scray.querying.source.AbstractHashJoinSource.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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//package scray.querying.source
//import com.twitter.concurrent.Spool
//import com.twitter.util.{Await, Future}
//import scala.annotation.tailrec
//import scray.querying.description.internal.Domain
//import scala.collection.mutable.ArraySeq
//import scala.collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray
//import scalax.collection.GraphEdge.DiEdge
//import scalax.collection.GraphPredef._
//import scalax.collection.immutable.Graph
//import scray.querying.description.{Column, CompositeRow, EmptyRow, Row, TableIdentifier}
//import scray.querying.planning.MergingResultSpool
//import scray.querying.queries.{DomainQuery, KeyBasedQuery}
//import scray.querying.description.ColumnOrdering
//import scray.querying.caching.Cache
//import scray.querying.caching.NullCache
//import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
//import scala.collection.parallel.ForkJoinTaskSupport
//import scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool
//import com.twitter.concurrent.Spool.LazyCons
//import com.twitter.concurrent.Spool.LazyCons
//import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
//import scray.querying.queries.KeySetBasedQuery
//import scray.common.serialization.KryoPoolSerialization
//import java.io.FileOutputStream
//import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.io.Output
//import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo
//import scray.querying.description.RowColumn
//import scray.querying.caching.serialization.RowColumnSerialization
//import scray.querying.description.SimpleRow
//import scray.querying.caching.serialization.ColumnSerialization
//import scray.querying.caching.serialization.SimpleRowSerialization
//import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3
//import java.nio.ByteBuffer
//import com.esotericsoftware.minlog.Log
//import scray.querying.description.internal.CombinedIndexColumnMissingException
//import scray.querying.description.internal.SingleValueDomain
//import scray.querying.description.internal.RangeValueDomain
//import scray.querying.description.internal.ComposedMultivalueDomain
//import com.typesafe.scalalogging.slf4j.LazyLogging
// * This hash joined source provides a template for implementing hashed-joins. This is a relational lookup.
// *
// * The query Q1 of "source" yields a spool which can produce references of type R.
// * The query Q2 of "lookupSource" is then queried for R and the combined results are returned.
// *
// * This is an inner join, but results must be filtered for EmptyRow.
// */
//abstract class AbstractHashJoinSource[Q <: DomainQuery, M, R /* <: Product */, V](
// indexsource: LazySource[Q],
// lookupSource: KeyedSource[R, V],
// lookupSourceTable: TableIdentifier,
// lookupkeymapper: Option[M => R] = None,
// combinedIndexColumns: Set[Column] = Set(),
// sequencedmapper: Option[Int] = None)
// extends LazySource[Q] with LazyLogging {
// import SpoolUtils._
// protected def tableTransformDomainColumn[T](domain: Domain[T], indexTable: TableIdentifier): Domain[T] = domain match {
// case single: SingleValueDomain[T] => single.copy(column = Column(single.column.columnName, indexTable))
// case range: RangeValueDomain[T] => range.copy(column = Column(range.column.columnName, indexTable))(range.ordering)
// case composed: ComposedMultivalueDomain[T] => composed.copy(column = Column(composed.column.columnName, indexTable))
// }
// protected def getCombinedIndexColumns(query: DomainQuery, indexTable: TableIdentifier): List[Domain[_]] = {
// val combinedIndexDomains = query.getWhereAST.filter { domain =>
// combinedIndexColumns.contains(domain.column) &&
// domain.isInstanceOf[SingleValueDomain[_]] &&
// !domain.asInstanceOf[SingleValueDomain[_]].isNull
// }
// // check that all predicates are there...
// if(combinedIndexDomains.size != combinedIndexColumns.size) {
// throw new CombinedIndexColumnMissingException(query)
// }
// // now transform request to target table (i.e. index table)
// combinedIndexDomains.map(tableTransformDomainColumn(_, indexTable))
// }
// /**
// * transforms the spool and queries the lookup source.
