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* Copyright 2015 Defense Health Agency (DHA)
* If your use of this software does not include any GPLv2 components:
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* If your use of this software includes any GPLv2 components:
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
package prerna.nameserver;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.apache.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import prerna.ds.util.RdbmsQueryBuilder;
import prerna.engine.api.IEngine;
import prerna.engine.impl.MetaHelper;
import prerna.engine.impl.SmssUtilities;
import prerna.engine.impl.rdbms.RDBMSNativeEngine;
import prerna.engine.impl.rdf.RDFFileSesameEngine;
import prerna.nameserver.utility.MasterDatabaseUtility;
import prerna.util.Constants;
import prerna.util.DIHelper;
import prerna.util.PersistentHash;
import prerna.util.Utility;
public class AddToMasterDB {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(AddToMasterDB.class.getName());
// For testing, change to your own local directories
private static final String WS_DIRECTORY = "C:/Users/pkapaleeswaran/Workspacej3";
private static final String DB_DIRECTORY = WS_DIRECTORY + "/SemossWeb/db";
private Connection conn = null;
private PersistentHash conceptIdHash = null;
* a. Need multiple primary keys
b. Need a way to specify property with same name across the multiple concepts
c. Need for multiple foreign keys
d. Being able to handle loop elegantly
e. Being able to link based on multiple keys i.e. I should be able to query the database through 2 keys instead of one
f. Same as e. but also being able to do it across tables on create
g. Need a way to tag instance level data so it can be compared and new recommendations can be made i.e. being able to send the data. Need some way of doing a PKI so the actual data is never sent
public boolean registerEngineLocal(Properties prop) {
String engineUniqueId = prop.getProperty(Constants.ENGINE);
if(engineUniqueId == null) {
engineUniqueId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
return registerEngineLocal(prop, engineUniqueId);
public boolean registerEngineLocal(Properties prop, String engineUniqueId) {
// grab the local master engine
IEngine localMaster = Utility.getEngine(Constants.LOCAL_MASTER_DB_NAME);
// establish the connection
String engineName = prop.getProperty(Constants.ENGINE_ALIAS);
// we want to load in the OWL for the engine we want to synchronize into the
// the local master
// get the owl relative path from the base folder to get the full path
String owlFile = SmssUtilities.getOwlFile(prop).getAbsolutePath();
// owl is stored as RDF/XML file
RDFFileSesameEngine rfse = new RDFFileSesameEngine();
rfse.openFile(owlFile, null, null);
// we create the meta helper to facilitate querying the engine OWL
MetaHelper helper = new MetaHelper(rfse, null, null);
// also get the last modified date of the OWL file to store
// into the local master
File file = new File(owlFile);
Date modDate = new Date(file.lastModified());
// insert the engine first
// engine is a type of engine
// keep the engine URI"Starting to synchronize engine ::: " + engineName);
// grab the engine type
// if it is RDBMS vs RDF
IEngine.ENGINE_TYPE engineType = null;
String engineTypeString = null;
String propEngType = prop.getProperty("ENGINE_TYPE");
if(propEngType.contains("RDBMS") || propEngType.contains("Impala")) {
engineType = IEngine.ENGINE_TYPE.RDBMS;
engineTypeString = "TYPE:RDBMS";
} else if(propEngType.contains("Tinker")) {
engineType = IEngine.ENGINE_TYPE.TINKER;
engineTypeString = "TYPE:TINKER";
} else if(propEngType.contains("RNative")) {
engineType = IEngine.ENGINE_TYPE.R; // process it as a flat file I bet
engineTypeString = "TYPE:R";
} else {
engineType = IEngine.ENGINE_TYPE.SESAME;
engineTypeString = "TYPE:RDF";
this.conceptIdHash.put(engineName+"_ENGINE", engineUniqueId);
String [] colNames = {"ID", "EngineName", "ModifiedDate", "Type"};
String [] types = {"varchar(800)", "varchar(800)", "timestamp", "varchar(800)"};
Object [] engineData = {engineUniqueId, engineName, new java.sql.Timestamp(modDate.getTime()), engineTypeString, "true"};
insertQuery("Engine", colNames, types, engineData);
// get the list of all the physical names
// false denotes getting the physical names
Vector concepts = helper.getConcepts(false);
Vector relationships = helper.getRelationships(false);"For engine " + engineName + " : Total Concepts Found = " + concepts.size());"For engine " + engineName + " : Total Relationships Found = " + relationships.size());
