scray.querying.source.indexing.WildcardIndexSource.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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//package scray.querying.source.indexing
//import com.twitter.util.Time
//import java.util.{Calendar, GregorianCalendar, TimeZone}
//import scala.collection.mutable.Buffer
//import scala.reflect.ClassTag
//import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
//import scray.querying.description.{Column, ColumnGrouping, ColumnOrdering, QueryRange, Row, TableIdentifier}
//import scray.querying.description.internal.{Bound, Domain, QueryDomainRangeException, RangeValueDomain, SingleValueDomain}
//import scray.querying.queries.DomainQuery
//import scray.querying.source.{AbstractRangeSetHashJoinSource, KeyValueSource, LazySource}
//import scray.querying.description.internal.WildcardIndexRangeException
//import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet
//import com.twitter.concurrent.Spool
//import com.twitter.util.Await
//import scray.querying.description.internal.ComposedMultivalueDomain
//import com.typesafe.scalalogging.slf4j.LazyLogging
// * creates an indexed-source with a wildcard-join reference on a UTF8-column.
// *
// * Format of this hand-made index will be:
// * UTF8[first 3 letters], UTF8[name to be indexed], Set[ ref ]
// */
//class WildcardIndexSource[Q <: DomainQuery, M, R, V](
// wildcardIndexConfig: WildcardIndexConfig,
// indexsource: LazySource[Q],
// lookupSource: KeyValueSource[R, V],
// lookupSourceTable: TableIdentifier,
// lookupkeymapper: Option[M => R] = None)(implicit tag: ClassTag[M])
// extends AbstractRangeSetHashJoinSource[Q, M, R, V](indexsource, lookupSource, lookupSourceTable, lookupkeymapper, wildcardIndexConfig.maxLimit)
// with LazyLogging {
// /**
// * the name of the column in lookupsource that will be the primary
// * key that is used as reference indexed
// */
// @inline protected def getReferenceLookupSourceColumn: Column = wildcardIndexConfig.referenceCol
// /**
// * the column in the index that contains a set of references into lookupsource
// */
// @inline protected def getReferencesIndexColumn: Column = wildcardIndexConfig.indexReferencesColumn
// /**
// * the column in the idnex that contains the value of the index data
// */
// @inline protected def getValueIndexColumn: Column = wildcardIndexConfig.indexNameColumn
// /**
// * a primary column in the index used as a criteria shrinking
// * the number of possible results
// */
// @inline protected def getPrefixIndexColumn: Column = wildcardIndexConfig.indexRowNameCol
// /**
// * return the first letters of the wildcard index
// */
// @inline private def getFirstLetters(name: String): String =
// name.substring(0, wildcardIndexConfig.numberOfPrefixCharacters)
// /**
// * returns a name that conforms
// */
// @inline private def getReducedName(name: String): String = wildcardIndexConfig.prefixPresent match {
// case true => name
// case false => name.substring(wildcardIndexConfig.numberOfPrefixCharacters)
// }
// /**
// * normalize the name for this index, i.e. if it should work for
// */
// @inline private def getNormalizedName(name: String): String = wildcardIndexConfig.lowerCaseIndex match {
// case true => name.toLowerCase()
// case _ => name
// }
// /**
// * fetch prefixes, which lie in the provided range
// */
// private def fetchPrefixes(query: Q, start: Option[String], end: Option[String]): Buffer[SingleValueDomain[String]] = {
// val result = Buffer[SingleValueDomain[String]]()
// def bufferSpool(spool: Spool[Row]): Unit = {
// if(!spool.isEmpty) {
// spool.head.getColumnValue[String](getValueIndexColumn).map(
// result += new SingleValueDomain(wildcardIndexConfig.indexRowNameCol, _))
// bufferSpool(Await.result(spool.tail))
