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scray.querying.source.indexing.TimeIndexSource.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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//package scray.querying.source.indexing
//import com.twitter.util.Time
//import java.util.{Calendar, GregorianCalendar, TimeZone}
//import scala.collection.mutable.Buffer
//import scala.reflect.ClassTag
//import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
//import scray.querying.description.{Column, ColumnGrouping, ColumnOrdering, QueryRange, Row, TableIdentifier}
//import scray.querying.description.internal.{Bound, Domain, QueryDomainRangeException, RangeValueDomain, SingleValueDomain}
//import scray.querying.description.internal.CombinedIndexColumnMissingException
//import scray.querying.description.internal.ComposedMultivalueDomain
//import scray.querying.queries.DomainQuery
//import scray.querying.source.{AbstractHashJoinSource, KeyValueSource, LazySource}
//import com.typesafe.scalalogging.slf4j.LazyLogging
// * creates an indexed-source with a hashed-join reference on a time column.
// * 
// * Format of this hand-made index will be:
// * TIME[a], TIME[ms], Set[ref]
// */
//class TimeIndexSource[Q <: DomainQuery, M, R, V](
//    timeIndexConfig: TimeIndexConfig,
//    indexsource: LazySource[Q],
//    lookupSource: KeyValueSource[R, V],
//    lookupSourceTable: TableIdentifier,
//    lookupkeymapper: Option[M => R] = None,
//    sequencedmapper: Option[Int] = None,
//    combinedIndexColumns: Set[Column] = Set(),
//    useranges: Boolean = false)(implicit tag: ClassTag[M]) 
//    extends AbstractHashJoinSource[Q, M, R, V](indexsource, lookupSource, lookupSourceTable, lookupkeymapper, combinedIndexColumns, sequencedmapper)
//    with LazyLogging {
//  /**
//   * return the year from a time using GregorianCalendar and the given TimeZone
//   */
//  @inline private def getYearFromTime(time: Time): Int = {
//    val greg = new GregorianCalendar
//    greg.setTimeZone(timeIndexConfig.timeZone)
//    greg.setTime(time.toDate)
//    greg.get(Calendar.YEAR)
//  }
//  /**
//   * creates a domain query that matches the provided domains and trys to reflect
//   * the original query options
//   */
//  @inline private def createDomainQuery(query: Q, domains: List[Domain[_]]): Q = {
//    val resultColumns = Set(timeIndexConfig.indexRowColumnYear,
//        timeIndexConfig.indexColumnMs, timeIndexConfig.indexReferencesColumn)
//    val range = if(useranges) {
// { qrange =>
//          val skipLines = qrange.skip.getOrElse(0L)
//          QueryRange(None, + skipLines).orElse( + skipLines)), None)
//        }
//      } else {
//        None
//      }
//    DomainQuery(query.getQueryID, query.getQueryspace, query.querySpaceVersion, resultColumns, timeIndexConfig.indexRowColumnYear.table,
//        domains, Some(ColumnGrouping(timeIndexConfig.indexColumnMs)),
//        Some(ColumnOrdering[Long](timeIndexConfig.indexColumnMs, 
//                query.getOrdering.filter(_.descending).isDefined)), range).asInstanceOf[Q]
//  }
//  override protected def transformIndexQuery(query: Q): Set[Q] = {
//    val combinedIndexDomains = getCombinedIndexColumns(query, timeIndexConfig.indexRowColumnYear.table)
//    val optDomain = query.getWhereAST.find(domain => domain.column == timeIndexConfig.timeReferenceCol)
// match {
//      case cmd: ComposedMultivalueDomain[_] => ??? // currently unused domain type
//      case svd: SingleValueDomain[_] => {
//        val time = Time.fromMilliseconds(svd.value.asInstanceOf[Long])
//        val yearDomain = new SingleValueDomain(timeIndexConfig.indexRowColumnYear, getYearFromTime(time))
//        val timeDomain = new SingleValueDomain(timeIndexConfig.indexColumnMs, time.inMilliseconds)
//        Set(createDomainQuery(query, List(yearDomain, timeDomain) ++ combinedIndexDomains))
//      }
//      case rvd: RangeValueDomain[_] => {
//        val years = Buffer[Int]()
//        val transformedRangeValueDomain = rvd.lowerBound match {
//          case Some(start) => {
//            val startValue = start.value.asInstanceOf[Long]
//            val startYear = getYearFromTime(Time.fromMilliseconds(startValue))
//            val realStartYear = if(startYear < timeIndexConfig.minimumYear) {
//              timeIndexConfig.minimumYear
//            } else {
//              startYear
//            }
//            val startBound = Some(Bound[Long](start.inclusive, startValue))
//            rvd.upperBound match {
//              case Some(end) => 
//                val endValue = end.value.asInstanceOf[Long]
//                val endBound = Some(Bound[Long](end.inclusive, endValue))
//                // add all years in between; if endValue < realStartYear => return nothing
//                if(endValue < realStartYear) {
//                  years += 9999 // obviously queries will return no data for this 
//                } else {
//                  years ++=
//                }
//                Some(new RangeValueDomain[Long](timeIndexConfig.indexColumnMs, startBound, endBound))
//              case None => {
//                // add years from back then up to now
//                years ++=
//                Some(new RangeValueDomain[Long](timeIndexConfig.indexColumnMs, startBound, None))
//              }
//            }
//          }
//          case None => rvd.upperBound match {
//            case Some(end) => {
//              // warning: query years all up to end!
//              val endValue = end.value.asInstanceOf[Long]
//              val endBound = Some(Bound[Long](end.inclusive, endValue))
//              years ++=
//              Some(new RangeValueDomain[Long](timeIndexConfig.indexColumnMs, None, endBound))
//            }
//            case None => throw new QueryDomainRangeException(timeIndexConfig.timeReferenceCol, query)
//          }
//        }
// { year =>
//          val yearDomain = new SingleValueDomain(timeIndexConfig.indexRowColumnYear, year)
//          createDomainQuery(query,, yearDomain)).getOrElse(List(yearDomain) ++ combinedIndexDomains))
//        }.toSet
//      } 
//    }).getOrElse {
//      // warning: query years all up to now!
// =>
//          createDomainQuery(query, List(new SingleValueDomain(timeIndexConfig.indexRowColumnYear, year)) ++ combinedIndexDomains)).toSet
//    }
//  }
//  override protected def getJoinablesFromIndexSource(index: Row): Array[M] = {
//    index.getColumnValue[M](timeIndexConfig.indexReferencesColumn) match {
//      case Some(refs) => refs match {
//        case travs: TraversableOnce[M] => travs.asInstanceOf[TraversableOnce[M]].toArray
//        case travs: M => Array[M](travs)
//      }
//      case None => Array[M]()
//    }
//  }
//  override protected def isOrderedAccordingToOrignalOrdering(transformedQuery: Q, ordering: ColumnOrdering[_]): Boolean =
//    ordering.column == timeIndexConfig.timeReferenceCol
//  /**
//   * since this is a true index only  
//   */
//  override def getColumns: Set[Column] = lookupSource.getColumns

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