// iterate through all the concepts to insert into the local master
for(int conceptIndex = 0; conceptIndex < concepts.size(); conceptIndex++) {
String conceptPhysicalUri = concepts.get(conceptIndex);
LOGGER.debug("Processing concept ::: " + conceptPhysicalUri);
masterConcept(engineName, conceptPhysicalUri, helper, engineType);
for(int relIndex = 0; relIndex < relationships.size(); relIndex++) {
String[] relationshipToInsert = relationships.get(relIndex);
LOGGER.debug("Processing relationship ::: " + Arrays.toString(relationshipToInsert));
masterRelationship(engineName, relationshipToInsert, helper);
return true;
* Will add a concept and all of its properties into the local master
* This will add the following information:
* The concept into the CONCEPT TABLE if it does not already exist
* The properties of the concept into the CONCEPT TABLE if it does not already exist
* The concept into the ENGINECONCEPT TABLE
* The properties of the concept into the ENGINECONCEPT TABLE
* Since we are adding a new engine, we do not need to check if the concept/properties exist in
* @param engineName
* @param conceptPhysicalUri
* @param helper
* @param engineType
private void masterConcept(String engineName, String conceptPhysicalUri, MetaHelper helper, IEngine.ENGINE_TYPE engineType) {
String[] colNames = null;
String[] types = null;
String[] insertValues = null;
// I need to add the concept into the CONCEPT table
// The CONCEPT table is engine agnostic
// So if I have Movie_RDBMS and Movie_RDF, and both have Title
// it will only be added once into this table
// so grab the conceptual name
String conceptConceptualUri = helper.getConceptualUriFromPhysicalUri(conceptPhysicalUri);
String conceptualName = Utility.getInstanceName(conceptConceptualUri);
// and check if it is already there or not
String conceptGuid = null;
if(this.conceptIdHash.containsKey(conceptualName + "_CONCEPTUAL")) {
// this concept already exists
// so we will just grab the ID
conceptGuid = this.conceptIdHash.get(conceptualName + "_CONCEPTUAL");
} else {
// we need to create a new one
conceptGuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
// store it in the hash
this.conceptIdHash.put(conceptualName+"_CONCEPTUAL", conceptGuid);
// now insert it into the table
colNames = new String[]{"LocalConceptID", "ConceptualName", "LogicalName", "DomainName", "GlobalID"};
types = new String[]{"varchar(800)", "varchar(800)", "varchar(800)", "varchar(800)", "varchar(800)"};
// TODO: we need to also store multiple logical names at some point
// right now, default is to add the conceptual name as a logical name
insertValues = new String[]{conceptGuid, conceptualName, conceptualName, "NewDomain", ""};
insertQuery("Concept", colNames, types, insertValues);
// now that we have either retrieved an existing concept id or made a new one
// we can add this to the ENGINECONCEPT table
// but we need to grab some additional information
// generate a new id for the concept
String engineConceptGuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
// grab the data type of the concept
String[] dataTypes = getDataType(conceptPhysicalUri, helper);
// grab the data type of the concept
String adtlDataType = getAdtlDataType(conceptPhysicalUri, helper);
// get the physical name
String conceptPhysicalInstance = Utility.getInstanceName(conceptPhysicalUri);
// get the engine id
String engineId = this.conceptIdHash.get(engineName + "_ENGINE");
colNames = new String[]{"Engine", "PhysicalName", "ParentPhysicalID", "PhysicalNameID", "LocalConceptID", "PK", "Property", "Original_Type", "Property_Type", "Additional_Type"};
types = new String[]{"varchar(800)", "varchar(800)", "varchar(800)", "varchar(800)", "varchar(800)", "boolean", "boolean", "varchar(800)","varchar(800)","varchar(800)"};
String [] conceptInstanceData = {engineId, conceptPhysicalInstance, engineConceptGuid, engineConceptGuid, conceptGuid, "TRUE", "FALSE", dataTypes[0], dataTypes[1], adtlDataType};
insertQuery("EngineConcept", colNames, types, conceptInstanceData);
// store it in the hash, we will need this for the engine relationships
this.conceptIdHash.put(engineName + "_" + conceptPhysicalInstance + "_PHYSICAL", engineConceptGuid);
// now we need to add the properties for this concept + engine
List properties = helper.getProperties4Concept(conceptPhysicalUri, false);
for(int propIndex = 0; propIndex < properties.size(); propIndex++) {
String propertyPhysicalUri = properties.get(propIndex);
LOGGER.debug("For concept = " + conceptPhysicalUri + ", adding property ::: " + propertyPhysicalUri);
