match {
                // compose primary key
                case sDomaine: SingleValueDomain[_] => {
                    keyElements += (s"""${sDomaine.column.columnName}=${sDomaine.value}""")
                case _ => throw new MaterializedViewQueryException(query)

      new SingleValueDomain(Column(primaryKeyColumn, ti), keyGenerator(keyElements.toArray).getKeyAsString, false, false)

   * Finds the main query
   * 1. check for order by
   * 2. check for group by
   * 3. perform filter resolution
  def findMainQueryPlan[T](query: Query, domainQuery: DomainQuery): ComposablePlan[DomainQuery, _] = {

    def isIndexMergable: List[ColumnConfiguration] = { domain =>
        if(!(domain match {
          case single: SingleValueDomain[_] => single.isNull
          case _ => false
        })) {
          Registry.getQuerySpaceColumn(query.getQueryspace, domainQuery.querySpaceVersion, domain.column).flatMap{col => 
            if( {
            } else {
        } else {
      }.filter(_.isDefined).map(_.get) // --- END isIndexMergable ---

    def isAutoIndexWithSplit(column: Column): Boolean = {
        Registry.getQuerySpaceColumn(query.getQueryspace, domainQuery.querySpaceVersion, column).flatMap { colConf =>
          colConf.index.flatMap { index => { autoIndex => autoIndex.rangePartioned } }
      } // --- END isAutoIndexWithSplit ---

    // 1. check if we have a matching materialized view prepared and
    // whether it is ordered according to our ordering: Option[(ordered: Boolean, table)]

//    checkMaterializedViewMatching(query.getQueryspace, query.getTableIdentifier, domainQuery) match {
//      case Some((ordered, viewConf)) =>
//        // TODO: how do we handle the "ordered" here?
//        val qSource = viewConf.viewTable.queryableStore.asInstanceOf[Option[QueryableStoreSource[DomainQuery]]] 
//        return ComposablePlan.getComposablePlan(qSource.get, domainQuery)
//      case _ =>
//    }
//    // 2. materialized views aren't available for this query. Build non-view-based plan
//    val sortedColumnConfig: Option[ColumnConfiguration] = query.getOrdering.flatMap { _ =>
//      // we shall sort - do we have sorting in the query space?
//      Registry.getQuerySpace(query.getQueryspace, domainQuery.querySpaceVersion).flatMap(_.queryCanBeOrdered(domainQuery))
//    }
//    val groupedColumnConfig: Option[ColumnConfiguration] = query.getOrdering.flatMap { _ =>
//      // we shall group - do we have auto-grouping?
//      Registry.getQuerySpace(query.getQueryspace, domainQuery.querySpaceVersion).flatMap(_.queryCanBeGrouped(domainQuery))
//    }
//    val listOfIndexedColumns = isIndexMergable
//    val mainColumns = sortedColumnConfig.orElse(groupedColumnConfig).map { sortOrGroup =>
//      // sort with an additional index to be merged in
//      List(sortOrGroup) ++ listOfIndexedColumns
//    }.getOrElse {
//      // if we do not have a sorting nor a grouping, we try to find all hand-made indexes
//      listOfIndexedColumns
//    }

