org.sherpa.NcExporter Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Sherpa is a Java library that provides support to the integration of Java simulators with Everest through its REST APIs.
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package org.sherpa;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import ucar.ma2.*;
import ucar.nc2.Attribute;
import ucar.nc2.Group;
import ucar.nc2.NetcdfFileWriter;
import ucar.nc2.Structure;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.*;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.*;
import static java.util.stream.IntStream.range;
import static ucar.ma2.DataType.*;
import static ucar.nc2.NetcdfFileWriter.Version.netcdf4;
public class NcExporter {
private final NetcdfFileWriter ncFile;
private final Map dimensions = new HashMap<>();
private final Map> members = new HashMap<>();
private final Map timeScales = new HashMap<>();
private final Map> timeStamps = new HashMap<>();
private final Map groups = new HashMap<>();
private final Map variables = new HashMap<>();
private final List facts = new ArrayList<>();
private final Group results;
private Structure structure;
private String simulator = "unknown", author = "unknown", comment = "none";
private int dateSize = 32, authorSize = 50, softwareSize = 50, commentSize = 200;
* Create an exporter for registering the output of a simulation
* @param modelId identifier of the model according to Everest
* @param caseId identifier of the case id that are related to the results stored
* @param urbanArea urban area of the simulation results
public NcExporter(String modelId, String caseId, String urbanArea) {
System.setProperty("jna.library.path", "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\netCDF\\bin");
ncFile = createNcFile(modelId, caseId, urbanArea);
results = createResultsGroup(caseId);
* Sets the simulator name as software version in the changelog
* @param simulator name of the software version to be set
public void simulator(String simulator) {
this.simulator = simulator;
* Sets the author of the nc file in the changelog
* @param author author of the nc file
public void author(String author) {
this.author = author;
* Sets the comments of the nc file in the changelog
* @param comment comment of the nc file
public void comment(String comment) {
this.comment = comment;
private NetcdfFileWriter createNcFile(String modelId, String caseId, String urbanArea) {
try {
NetcdfFileWriter ncFile = NetcdfFileWriter.createNew(netcdf4, "res/" + modelId + " " + caseId + ".nc");
ncFile.addGroupAttribute(null, new Attribute("CITYCDF-VERSION", 2));
ncFile.addGroupAttribute(null, new Attribute("URBAN-AREA-NAME", urbanArea));
return ncFile;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private Group createResultsGroup(String caseId) {
Group results = ncFile.addGroup(ncFile.addGroup(null, ""), "Results");
ncFile.addGroupAttribute(results, new Attribute("CREATED-DATE", LocalDateTime.now().toString()));
ncFile.addGroupAttribute(results, new Attribute("CURTIS-SIMULATION-CASE-ID", caseId));
ncFile.addGroupAttribute(results, new Attribute("DATE-SOURCE-INFO", simulator));
ncFile.addGroupAttribute(results, new Attribute("DATE-SOURCE-TYPE", "SIMULATION"));
return results;
* Register a member of the simulation (an entity)
* @param type type of the member that is registered (e.g. City)
* @param member a member containing the Everest Id and the name
public void registerMember(String type, Member member) {
if (!dimensions.containsKey(type)) createDimension(type);
member.dimension = dimensions.get(type);
if (!members.containsKey(dimensions.get(type)))
members.put(dimensions.get(type), new ArrayList<>());
private Dimension createDimension(String type) {
Group group = ncFile.addGroup(results, type);
groups.put(type, group);
ncFile.addGroupAttribute(group, new Attribute("CREATED-DATE", LocalDateTime.now().toString()));
return dimensions.put(type, new Dimension(type));
* Registers a timescale by a name and a pattern
* @param name name of the time scale
* @param pattern the pattern that will convert a LocalDateTime into a String. Pattern should be compliant with DateTimeFormatter.