masterProperty(engineName, propertyPhysicalUri, engineConceptGuid, helper, engineType);
* Will add a property for a given concept into the local master
* This will add the following information:
* The property into the CONCEPT TABLE if it does not already exist
* The property into the ENGINECONCEPT TABLE
* Since we are adding a new engine, we do not need to check if the properties exist in the ENGINECONEPT TABLE
* @param engineName
* @param propertyPhysicalUri
* @param parentEngineConceptGuid
* @param helper
* @param engineType
private void masterProperty(String engineName, String propertyPhysicalUri, String parentEngineConceptGuid, MetaHelper helper, IEngine.ENGINE_TYPE engineType) {
String[] colNames = null;
String[] types = null;
String[] insertValues = null;
// I need to add the property into the CONCEPT table
// The CONCEPT table is engine agnostic
// So if I have Movie_RDBMS and Movie_RDF, and both have Title with property Movie_Budget
// the property it will only be added once into this table
// so grab the conceptual name
String propertyConceptualUri = helper.getConceptualUriFromPhysicalUri(propertyPhysicalUri);
// property conceptual uris are always /Column/Table
String propertyConceptualName = Utility.getClassName(propertyConceptualUri);
// and check if it is already there or not
String propertyGuid = null;
if(this.conceptIdHash.containsKey(propertyConceptualName)) {
// this concept already exists
// so we will just grab the ID
propertyGuid = this.conceptIdHash.get(propertyConceptualName);
} else {
// we need to create a new one
propertyGuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
// store it in the hash
this.conceptIdHash.put(propertyConceptualName, propertyGuid);
// now insert it into the table
colNames = new String[]{"LocalConceptID", "ConceptualName", "LogicalName", "DomainName", "GlobalID"};
types = new String[]{"varchar(800)", "varchar(800)", "varchar(800)", "varchar(800)", "varchar(800)"};
// TODO: we need to also store multiple logical names at some point
// right now, default is to add the conceptual name as a logical name
insertValues = new String[]{propertyGuid, propertyConceptualName, propertyConceptualName, "NewDomain", ""};
insertQuery("Concept", colNames, types, insertValues);
// now that we have either retrieved an existing property id or made a new one
// we can add this to the ENGINECONCEPT table
// but we need to grab some additional information
// generate a new id for the concept
String enginePropertyGuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
// grab the data type of the concept
String[] dataTypes = getDataType(propertyPhysicalUri, helper);
// grab the data type of the concept
String adtlDataType = getAdtlDataType(propertyPhysicalUri, helper);
// get the physical name
// need to account for differences in how this is stored between
// rdbms vs. graph databases
String propertyPhysicalInstance = null;
if(engineType == IEngine.ENGINE_TYPE.RDBMS || engineType == IEngine.ENGINE_TYPE.R) {
propertyPhysicalInstance = Utility.getClassName(propertyPhysicalUri);
if(propertyPhysicalInstance == null || propertyPhysicalInstance.equalsIgnoreCase("Contains")) {
propertyPhysicalInstance = Utility.getInstanceName(propertyPhysicalUri);
// get the engine id
String engineId = this.conceptIdHash.get(engineName + "_ENGINE");
colNames = new String[]{"Engine", "PhysicalName", "ParentPhysicalID", "PhysicalNameID", "LocalConceptID", "PK", "Property", "Original_Type", "Property_Type","Additional_Type"};
types = new String[]{"varchar(800)", "varchar(800)", "varchar(800)", "varchar(800)", "varchar(800)", "boolean", "boolean", "varchar(800)","varchar(800)","varchar(800)"};
String [] conceptInstanceData = {engineId, propertyPhysicalInstance, parentEngineConceptGuid, enginePropertyGuid, propertyGuid, "FALSE", "TRUE", dataTypes[0], dataTypes[1], adtlDataType};
insertQuery("EngineConcept", colNames, types, conceptInstanceData);
* Get the original and high-level datatype for a concept or property
* @param physicalUri
* @param helper
* @return
private String[] getDataType(String physicalUri, MetaHelper helper) {
String dataType = "";
String originalType = "";
if(helper != null) {
dataType = helper.getDataTypes(physicalUri);
if(dataType == null) {
originalType = "STRING";
dataType = "STRING";
} else {
originalType = dataType;
dataType = dataType.replace("TYPE:", "");
if(Utility.isIntegerType(dataType)) {
dataType = "INT";
} else if(Utility.isDoubleType(dataType)) {
dataType = "DOUBLE";
} else if(Utility.isDateType(dataType)){
