org.shredzone.acme4j.toolbox.JoseUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* acme4j - Java ACME client
* Copyright (C) 2019 Richard "Shred" Körber
* http://acme4j.shredzone.org
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
package org.shredzone.acme4j.toolbox;
import java.net.URL;
import java.security.KeyPair;
import java.security.PublicKey;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.Nullable;
import org.jose4j.jwk.EllipticCurveJsonWebKey;
import org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey;
import org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey;
import org.jose4j.jwk.RsaJsonWebKey;
import org.jose4j.jws.AlgorithmIdentifiers;
import org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature;
import org.jose4j.lang.JoseException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Utility class that takes care of all the JOSE stuff.
* Internal class, do not use in your project! The API may change anytime, in a breaking
* manner, and without prior notice.
* @since 2.7
public final class JoseUtils {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JoseUtils.class);
private JoseUtils() {
// Utility class without constructor
* Creates an ACME JOSE request.
* @param url
* {@link URL} of the ACME call
* @param keypair
* {@link KeyPair} to sign the request with
* @param payload
* ACME JSON payload. If {@code null}, a POST-as-GET request is generated
* instead.
* @param nonce
* Nonce to be used. {@code null} if no nonce is to be used in the JOSE
* header.
* @param kid
* kid to be used in the JOSE header. If {@code null}, a jwk header of the
* given key is used instead.
* @return JSON structure of the JOSE request, ready to be sent.
public static JSONBuilder createJoseRequest(URL url, KeyPair keypair,
@Nullable JSONBuilder payload, @Nullable String nonce, @Nullable String kid) {
try {
var jwk = PublicJsonWebKey.Factory.newPublicJwk(keypair.getPublic());
var jws = new JsonWebSignature();
jws.getHeaders().setObjectHeaderValue("url", url);
if (kid != null) {
jws.getHeaders().setObjectHeaderValue("kid", kid);
} else {
jws.getHeaders().setJwkHeaderValue("jwk", jwk);
if (nonce != null) {
jws.getHeaders().setObjectHeaderValue("nonce", nonce);
jws.setPayload(payload != null ? payload.toString() : "");
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("{} {}", payload != null ? "POST" : "POST-as-GET", url);
if (payload != null) {
LOG.debug(" Payload: {}", payload);
LOG.debug(" JWS Header: {}", jws.getHeaders().getFullHeaderAsJsonString());
var jb = new JSONBuilder();
jb.put("protected", jws.getHeaders().getEncodedHeader());
jb.put("payload", jws.getEncodedPayload());
jb.put("signature", jws.getEncodedSignature());
return jb;
} catch (JoseException ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not create a JOSE request", ex);
* Creates a JSON structure for external account binding.
* @param kid
* Key Identifier provided by the CA
* @param accountKey
* {@link PublicKey} of the account to register
* @param macKey
* {@link SecretKey} to sign the key identifier with
* @param macAlgorithm
* Algorithm of the MAC key
* @param resource
* "newAccount" resource URL
* @return Created JSON structure
public static Map createExternalAccountBinding(String kid,
PublicKey accountKey, SecretKey macKey, String macAlgorithm, URL resource) {
try {
var keyJwk = PublicJsonWebKey.Factory.newPublicJwk(accountKey);
var innerJws = new JsonWebSignature();
innerJws.getHeaders().setObjectHeaderValue("url", resource);
innerJws.getHeaders().setObjectHeaderValue("kid", kid);
var outerClaim = new JSONBuilder();
outerClaim.put("protected", innerJws.getHeaders().getEncodedHeader());
outerClaim.put("signature", innerJws.getEncodedSignature());
outerClaim.put("payload", innerJws.getEncodedPayload());
return outerClaim.toMap();
} catch (JoseException ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not create external account binding", ex);
* Converts a {@link PublicKey} to a JOSE JWK structure.
* @param key
* {@link PublicKey} to convert
* @return JSON map containing the JWK structure
public static Map publicKeyToJWK(PublicKey key) {
try {
return PublicJsonWebKey.Factory.newPublicJwk(key)
} catch (JoseException ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad public key", ex);
* Converts a JOSE JWK structure to a {@link PublicKey}.
* @param jwk
* Map containing a JWK structure
* @return the extracted {@link PublicKey}
public static PublicKey jwkToPublicKey(Map jwk) {
try {
return PublicJsonWebKey.Factory.newPublicJwk(jwk).getPublicKey();
} catch (JoseException ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad JWK", ex);
* Computes a thumbprint of the given public key.
* @param key
* {@link PublicKey} to get the thumbprint of
* @return Thumbprint of the key
public static byte[] thumbprint(PublicKey key) {
try {
var jwk = PublicJsonWebKey.Factory.newPublicJwk(key);
return jwk.calculateThumbprint("SHA-256");
} catch (JoseException ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad public key", ex);
* Analyzes the key used in the {@link JsonWebKey}, and returns the key algorithm
* identifier for {@link JsonWebSignature}.
* @param jwk
* {@link JsonWebKey} to analyze
* @return algorithm identifier
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* there is no corresponding algorithm identifier for the key
public static String keyAlgorithm(JsonWebKey jwk) {
if (jwk instanceof EllipticCurveJsonWebKey) {
var ecjwk = (EllipticCurveJsonWebKey) jwk;
switch (ecjwk.getCurveName()) {
case "P-256":
return AlgorithmIdentifiers.ECDSA_USING_P256_CURVE_AND_SHA256;
case "P-384":
return AlgorithmIdentifiers.ECDSA_USING_P384_CURVE_AND_SHA384;
case "P-521":
return AlgorithmIdentifiers.ECDSA_USING_P521_CURVE_AND_SHA512;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown EC name "
+ ecjwk.getCurveName());
} else if (jwk instanceof RsaJsonWebKey) {
return AlgorithmIdentifiers.RSA_USING_SHA256;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown algorithm " + jwk.getAlgorithm());
* Analyzes the {@link SecretKey}, and returns the key algorithm identifier for {@link
* JsonWebSignature}.
* @param macKey
* {@link SecretKey} to analyze
* @return algorithm identifier
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* there is no corresponding algorithm identifier for the key
public static String macKeyAlgorithm(SecretKey macKey) {
if (!"HMAC".equals(macKey.getAlgorithm())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad algorithm: " + macKey.getAlgorithm());
var size = macKey.getEncoded().length * 8;
if(size < 256) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad key size: " + size);
if (size >= 512) {
return AlgorithmIdentifiers.HMAC_SHA512;
} else if (size >= 384) {
return AlgorithmIdentifiers.HMAC_SHA384;
} else {
return AlgorithmIdentifiers.HMAC_SHA256;