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org.openqa.grid.internal.BaseRemoteProxy Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 4.0.0-alpha-2
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package org.openqa.grid.internal;

import org.apache.http.HttpHost;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicHttpRequest;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.openqa.grid.common.RegistrationRequest;
import org.openqa.grid.common.SeleniumProtocol;
import org.openqa.grid.common.exception.GridException;
import org.openqa.grid.internal.listeners.TimeoutListener;
import org.openqa.grid.internal.utils.CapabilityMatcher;
import org.openqa.grid.internal.utils.DefaultHtmlRenderer;
import org.openqa.grid.internal.utils.HtmlRenderer;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.internal.HttpClientFactory;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import static org.openqa.grid.common.RegistrationRequest.*;

public class BaseRemoteProxy implements RemoteProxy {
  private final RegistrationRequest request;
  // how many ms between 2 cycle checking if there are some session that have
  // timed out. -1 means we never run the cleanup cycle. By default there is
  // no timeout
  private final int cleanUpCycle;
  private final int timeOutMs;

  private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(BaseRemoteProxy.class.getName());

  // the host the remote listen on.The final URL will be + slot.path
  protected volatile URL remoteHost;

  private final Map config;

  // list of the type of test the remote can run.
  private final List testSlots;

  // maximum number of tests that can run at a given time on the remote.
  private final int maxConcurrentSession;
  private final Registry registry;

  private final String id;

  private volatile boolean stop = false;
  private CleanUpThread cleanUpThread;

  // connection and socket timeout for getStatus node alive check
  // 0 means default timeouts of grid http client will be used.
  private final int statusCheckTimeout;

  public List getTestSlots() {
    return testSlots;

  public Registry getRegistry() {
    return registry;

  public CapabilityMatcher getCapabilityHelper() {
    return registry.getCapabilityMatcher();

   * Create the proxy from the info sent by the remote. 

If maxSession is not specified, default * to 1 = max number of tests running at a given time will be 1.

