org.openqa.jetty.http.handler.ProxyHandler Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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// ========================================================================
// $Id: ProxyHandler.java,v 1.34 2005/10/05 13:32:59 gregwilkins Exp $
// Copyright 1991-2005 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ========================================================================
package org.openqa.jetty.http.handler;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.openqa.jetty.log.LogFactory;
import org.openqa.jetty.http.HttpConnection;
import org.openqa.jetty.http.HttpException;
import org.openqa.jetty.http.HttpFields;
import org.openqa.jetty.http.HttpMessage;
import org.openqa.jetty.http.HttpRequest;
import org.openqa.jetty.http.HttpResponse;
import org.openqa.jetty.http.HttpTunnel;
import org.openqa.jetty.util.IO;
import org.openqa.jetty.util.InetAddrPort;
import org.openqa.jetty.util.LineInput;
import org.openqa.jetty.util.LogSupport;
import org.openqa.jetty.util.StringMap;
import org.openqa.jetty.util.URI;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Proxy request handler. A HTTP/1.1 Proxy. This implementation uses the JVMs URL implementation to
* make proxy requests.
* The HttpTunnel mechanism is also used to implement the CONNECT method.
* @version $Id: ProxyHandler.java,v 1.34 2005/10/05 13:32:59 gregwilkins Exp $
* @author Greg Wilkins (gregw)
* @author [email protected] (chained proxy)
public class ProxyHandler extends AbstractHttpHandler
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ProxyHandler.class);
protected Set _proxyHostsWhiteList;
protected Set _proxyHostsBlackList;
protected int _tunnelTimeoutMs = 250;
private boolean _anonymous=false;
private transient boolean _chained=false;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Map of leg by leg headers (not end to end). Should be a set, but more efficient string map is
* used instead.
protected StringMap _DontProxyHeaders = new StringMap();
Object o = new Object();
_DontProxyHeaders.put(HttpFields.__ProxyConnection, o);
_DontProxyHeaders.put(HttpFields.__Connection, o);
_DontProxyHeaders.put(HttpFields.__KeepAlive, o);
_DontProxyHeaders.put(HttpFields.__TransferEncoding, o);
_DontProxyHeaders.put(HttpFields.__TE, o);
_DontProxyHeaders.put(HttpFields.__Trailer, o);
_DontProxyHeaders.put(HttpFields.__Upgrade, o);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Map of leg by leg headers (not end to end). Should be a set, but more efficient string map is
* used instead.
protected StringMap _ProxyAuthHeaders = new StringMap();
Object o = new Object();
_ProxyAuthHeaders.put(HttpFields.__ProxyAuthorization, o);
_ProxyAuthHeaders.put(HttpFields.__ProxyAuthenticate, o);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Map of allows schemes to proxy Should be a set, but more efficient string map is used
* instead.
protected StringMap _ProxySchemes = new StringMap();
Object o = new Object();
_ProxySchemes.put(HttpMessage.__SCHEME, o);
_ProxySchemes.put(HttpMessage.__SSL_SCHEME, o);
_ProxySchemes.put("ftp", o);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Set of allowed CONNECT ports.
protected HashSet _allowedConnectPorts = new HashSet();
_allowedConnectPorts.add(new Integer(80));
_allowedConnectPorts.add(new Integer(8000));
_allowedConnectPorts.add(new Integer(8080));
_allowedConnectPorts.add(new Integer(8888));
_allowedConnectPorts.add(new Integer(443));
_allowedConnectPorts.add(new Integer(8443));
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
public void start() throws Exception
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Get proxy host white list.
* @return Array of hostnames and IPs that are proxied, or an empty array if all hosts are
* proxied.
public String[] getProxyHostsWhiteList()
if (_proxyHostsWhiteList == null || _proxyHostsWhiteList.size() == 0)
return new String[0];
String[] hosts = new String[_proxyHostsWhiteList.size()];
hosts = (String[]) _proxyHostsWhiteList.toArray(hosts);
return hosts;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Set proxy host white list.
* @param hosts Array of hostnames and IPs that are proxied, or null if all hosts are proxied.
public void setProxyHostsWhiteList(String[] hosts)
if (hosts == null || hosts.length == 0)
_proxyHostsWhiteList = null;
_proxyHostsWhiteList = new HashSet();
for (int i = 0; i < hosts.length; i++)
if (hosts[i] != null && hosts[i].trim().length() > 0)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Get proxy host black list.
* @return Array of hostnames and IPs that are NOT proxied.
public String[] getProxyHostsBlackList()
if (_proxyHostsBlackList == null || _proxyHostsBlackList.size() == 0)
return new String[0];
String[] hosts = new String[_proxyHostsBlackList.size()];
hosts = (String[]) _proxyHostsBlackList.toArray(hosts);
return hosts;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Set proxy host black list.