    def createHashJoinSource[A <: DomainQuery, K <: DomainQuery, V](indexSource: QueryableStoreSource[A], colConf: ColumnConfiguration, 
        lookupSource: KeyedSource[K, V], lookupTableConfig: TableConfiguration[A, K, V]) = new SimpleHashJoinSource(indexSource, Set(colConf.column), lookupSource, lookupTableConfig.primarykeyColumns)//(defaultFactory)
    // construct a simple plan
// { colConf =>
//      colConf.index.flatMap(index => { tableConf =>
//        val indexTableConfig = tableConf.indexTableConfig()
//        val lookupTableConfig = tableConf.mainTableConfig()
//        val indexSource = getQueryableStore(indexTableConfig)
//        val lookupSource = new KeyedSource(
//             lookupTableConfig,
//             lookupTableConfig.table,
//             Registry.getCachingEnabled
//        )
//        tableConf.indexConfig match { //            //                  source      sourceJoinColumn lookupSource lookupSourceJoinColumns      ,typeMapper: K => R = (k: K) => k.asInstanceOf[R],
//          case simple: SimpleHashJoinConfig => // createHashJoinSource(indexSource, colConf, lookupSource, lookupTableConfig)
//            new SimpleHashJoinSource(indexSource, Set(colConf.column), lookupSource, lookupTableConfig.primarykeyColumns)//(defaultFactory)
//          case time: TimeIndexConfig =>
//            // maybe a parallel version is available --> convert to parallel version
//            val timeQueryableSource = time.parallelization match {
//              // case Some(parFunc) => indexSource
//              case Some(parFunc) =>
//                new ParallelizedQueryableSource(,, domainQuery.querySpaceVersion,
//                  time.parallelizationColumn.get, parFunc(, time.ordering,
//                  query.getOrdering.filter(_.descending).isDefined)
//              case None => indexSource
//            }
//            val finalIndexSource = if (mainColumns.size > 1) {
//              // TODO  use more than two
//     { colConf =>
//                colConf.index.flatMap(index2 => { tableConf2 =>
//                  logger.debug(s"Planning to merge two index columns ${time.timeReferenceCol} and ${tableConf2.indexConfig.indexReferencesColumn}")
//                  val indexTableConfig2 = tableConf2.indexTableConfig()
//                  val lookupTableConfig2 = tableConf2.mainTableConfig()
//                  val indexSource2 = new QueryableSource(
//                    getQueryableStore(
//                      indexTableConfig2,
//                      domainQuery.getQueryID),
//                    query.getQueryspace,
//                    domainQuery.querySpaceVersion,
//                    indexTableConfig2.table,
//                    index2.isSorted);
//                  new IndexMergeSource(
//                    MergeReferenceColumns[DomainQuery, Spool[Row], LazySource[DomainQuery]](timeQueryableSource, time.indexReferencesColumn, index),
//                    MergeReferenceColumns[DomainQuery, Seq[Row], EagerSource[DomainQuery]](
//                      new IdentityEagerCollectingQueryMappingSource(indexSource2),
//                      tableConf2.indexConfig.indexReferencesColumn,
//                      index2))
//                })
//              }.flatten.getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException("Transformation not possible."))
//            } else {
//              timeQueryableSource
//            }
//            new TimeIndexSource(time, finalIndexSource, lookupSource.asInstanceOf[KeyValueSource[Any, _]],
//              lookupTableConfig.table, tableConf.keymapper,
//              time.parallelization.flatMap(_(getQueryableStore(indexTableConfig, domainQuery.getQueryID))))
//          case _ => throw new IndexTypeException(query)
//        }
//      }).orElse {
//        Registry.getQuerySpaceTable(domainQuery.getQueryspace, domainQuery.querySpaceVersion, domainQuery.getTableIdentifier).map { tableConf =>
//          new QueryableSource(getQueryableStore(tableConf, domainQuery.getQueryID), query.getQueryspace, domainQuery.querySpaceVersion, tableConf.table, true)
//        }
//      }
//    }.getOrElse {
    def getLimitIncreasingSource[Q <: DomainQuery, K <: DomainQuery, V](tableConf: TableConfiguration[Q, K, V], isOrdered: Boolean = false) = {
      val storeSource = getQueryableStore(tableConf)
      if(!storeSource.hasSkipAndLimit) {
        new LimitIncreasingQueryableSource(storeSource, tableConf, tableConf.table, isOrdered)
      } else {
      // construct plan using information on main table
      Registry.getQuerySpaceTable(domainQuery.getQueryspace, domainQuery.querySpaceVersion, domainQuery.getTableIdentifier).map { tableConf =>
        domainQuery.getWhereAST.find { x => 
          // TODO: head for RangeValueDomains first!!!
          // if an auto-indexed column with an auto-indexing configuration is used, we will check it doesn't need to be split
          isAutoIndexWithSplit(x.column) && { ord => ord.column == x.column }.getOrElse(false)
        }.flatMap { autoIndexAndSplitColumnDomain =>
          Registry.getQuerySpaceColumn(query.getQueryspace, domainQuery.querySpaceVersion, autoIndexAndSplitColumnDomain.column).flatMap { colConf =>
            colConf.index.flatMap { index => { autoIndex => (index.isSorted, autoIndex.rangePartioned) }}
          }.map { rangePartioned =>
            autoIndexAndSplitColumnDomain match {
              case range : RangeValueDomain[tempT] =>
                def splittedSource[K <: DomainQuery, V, Q <: DomainQuery](ordering: Ordering[tempT]): SplittedAutoIndexQueryableSource[Q, tempT] =
                  new SplittedAutoIndexQueryableSource[Q, tempT](getQueryableStore(tableConf.asInstanceOf[TableConfiguration[Q, K, V]]), tableConf.table, 
                                                  tableConf.asInstanceOf[TableConfiguration[Q, K, V]], autoIndexAndSplitColumnDomain.column, rangePartioned._2.asInstanceOf[
                                                    Option[((tempT, tempT), Boolean) ⇒ Iterator[(tempT, tempT)]]], rangePartioned._1)(
                logger.debug("Using SplittedAutoIndexQueryableSource $autoIndexAndSplitColumnDomain")
              case _ =>
                logger.debug(s"Using LimitIncreasingQueryableSource $autoIndexAndSplitColumnDomain")
                getLimitIncreasingSource(tableConf, rangePartioned._1)
        }.getOrElse {
          // if the query has a limit we can use some query increaser
          query.getQueryRange.flatMap { range =>
   { limit => 
          }.getOrElse {
    }.map(source => ComposablePlan.getComposablePlan(source.asInstanceOf[Source[DomainQuery, Spool[Row]]], domainQuery)).getOrElse(throw new NoPlanException(query))
//  }