// }
// }
// val empty = new SingleValueDomain(wildcardIndexConfig.indexNameColumn, "")
// val range = new RangeValueDomain[String](getValueIndexColumn,
// start.map(Bound[String](true, _)), end.map(Bound[String](true, _)))
// val dq = createDomainQuery[String](query, List(empty, range))
// bufferSpool(Await.result(indexsource.request(dq)))
// result
// }
// /**
// * Transform the original query into a set of queries, which
// * Because it can happen that ranges have been defined, but the index doesn't include the
// * prefix, we need to
// * This
// */
// override protected def transformIndexQuery(query: Q): Set[Q] = {
// val optDomain = query.getWhereAST.find(domain => domain.column == wildcardIndexConfig.referenceCol)
// optDomain.map(_ match {
// case cmd: ComposedMultivalueDomain[_] => ??? // currently unused domain type
// case svd: SingleValueDomain[_] => {
// val name = getNormalizedName(svd.value.asInstanceOf[String])
// val rowDomain = new SingleValueDomain(wildcardIndexConfig.indexRowNameCol, getFirstLetters(name))
// val nameDomain = new SingleValueDomain(getValueIndexColumn, getReducedName(name))
// Set(createDomainQuery[String](query, List(rowDomain, nameDomain)))
// }
// case rvd: RangeValueDomain[_] => {
// val prefixes = Buffer[List[Domain[String]]]()
// rvd.lowerBound match {
// case Some(start) => {
// val startValue = getNormalizedName(start.value.asInstanceOf[String])
// val startPrefix = getFirstLetters(startValue)
// val startBound = Some(Bound[String](start.inclusive, getReducedName(startValue)))
// rvd.upperBound match {
// case Some(end) =>
// val endValue = getNormalizedName(end.value.asInstanceOf[String])
// val endPrefix = getFirstLetters(endValue)
// val endBound = Some(Bound[String](end.inclusive, getReducedName(endValue)))
// if(endPrefix != startPrefix) {
// // need to fetch range of prefixes
// prefixes ++= fetchPrefixes(query, Some(startPrefix), Some(endPrefix)).map(List(_))
// prefixes.size match {
// case 1 => prefixes(0) = List(prefixes(0)(0), new RangeValueDomain[String](getValueIndexColumn, startBound, endBound))
// case x if x > 1 =>
// prefixes(0) = List(prefixes(0)(0), new RangeValueDomain[String](getValueIndexColumn, startBound, None))
// prefixes(prefixes.size - 1) = List(prefixes(prefixes.size - 1)(0), new RangeValueDomain[String](getValueIndexColumn, None, endBound))
// case _ =>
// }
// } else {
// prefixes += List(
// new SingleValueDomain(wildcardIndexConfig.indexRowNameCol, startPrefix),
// new RangeValueDomain[String](getValueIndexColumn, startBound, endBound)
// )
// }
// case None => {
// // need to fetch range of prefixes
// prefixes ++= fetchPrefixes(query, Some(startPrefix), None).map(List(_))
// if(prefixes.size > 0) {
// prefixes(0) = List(prefixes(0)(0), new RangeValueDomain[String](getValueIndexColumn, startBound, None))
// }
// }
// }
// }
// case None => rvd.upperBound match {
// case Some(end) => {
// val endValue = getNormalizedName(end.value.asInstanceOf[String])
// val endPrefix = getFirstLetters(endValue)
// val endBound = Some(Bound[String](end.inclusive, getReducedName(endValue)))
// prefixes ++= fetchPrefixes(query, None, Some(endPrefix)).map(List(_))
// if(prefixes.size > 0) {
// prefixes(prefixes.size - 1) = List(prefixes(prefixes.size - 1)(0),
// new RangeValueDomain[String](getValueIndexColumn, None, endBound))
// }
// }
// case None => throw new QueryDomainRangeException(wildcardIndexConfig.referenceCol, query)
// }
// }
// prefixes.map(createDomainQuery[String](query, _)).toSet
// }
// }).getOrElse {
// // need to fetch all prefixes
// fetchPrefixes(query, None, None).map(prefix => createDomainQuery[String](query, List(prefix))).toSet
// }
// }
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