// */
// @inline protected def spoolTransform(spool: () => Spool[Row], query: Q): Future[Spool[Row]] = {
// @tailrec def insertRowsIntoSpool(rows: Array[Row], spoolElements: => Spool[Row]): Spool[Row] = {
// if(rows.isEmpty) {
// spoolElements
// } else {
// insertRowsIntoSpool(rows.tail, rows.head *:: Future.value(spoolElements))
// }
// }
// sequencedmapper.flatMap { seqSize =>
// lookupSource match {
// case pls: ParallelizedKeyValueSource[R, V] =>
// Some(Future.value(spool().mapBuffered(seqSize, bufferedseq => {
// val joinables = bufferedseq.flatMap(in => getJoinablesFromIndexSource(in))
// val setquery = new KeySetBasedQuery[R](
// joinables.map(lookupTuple => lookupkeymapper.map(_(lookupTuple)).getOrElse(lookupTuple.asInstanceOf[R])).toSet,
// lookupSourceTable,
// lookupSource.getColumns,
// query.querySpace,
// query.querySpaceVersion,
// query.getQueryID)
// Await.result(pls.request(setquery))
// })))
// case _ => None
// }
// }.getOrElse {
// // if a reasonable limit (say 1000, we try to process in parallel)
// val pos = query.range.map { range => range.skip.getOrElse(0L) + range.limit.getOrElse(0L) }.getOrElse(Long.MaxValue)
// if(pos > 1000L) {
// spool().flatMap { in =>
// val joinables = getJoinablesFromIndexSource(in)
// def joinableMapFunction: M => Option[Row] = { lookupTuple =>
// val keyValueSourceQuery = new KeyBasedQuery[R](
// lookupkeymapper.map(_(lookupTuple)).getOrElse(lookupTuple.asInstanceOf[R]),
// lookupSourceTable,
// lookupSource.getColumns,
// query.querySpace,
// query.querySpaceVersion,
// query.getQueryID)
// val seq = Await.result(lookupSource.request(keyValueSourceQuery))
// if(seq.size > 0) {
// val head = seq.head
// Some(new CompositeRow(List(head, in)))
// } else { None }
// }
// // execute this flatMap on a parallel collection if it exceeds a limit of 20
// if(joinables.size > 20) {
// val parseq: Array[Future[Option[Row]]] = joinables.map(futureJoinableMapFunction(query, in)(_))
// spoolRows(parseq)
// } else {
// // if there are less many entries we process it sequentially
// val parseq: Array[Option[Row]] = joinables.map { joinableMapFunction(_) }
// val results = parseq.filter(_.isDefined).map(_.get)
// if(results.size > 0) {
// // we can map the first one; the others must be inserted
// // into the spool before we return it
// val sp = results(0) *:: Future.value(Spool.empty[Row])
// if(results.size > 1) {
// Future.value(insertRowsIntoSpool(results.tail, sp))
// } else {
// Future.value(sp)
// }
// } else {
// Future.value(in *:: Future.value(Spool.empty[Row]))
// }
// }
// }
// } else {
// spool().flatMap { in =>
// val joinables = getJoinablesFromIndexSource(in)
// val parseq: Array[Future[Option[Row]]] = joinables.map(futureJoinableMapFunction(query, in)(_))
// spoolRows(parseq)
// }
// }
// }
// }
// private def spoolRows(futures: Array[Future[Option[Row]]]): Future[Spool[Row]] = {
// if(futures.isEmpty) {
// Future.value(Spool.empty[Row])
// } else {
// futures.head.flatMap { optRow =>
// optRow.map(row => Future.value(row *:: spoolRows(futures.tail))).getOrElse(spoolRows(futures.tail))
// }
// }
// }
// private def futureJoinableMapFunction(query: Q, in: => Row): M => Future[Option[Row]] = { (lookupTuple) =>
// val keyValueSourceQuery = new KeyBasedQuery[R](
// lookupkeymapper.map(_(lookupTuple)).getOrElse(lookupTuple.asInstanceOf[R]),
// lookupSourceTable,
// lookupSource.getColumns,
// query.querySpace,
// query.querySpaceVersion,
// query.getQueryID)
// val fseq = lookupSource.request(keyValueSourceQuery)
// fseq.map { seq =>
// if(seq.size > 0) {
// val head = seq.head
// Some(new CompositeRow(List(head, in)))
// } else { None }
// }
// }
// /**
// * Implementors can override this method to make transformations.