   * intersect domains for a single predicate of a query
  @inline private def domainComparator[T](query: Query,
                                          col: Column,
                                          throwFunc: (T) => Boolean,
                                          creationDomain: RangeValueDomain[T], collector: HashMap[Column, Domain[_]]): Unit = {
    collector.get(col).map { _ match {
        case equal: SingleValueDomain[T] => if (equal.isNull || equal.isWildcard || throwFunc(equal.value)) {
          throw new QueryDomainParserException(QueryDomainParserExceptionReasons.DOMAIN_EQUALITY_CONFLICT, col, query)
        case range: RangeValueDomain[T] => {
          collector.put(col, range.bisect(creationDomain)
            .getOrElse(throw new QueryDomainParserException(QueryDomainParserExceptionReasons.DOMAIN_DISJOINT_CONFLICT, col, query)))
        case _ => throw new QueryDomainParserException(QueryDomainParserExceptionReasons.UNKNOWN_DOMAIN_CONFLICT, col, query)
    }.orElse {
      collector.put(col, creationDomain)

   * Maps a select-project-join query to a list of domains.
   * Throws an Exception if the query does not only consist of select-project-join queries.
  def qualifyPredicates(query: Query): Option[List[Domain[_]]] = {
    def qualifySinglePredicate[T](clause: AtomicClause, collector: HashMap[Column, Domain[_]]): Unit = clause match {
      case e: Equal[T] => {
        collector.get(e.column).map { pred => pred match {
          // this is only allowed, if it either is the same value or pred is a range in which case we reduce to equal
          case equal: SingleValueDomain[T] => if(!e.equiv.equiv(e.value, equal.value) ||
                  (equal.isWildcard && !WildcardChecker.checkValueAgainstPredicate(equal.value.asInstanceOf[String], e.value.asInstanceOf[String]))) {
            throw new QueryDomainParserException(QueryDomainParserExceptionReasons.DISJOINT_EQUALITY_CONFLICT, e.column, query) } else {
              if(equal.isWildcard && WildcardChecker.checkValueAgainstPredicate(equal.value.asInstanceOf[String], e.value.asInstanceOf[String])) {
                collector.put(e.column, SingleValueDomain(e.column, e.value))
          case range: RangeValueDomain[T] => if(range.valueIsInBounds(e.value)) { collector.put(e.column, SingleValueDomain(e.column, e.value))
            } else { throw new QueryDomainParserException(QueryDomainParserExceptionReasons.DOMAIN_EQUALITY_CONFLICT, e.column, query) }
          case _ => throw new QueryDomainParserException(QueryDomainParserExceptionReasons.UNKNOWN_DOMAIN_CONFLICT, e.column, query)
        }}.orElse {
          collector.put(e.column, SingleValueDomain(e.column, e.value))
      case g: Greater[T] => domainComparator[T](query,
          value => {, value) >= 0 },
          RangeValueDomain(g.column, Some(Bound[T](false, g.value)(g.ordering)), None)(g.ordering),
      case ge: GreaterEqual[T] => domainComparator[T](query,
          value => {, value) > 0 },
          RangeValueDomain(ge.column, Some(Bound[T](true, ge.value)(ge.ordering)), None)(ge.ordering),
      case l: Smaller[T] => domainComparator[T](query,
          value => {, value) <= 0 },
          RangeValueDomain(l.column, None, Some(Bound(false, l.value)(l.ordering)))(l.ordering),
      case le: SmallerEqual[T] => domainComparator[T](query,
          value => {, value) < 0 },
          RangeValueDomain(le.column, None, Some(Bound(true, le.value)(le.ordering)))(le.ordering),
      case ne: Unequal[T] => domainComparator[T](query,
          value => {, value) == 0 },
          new RangeValueDomain(ne.column, List(ne.value))(ne.ordering),
      case in: IsNull[T] => {
        collector.get(in.column).map { pred => pred match {
          // this is only allowed, if it is a singleValueDomain with isNull set to true (in which case we do nothing)
          case equal: SingleValueDomain[T] => if(!equal.isNull) {