public void registerTimeScale(String name, String pattern) {
createTimeScale(name, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(pattern));
* Register a timestamp inside a timescale
* @param timeScale name of the time scale
* @param timeStamp time stamp to be registered inside the timescale
public void registerTimestamp(String timeScale, LocalDateTime timeStamp) {
if (!timeScales.containsKey(timeScale)) throw new RuntimeException("Time scale " + timeScale + " not defined.");
if (!timeStamps.containsKey(timeScales.get(timeScale)))
timeStamps.put(timeScales.get(timeScale), new ArrayList<>());
timeStamps.get(timeScales.get(timeScale)).add(new TimeStamp(timeScales.get(timeScale).formatter.format(timeStamp)));
private TimeScale createTimeScale(String type, DateTimeFormatter formatter) {
return timeScales.put(type, new TimeScale(type, formatter));
* Register a variable (type of fact) for a given type of member (e.g. City) and time scale
* @param name name of the variable
* @param type type of member that is related to this variable
* @param timeScale time scale in which the facts of this variable will be recorded
public void registerVariable(String name, String type, String timeScale) {
registerVariable(name, type, timeScale, "", "", "");
* Register a variable (type of fact) for a given type of member (e.g. City) and time scale
* @param name name of the variable
* @param type type of member that is related to this variable
* @param timeScale time scale in which the facts of this variable will be recorded
* @param label label for this variable
* @param description description of this variable
* @param unit unit that is used for registering values of this variable (e.g. watts)
public void registerVariable(String name, String type, String timeScale, String label, String description, String unit) {
if (!dimensions.containsKey(type) || !timeScales.containsKey(timeScale))
throw new RuntimeException("Type and/or time scale " + type + ", " + timeScale + " have not been defined");
variables.put(fullVariableName(name, type), new Variable(name, dimensions.get(type), timeScales.get(timeScale), label, description, unit));
* Creates the file and prepares it to be filled. This step is mandatory before calling to register fact
public void init() {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
* Register a fact of a variable with a given time, member id and value. This shouldn't be called before init.
* @param variableName name of the variable in which the fact is registered
* @param timeStamp time stamp at which the fact occurred
* @param memberId id of the member involved in the fact
* @param value value of the fact for this variable, timestamp and member
public void registerFact(String variableName, LocalDateTime timeStamp, String memberId, double value) {
String format = variables.get(fullVariableName(variableName, findMember(memberId).dimension.name)).timeScale.formatter.format(timeStamp);
facts.add(new Fact(variableName, format, findMember(memberId), value));
private Member findMember(String id) {
return members.values().stream().flatMap(Collection::stream).filter(m -> m.id.equals(id)).findFirst().get();
* Writes the nc file
public void write() {
.collect(groupingBy(f -> fullVariableName(f.variableName, f.member.dimension.name), mapping(f -> f, toList())))
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
private String fullVariableName(String variableName, String dimension) {
return variableName + "@" + dimension;
private void writeFacts(String destination, List facts) {
if (facts.isEmpty()) return;
Map factMap = facts.stream().collect(toMap(f -> f.timeStamp + "@" + f.member, f -> f.value));
List timeStamps = this.timeStamps.get(variables.get(destination).timeScale);
List members = this.members.get(variables.get(destination).dimension);
ArrayDouble.D2 data = new ArrayDouble.D2(timeStamps.size(), members.size());
range(0, timeStamps.size()).forEach(i -> range(0, members.size()).forEach(j -> {
String key = timeStamps.get(i) + "@" + members.get(j);
data.set(i, j, factMap.containsKey(key) ? factMap.get(key) : Double.NaN);
try {
ncFile.write(variables.get(destination).variable, data);
} catch (IOException | InvalidRangeException e) {
private void createDimensions() {
dimensions.values().forEach(dimension -> {
dimension.ncDimension = ncFile.addDimension(null, "PID-" + dimension.name, members.get(dimension).size());
ncFile.addVariable(null, "PID-" + dimension.name, STRING, singletonList(dimension.ncDimension))
.addAttribute(new Attribute("CREATED-DATE", LocalDateTime.now().toString()));
ncFile.addVariable(null, "NAME-" + dimension.name, STRING, singletonList(dimension.ncDimension))
.addAttribute(new Attribute("CREATED-DATE", LocalDateTime.now().toString()));
private void createTimeScales() {
timeScales.values().forEach(timeScale -> {
timeScale.ncDimension = ncFile.addDimension(null, "TIMESCALE-" + timeScale.name, timeStamps.get(timeScale).size());