* @param hosts Array of hostnames and IPs that are NOT proxied.
public void setProxyHostsBlackList(String[] hosts)
if (hosts == null || hosts.length == 0)
_proxyHostsBlackList = null;
_proxyHostsBlackList = new HashSet();
for (int i = 0; i < hosts.length; i++)
if (hosts[i] != null && hosts[i].trim().length() > 0)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
public int getTunnelTimeoutMs()
return _tunnelTimeoutMs;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Tunnel timeout. IE on win2000 has connections issues with normal timeout handling. This
* timeout should be set to a low value that will expire to allow IE to see the end of the
* tunnel connection.
public void setTunnelTimeoutMs(int ms)
_tunnelTimeoutMs = ms;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
public void handle(String pathInContext, String pathParams, HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) throws HttpException, IOException
URI uri = request.getURI();
// Is this a CONNECT request?
if (HttpRequest.__CONNECT.equalsIgnoreCase(request.getMethod()))
response.setField(HttpFields.__Connection, "close"); // TODO Needed for IE????
handleConnect(pathInContext, pathParams, request, response);
// Do we proxy this?
URL url = isProxied(uri);
if (url == null)
if (isForbidden(uri))
sendForbid(request, response, uri);
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("PROXY URL=" + url);
URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
// Set method
HttpURLConnection http = null;
if (connection instanceof HttpURLConnection)
http = (HttpURLConnection) connection;
// check connection header
String connectionHdr = request.getField(HttpFields.__Connection);
if (connectionHdr != null && (connectionHdr.equalsIgnoreCase(HttpFields.__KeepAlive) || connectionHdr.equalsIgnoreCase(HttpFields.__Close)))
connectionHdr = null;
// copy headers
boolean xForwardedFor = false;
boolean hasContent = false;
Enumeration enm = request.getFieldNames();
while (enm.hasMoreElements())
// TODO could be better than this!
String hdr = (String) enm.nextElement();
if (_DontProxyHeaders.containsKey(hdr) || !_chained && _ProxyAuthHeaders.containsKey(hdr))
if (connectionHdr != null && connectionHdr.indexOf(hdr) >= 0)
if (HttpFields.__ContentType.equals(hdr))
hasContent = true;
Enumeration vals = request.getFieldValues(hdr);
while (vals.hasMoreElements())
String val = (String) vals.nextElement();
if (val != null)
connection.addRequestProperty(hdr, val);
xForwardedFor |= HttpFields.__XForwardedFor.equalsIgnoreCase(hdr);
// Proxy headers
if (!_anonymous)
connection.setRequestProperty("Via", "1.1 (jetty)");
if (!xForwardedFor)
connection.addRequestProperty(HttpFields.__XForwardedFor, request.getRemoteAddr());
// a little bit of cache control
String cache_control = request.getField(HttpFields.__CacheControl);
if (cache_control != null && (cache_control.indexOf("no-cache") >= 0 || cache_control.indexOf("no-store") >= 0))
// customize Connection
customizeConnection(pathInContext, pathParams, request, connection);
// do input thang!
InputStream in = request.getInputStream();
if (hasContent)
IO.copy(in, connection.getOutputStream());
// Connect
catch (Exception e)
LogSupport.ignore(log, e);
InputStream proxy_in = null;
// handler status codes etc.
int code = HttpResponse.__500_Internal_Server_Error;
if (http != null)
proxy_in = http.getErrorStream();
code = http.getResponseCode();
if (proxy_in == null)
proxy_in = connection.getInputStream();
catch (Exception e)
LogSupport.ignore(log, e);
proxy_in = http.getErrorStream();
// clear response defaults.
// set response headers
int h = 0;
String hdr = connection.getHeaderFieldKey(h);
String val = connection.getHeaderField(h);
while (hdr != null || val != null)
if (hdr != null && val != null && !_DontProxyHeaders.containsKey(hdr) && (_chained || !_ProxyAuthHeaders.containsKey(hdr)))
response.addField(hdr, val);
hdr = connection.getHeaderFieldKey(h);
val = connection.getHeaderField(h);
if (!_anonymous)
response.setField("Via", "1.1 (jetty)");
// Handled
if (proxy_in != null)
IO.copy(proxy_in, response.getOutputStream());
catch (Exception e)
LogSupport.ignore(log, e);
if (!response.isCommitted())
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
public void handleConnect(String pathInContext, String pathParams, HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) throws HttpException, IOException
URI uri = request.getURI();
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("CONNECT: " + uri);
InetAddrPort addrPort = new InetAddrPort(uri.toString());
if (isForbidden(HttpMessage.__SSL_SCHEME, addrPort.getHost(), addrPort.getPort(), false))
sendForbid(request, response, uri);
HttpConnection http_connection=request.getHttpConnection();
// Get the timeout
int timeoutMs = 30000;
Object maybesocket = http_connection.getConnection();
if (maybesocket instanceof Socket)
Socket s = (Socket) maybesocket;
timeoutMs = s.getSoTimeout();
// Create the tunnel
HttpTunnel tunnel = newHttpTunnel(request,response,addrPort.getInetAddress(), addrPort.getPort(),timeoutMs);
if (tunnel!=null)
// TODO - need to setup semi-busy loop for IE.