            throw new QueryDomainParserException(QueryDomainParserExceptionReasons.DISJOINT_EQUALITY_CONFLICT, in.column, query)
          case _ => throw new QueryDomainParserException(QueryDomainParserExceptionReasons.DISJOINT_EQUALITY_CONFLICT, in.column, query)
        }}.orElse {
          collector.put(in.column, SingleValueDomain(in.column, null, true))
      case w: Wildcard[T] => {
        collector.get(w.column).map { pred => pred match {
          case equal: SingleValueDomain[T] => if(equal.isNull || (equal.isWildcard && !equal.equiv.equiv(w.value, equal.value)) ||
                  (!equal.isWildcard && !WildcardChecker.checkValueAgainstPredicate(w.value.asInstanceOf[String], equal.value.asInstanceOf[String]))) {
            throw new QueryDomainParserException(QueryDomainParserExceptionReasons.DISJOINT_EQUALITY_CONFLICT, w.column, query) }
          case _ => throw new QueryDomainParserException(QueryDomainParserExceptionReasons.DISJOINT_EQUALITY_CONFLICT, w.column, query)
        }}.orElse {
          collector.put(w.column, SingleValueDomain(w.column, w.value, isWildcard = true))
    // collect all predicates where columns are the same and try to define domains
    val collector = new HashMap[Column, Domain[_]] ( _ match {
      case atomic: AtomicClause => qualifySinglePredicate(atomic, collector)
      case and: And => { clause =>
        // after a select-project-join transformation we can safely assume only AtomicClauses
        qualifySinglePredicate(clause.asInstanceOf[AtomicClause], collector)
      case _ => throw new NonAtomicClauseException(query)
    if(collector.size == 0) None else Some(collector.values.seq.toList)

   * identifies columns which are being queried.
   * TODO: add functions that can be queried
  @inline def identifyColumns(list: Columns, table: TableIdentifier, domains: List[Domain[_]], query: Query, version: Int): Set[Column] = {
    list.columns match {
      case Right(cols) => cols
      case Left(all) => { // the result will be all possible columns, i.e. all from the table + columns from domains
        if(all) {
          (Registry.getQuerySpaceTable(query.getQueryspace, version, table).getOrElse {
              logger.warn("Unable to get queryspace table 421")
              throw new QueryspaceViolationException(query)
            }.allColumns ++ => dom.column).toSet)
        } else { throw new QueryWithoutColumnsException(query) }

   * transforms a predicate-based query into a (internal) domain-based one
  @inline def transformQueryDomains(query: Query, version: Int): DomainQuery = {
    val domains = qualifyPredicates(query).getOrElse(List())"transformQueryDomains" + domains.length)
    createQueryDomains(query, version, domains) 
  @inline def createQueryDomains(query: Query, version: Int, domains: List[Domain[_]]): DomainQuery = {
    val table = query.getTableIdentifier
        identifyColumns(query.getResultSetColumns, table, domains, query, version),

   * Filters rows that do not satisfy filter criterias
   * TODO: later only check filters that have not been used by database
  def addRemainingFilters(plan: ComposablePlan[DomainQuery, _], domainQuery: DomainQuery): ComposablePlan[DomainQuery, _] = {
    plan.getSource match {
      case lazySource: LazySource[_] => ComposablePlan.getComposablePlan(
          new LazyQueryDomainFilterSource(lazySource), domainQuery)
      case eagerSource: EagerSource[tmpT] => ComposablePlan.getComposablePlan(
          new EagerCollectingDomainFilterSource[tmpT, Seq[Row]](eagerSource), domainQuery)
   * Add time out source
  def addTimeoutSource(plan: ComposablePlan[DomainQuery, _], domainQuery: DomainQuery): ComposablePlan[DomainQuery, _] = {
    plan.getSource match {
      case lazySource: LazySource[_] => ComposablePlan.getComposablePlan(
          new TimeoutMappingSource(lazySource), domainQuery)
      case eagerSource: EagerSource[tmpT] => plan