ncFile.addVariable(null, "TIMESCALE-" + timeScale.name, STRING, singletonList(timeScale.ncDimension))
.addAttribute(new Attribute("CREATED-DATE", LocalDateTime.now().toString()));
private void createVariables() {
variables.values().forEach(variable -> {
variable.variable = ncFile.addVariable(groups.get(variable.dimension.name),
asList(variable.timeScale.ncDimension, variable.dimension.ncDimension));
variable.variable.addAttribute(new Attribute("CREATED-DATE", LocalDateTime.now().toString()));
variable.variable.addAttribute(new Attribute("DATE-SOURCE-INFO", "Tafat"));
variable.variable.addAttribute(new Attribute("DATE-SOURCE-TYPE", "SIMULATION"));
variable.variable.addAttribute(new Attribute("DESCRIPTION", variable.description));
variable.variable.addAttribute(new Attribute("LABEL", variable.label));
variable.variable.addAttribute(new Attribute("UNIT", variable.unit));
private void createChangelog() {
structure = (Structure) ncFile.addVariable(null, "CHANGELOG", STRUCTURE, singletonList(ncFile.addDimension(null, "CHANGELOG", 1, true, false, false)));
ncFile.addStructureMember(structure, "DATE", CHAR, null).setDimensions(singletonList(new ucar.nc2.Dimension(null, dateSize, false)));
ncFile.addStructureMember(structure, "AUTHOR", CHAR, null).setDimensions(singletonList(new ucar.nc2.Dimension(null, authorSize, false)));
ncFile.addStructureMember(structure, "SOFTWARE-VERSION", CHAR, null).setDimensions(singletonList(new ucar.nc2.Dimension(null, softwareSize, false)));
ncFile.addStructureMember(structure, "COMMENT", CHAR, null).setDimensions(singletonList(new ucar.nc2.Dimension(null, commentSize, false)));
private void fillDimensions() {
dimensions.values().forEach(dimension -> {
List members = this.members.get(dimension);
try {
ArrayString.D1 pidData = new ArrayString.D1(members.size());
range(0, members.size()).forEach(i -> pidData.set(i, members.get(i).id));
ncFile.write(ncFile.findVariable("PID-" + dimension.name), pidData);
ArrayString.D1 nameData = new ArrayString.D1(members.size());
range(0, members.size()).forEach(i -> nameData.set(i, members.get(i).name));
ncFile.write(ncFile.findVariable("NAME-" + dimension.name), nameData);
} catch (IOException | InvalidRangeException e) {
private void fillTimeScales() {
timeScales.values().forEach(timeScale -> {
List timeStamps = this.timeStamps.get(timeScale);
try {
ArrayString.D1 timeScaleData = new ArrayString.D1(timeStamps.size());
range(0, timeStamps.size()).forEach(i -> timeScaleData.set(i, timeStamps.get(i).id));
ncFile.write(ncFile.findVariable("TIMESCALE-" + timeScale.name), timeScaleData);
} catch (IOException | InvalidRangeException e) {
private void fillChangelog() {
ArrayStructureMA arrayStructure = new ArrayStructureMA(structure.makeStructureMembers(), structure.getShape());
arrayStructure.setMemberArray("DATE", toArrayChar(DateTime.now().toString(), dateSize));
arrayStructure.setMemberArray("AUTHOR", toArrayChar(author, authorSize));
arrayStructure.setMemberArray("SOFTWARE-VERSION", toArrayChar(simulator, softwareSize));
arrayStructure.setMemberArray("COMMENT", toArrayChar(comment, commentSize));
try {
ncFile.write(structure, arrayStructure);
} catch (IOException | InvalidRangeException e) {
private ArrayChar.D2 toArrayChar(String value, int size){
char[] valueInChars = value.toCharArray();
ArrayChar.D2 result = new ArrayChar.D2(1, size);
for (int i = 0; i < valueInChars.length; i++) result.setChar(i, valueInChars[i]);
return result;
static class Dimension {
String name;
ucar.nc2.Dimension ncDimension;
public Dimension(String name) {
this.name = name;
static class Variable {
String name;
Dimension dimension;
TimeScale timeScale;
String label;
String description;
String unit;
ucar.nc2.Variable variable;
public Variable(String name, Dimension dimension, TimeScale timeScale, String label, String description, String unit) {
this.name = name;
this.dimension = dimension;
this.timeScale = timeScale;
this.label = label;
this.description = description;
this.unit = unit;
static class TimeScale extends Dimension {
private final DateTimeFormatter formatter;
public TimeScale(String name, DateTimeFormatter formatter) {
this.formatter = formatter;
public static class Member {
String id;
String name;
Dimension dimension;
public Member(String id, String name) {
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
public String toString() {
return id;
public static class TimeStamp {
String id;
public TimeStamp(String id) {
this.id = id;
public String toString() {
return id;
public static class Fact {
String variableName;
String timeStamp;
Member member;
double value;
public Fact(String variableName, String timeStamp, Member pid, double value) {
this.variableName = variableName;
this.timeStamp = timeStamp;
this.member = pid;
this.value = value;
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