dataType = "DATE";
} else if(Utility.isTimeStamp(dataType)){
dataType = "TIMESTAMP";
} else {
dataType = "STRING";
return new String[]{originalType, dataType};
private String getAdtlDataType(String physicalUri, MetaHelper helper) {
if(helper != null) {
return helper.getAdtlDataTypes(physicalUri);
return null;
* Master a relationship into the local master
* Relationship array is [startNodePhysicalUri, endNodePhysicalUri, relationshipUri]
* @param engineName
* @param relationship
* @param helper
private void masterRelationship(String engineName, String[] relationship, MetaHelper helper) {
String[] colNames = null;
String[] types = null;
String[] insertValues = null;
String startNodePhysicalUri = relationship[0];
String endNodePhysicalUri = relationship[1];
String relationshipUri = relationship[2];
// note, we have already looped through all the different nodes within the engine
// so there is nothing to check with regards to seeing if a concept id is not already there
// grab the conceptual names
// start node
String startNodePhysicalInstance = Utility.getInstanceName(startNodePhysicalUri);
String conceptualStartNodeUri = helper.getConceptualUriFromPhysicalUri(startNodePhysicalUri);
String conceptualStartNodeName = Utility.getInstanceName(conceptualStartNodeUri);
// end node
String endNodePhysicalInstance = Utility.getInstanceName(endNodePhysicalUri);
String conceptualEndNodeUri = helper.getConceptualUriFromPhysicalUri(endNodePhysicalUri);
String conceptualEndNodeName = Utility.getInstanceName(conceptualEndNodeUri);
String relationGuid = null;
// The RELATION TABLE is engine agnostic
// So we need to check and see if this relationship has already been added or not
if(this.conceptIdHash.containsKey(conceptualStartNodeName + "_" + conceptualEndNodeName + "_RELATION")) {
relationGuid = this.conceptIdHash.get(conceptualStartNodeName + "_" + conceptualEndNodeName + "_RELATION");
} else {
// we need to create it
relationGuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
// store it in the hash
this.conceptIdHash.put(conceptualStartNodeName + "_" + conceptualEndNodeName + "_RELATION", relationGuid);
colNames = new String[]{"ID", "SourceID", "TargetID", "GlobalID"};
types = new String[]{"varchar(800)", "varchar(800)", "varchar(800)", "varchar(800)"};
String startConceptualGuid = this.conceptIdHash.get(conceptualStartNodeName + "_CONCEPTUAL");
String endConceptualGuid = this.conceptIdHash.get(conceptualEndNodeName + "_CONCEPTUAL");
insertValues = new String[]{relationGuid, startConceptualGuid, endConceptualGuid, ""};
insertQuery("Relation", colNames, types, insertValues);
// since we are adding a new engine
// there is no check needed
// just add the engine
colNames = new String []{"Engine", "RelationID", "InstanceRelationID", "SourceConceptID", "TargetConceptID", "SourceProperty", "TargetProperty", "RelationName"};
types = new String[]{"varchar(800)", "varchar(800)","varchar(800)", "varchar(800)", "varchar(800)", "varchar(800)", "varchar(800)", "varchar(800)"};
String startConceptGuid = this.conceptIdHash.get(engineName + "_" + startNodePhysicalInstance +"_PHYSICAL");
String endConceptGuid = this.conceptIdHash.get(engineName + "_" + endNodePhysicalInstance +"_PHYSICAL");
String engineId = this.conceptIdHash.get(engineName + "_ENGINE");
String engineRelationGuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
insertValues = new String[]{engineId, relationGuid, engineRelationGuid, startConceptGuid, endConceptGuid,
startNodePhysicalInstance, endNodePhysicalInstance, Utility.getInstanceName(relationshipUri)};
insertQuery("EngineRelation", colNames, types, insertValues);
* Executes a query
* @param tableName
* @param colNames
* @param types
* @param data
private void insertQuery(String tableName, String [] colNames, String [] types, Object [] data) {
String insertString = RdbmsQueryBuilder.makeInsert(tableName, colNames, types, data);
executeSql(conn, insertString);
public void commit(IEngine localMaster) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
* Get the local master RDBMS connection
* @param localMaster
* @return
private Connection getConnection(IEngine localMaster) {
try {
conn = ((RDBMSNativeEngine) localMaster).makeConnection();
conceptIdHash = ((RDBMSNativeEngine) localMaster).getConceptIdHash();
} catch (Exception e) {
return conn;
* Get the date for a given engine
* @param engineId
* @return
public Date getEngineDate(String engineId) {
java.util.Date retDate = null;
RDBMSNativeEngine localMaster = (RDBMSNativeEngine) Utility.getEngine(Constants.LOCAL_MASTER_DB_NAME);