   * Add column removal for columns which are not needed any more to the plan
  def removeDispensableColumns(filteredPlan: ComposablePlan[DomainQuery, _],
      domainQuery: DomainQuery, allColumns: Boolean): ComposablePlan[DomainQuery, _] = {
    if(!allColumns) {
      filteredPlan.getSource match {
        case lazySource: LazySource[_] => ComposablePlan.getComposablePlan(
            new LazyQueryColumnDispenserSource(lazySource), domainQuery)
        case eagerSource: EagerSource[tmpT] => ComposablePlan.getComposablePlan(
          new EagerCollectingDomainFilterSource[tmpT, Seq[Row]](eagerSource), domainQuery)
    } else {

   * Add row removal for rows which are empty
  def removeEmptyRows(filteredPlan: ComposablePlan[DomainQuery, _], domainQuery: DomainQuery,
                      queryInfo: QueryInformation): ComposablePlan[DomainQuery, _] = {
    filteredPlan.getSource match {
      case lazySource: LazySource[_] => ComposablePlan.getComposablePlan(
          new LazyEmptyRowDispenserSource(lazySource, Some(queryInfo)), domainQuery)
      case eagerSource: EagerSource[tmpT] => ComposablePlan.getComposablePlan(
          new EagerEmptyRowDispenserSource[tmpT, Seq[Row]](eagerSource, Some(queryInfo)), domainQuery)

   * if needed add an in-memory sorting step afterwards
  def sortedPlan(dispensedPlan: ComposablePlan[DomainQuery, _], domainQuery: DomainQuery): ComposablePlan[DomainQuery, _] = {
    dispensedPlan match {
      case ocp: OrderedComposablePlan[DomainQuery, _] => if(ocp.getSource.isOrdered(domainQuery)) ocp else {
        logger.debug("NEED TO ORDER")
        val source = ocp.getSource match {

          case lazySource: LazySource[tmpT] => new OrderingEagerMappingSource[tmpT, Spool[Row]](lazySource)
          case eagerSource: EagerSource[tmpT] => new OrderingEagerMappingSource[tmpT, Seq[Row]](eagerSource)
        new OrderedComposablePlan(source, domainQuery.getOrdering)
      case ucp: UnorderedComposablePlan[_, _] => ucp

   * executes the plan, and returns the Futures to be returned by the engine
   * and which might still need to be merged
  def executePlans(plans: ParSeq[(ComposablePlan[DomainQuery, _], DomainQuery)],
      unOrdered: Boolean,
      ordering: Option[OrderedComposablePlan[DomainQuery, _]],
      queryInfo: QueryInformation): Spool[Row] = {
    // Store request time for jmx statistics
    // run all at once
    val futures = { (execution) =>
      val source = execution._1.getSource
      (source.isLazy, source.request(execution._2))

    if(futures.size == 0) {
    } else if(futures.size == 1) {
      // in case we only have results for one query we can quickly return them
      Await.result(futures.head._2) match {
        case spool: Spool[_] => spool.asInstanceOf[Spool[Row]]
        case seq: Seq[_] => Spool.seqToSpool[Row](seq.asInstanceOf[Seq[Row]]).toSpool
    } else {
      val seqtuple = futures.partition ( future => future._1 )
      val seqs =[Seq[Future[Seq[Row]]]]
      val spools =[Seq[Future[Spool[Row]]]]
      val indexes = Seq.fill(seqs.size)(0)
      unOrdered match {
        case true =>
          // we spit out the value which is available first and so on
          Await.result(MergingResultSpool.mergeUnorderedResults(seqs, spools, indexes))
        case false =>
          // we wait for all data streams to return a result and then return the lowest value
          val compRows: (Row, Row) => Boolean =
          Await.result(MergingResultSpool.mergeOrderedSpools(seqs, spools, compRows, ordering.get.ordering.get.descending, indexes))
  def printQuerySpace(version: Int): String = {
    var names = Registry.getQuerySpaceNames()
    val queryspacesString = new StringBuffer();
    queryspacesString.append(s"Print queryspaces for version ${version}: ${names} \n")    
    names.foreach { x => {queryspacesString.append("Found tables for " + x + " : " + Registry.getQuerySpaceTables(x, version))}}

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