// * Default is to perform no transformations.
// */
// @inline protected def transformIndexQuery(query: Q): Set[Q] = Set(query)
// /**
// * Return a list of references into the lookupSource from an index row.
// * Each one will create a new row in the result spool.
// */
// protected def getJoinablesFromIndexSource(index: Row): Array[M]
// override def request(query: Q): Future[Spool[Row]] = {
// logger.debug(s"Joining in ${lookupSource.getDiscriminant} into ${indexsource.getDiscriminant} for ${query.getQueryID}")
// val queries = transformIndexQuery(query)
// val results = queries.par.map(mappedquery =>
// indexsource.request(mappedquery).flatMap(spool => spoolTransform(() => spool, mappedquery)))
// if(results.size > 1) {
// if(isOrdered(query)) {
// val rowComp = rowCompWithOrdering(query.ordering.get.column, query.ordering.get.ordering, query.ordering.get.descending)
// MergingResultSpool.mergeOrderedSpools(Seq(), results.seq.toSeq, rowComp, query.ordering.get.descending, Array[Int]())
// } else {
// MergingResultSpool.mergeUnorderedResults(Seq(), results.seq.toSeq, Array[Int]())
// }
// } else {
// results.head
// }
// }
// /**
// * implementors provide information whether their ordering is the same as
// * or is a transformation of the one of the the original query.
// */
// @inline protected def isOrderedAccordingToOrignalOrdering(transformedQuery: Q, ordering: ColumnOrdering[_]): Boolean
// /**
// * As lookupSource is always ordered, ordering depends only on the original source
// * or on the transformed queries. If we have one unordered query everything is unordered.
// */
// @inline override def isOrdered(query: Q): Boolean = {
// query.getOrdering match {
// case Some(ordering) => transformIndexQuery(query).find(
// q => !(indexsource.isOrdered(q) && isOrderedAccordingToOrignalOrdering(q, ordering))).isEmpty
// case None => false
// }
// }
// /**
// * Splits up the source graph into two sub-graphs
// */
// override def getGraph: Graph[Source[DomainQuery, Spool[Row]], DiEdge] = (indexsource.getGraph +
// DiEdge(indexsource.asInstanceOf[Source[DomainQuery, Spool[Row]]],
// this.asInstanceOf[Source[DomainQuery, Spool[Row]]])) ++
// (lookupSource.getGraph.asInstanceOf[Graph[Source[DomainQuery, Spool[Row]], DiEdge]] +
// DiEdge(lookupSource.asInstanceOf[Source[DomainQuery, Spool[Row]]],
// this.asInstanceOf[Source[DomainQuery, Spool[Row]]]))
// override def getDiscriminant: String = indexsource.getDiscriminant + lookupSource.getDiscriminant
// override def createCache: Cache[Nothing] = new NullCache
//object SpoolUtils {
// implicit class SpoolBufferExtender(val spool: Spool[Row]) {
// val buffer = new ArrayBuffer
// def mapBuffered(count: Int, f: Seq[Row] => Seq[Row]): Spool[Row] = {
// // auto-buffer next count elements; eager fetch
// @tailrec def fillSubBuffer(counter: Int, seq: Seq[Row], spool: => Spool[Row]): (Seq[Row], Spool[Row]) = {
// if(counter <= 0 || spool.isEmpty) {
// (seq, spool)
// } else {
// fillSubBuffer(counter - 1, seq :+ spool.head, Await.result(spool.tail))
// }
// }
// if (spool.isEmpty) {
// Spool.empty[Row]
// } else {
// // def _tail = spool.tail flatMap (tail => new SpoolBufferExtender(Await.result(tail)).mapBuffered(count, f)))
// fillSubBuffer(count, Seq(), spool) match {
// case (seq, reducedSpool) => rowSeqToSpool(f(seq)) ++ reducedSpool.mapBuffered(count, f)
// }
// }
// }
// }
// def rowSeqToSpool(seq: Seq[Row]): Spool[Row] =
// if (!seq.isEmpty)
// seq.head *:: Future.value(rowSeqToSpool(seq.tail))
// else
// Spool.empty
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