For each capability, * maxInstances is defaulted to 1 if not specified = max number of test of each capability running * at a time will be 1. maxInstances for firefox can be > 1. IE won't support it. * * @param request The request * @param registry The registry to use */ public BaseRemoteProxy(RegistrationRequest request, Registry registry) { this.request = request; this.registry = registry; this.config = mergeConfig(registry.getConfiguration().getAllParams(), request.getConfiguration()); String url = (String) config.get(REMOTE_HOST); String id = (String) config.get(RegistrationRequest.ID); if (url == null && id == null) { throw new GridException( "The registration request needs to specify either the remote host, or a valid id."); } if (url != null) { try { this.remoteHost = new URL(url); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // should only happen when a bad config is sent. throw new GridException("Not a correct url to register a remote : " + url); } } // if id was provided in the request, use that if (id != null) { = id; } else { // otherwise assign the remote host as id. = remoteHost.toExternalForm(); } maxConcurrentSession = getConfigInteger(RegistrationRequest.MAX_SESSION); cleanUpCycle = getConfigInteger(RegistrationRequest.CLEAN_UP_CYCLE); timeOutMs = getConfigInteger(RegistrationRequest.TIME_OUT); Object tm = this.config.get(RegistrationRequest.STATUS_CHECK_TIMEOUT); if (tm == null) { tm = new Integer(0); } statusCheckTimeout = ((Integer) tm).intValue(); List capabilities = request.getCapabilities(); List slots = new ArrayList(); for (DesiredCapabilities capability : capabilities) { Object maxInstance = capability.getCapability(MAX_INSTANCES); SeleniumProtocol protocol = getProtocol(capability); String path = getPath(capability); if (maxInstance == null) { log.warning("Max instance not specified. Using default = 1 instance"); maxInstance = "1"; } int value = Integer.parseInt(maxInstance.toString()); for (int i = 0; i < value; i++) { Map c = new HashMap(); for (String k : capability.asMap().keySet()) { c.put(k, capability.getCapability(k)); } slots.add(new TestSlot(this, protocol, path, c)); } } this.testSlots = Collections.unmodifiableList(slots); } private Integer getConfigInteger(String key){ Object o = this.config.get(key); if (o instanceof String){ return Integer.parseInt((String)o); } return (Integer) o; } private SeleniumProtocol getProtocol(DesiredCapabilities capability) { String type = (String) capability.getCapability(SELENIUM_PROTOCOL); SeleniumProtocol protocol; if (type == null) { protocol = SeleniumProtocol.WebDriver; } else { try { protocol = SeleniumProtocol.valueOf(type); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new GridException( type + " isn't a valid protocol type for grid. See SeleniumProtocol enum.", e); } } return protocol; } private String getPath(DesiredCapabilities capability) { String type = (String) capability.getCapability(PATH); if (type == null) { switch (getProtocol(capability)) { case Selenium: return "/selenium-server/driver"; case WebDriver: return "/wd/hub"; default: throw new GridException("Protocol not supported."); } } else { return type; } } public void setupTimeoutListener() { cleanUpThread = null; if (this instanceof TimeoutListener) { if (cleanUpCycle > 0 && timeOutMs > 0) { log.fine("starting cleanup thread"); cleanUpThread = new CleanUpThread(this); new Thread(cleanUpThread, "RemoteProxy CleanUpThread for " + getId()) .start(); // Thread safety reviewed (hopefully ;) } } } /** * merge the param from config 1 and 2. If a param is present in both, config2 value is used. * * @param configuration1 The first configuration to merge (recessive) * @param configuration2 The second configuration to merge (dominant) * @return The merged collection */ private Map mergeConfig(Map configuration1, Map configuration2) { Map res = new HashMap(); res.putAll(configuration1); for (String key : configuration2.keySet()) { res.put(key, configuration2.get(key)); } return res; } public String getId() { if (id == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Bug. Trying to use the id on a proxy but it hasn't been set."); } return id; } public void teardown() { stop = true; } /** * Internal use only */ public void forceSlotCleanerRun() { cleanUpThread.cleanUpAllSlots(); } class CleanUpThread implements Runnable { private BaseRemoteProxy proxy; public CleanUpThread(BaseRemoteProxy proxy) { this.proxy = proxy; } public void run() { log.fine("cleanup thread starting..."); while (!proxy.stop) { try { Thread.sleep(cleanUpCycle); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.severe("clean up thread died. " + e.getMessage()); } cleanUpAllSlots(); } } void cleanUpAllSlots() { for (TestSlot slot : testSlots) { try { cleanUpSlot(slot); } catch (Throwable t) { log.warning("Error executing the timeout when cleaning up slot " + slot + t.getMessage()); } } } private void cleanUpSlot(TestSlot slot) { TestSession session = slot.getSession(); if (session != null) { long inactivity = session.getInactivityTime(); boolean hasTimedOut = inactivity > timeOutMs; if (hasTimedOut) { if (!session.isForwardingRequest()) { log.logp(Level.WARNING, "SessionCleanup", null, "session " + session + " has TIMED OUT due to client inactivity and will be released."); ((TimeoutListener) proxy).beforeRelease(session); registry.terminate(session, SessionTerminationReason.TIMEOUT); } } if (session.isOrphaned()) { log.logp(Level.WARNING, "SessionCleanup", null, "session " + session + " has been ORPHANED and will be released"); ((TimeoutListener) proxy).beforeRelease(session); registry.terminate(session, SessionTerminationReason.ORPHAN); } } } } public Map getConfig() { return config; } public RegistrationRequest getOriginalRegistrationRequest() { return request; } public int getMaxNumberOfConcurrentTestSessions() { return maxConcurrentSession; } public URL getRemoteHost() { return remoteHost; } public TestSession getNewSession(Map requestedCapability) {"Trying to create a new session on node " + this); try { getStatus(); } catch (GridException ex) {"Node " + this + " is down or doesn't recognize the /wd/hub/status request"); return null; } if (!hasCapability(requestedCapability)) {"Node " + this + " has no matching capability"); return null; } // any slot left at all? if (getTotalUsed() >= maxConcurrentSession) {"Node " + this + " has no free slots"); return null; } // any slot left for the given app ? for (TestSlot testslot : testSlots) { TestSession session = testslot.getNewSession(requestedCapability); if (session != null) { return session; } } return null; } public int getTotalUsed() { int totalUsed = 0; for (TestSlot slot : testSlots) { if (slot.getSession() != null) { totalUsed++; } } return totalUsed; } public boolean hasCapability(Map requestedCapability) { for (TestSlot slot : testSlots) { if (slot.matches(requestedCapability)) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean isBusy() { return getTotalUsed() != 0; } /** * Takes a registration request and return the RemoteProxy associated to it. It can be any class * extending RemoteProxy. * * @param request The request * @param registry The registry to use * @return a new instance built from the request. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static T getNewInstance(RegistrationRequest request, Registry registry) { try { String proxyClass = request.getRemoteProxyClass(); if (proxyClass == null) { log.fine("No proxy class. Using default"); proxyClass = BaseRemoteProxy.class.getCanonicalName(); } Class clazz = Class.forName(proxyClass); log.fine("Using class " + clazz.getName()); Object[] args = new Object[]{request, registry}; Class[] argsClass = new Class[]{RegistrationRequest.class, Registry.class}; Constructor c = clazz.getConstructor(argsClass); Object proxy = c.newInstance(args); if (proxy instanceof RemoteProxy) { ((RemoteProxy) proxy).setupTimeoutListener(); return (T) proxy; } else { throw new InvalidParameterException("Error: " + proxy.getClass() + " isn't a remote proxy"); } } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getTargetException().getMessage(), e.getTargetException()); throw new InvalidParameterException("Error: " + e.getTargetException().getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); throw new InvalidParameterException("Error: " + e.getMessage()); } } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((id == null) ? 0 : id.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } RemoteProxy other = (RemoteProxy) obj; if (getId() == null) { if (other.getId() != null) { return false; } } else if (!getId().equals(other.getId())) { return false; } return true; } // less busy to more busy. public int compareTo(RemoteProxy o) { if (o == null) { return -1; } return (int)(getResourceUsageInPercent() - o.getResourceUsageInPercent()); } @Override public String toString() { return "host :" + getRemoteHost() + (timeOutMs != -1 ? " time out : " + timeOutMs : ""); } private final HtmlRenderer renderer = new DefaultHtmlRenderer(this); public HtmlRenderer getHtmlRender() { return renderer; } public int getTimeOut() { return timeOutMs; } public HttpClientFactory getHttpClientFactory() { return getRegistry().getHttpClientFactory(); } /** * @throws GridException If the node if down or doesn't recognize the /wd/hub/status request. */ public JSONObject getStatus() throws GridException { String url = getRemoteHost().toExternalForm() + "/wd/hub/status"; BasicHttpRequest r = new BasicHttpRequest("GET", url); HttpClient client = getHttpClientFactory().getGridHttpClient(statusCheckTimeout, statusCheckTimeout); HttpHost host = new HttpHost(getRemoteHost().getHost(), getRemoteHost().getPort()); HttpResponse response; String existingName = Thread.currentThread().getName(); try { Thread.currentThread().setName("Probing status of " + url); response = client.execute(host, r); int code = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (code == 200) { JSONObject status = extractObject(response); EntityUtils.consume(response.getEntity()); return status; } else if (code == 404) { // selenium RC case JSONObject status = new JSONObject(); return status; } else { EntityUtils.consume(response.getEntity()); throw new GridException("server response code : " + code); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new GridException(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { Thread.currentThread().setName(existingName); } } private JSONObject extractObject(HttpResponse resp) throws IOException, JSONException { BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(resp.getEntity().getContent())); StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); String line; while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) { s.append(line); } rd.close(); return new JSONObject(s.toString()); } public float getResourceUsageInPercent() { return 100 * (float)getTotalUsed() / (float)getMaxNumberOfConcurrentTestSessions(); } }

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