Connection conn = getConnection(localMaster);
Statement stmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
String query = "select modifieddate from engine e where = '" + engineId + "'";
stmt = conn.createStatement();
rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
while( {
java.sql.Timestamp modDate = rs.getTimestamp(1);
retDate = new java.util.Date(modDate.getTime());
} catch(Exception ex) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
return retDate;
* Creates a new table xrayconfigs
* inserts filesName and config file string
* @param config
* @param fileName
public void addXrayConfig(String config, String fileName) {
// make statements
// create table to local master
String tableName = "xrayconfigs";
String[] colNames = new String[] { "filename", "config" };
String[] types = new String[] { "varchar(800)", "varchar(20000)" };
// check if fileName exists
IEngine localMaster = Utility.getEngine(Constants.LOCAL_MASTER_DB_NAME);
try {
String configFile = MasterDatabaseUtility.getXrayConfigFile(fileName);
if (configFile.length() > 0) {
//create update statement
String update = "UPDATE xrayconfigs SET config = '"+config+"' WHERE fileName = '"+fileName+"';";
int updateCount = conn.createStatement().executeUpdate(update);
} else {
//make new insert
String insertString = RdbmsQueryBuilder.makeInsert(tableName, colNames, types,
new Object[] { fileName, config });
insertString += ";";
} catch (Exception e) {
* Adds row to metadata table
* ex localConceptID, key, value
* @param engineId
* @param concept
* @param key
* @param value
* @return
public boolean addMetadata(String engineId, String concept, String key, String value) {
boolean valid = false;
String tableName = Constants.CONCEPT_METADATA_TABLE;
String[] colNames = new String[] { Constants.LOCAL_CONCEPT_ID, Constants.KEY, Constants.VALUE };
String[] types = new String[] { "varchar(800)", "varchar(800)", "varchar(20000)" };
String localConceptID = MasterDatabaseUtility.getLocalConceptID(engineId, concept);
try {
IEngine localMaster = Utility.getEngine(Constants.LOCAL_MASTER_DB_NAME);
// check if key exists
String duplicateCheck = MasterDatabaseUtility.getMetadataValue(engineId, concept, key);
if (duplicateCheck == null) {
String insertString = RdbmsQueryBuilder.makeInsert(tableName, colNames, types, new Object[] { localConceptID, key, value });
int validInsert = conn.createStatement().executeUpdate(insertString + ";");
if (validInsert > 0) {
valid = true;
} // update
else {
String update = "UPDATE " + Constants.CONCEPT_METADATA_TABLE + " SET " + Constants.VALUE + " = \'"
+ value + "\' WHERE " + Constants.LOCAL_CONCEPT_ID + " = \'" + localConceptID + "\' and "
+ Constants.KEY + " = \'" + key + "\'";
int validInsert = conn.createStatement().executeUpdate(update + ";");
if (validInsert > 0) {
valid = true;
} catch (SQLException e) {
return valid;
private static void executeSql(Connection conn, String sql) {
Statement stmt = null;
try {
stmt = conn.createStatement();
} catch (SQLException e) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException
// load the RDF map for testing purposes
String rdfMapDir = "C:/Users/pkapaleeswaran/Workspacej3/SemossDev";
DIHelper.getInstance().loadCoreProp(rdfMapDir + "/RDF_Map.prop");
// load the local master database
Properties localMasterProp = loadEngineProp(Constants.LOCAL_MASTER_DB_NAME);
IEngine localMaster = Utility.loadEngine(determineSmssPath(Constants.LOCAL_MASTER_DB_NAME), localMasterProp);
// test loading in a new engine to the master database
// get the new engine
String engineName = "Mv1";
Properties engineProp = loadEngineProp(engineName);
Utility.loadEngine(determineSmssPath(engineName), engineProp);
// delete the engine from the master db so that we can re-add it fresh for testing purposes
DeleteFromMasterDB deleter = new DeleteFromMasterDB();
String engineName2 = "actor";
Properties engineProp2 = loadEngineProp(engineName2);
Utility.loadEngine(determineSmssPath(engineName), engineProp);
// delete the engine from the master db so that we can re-add it fresh for testing purposes
deleter = new DeleteFromMasterDB();
// test registering the engine
AddToMasterDB adder = new AddToMasterDB();
// test the master db
private static Properties loadEngineProp(String engineName) throws IOException {
try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(new File(determineSmssPath(engineName)))) {
Properties prop = new Properties();
return prop;
private static String determineSmssPath(String engineName) {
return DB_DIRECTORY + "/" + engineName + ".smss";