if (_tunnelTimeoutMs > 0)
if (maybesocket instanceof Socket)
Socket s = (Socket) maybesocket;
customizeConnection(pathInContext, pathParams, request, tunnel.getSocket());
catch (Exception e)
LogSupport.ignore(log, e);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
protected HttpTunnel newHttpTunnel(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, InetAddress iaddr, int port, int timeoutMS) throws IOException
Socket socket=null;
InputStream in=null;
String chained_proxy_host=System.getProperty("http.proxyHost");
if (chained_proxy_host==null)
socket= new Socket(iaddr, port);
int chained_proxy_port = Integer.getInteger("http.proxyPort", 8888).intValue();
Socket chain_socket= new Socket(chained_proxy_host, chained_proxy_port);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("chain proxy socket="+chain_socket);
LineInput line_in = new LineInput(chain_socket.getInputStream());
byte[] connect= request.toString().getBytes(org.openqa.jetty.util.StringUtil.__ISO_8859_1);
String chain_response_line = line_in.readLine();
HttpFields chain_response = new HttpFields();
// decode response
int space0 = chain_response_line.indexOf(' ');
if (space0>0 && space0+1space0)
int code=Integer.parseInt(chain_response_line.substring(space0+1,space1));
if (code>=200 && code<300)
Enumeration iter = chain_response.getFieldNames();
while (iter.hasMoreElements())
String name=(String)iter.nextElement();
if (!_DontProxyHeaders.containsKey(name))
Enumeration values = chain_response.getValues(name);
String value=(String)values.nextElement();
response.setField(name, value);
if (!chain_socket.isClosed())
if (socket==null)
return null;
HttpTunnel tunnel=new HttpTunnel(socket,in,null);
return tunnel;
catch(IOException e)
return null;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Customize proxy Socket connection for CONNECT. Method to allow derived handlers to customize
* the tunnel sockets.
protected void customizeConnection(String pathInContext, String pathParams, HttpRequest request, Socket socket) throws IOException
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Customize proxy URL connection. Method to allow derived handlers to customize the connection.
protected void customizeConnection(String pathInContext, String pathParams, HttpRequest request, URLConnection connection) throws IOException
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Is URL Proxied. Method to allow derived handlers to select which URIs are proxied and to
* where.
* @param uri The requested URI, which should include a scheme, host and port.
* @return The URL to proxy to, or null if the passed URI should not be proxied. The default
* implementation returns the passed uri if isForbidden() returns true.
protected URL isProxied(URI uri) throws MalformedURLException
// Is this a proxy request?
if (isForbidden(uri))
return null;
// OK return URI as untransformed URL.
return new URL(uri.toString());
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Is URL Forbidden.
* @return True if the URL is not forbidden. Calls isForbidden(scheme,host,port,true);
protected boolean isForbidden(URI uri)
String scheme = uri.getScheme();
String host = uri.getHost();
int port = uri.getPort();
return isForbidden(scheme, host, port, true);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Is scheme,host & port Forbidden.
* @param scheme A scheme that mast be in the proxySchemes StringMap.
* @param host A host that must pass the white and black lists
* @param port A port that must in the allowedConnectPorts Set
* @param openNonPrivPorts If true ports greater than 1024 are allowed.
* @return True if the request to the scheme,host and port is not forbidden.
protected boolean isForbidden(String scheme, String host, int port, boolean openNonPrivPorts)
// Check port
Integer p = new Integer(port);
if (port > 0 && !_allowedConnectPorts.contains(p))
if (!openNonPrivPorts || port <= 1024)
return true;
// Must be a scheme that can be proxied.
if (scheme == null || !_ProxySchemes.containsKey(scheme))
return true;
// Must be in any defined white list
if (_proxyHostsWhiteList != null && !_proxyHostsWhiteList.contains(host))
return true;
// Must not be in any defined black list
if (_proxyHostsBlackList != null && _proxyHostsBlackList.contains(host))
return true;
return false;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Send Forbidden. Method called to send forbidden response. Default implementation calls
* sendError(403)
protected void sendForbid(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, URI uri) throws IOException
response.sendError(HttpResponse.__403_Forbidden, "Forbidden for Proxy");
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* @return Returns the anonymous.
public boolean isAnonymous()
return _anonymous;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* @param anonymous The anonymous to set.
public void setAnonymous(boolean anonymous)
_anonymous = anonymous;